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Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Oh a sexy bet! I bet that I can seduce June before you do. The reward is clear enough right." Sera felt Ivy's tiny elbow on her cheek. "Well do you accept?"
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Oh Ivy, don't do that to the poor thing..." Sera said trailing off a bit as she thought it over. Then suddenly, as they arrived in their bedroom, Sera turned to look directly into Ivy's eyes. "Alright then, you're on, but if she says to stop when either of us are trying to woo her or she chickens out right before we're about to poke her, then don't you dare force yourself on her, or I'll have to spank you. So no forcing yourself on her and if she tells either of us to stop we have to, other than that I'd say everything else is fair game. Oh an no tricks like Rose and her sisters pulled on me, so no aphrodisiacs or anything like that or dominating her mind and telling her to spread her legs, it has to be just our own natural charms," Sera went on to say, a mischievous grin plastered on her face.

With that, Sera reached out with her pinky finger outstretched for Ivy to show she was accepting her bet. Once they had pinky swore on the rules, Sera would set about putting everything away for the night and then going down out to find June so they could get some dinner before going to bed, after which they would let their food settle and Sera woudl head on to bed with Ivy, unless June wished to speak with her about anything, or if mother Esther or Keri did as well then she would take the time to talk with them before bed.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Right!" Ivy smiled and accepted the terms pinky swearing with Sera. After getting things organized Sera set out to find June but everywhere she looked she seemed to be just to slow to meet up with her friend. Heading to the dinner hall she found most of the nuns cleaning up but their was still some food left and two empty plates near the end.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"I don't plan on losing though Ivy, just so you know. her virginity will be mine," Sera said, her competitiveness coming out as she got a little riled up about their little competition on this matter.

Once she and Ivy made their pinky swear on their bet, Sera got everything stored away for the night in a good place so the food stayed as fresh as possible, where she then headed out to look for June so they could eat dinner. Finding the young nun was a little more troublesome than she thought it would be though as she entered the dinner hall and didn't find her. She noticed that the majority of the nuns were already cleaning up, but there were still a couple of empty plates and some food left. Sera decided to go over and eat rather than keep looking for June, trusting the young nun to come on her own to eat, feeling that she didn't need to babysit her that much. Piling a bit of what was left of the food onto her plate, Sera got some juice to drink and ate heartily, waiting for June to show up.

If June didn't show up for a while after she started eating, Sera would ask one of the younger nuns if they knew where she was and if she'd already come and ate or not. If she hadn't already gotten anything to eat then Sera would then ask the nun to go and let her know that dinner was ready if she didn't mind so that she could eat, so they could get in bed early for their journey.

Once she had eaten, and once June showed up and ate as well, with Sera chatting with her for a while to let give their food time to settle before bedtime. If June had anything in particular that she wanted to talk to Sera about, then Sera would of course stay up and talk with her, but if there was nothing really to talk about then Sera would bid her goodnight and head on to bed, telling the nuns to wake her up half an hour after sunrise so she could start getting ready to leave, telling them that she would go and get June up.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sadly June did not show for dinner and asking one of the nuns to find her revealed that no one knew where she was. Still Sera finished her meal and headed back to the room she had been given. Opening to door she found Ivy sitting at the small end table looking at a sleeping June. "Hum she must have been tired she came in looking for you and then promptly fell asleep. She's rather cute this way." Indeed June was asleep on Sera's bed her robes still in place and her head resting on her hands.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

As she ate, Sera didn't spot June come in and the nun she asked didn't know where she was at either and she hadn't already come in there for dinner because Sera would surely have seen her by now. Thanking the nuns in there, Sera finished her meal and went on back to her bedroom she'd been given during her stay here. She opened the door and stepped inside, where she saw June laying on her bed asleep.

"Hmm... you didn't do anything to her now did you Ivy? If you did then I'm going to have to give you a spanking, she is quite cute though I'll admit," Sera asked Ivy suspiciously, a wry grin on her face as she glanced over at Ivy. "Keep an eye on her for me for a couple of minutes alright Ivy, I'll go and grab her a bite to eat real quick so she doesn't go to bed without eating at least something," Sera whispered to Ivy.

Sera headed back to the kitchens and grabbed a couple of biscuits and some of whatever meat was cooked that was left over, where she brought them back to the bedroom for June to eat. Sitting down on the bed with June and setting the plate of food on the end table by the bed, Sera gently shook June to wake her up so she could get a bite to eat. "Hey June, wake up sweetie, you need to get a bite to eat before sleeping, come on now," Sera whispered in June's ear.

If June didn't wake up however, as Sera didn't shake her very hard, then Sera would get a little brave and would reach over and stealthily run her fingers up June's inner thighs so that Ivy didn't see, but if it even seemed like she was about to wake up Sera would quickly back off and just shake her again to wake her to eat.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

June did stir robbing Sera of her chance to cop a feel. Rubbing her eyes June smiled at Sera. "Oh sorry I wanted to talk to you about something but I forgot." Yawning and stretching slightly June saw the food. "Oh did I miss dinner?" Eating the food offered June sat with Sera chatting about little things before excusing herself for the night.

The following morning it was June knocking on her door gently that woke Sera from her sleep. Answering she found June already dressed and ready to go a fresh bright look on her face as well as a few dried tears.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Jerking her hand back quickly so neither June nor Ivy noticed what she was attempting to do. Smiling back down at June as the young nun awakened from her slumber, Sera nodded her head to her. "Yes June dear you did miss dinner, so I brought you a little something. And don't worry, I'm sure it'll come to you June sweetie, just keep thinking on it and come tell me whenever you remember it," Sera said to June, sitting with the young nun and chatting with her whilst she ate her food.

When it was time for bed and June was ready to go to sleep, Sera bid her farewell for the night and saw her out, waving bye to her for the night. With that Sera hopped into bed herself and went on to sleep, so that she had plenty of rest before tomorrow when they left out. While she lay there going to sleep, she hoped that June hadn't noticed her trying to give her ass a grope, but figured if she did notice that there was really nothing she could say or do about it at this point, so she just went on to sleep.


When she woke the next morning, she it was to the soft knocking on the door, which she got up to investigate. Upon opening the door she saw June standing there, already dressed and ready to move on out, a bright look on her face despite the obvious dried tears she noticed. Sera smiled kindly at her and gestured for her to come on in while she got herself ready. "Come on in June, you can help me to get ready and then grab some of the stuff, I've already got your pack over there, the black one, full of all of the things that I won't be carrying, and mine is the brown one, it has most of the tools and the tent and bedrolls. The tent mind you isn't the biggest of things, I originally intended on having it for its ease in setting up, not for the space it provided, mind you it does have quite a bit of space despite the fact that it wasn't made for it. And I've also got some extra bedding for it in my pack as well to lay down at the bottom of the tent, but it doesn't really weigh much if anything, as it's a bunch of cotton and straw tied together in strips," Sera said to June as she invited her on inside and grabbed her robes, which might embarrass June a bit since Sera slept nude most of the time, and this was one of those times.

Sera quickly got her panties, which did little to hide her cock and balls, but she preferred wearing anyway, because she was still a girl after all... well for the most part anyway. She then quickly got the rest of her clothes on and went to the bathroom to do her morning business, peeing, brushing her hair, brushing her teeth, the normal morning routine for most people. Once done in the bathroom, she hefted her pack up onto her shoulders and handed June her pack, where they then went off to have breakfast before leaving, making sure it was a fairly good sized breakfast for them, but not too large a meal. Sera would sit with June and chat while they ate breakfast, also chatting with any of the other nuns nearby that wished to do so, willing to answer any questions that June or anyone else might have and telling the other nuns around that if they wanted to ask her anything at all to hurry up and do so before she left.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

June of course helped where she could but sense most of the tasks involved personal matters she could only help so much. As things got packed and taken care of June headed for the dinning room. Here they found Keri as well as the other four nuns that had been attacked by Jaxis. They all had tears in their eyes as the hugged the young nun. They had a good breakfast and the nuns all joked amongst themselves even including Sera in the fun if she wanted. Alas though the meal finished up and the rest of the nuns took care of the dinner given June and Sera one last parting hug. After that it was a slow walk to the entrance of the church and even a slower one to the worn gate. Here Mother Esther in a fine robe awaited June and Sera. She was alone save for a small basin of water. As they approached Mother Esther dipped her hands in the water and blessed Sera before telling her she may go in peace and with the light. June received much the same blessing except that at the end she gave the older nun a big hug which was returned in kind. With the last steps out of the church yard June looked back to see her friend assembled waving to her. She waved back as she took her first steps in her new life.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Getting herself ready as quickly as she could, while still maintaining a good thoroughness in her personal hygiene, Sera was soon ready to leave and followed June to the dining hall with their packs to get some breakfast to eat. When they entered the dining hall Sera saw Keri and the four nuns she'd rescued waiting for them. Sera hugged them after June did so, not shying away or anything and wanting to leave them in high spirits. As they ate, Sera joined in their merrymaking, chatting and giggling and cutting up with them all the while. However when they were done eating and everything, Sera knew that it was time to prepare to leave, before June decided to back out on her and stay.

"I will miss each and every one of you girls. Even though my time here was short, I feel that I've made a good friend in each of you, a friend that I shall always hold dear," Sera said to Keri and the other four. Then to the four former captives of Jaxis, Sera smiled kindly. "I know that it's hard you four, but please believe me when I say that it gets better. Now I want all of you to be brave and to try and not let the past rule your actions, because what's in the past is just that, in the past. I have a parting gift to you girls as well, here. I want each of you to take one of my feathers. My mother always told me that it's a gift that should be given to mortals when they have a greatly troubled mind and or past, that it would help give them the strength of will to overcome it," Sera said to the four nuns, taking two feathers from either wing, where they wouldn't hinder her ability to fly, though in all honestly just 2 feathers from both wings wouldn't likely prevent her from doing so really. Anyway, she plucked a pair of feathers from either wing and handed one to each of the four nuns, wishing them peace before she and June turned to leave, hugging Keri and asking her where she might go just in case they didn't return before she left.

Leaving Keri and the others behind, hugging and kissing them all, Sera and June made their way out of the church and to the gates where mother Esther was awaiting them. Sera knelt and allowed mother Esther to give her the blessing she prepared for her. After June received her blessing and hugged mother Esther, Sera stepped in and hugged her as well, kissing her on either cheek. "Oh mother Esther, I'll miss you so much. And I swear to you that I'll do my best to protect June on our journey. And... I won't let what happened to you happen to her, I promise," Sera said to mother Esther, giving the elderly nun a big hug just as June had. "We'll try and come back as soon as we possibly can, hopefully I'll be able to find what I'm searching for and we can do so," Sera added, smiling at mother Esther before taking June's hand in her own and holding onto her as they set out, stopping to wave bye to everyone there before moving out of sight of them all.

"Goodbye everyone, and stay safe all of you. I shall do my best to take care of June, also tell the children at the orphanage that we shall return and come to see them again as soon as possible and that we love them," Sera called to them all before turning around and moving on, heading towards the butcher first to collect some meat to take with them.

Heading to the butcher, Sera asked for enough bacon, ham, porkchops, and beef jerky to last them for as long as it would keep before ruining, where she would pay the man and put it away into her pack and thanking whoever the butcher was before she and June set off in earnest. "The jerky we can eat while we walk and keep us going. And I suppose we could pick up a few apples to do that with as well, come on," Sera said, quickly looking in the market for a vendor that sold apples, where she would grab a dozen or so of them and put that into her pack as well, where she then told June they were truly ready to go, and with that she led the young nun and Ivy out of town and out into the wide world, heading in the general direction of the ruins mentioned to her by someone in town, she forgot who it was that had mentioned it.

"Alright Ivy, you can come on out now," Sera said to her little companion, whom she'd hidden under one of her wings as she tucked it in so nobody would see her and try to attack her.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera and June went about town gathering fresh supply's and what not for their trip also stopping and cashing in the rest of June inheritance. This gave them a substantial amount of money to travel on if they should need it. Soon however they had gathered supplies and where ready for departure. Stepping out side of the gates June looked backed and started to cry but kept moving forward. "Wow tough girl Im surprised she made it this far..."
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Cashing in the rest of June's money for the denarii they would likely need for their journey, Sera and June gathered the rest of their things and set off. As they made their way out through the gates, Sera looked over to see June starting to cry but she kept walking. "Hey... it's okay June, I'm here for you... and Ivy is too. And don't worry about a thing, you'll come back someday, more experienced and more beautiful than ever, and when we find what I'm searching for, or at least when we find out if it's even possible or not, then we'll come back and I'll stay here with you for a while afterwards," Sera said to June as they walked out through the gates, reaching over and taking her hand and giving it a gentle squeeze, to give her comfort in that someone was with her.

With that, they continued on and out towards the ruins she remembered hearing about, which may have a clue for her, though she wasn't going to get her hopes up that much about finding something. "Yeah she is, let's give her a day or two grace period from our bet m'kay, to give her time to adjust, and stuff," Sera whispered back to Ivy, giving her little companion a wink.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Awww" Slightly disappointed Ivy rested on Sera's shoulders for the duration of the first day. The rode in this direction was much better kept and despite a few odd noises that June identified quickly they made good progress. For the most part June kept quiet her thoughts more than likely on her former home and while she tried to get in on the banter between Ivy and Sera she was mostly absorbed in her own thoughts. Sera meanwhile was going over the map and clues she had gathered during her stay in Korst. Most was just rumor that she could sort out and others where slightly questionable. Still she had managed to at lest get an approximation of where the city could be. If they followed the trail for two days the should come to an old cross roads outpost. From their they had to head east on an long forgotten road. This road if her sources where right would lead her to the lost city after a three day journey.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

"Come on Ivy, don't be like that please. We don't want to overload her on her first couple of days okay, so try and keep it to a minimum for just a little while after today," Sera whispered back to Ivy. "Cheer up sweetie, we'll have her playing with us in no time at all I'm sure," Sera added in a whisper, giving a naughty wink to Ivy before catching up to June.

Moving along the road, Sera and June, with Ivy riding on Sera's shoulder, Sera heard several strange noises that she couldn't identify herself, though thankfully she had June there to identify them for her as they traveled. Giggling and chatting with Ivy and June along the way, Sera pulled their map out of her pack that she'd gotten of the area, going over it with the clues and rumors she'd heard throughout her stay in Korst. Putting all of her clues together, the good ones at least, Sera figured that the lost city she was looking for was fairly near their position, at least a couple of days away to get to the old road leading out to it, maybe more if the weather turned bad on them for some reason or another, though there was still no guarantee that it was actually there of course, but she figure that it probably was, because surely all of the rumors couldn't be false.

"So June, how are you liking it so far? Being away from everything and going on a grand adventure with an angel, who's looking for something that can likely never be and all that," Sera asked June after a while, as they finished up with lunch after stopping for a quick bite for lunch.

Sera waited for June to answer her while she got their things packed back up and ready to set off again from the clearing she'd found them to eat at.

(If you want to, you can skip up to the crossroads outpost mentioned, as Sera is going to simply say stuff to cheer June up if she's sad, or tell her that she was glad that she was alright if she wasn't feeling down any and liked it so far. Unless something happens along the way that is, in which case you're the GM and know what to do. ;) )
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

The few days it took to get to the old outpost where a blessing as Sera had to teach June all about camping and such. There had been plenty of hilarity with the tent and such and it took a little bit for June to join Sera in her bed roll but eventually she got the hang of travaling and the trio found themselves staring at an overgrown stone ring that probably used to be the tower in question. Looking about the area showed no signs of a road leaving the small group stuck and at a loss for what to do.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Their first night out, Sera showed June the best she could about camping, though she didn't know all that much about it herself, so she could only really show her what she had learned about it herself since leaving home. Sera noticed that June didn't seem to want to share her bedroll with her on the first night out, but she didn't mind that really and told her that she understood, that she likely had never shared a bed with anyone save maybe mother Esther, so somebody that was like her was probably a bit frightening to sleep in the same bed next to.

After the first couple of days though Sera was able to convince June to join her in the bedroll, which saved room a bit in their big tent. She didn't try anything for the first 2 days just as she'd talked with Ivy about, though on the third day she gave June's butt a little pinch when they woke up and she saw her getting up. "Morning sleepyhead, time to get up and eat some breakfast so we can keep moving," Sera would tell her then as she went out to start on breakfast for the both of them, giggling at June's likely reaction to her pinching her butt.

After a while longer, which Sera lost track of time exactly, so she wasn't sure quite how long it had been since they left Korst, they arrived at an overgrown ring of stone that Sera suspected used to be the tower they were looking for and all. Sighing as she knelt down beside any part of the stone that was showing, Sera looked around as carefully as her eyes allowed her to, looking for hidden entrances or the like. "Look around a little bit June, we may find a hidden passageway or door. If we don't then I'll ask the animals and such if there's any hidden passages and or doors around that they know of and if they can then lead us to them. I'm sure there's something around here, I mean what with all of the different rumors and all, surely they can't all be wrong and all, you know," Sera said to June as they looked around the area for anything hidden that they didn't notice at first glance or anything.

If neither of them found anything, then Sera would call on her powers to speak with the animals and nearby plants if they knew if the lost city was around here, and if it was then where was the entrance. "We could really use the help, and if possible could you show us the way," Sera would ask any animal or nearby plant that would speak to her on the matter and knew something about it.

Use Commune with Nature to speak with a couple of plants and animals around the area, only if Sera nor June either one finds anything to do like with a hidden entrance or a trail or anything like that to find what they're looking for.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera perception vs Stealth 36 vs 38 Fail!
Mutant toad attacks auto hit! Sera is grappled!

The tower or what Sera suspected to be the tower was long gone. Looking at the foundation showed that the floor had long collapsed and was now a still stagnant pond. Two eyes looked at her from the pool each the size of childs throwing ball. The two massive eye's looked right at Sera and blinked as the water stirred. Ivy's eyes widened "Sera look.." Too late a massive tongue shot forth and struck Sera unawares. Surprisingly Sera didn't hit the ground but instead found her self stuck to the tongue and being pulled in. June spun surprised at the situation a hand going to her mouth in shock.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Looking around the foundation of the long since gone tower, or at least what she thought was the tower anyway, showed that the old floor was a small pond of some sort as they came closer to it. Sera saw a couple of large eyes staring at her from the water and wondered just what they belonged to, then just as she turned towards Ivy when her miniature companion called out to her, Sera was unable to react quickly enough to avoid a large tongue shooting out at her from the old marsh.

"GAH! What the hell is this thing? P-Put me down right this instant," Sera cried as the thing lifted her into the air, where it began pulling her towards its mouth. "N-NO! Let me go damn you. June watch out, there may be more around," Sera cried when she realized where it was pulling her towards, telling June to watch out for something else.

The young angel began flapping he wings if she could, trying to prevent it from pulling her inside of it, though she didn't want to kill the creature if she could help it. She doubted it was going to give her much choice in the matter though. Surging her power through her quickly, Sera used her holy fires from within to blast the creature off of her, aiming directly down at the stagnant pond the thing was dragging her towards, though she tried to keep from killing it if possible and tried to knock it out instead, so that she could maybe question it later.

Using Holy Fire as a bolt directed at the toad, with 8 EP, trying to go for nonlethal damage if possible, but she wouldn't be too sad about accidentally killing the thing. All told it should be a total of 3d4 * 8 dmg
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Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

Sera HP = 77, PP = 74, EP = 127, Status = Submission hold!
Toad 21/60hp
Sara tries to burn the toad!
Grapple 41 vs 63 fail!
June Casts Eldritch blast! BC auto success auto hit Attack roll is higher than base dodge. 39 damage ignores AV!
Toad pulls Sera in closer

Sera called forth her holy energies only to have her concentration broken as the stick tongue wrapped her up tighter and began to pull her in closer. June recovering from her shock brought up her hands and let loose with arcane energy. A blueish white light in the shape of a ball shot forth and impacted the toad with forces but did little to dissuade it from drawing Sera closer in.
Re: Jungle of Desire (Mind Flayer) GMed by ranger

As she struggled to loosen her hands enough to blast the toad creature pulling her in, Sera found she was unable to do so enough to blast her opponent, though June had recovered from the initial shock of it all to do so herself, sending forth one of her arcane bolts of energy, which hit the toad, though didn't force it to release Sera. "D-Dammit, let... me... go!" Sera cried, still struggling mightily to break free. "S-Stay back you two, but try and get me free," Sera called to the others as she struggled futilely for the moment against the creature, giving the two a look that almost begged for help, as she didn't want to be eaten, or worse, raped by this monstrosity.

Sensing that she had no way of breaking free without help as she glanced over at Ivy and June for help even, Sera readied her frost armor that she'd used when battling Jaxis a few weeks before to try and help them out a bit maybe, figuring that it would give her the edge she needed to get free from this abomination of a toad. She could only hope that she managed to get her icy armor up before the toad got her into its mouth as she burned her energy once more.

Bringing up Frost Armor with a total of 7 EP, which with Efficient Wielder makes the total upkeep 1 EP per turn. Frost Armor can be used while in bound or in a submission hold also. It should be giving her a total of 21 to AV and dodge, and +21 cold dmg to all melee attacks, and she should be getting a total of +28 to Grapple checks to escape grapples on her. Also any creatures in a grapple with her, or that strike her with a melee attack must win a resistance check of 31 or gain the weakened status. I believe this is all correct, though you can double check if you want to of course.