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[DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Kinda sucks being a high level, no free ST for leveling up constantly. I guess the ST potions restoring more ST per use is suppose to offset that but since I like to hoard them for events, it just means that I have to wait 8+ hours to fully restore my ST now x.X I'm trying not to hit level 100 yet so I can maybe still use the full ST restore on level up a bit longer. Has anybody found out if you can go above 100 yet?

going up further at level 90 is really a pain in the ass. Walls, Walls everywhere. like a freaking 50k EXP is easy to get in a day or two.

actually i prefer to level up faster not only for the effectiveness of ST potions but SR drop rates pretty low anyway it takes lots of level ups to get it if you're doing leveling up to recover ST.

now i'm waiting for this PvP to come this game a bit died out of me without new farmable stuffs (screw you nobunaga).
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

going up further at level 90 is really a pain in the ass. Walls, Walls everywhere. like a freaking 50k EXP is easy to get in a day or two.

actually i prefer to level up faster not only for the effectiveness of ST potions but SR drop rates pretty low anyway it takes lots of level ups to get it if you're doing leveling up to recover ST.

now i'm waiting for this PvP to come this game a bit died out of me without new farmable stuffs (screw you nobunaga).

Same kinda, I wouldn't say died out though, I'm just playing it casually like my other DMM games now. Once you reach end game in these, there's not as much to do so you can just kind of coast and wait for events. I play online games WAY too much when I first start out, so I'm glad I reached that casual play point with this game now too.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

man.. those SRs in hell stages are so tasty especially that Shiro Amakusa with her Reflection(?) skill beat the crap out of me in no time. has anybody confirmed that there's droppable items besides the one-shot rare ticket?
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Yep, one guy I added way back is at 104 now.. doesn't look like there's a limit to leveling your tentacle.

Ah thanks.

On my mission to evolve and collect all the girls' CGs, I find out some pretty hilarious things. I knew Rinrin joined the enemy team if you have less players on the field than the enemy, but it's pretty hilarious in practice. She will literally change sides at the drop of a hat. I thought it was just like when you first send her out or once she changes to the enemy team, she never comes back until she's dead, but she'll just keep going back and forth constantly.

She can get behind your front line in this manner and attack your tentacle even if you have other girls fighting on the field ahead of her. I wonder how her teammates trust her. Around Rinrin, never relax. I found out that Hiraga Gennai actually has range/attack animation speed similar or better than Shadmalice as well. That's interesting. There are so many things you can't learn just from looking at the wiki~
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Finally I got her!!
I'm happy now XD
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Finally I got her!!
I'm happy now XD

Nice Keima, congratulations! Wow it seems like everybody is getting her now, and here I am farming Beelzulbub. Maybe I should just wait on the last R's I need and head back to 15-6.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Nice Keima, congratulations! Wow it seems like everybody is getting her now, and here I am farming Beelzulbub. Maybe I should just wait on the last R's I need and head back to 15-6.

Beelzebub is the only card I am missing :(
I can not get her in the roulette or in the stage 12-6 :(
I will try again now XD
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Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Finally I got her!!
I'm not allowed to post URLs, meh.
I'm happy now XD

That's Nobunga, correct?
Seeing how she eludes everyone, I just gotta say Congratulations!

Speaking of rares, does anyone know what currency (and how to aquire) you use in the R+ Gacha?
I'm quite confused how I managed to roll it and now I can't, hehe.

Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Speaking of rares, does anyone know what currency (and how to aquire) you use in the R+ Gacha?
I'm quite confused how I managed to roll it and now I can't, hehe.

Gold tickets. You get them from NR gacha occasionally, from beating the 6th and final stage of a map for the first time, and I think sometimes for daily login bonuses? You'll get most of them from NR gacha though once you've already cleared all the stages. The Hellmode stages have them too.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

FYI, guys. You can get a one-time free 500 DMM point if you register using a valid credit card. The catch is that those 500 points expire within two weeks, but still might be an option for people interested in extra goodies.

I can't post URLs due to new account limitations, but if you click on the yellow button on any cash shop item, it takes you to a window with all the purchases available (500 yen, 1000 yen, etc). The top button that's orange can also access the special I'm talking about.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Whoohoo, leveling my last 5 N girls and then I have every evolution cg for all the girls I've ever found. N girls were so quick. Just missing the new R girl, Revoica and Beelzulbub for R's, have all N's, and well, SRs are a pipedream... So nice seeing all those full hearts though in the girl album.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Entertaining game, if massively grindy. I have a feeling I'm going to be spending too much time playing this for a while.
IGN: Starke
if anyone has spots left, add me please :)

One random question, where the heck to I find out how many ST regen bottles I have?
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

this game is pretty fun and i like chibi sprites guess i will lose some time on it
IGN : Yukawa
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Entertaining game, if massively grindy. I have a feeling I'm going to be spending too much time playing this for a while.
IGN: Starke
if anyone has spots left, add me please :)

One random question, where the heck to I find out how many ST regen bottles I have?

When it prompts you to use one, you'll see a bunch of jap and then a number. You can also find out by clicking on the refill button (the button beside your ST bar) and again, it's the sole number on it.

Evolved 6th heaven is pretty op.. her attack pierces. I had two of them on the field at one point with some dmg stacks and some elfla at the back - they rolled through everything
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

Ahhh, thank you. I probably have 0 since I tend to just click and not think but good to know for future reference. For some reason my ST seems to have stopped lowering.... Not sure if it's a bug or a display issue. Weird anyway.

Another random question; I've been trying to get Efella since last night and no luck. I've been doing 4-5 since she spawns there far more often than 4-6. I'm *assuming* that you need to kill the specific char to get the card. Is that correct or no?

If you don't have to kill the specific char to get the card I'll do 4-6 for the chance at the boss.....

Oh, and if you kill a girl with the tentacle's skills, does that reduce the chance for a card? (when there's 4-6 Efe's I usually use three knockback/damage thingies)
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

From what I've personally observed, you know you've gotten a rare when a red card (instead of the green for item and blue for normals) drop. I've seen chatter on the wiki suggesting that yes, you have to actually get it off of the girl, but I can neither confirm nor deny it.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

On some maps even the blue cards can give you rare girls. I think it's like blue cards are most likely to give you the least rare girl drop on the map, red cards are more likely to give you the rarer girl drop on the map, green cards are of course items.
Re: [DMM] Tentacles Tactics

So, in your opinion am I better of playing 4-5 where Efe's spawn frequently or 4-6 where they spawn less frequently?

Blue cards seem to ALWAYS be healer girl for me. I think I've gotten about 50 so far.

Just trying to limit the massive grinding time :D