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[DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Odd, at 150-180k it should be pretty easy to find some very powerful people. Out of 30 friends, I'm barely more powerful than 9 of them, with the highest in the ranks being 350k.
From the start I've mainly been seeking out and adding people with more powerful teams though, so maybe I've just been abusing that system.

It does sound like you've just been really unlucky with those loops. From my experience one team tends to escape every other pass and with all five doing the loop the first few times, it's harder for the flies to get to the really strong teams. Even the times where I thought I was really in trouble with only one or two teams left that were getting pelted by flies, my other teams had lowered the boss' health enough for my stragglers to kill it on their first turn.

As for your friend not showing up, that does sound odd. There is a cool down time after you use one, but all of them should be in there otherwise. They could be switching between their teams. Many of my friends seem to do that, especially the stronger ones.

I'll try and add you if you'd like. Though currently my main team probably isn't very special, it does have a rainbow and sits at 58k.

EDIT: Just a heads up, either I'm stupid or they switched the positions of the dailies and the affection item maps. Goodbye 80 stam, hello useless teddybears orz. Also, I wonder what that new tab is.
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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

When your weakest team goes solo down the miniboss lane: -.-

Oh my god, I might beat the new 80 map 3 star first run. Beat the 2nd map first run too. You actually have to unlock one of the mobs on the new 80 map, so nuts.

NOOOOOOOO one of my teams was literally a centimeter from the final mob. Upside: Got a flower item from it. Now I'm going back to the old 80 map to farm, already have 3 item slots unlocked, nice.
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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

I only have 4 assist with 60k power and in my friends list i rank 16 out of 27:eek:.I think is hard to add people using the overall power shown. With most of the people i have is using team full of 3 or 4 star girl.

those who need some assist can add me. I can use some boost of my team to clear mini mobs since i have 6 star girls on my main team(69k power).Might not be freaking strong team compare with other since I a free player and currently student but will improve my team over time.Inform me ur ign so i know who to add since i been having endless request of unknown ppl adding me.:( ID:333802086 phoenix07

regard to the new tab it say "limited"...direct translation so maybe they might have some limited sort of event??

Edit: did anyone try the 120 stam map this time??
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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

I'll add you propaganda. I'd say your team is very impressive with 3 rainbows at 69k, along with the potential for growth. I mean I've got a guy with a total of 350k and the power of his team is right around yours and it's 5 evolved gold girls all at level 56. So I'd say you're pretty well off.
Hopefully my team will be of some use to you as well. If not, feel free to give me the boot.
My in game name is Arriant. Let me know if you can't add me, my friend list seems to fill up pretty quickly.

Thanks for the info. My best guess for that limited tab is guerrilla events. I guess we'll see.
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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

So with the new map out which place is the best to farm these flower ?
My team still cant handle the 120 stam old map cant even 1 star >.<
The new map 80 only have 1 chest ?
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

I'll add you propaganda. I'd say your team is very impressive with 3 rainbows at 69k, along with the potential for growth. I mean I've got a guy with a total of 350k and the power of his team is right around yours and it's 5 evolved gold girls all at level 56. So I'd say you're pretty well off.
Hopefully my team will be of some use to you as well. If not, feel free to give me the boot.
My in game name is Arriant. Let me know if you can't add me, my friend list seems to fill up pretty quickly.

Thanks for the info. My best guess for that limited tab is guerrilla events. I guess we'll see.

added u.Ur team should be good since u dun seem to have that much trouble with the event till now and 6 star girl passive buff is always a cheat :)

I think only my main team was pretty well, my last team was too weak that pulled my overall power to be that low.

Thx for analyzing my team:)..dun even know my team was good or bad. 350k power sound impressive I try to lvl my team to reach that standard. but for a non cash user it seem hard to evolve and lvl them.....might take very long before I can reach 350k power. Dun mind my low overall power if I only focus on my main team first.

@altrius. I haven try the new 120 stam map but the best might be 120 stam one since 80 stam map only have 1 chest that seem very low drop rate as compare to the 1st half event which give 3 chest on 80 stam map.
If u cant clear the 120 stam map on the first half event then dun bother since this event is not on medal count so no point clearing 120 stam map. I doubt much player have complete 3 medal on 120 stam map. jus concentrate on the 80 stam map since that do drop the flower also

EDIT:another madness 120 stam map......blind run and left 1%hp by the flies and killed by boss. I guess can 1 star that map if place all the team on top right tent .Also some lock tiles are mobs and the map have only 1 chest, sound more hard to farm then skill flower.I guess I try tmr.
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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

I get an error when I try to add you, Arriant. Your list full? Btw, I just removed everybody on my list that's been inactive for more than 2 weeks. If you guys return, feel free to re-add me, I just needed some room.

Minute = 分
Hour = 時間
Day = 日

For anybody needing to clear out space.

The skill up event items still allude me on the 80 map x.x 1/5 skill/10% skill activation is so useless. Glad I got most the equip unlocks done already so I can just focus on that. Hopefully after the next round of fairy dailies I can farm the 120 map.
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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Well for me the event is pretty much done, I've got on both event routes 3 stars up until the 80 stamina one. Just going to hope a lily drops when i do them though the hope being as good as nil for the equip one as there's only 1 chest...

On a sidenote, glasses girl Cymbidium has a rockhard hulk smash attack... unusual for those types of girls :p
pic link, no right to embed yet: oi62.tinypic.com/10pprmg.jpg
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

added u.Ur team should be good since u dun seem to have that much trouble with the event till now and 6 star girl passive buff is always a cheat :)

I think only my main team was pretty well, my last team was too weak that pulled my overall power to be that low.

Thx for analyzing my team:)..dun even know my team was good or bad. 350k power sound impressive I try to lvl my team to reach that standard. but for a non cash user it seem hard to evolve and lvl them.....might take very long before I can reach 350k power. Dun mind my low overall power if I only focus on my main team first.
My main team is alright I think, but the reason I had success with the last 120 map was because I distributed the strength of my teams pretty equally. I haven't tried to get my main team to be as powerful as they can be as a result of that, so I'm currently probably nothing too special as an assist aside from my rainbow. Nevertheless, I play often and I'm getting stronger all the time.

Yeah, 350k overall power is insane, but ultimately not too important for assists. I mean you're less than half of that, but your main team is right up there with theirs and they've pretty much capped the potential of the girls in it whereas you still have a good deal of room for growth from the looks of things.

FruitSmoothie said:
I get an error when I try to add you, Arriant. Your list full?
Yeah, I made some space for you, but it seems to have filled up again overnight. I'll open up another slot.
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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

this event really require balance power team which make me wanting to split my main team. But main team buff is too good to be split, guess i have to give up on completing the map this time.
70 crystal, wonder to play gacha roll or not.

@erohen: very true.Now i realize the reason I cant clear this event due to the team.Try to use ur team but cant find u on assist list maybe due to too many assist member. I keep everyone on friend list unless those inactive like a few week or so :p.So I think ur team should be enough to assist since I only have 4 similar power(50k-70k power) to my main team as my usual assist.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Managed to clear the first 120 event map 1 star, whoop whoop. I didn't open the flies by placing all my teams top tent (Got lucky). My main team did about 70% damage to the boss by itself at 50k power and my 2nd team finished the boss. Brought along Phoenix's team at around 55k power I think and he cleared two of the mobs thankfully.

Still didn't get the damn item x.x I'ma be so sad if I have this 5 star stuck at level 1 skill. At least I know it's possible to clear the 120 map now, maybe it's best to farm it even if I can't clear it 100% of the time. Seems like as long as my assist can deal with at least 2 mobs (And I don't open the flies hopefully), I should be okay anyways. Just need to avoid having 3 or more of the teams on the north tent going down the south rotation tile to avoid flies, decent odds.


Oh I unlocked the flies going all top and still did fine. It's actually a lot easier to 1 star than I thought it was. As long as you have like 2 teams at 50-60k (Not evolved 3 stars), you should be okay. Though you do want at least 1 or 2 other teams at 40k or above for if the boss aoe spams you or you get stuck looping for a while. The boss actually has really low hp.

2 equip flowers = 3/4 equip slots
3 skill flowers = 3/5 skill

Looking much better now :D After the next round of fairy dailies, I should be golden for completing her. She really needs her skill maxed.
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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

this event really require balance power team which make me wanting to split my main team. But main team buff is too good to be split, guess i have to give up on completing the map this time.
70 crystal, wonder to play gacha roll or not.

@erohen: very true.Now i realize the reason I cant clear this event due to the team.Try to use ur team but cant find u on assist list maybe due to too many assist member. I keep everyone on friend list unless those inactive like a few week or so :p.So I think ur team should be enough to assist since I only have 4 similar power(50k-70k power) to my main team as my usual assist.

You could always make a new set of teams with more evenly distributed power levels. I haven't gotten lucky enough to get 3 stars on 80 yet, but if this new 120 is anything like the last one I wouldn't worry too much about it since these slot flowers are pretty common and will always give an extra slot. So unless you can 3 star the 120 map there's no real point in running it.

Yeah, I see now what blsisgod was talking about before, but had never noticed. I don't have you or Fruit in my assist list. There's only 24 on there when there should be 30. Hopefully that'll be rectified later on.

Glad to see you're having success with the first 120 map. It's a bummer you missed the flower the first time, but it should drop 9/10 times judging from my own experience. Keep at it and you should get all the flowers you need pretty quickly.

As for the flies, you're probably going to trip them most of the time. At least in my experience that first direction pad tends to drop most of your teams down the path with the switch. Even so, they're not TOO big of a deal unless you're unfortunate enough to get stuck in a really long loop. You're bound to get screwed over once or twice, but it's by far the best map to get those skill flowers and if you've beaten it twice already, it's really only a matter of perseverance at this point.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Oh based RNG Gods, I have beseeched you and you have answered!

Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Well given how the RNG gods shined upon you at the moment, when you went to use them only 1 of them worked huh?

I'm still just grinding the 80 stamina maps and dailies, 120 will be impossible for me. Luckily my Lily is at 4/4 equipment slots and 4/5 skill. So just one more skill up is all I need.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Hehe, actually with these flowers I was able to max her skill. :p
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Grats bls!

Is it just me or does Yamayuri sometimes whip out 2, sometimes even 3, rapiers during her skill? I wonder if that does more damage, or if it's just an alternate animation like Edel's hammer segway. It happens so fast it's hard to tell.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

I seen 2 rapier when she used skill never 3 yet since i also fast foward mode.
So no its not just your eye :p i wonder that if it change her dmg though :confused:
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Grats bls!

Is it just me or does Yamayuri sometimes whip out 2, sometimes even 3, rapiers during her skill? I wonder if that does more damage, or if it's just an alternate animation like Edel's hammer segway. It happens so fast it's hard to tell.

I've seen the 2 but not the 3 yet. Maybe it's random? I have mine at max level skill already.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

I think I was just seeing things in regards to her wielding three of them. I think it was just her striking multiple times with two and mistaking that for a third rapier.
It doesn't seem to do any more damage than usual, but it's still a nice variation.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Seem like everyone can get the equipment flower. Am I the only one who cant get a single equipment flower drop on both 80 and 120 stam map??