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[DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

About the ultimate dungeon rewards and, coincidentally, about Rose (and Hypericum). I've been wondering about the "counter attack" equipment from the ultimate dungeon. Does it stack with Rose and Hypericums' counter attack? That is to say... could they counter attack twice, does it increase the chance of counter attack, or would it be wasted on them all together.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

About the ultimate dungeon rewards and, coincidentally, about Rose (and Hypericum). I've been wondering about the "counter attack" equipment from the ultimate dungeon. Does it stack with Rose and Hypericums' counter attack? That is to say... could they counter attack twice, does it increase the chance of counter attack, or would it be wasted on them all together.

I don't have the counter-attack bracelet so I can't say for sure, but my assumption on this one would be that it would operate exactly as it would for anyone else.

I imagine they'd retain their usual 80% chance for a 1.5x-damage counter, but also gain the 5% chance for a 2x-damage one. Whether that could double-proc or not would be anybody's guess.

Honestly though, at 5% chance I just don't see how it'd be worth giving up either 300 Defense or 1000 Attack (I assume it'd be Defense like the heal one).
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Who already got Lavender? Why she has TWO?


4 slots, 5 skills. Before other girls in this kind of event had only ONE flower for every slot and skill. Why Lavender needs two?
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Who already got Lavender? Why she has TWO?


4 slots, 5 skills. Before other girls in this kind of event had only ONE flower for every slot and skill. Why Lavender needs two?

The Lavender event right now is a revival event of sorts - she was one of the first event girls.

It looks like it's only the most expensive of the skill and slot items that you can purchase two of...

I'm assuming it's because many people missed out on capping her the first time around, and this would give veteran players the opportunity to cap the original and cap (or near) a second one if they desired it.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

The Lavender event right now is a revival event of sorts - she was one of the first event girls.

It looks like it's only the most expensive of the skill and slot items that you can purchase two of...

I'm assuming it's because many people missed out on capping her the first time around, and this would give veteran players the opportunity to cap the original and cap (or near) a second one if they desired it.

Oh, so I can use extra flower for my first Lavender. Thank you.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

I don't have the counter-attack bracelet so I can't say for sure, but my assumption on this one would be that it would operate exactly as it would for anyone else.

I imagine they'd retain their usual 80% chance for a 1.5x-damage counter, but also gain the 5% chance for a 2x-damage one. Whether that could double-proc or not would be anybody's guess.

Honestly though, at 5% chance I just don't see how it'd be worth giving up either 300 Defense or 1000 Attack (I assume it'd be Defense like the heal one).

Honestly i would trade for that, since def are worthless in this game. Well for counter or life regen i would take the life regen more than counter, but yeah you get my point. If i have to choose between defence or something give bonus status i would choose that something
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

oh. Didn't realize the counter attack item was today's reward. Managed to get it and put it on Hypericum just to see if it'll proc twice. However I don't think losing 300 def is worth the 5% proc rate, at least on Hypericum as her defense stat isn't stellar. If I'm not mistaken the counter attacks are based on def anyway... so it'd be like, slightly weakening your normal 80% counter to get a 5% to counter again (if it can proc twice). Disregarding girls with counter attacks, I could see putting the item on some girl who had really high defense, as not getting the +300 wouldn't matter as much and then they gain a fairly strong counter attack even if it is only a 5% chance. Not to mention... maaaaaybe these items will be upgradable later like the character specific ones?
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Err, yeah. I did say 2x-Attack hit when it's really a 2x-Defence one. The wording comes out wonky for that one in Google Translate, basically "A 5% chance counterattack at twice the attack power of the defence force". Though now I need to pay closer to attention to what their counters actually hit for... because I swear I've been seeing numbers a fair bit higher than 4-5k.

Personally the only way that counter bracelet would be really tempting is if it interacted with Hypericum's counter passive to boost it to the 2x value from the 1.5x base. That'd be kinda sweet actually.

EDIT: After actually paying attention for a couple runs, I guess that's accurate. Hypericum counters for ~18-1900 on the current event's 80-map, which would be about right after accounting for their defence. Rose hits a little harder at ~21-2200, but she has a 2x modifier over Hypericum's 1.5x.
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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

They only have the abilities on them, no stats of any kind.

Also, this is kinda weird... I was literally just taking a look at your blog for the first time before logging in here. :p

Ty, and glad to see that it's going around. My luck in gacha has been pretty bad lately and I just can't seem to get a nice new girl in my team to attempt the ultimate stages again. What I'd do for another rainbow....
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

do the 2 new 5 stars girls have any sort of slayer bonus for this event that I should bother lvling them for? I got both of them with my accumulated 50 flower medal roll things Ive yet to get any rainbow rarity though their summon chance is too low

also if anyone still spawning the bosses for lavender could they add me? Im not sure if this is my ID 197524560 it says that in my menu my character name is Strength
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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

do the 2 new 5 stars girls have any sort of slayer bonus for this event that I should bother lvling them for? I got both of them with my accumulated 50 flower medal roll things Ive yet to get any rainbow rarity though their summon chance is too low

also if anyone still spawning the bosses for lavender could they add me? Im not sure if this is my ID 197524560 it says that in my menu my character name is Strength

Slayer bonus? No...? They just introduce new girls each time a new event starts. Getting a gold at all is a good thing, there are many people who have been stuck with bronze and silver for all their rolls.

Lavender event doesn't have any special bosses that spawn...its like a normal raid boss. You just farm the maps for her currency.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

what about these maps that only certain girls can go into monday was winter rose whats the point of them?
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

The hana stone reward for 3 staring the map is the only point in doing them as of now, but as they keep adding maps there may be better rewards toward the end. Just speculation
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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Am I glad they added special stages to collect those firework shells for the latest event. It went so slow collecting them with max 40 of them in the 80 map of the first part of this event @_@

Anyone else saw the promo video they added? Kinda like the music now with voice :)
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Yeah, I was starting to worry I'd have to spend a couple premium crystals to get the 4k fireworks. Getting all of those ampoules will put me pretty close to capping my Black Baccara, so that's my focus atm.

I swear I saw that promo somewhere a while back... Reddit, maybe?

Looking forward to the Edelweiss revival event, missed 1 skill and 1 slot on her the first time around.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Edelweiss revival? Oh definitely would like that, was too weak or didn't have time to get her maxed back then. Her skill level is only 2 with just one slot.

Cool, just noticed that when you have an evolved girl you can see various actions of her by pressing the SD button her details page.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

What's the best map to farm the fireworks? The secret dungeon gives away tons of fireworks, not sure about the stamina:firework ratio though.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

I can get pretty much consistently 43 fireworks on the latest 80 stamina map, though you might want to do the 50 map which at least gives half of that. Haven't gotten the secret dungeon of the 50 one though, might be lucrative. The 80 secret one I get 90 fireworks from.

Edit: Well just did a run of the 50 map, it gives 27 bombs. Got the secret stage right after that and it gives 55 bombs... Some quick useless calculating shows that with 400 stamina you can get 450 bombs on 80 secret map and 440 for the 50 one. Normal maps give for 400 stamina 215 bombs for the 80 and 216 for the 50 one... So yeah, not much difference in there, I'll just go along the 80 maps and be done with the chore of the day :)
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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

OMG i just notice while checking my team...
In the 2nd tab during organizing there a button on top right...
This will make the girl to be in the frontal pict, instead of need puting them in main team 1st girl. Pressing again will show her in non evolve pict

So i have been fiddling around on girl who have cute voice / talk in it, letshare us your experience which girl is your favourite to be in the front page. (didn't expect lavender (the 1st purple girl event) is a jealous type *pretty soon its going to be yandere :p*)
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Yep, they changed the first person leader thing to being able to choose whichever secretary you want and whichever form you like. Yeah I heard along with Lavender, Suzuran also has the yandere personality.
Hanamizuki as secretary is pretty cute with her english although it is sometimes awkward. The seed run thing is the best when she says, "Are you ready?"
Right now I have Katabami as secretary. Apparently she's always getting mistaken as a boy since she doesn't have a great chest like other flower knights, so she says that if she had boobs like those oppai monsters then maybe she could look like a girl. And she's always hungry.