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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Uhh no yums less Rekey say so. Stay with Rekey and Jess." The slime girl turned her thinking blue. "OH! no squish metal men and no yums with out Rekey and Jess." Sylph smiled at Rikke clearly impressed with her remembering of the rules.

Rhea frowned though "Shes not very bright is she?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"She hasn't had much human interaction in the ruins. Give her time, I'm sure she's smarter than she lets on" Rikke smiled earnestly at her gooey friend "Good girl Sylphie!" Rikke clapped her hands happily "And remember if Sylph not listen to "rules", Jess and Rikke no longer friends with Sylphie and metal men get VERY angry." Rikke paused a moment letting that sink in "But Rikke trust Sylphie, Sylph good girl!"

The rogue stood up from her kneeling and offered Sylph her hand "Think she's ready." Rikke grinned happily at Rhea, awaiting the go ahead for entry from her.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Alright Rikke lets do this I hope neither one of us will regret it." With that the gates opened up revealing a whole platoon armed with pikes and blades clearly waiting for word from Rhea. "Its okay shes friendly but hear me now you all must be on your best behavior. Alice and Elric you to get to watch Sylph for the night and if either one of you gets your hanky panky on again during duty you'll wish Rikke never freed you from that brothel got it." Rikke saw both the offenders Elric a handsome man with brown hair was in the typical chain of the Wargs while Alice was in leather similar to Rikke's own but black with a red warg head instead of the black.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"With me Sylphie, Rikkes room usptairs" the rogue smiled and freely lead the slime girl to her toom to show Jessica that their hero was still very much alive and well!... she'll have to tease Alice or inquired how good this "Elric" fellow was later.

"Jessica are you in here~ I have someone who wants to see you~" the rogue slowly cracked the door open and peeked inside.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sadly it looked like Jess wasn't in so Rikke and Sylph had the room to themselves. "OH! many strange shapes." And Sylph was off contorting and oozing and checking out everything. While Sylph was exploring her new home Rikke was left to wonder where her lover went off to it was starting to get dark and with out Jess Rikke might have to do this alone but then she couldn't leave Sylph without someone to watch her.

Rikke thoughts however where interrupped by Sylph pulling on her hand. "Sylph want yums."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled warmly "Ofcourse Sylph. Thank you very much for asking first" looked like she took the rules to heart. Rikke quickly walked off to one of the guards "My friend's a wee bit famished after her recent adventure. Could you please ask for someone to bring some water, beverages and fruit upstairs. Thanks~" Rikke winked to the guards and went back into her room.

Well it was certainly more oozy than before "Yums on their way!" hopefully Sylph won't think yums are the one who brings the fruit... "So while we wait. Sylphie, what happened after you throw Jess and Rikke to safety?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sylph bubbled about looking at all the strange things. "Sylph fight big hurt long fight but win and eat." Sylph nodded enthusiastically at Rikke. "Green men not happy try hurt Sylph. Me eat them to but to many had to run away. Found more horned men they try hurt Sylph but sylph beat them and eat them. Three dark times and horned men still kept coming Sylph eat them all not so good yums then felt sick and tried to find Rekey. Then other me showed up and wouldn't leave then Rekey come." Sylph smiled at Rikke shining her happy blue. "Missed Rekey and Jess." Obviously Sylph had a poor concept of time but Rikke got the jist of it.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke knew who was 'Big Hurt', 'Green Men', 'Metal Men'... but 'Horned men'? Could it be demons? "We missed you too Sylphie." Rikke smiled warmly at the girl "Uhm.. Sylphie how do the 'Horned Men' look like?" there was actually a lot of dishearting info in Sylphs story, she's been on a predatory rampage, draining so many of her enemies. Could the slimegirl stop herself? Was that even possible? Still Rikke would receive her answer when the fruits arrive.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Horned men have horns." It was all to obvious to Sylph which unfortunately left Rikke with very little to work with she might have to try a different approach. As for her rampage maybe it was just part of her predatory nature? She had been in the ruins for two years with the only thing to eat was goblins and other creatures maybe there was hope? After all she didn't harm her or Jess during all their time together. Maybe it was a ingrained response things try to hurt her beat them up and eat them. It was gruesome but that was her life.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke hanged her head rejectingly, this is going to be a challenge "Do Horned Men have strange eyes? Different color skin? Swooshy-swooshy tails?" Well Rikke was grasping at stereotypes, still atleast one of the demons had to have a classic look to himself "Maybe evil nasty lights around Hroned Men camp? Wings?" hopefully the rogue would suceed in fishing out some information with her blind shots.

Though where the heck was Jessica and the fruits? Rikke a hungry guest of honors, of sorts, to take care of!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Do Horned Men have strange eyes?" Sylph nodded. "Different color skin?" Sylph nodded again. "Swooshy-swooshy tails?" Sylph nodded again then paused then shock her head no.

A knock on the door spared Sylph from Rekey's questions long enough for the slimgirl to find a strange fuzzy thing looking at her tail wagging. What was this creature was it yums? It could be yums but Rekey said no yums without permission. Deciding to ask Rekey if the fuzzy thing was yums Sylph scooped Willow up and oozed towards Rikke.

"Rekey is this yums?" Rikke turned just in time to see Sylph holding Willow up to Rikke. Surprisingly Willow wasn't worried at all and simply barked at Rikke and wagged his tail. Rikke nearly dropped the fruit tray but thankfully held it tight.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Willow! No Sylph it's not YUMS! It's friend!" Rikke held her breath, well Willow was blissful unaware of how close he was to a sudden end. Thankfully Sylph was a particulary good girl and quickly put Willow down much to the pups curiousity "THIS! Is new YUMS." Rikke grinned happily holding out a melon.

"Try it" Rikke seemingly in a blink slashed the mellow in two and gave Sylph one side. Perhaps having easy acess to the goodness inside would make the girl understand whats was offered faster.

There were numerous oranges,pears, apples, pomegranades and even a whole water mellon in the basket so Sylph would have pelnty to choose and try out... actually the wargs were treating Rikke awfully well now that she thought about it. Nevertheless it was sampling time!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sylph held the melon and looked at it strangely as if lost in a faded memory. Soon though the slim girl made an effort to eat the melon quickly turning into a dry husk. "Different but yums." Sylph nodded happily and took the other melon from Rikke's hand and ate that to. "You know Rikke that will only work for a little while right." It looked like Naomi had snuck up on the rogue once more. "She can maintain her moisture from the fruit for awhile but once she starts loosing essence she will need more to fill it."

Happy for the moment Sylph looked at Willow who was play growling and wagging his tail. Inclining her head to one side sylph formed herself down to about Willow's size and shape and returned the playful growl.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Hopefully those two wouldn't hurt each other "Sylphie, Willow play nice..." the rogue turned to Nayomi "But she's my friend, a very good friend. Must the slimes feed on other creatures essence to survive?" it was like telling a child they cannot keep the puppy, but Nayomis word did ring true to Rikke... didn't mean the rogue would stop looking for ways for Sylph to survive without killing "What do you know of slimegirls Nayomi?" It was a honest and curious question, Rikke approached the girl, curiousity ablaze in her eyes. Perhaps the nymph had some insight.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well Rikke most of the slimes I've encountered are not intelligent enough to talk or even communicate so she's a first for me." Naomi pointed at Sylph. "But at her core she is still a slime and she will need essence eventually its how they procreate. They consume essence and after they have consumed enough they split in half forming a perfect copy of the other. So if all of it hold true then as long as she dosn't lose essence she should be fine."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"And how exactly does a slime lose it's essence? It doesn't leak away as they exist does it?" Rikke leaned against a nearby wall looking towards Nayomi "Jessica for instance very rarely needs a essence boost, it's mostly a real treat for her or~ after a particullary rough fight." the rogue turned to the two "puppies" trying to catch each others tail, one gooey the other fuzzy... oh no if Willow gets Sylph in his fuzz Rikke will likely be the one who has to clean him up. The heroine smiled warmly at the two, it really was a heartwarming sight.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Yes but Jess isn't made out of the stuff either. All that goo is concentrated essence held together with moisture. If she gets hurt she looses essence if she has any magical powers she will lose essence. Once its all gone so is she." Naomi looked at the slime puppy and smiled faintly. "Well I better get going I have to take up watch. Rhea is intent on us earning our shelter. Saying something about one expensive free loader already" Naomi winked at Rikke before she walked off.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled warmly knowing exactly who the expensive freeloader was... but to be fair, she did give over a whole city to them, so they can just deal with it. "Bye~ Take with you later 'okay?" the heroine waved goodbye to the nymph and turned back to the rascals at it.

Honestly Sylph was acting more like a puppy than Willow, who was overall rather smartly positioning himself and avoiding any lunges Sylph made at his tail. Looked like the little guy would be quite the fearsome companion when he comes of age... and be super fuzzy to boot.

Rikke sat down and chuckled warmly at the display awaiting the victor of the duel of itty bitty tails.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Willow waited for the exact moment for a perfect strike and indeed he didn't have to wait long. Quickly lunging forward he bit into the purple goo puppies tail which simply squished away leaving him with out his prize. His momentary what just happened look was abruptly ended as Sylph managed to get his a second later. Which prompted a rawkus of a roll and tumble engagment getting Willow all gooy in the process. He didn't look to happy with the current predicament and whined for Rikke to help him the purple puppy wasn't playing fair.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled warmly and went up to her puppy "Don't worry Willow I know you won." she leaned down and gently picked the gooey puppy up "Looks like my brave little warrior needs a bath now" the girl held Willow gently infront of her snuggling up to his gently "Sylph you want to stay and finish the basket or join me?" the rogue looked over to her slimegirl, besides she could find out if Sylph can survive on just water aswell. Fruit is expensive now-a-days.

Actually the plan to infiltrate DeGravils mansions had slowly snuck away in the girls memory. Finding Sylph seemed to shoved it aside, still Rikke did plan to go inside healthily past midnight, when the gaurdsa are sleepy and her pray will be in bed.