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[DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

First tab in Gacha menu is the Campaign Gacha, which has the increased chance to gain yellow class girls. The second tab is the normal premium gacha.

As for the affection window, the third is for serial code (which says something like it will open after the campaign or something, please wait)
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

lol, given my time zone when I woke its fairy farming day again. More EXP so I have a higher chance to clear this event! The portals sound "fun" but I guess I'll experience it tomorrow. Anemone has very nice artwork, and her skill lets her counterattack with 2x of her Defense when she's hit.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Just tried the 1st tab for summoning at first wondering what it is.... the 11 summon 1..... (thinking higher chance new char)

So....... whats i got... 0x5 star............... 1x4 star.............. 9x3 star.............Then the bonus rainbow !!! 1x6 star :D too bad its not the new girl, but the blind girl no idea whats her name
Higher chance only it seem not all the yelow type.... at least the 4 star is red the rest is yellow
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Uhhh not again a luck based map pool >.>"

I still cant manage to beat 5-3, 7-2, 7-4 challenge Mode course every time my girls miss at least one enemy

As for Gold and Seeds....well i dont need them at the moment xD

800.000 Gold, 54.000 Seeds
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

First tab in Gacha menu is the Campaign Gacha, which has the increased chance to gain yellow class girls. The second tab is the normal premium gacha.

As for the affection window, the third is for serial code (which says something like it will open after the campaign or something, please wait)

Thanks a lot :).

I hope i can get enough gacha to try the 50 yellow campaign (time to spare my gacha $_$)
Anyone else noticed that the game runs smoother now? I didn't have to reload it anymore to fix the slowing down after x minutes. Guess they also did something under the hood, but didn't mention in bugfixes :)
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

This campaign gacha... Sour, sour, sour, sour... >:x
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

This campaign gacha... Sour, sour, sour, sour... >:x

All 3 stars?

I think they told the artist to draw something sexy, but all the artist could do was put her in lingerie and some gloves lol. Shes not wearing much now, what will she wear in her evolved form XD
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Not all three stars, but I literally got 2 yellows and pulled another 3 セントポーリア (no idea what her name is in English x_x) as if the 4 of that card I already pulled weren't enough.... -__-

Well, whatever. I pulled Cornflower and those glasses are just too cute, so it wasn't all for naught.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

All these purple fairies I needed eating up inventory space but no gold to use them. Damn my lack of foresight orz
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

I think they told the artist to draw something sexy, but all the artist could do was put her in lingerie and some gloves lol. Shes not wearing much now, what will she wear in her evolved form XD

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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Just tried the 1st tab for summoning at first wondering what it is.... the 11 summon 1..... (thinking higher chance new char)

So....... whats i got... 0x5 star............... 1x4 star.............. 9x3 star.............Then the bonus rainbow !!! 1x6 star :D too bad its not the new girl, but the blind girl no idea whats her name
Higher chance only it seem not all the yelow type.... at least the 4 star is red the rest is yellow

Wait, I thought the 50 roll gacha give at least 1 guaranteed 5 star, or is it just for the first time summon? this make me afraid to do the gacha especially after the RNG just troll me around by giving only baby fairy for 80 stam map 3 times in a row.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Wait, I thought the 50 roll gacha give at least 1 guaranteed 5 star, or is it just for the first time summon? this make me afraid to do the gacha especially after the RNG just troll me around by giving only baby fairy for 80 stam map 3 times in a row.

Nope, no guarantees at all. I keep opening people's old wounds but some of us here have rolled all 11 3stars from that 50 gacha.

Welp time for me to get cracking at this event.

I really like her face and hair, I think I'll try to max her just for that pretty portrait. Not sure what to say about the outfit except her top has amazing tensile strength. Just look at how much its holding back!
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

I just hope my next roll gets enough new 4 star girls or higher to replace most my remaining 3 stars, they're so weak x.x If I didn't have 5 stars for comparison, they wouldn't seem so bad since their evolution is so easy, and their stats are great for their cost to evolve. Stats really don't make up for weak skills/abilities though, they're a lot worse than they appear because of that. Can't really replace the skills/abilities of 5/6 star girls.

P.S: Still stuck on the 40 map, this is terrible x.x I haven't even tried the 80 map yet since I try to 3 star every map before moving on.
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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

I should've spent 1 raid orb instead of 3 if I knew you guys would've roflstomped that raid boss so quickly lol.

80 stam map is annoying, wish there was an auto-run for that map. Got wiped in one of my runs cause the last team ran straight into a ton of flies before the last boss.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Just clear (3 medal) the 80 map , 2 times in a row , got one account left to do.

The better start to clear the 80 map is to put all your team in the tent of your team number 3 , it allow you to have 5 try to get the mob bottom left and all your team will be able to try the mob in the upper middle. Be carefull doing this start increase the map difficulty (more flies and loop of the death) and of course all your team has to be able to kill a mob pack if encounter.

Tent team 1 and assist team are straight path to the end boss so unless you have slow main team or assist avoid it if you want to clear everything.

Hope this will help :) .

Edit : First half of the event finish got all medal on my 3 account , now time to farm some affection item until the start of the second half .
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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

The better start to clear the 80 map is to put all your team in the tent of your team number 3 , it allow you to have 5 try to get the mob bottom left and all your team will be able to try the mob in the upper middle. Be carefull doing this start increase the map difficulty (more flies and loop of the death) and of course all your team has to be able to kill a mob pack if encounter.

This helped me a bunch! I was able to get three stars on that map literally the first time I tried your method. I can definitely see the loops being a huge problem, my assist never even got out of the top right corner. >>
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Is it just me, or the new 5 star girl (the long red emo hair thing) kinda look like mitsuru kirijo from persona 3
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Rina did you remove me and try to readd me? I swear I had you on my list. Anyways your list is full so I can't readd you.

All these raid battles are so wonderful, all my girls are decked out in high grade equips now~ Ariant, your 6 star girl is so much fun with her giant fireball skill.

Also, FKG is still extremely resource heavy when you're fast forwarding. I really hope they fix that.
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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

I'm still stuck on the 80 stam map lol. Heck sometimes outta bad luck I have to withdraw early. Dang flies.