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Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

I'm going BD, especially if we can repair zombies enough to make them difficult to tell apart from other humans (well, paler skin and lack of a pulse nonwithstanding).

On that note, would a necromatic familiar require to be fed with magic everyday to counter their natural degeneration?
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

You are the familiar of the Witch Odella, and the decisions you make have an impact on how you evolve and what your strengths are. Right now, most of your decisions have all been about How Odella will be empowered, and eventually, she will become her own entity, separate from you who makes decisions which may conflict with your own wishes.

Firstly, Odella is not a necromancer yet, she still needs to successfully execute the ritual, once she does, she has no idea about whether or not they need to be fed or how they can propagate. the examples i gave are simply to give you an idea about what choosing the specific corpses would potentially give Odella access to.

What i can tell you is that As a Tentacle Creature, you will require a steady diet of feminine energy in order to grow and sustain yourself. Right now you are just a whelp who cant even survive without contact with a woman, once you grow, your hunger will as well to the point where Odella alone will no longer be able to sate you (nor would she want to since you would drain her of significant energy). It remains to be seen whether the undead will be able to be used as sources for you to grow your energy, but because they are technically dead and thus do no possess any bodily function, one should be able to come to their own conclusions.

Finally, for better or for worse, you and Odella are linked. As your familiar, she needs you in order to conduct rituals and you need her (for now) just to survive. It is unknown what other powers she holds over you, though one would guess she has hidden cards up her sleeve in the event that you rebel, The future is unwritten (literally) and you relationship with Odella could stay friendly, or it could eventually become unfavorable.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

Intermission 2: Collard

Collard Snatched another screaming victim from it's collection, all of them held in place by a sticky residue which was secreted from the fleshy wall which they were trapped in.

The Woman struggled to get the tentacles off of her body, which wrapped around her tightly to ensure that she couldn't escape.

He had developed an insatiable hunger as he grew, at first, all he needed was the gently Caress of his master, Morgan, but as she grew in power, he did as well, and as her hunger for magic grew, so did his hunger for flesh.

The woman screamed aloud as the tentacles pulled her legs apart from one another, ensuring no defense of her privates could be mounted while he proceeded to drain her of her strength.

The Tentacles both plunged into the woman at once, infiltrating her vagina and her anus at the same time and jamming deep down inside so that he could quickly drain her, though she screamed out in panic, her body felt a jolt of pleasure as the twin tentacles pistoned relentlessly inside of her body.

The woman soon felt faint as the tentacles drained her of the power she had immediately, knocking her unconscious moments later as a spew of tentacle semen ejaculated inside of her, spraying out of her lower orifices forcefully.

Her energy was but a small morsel for the gigantic creature now, and he still hungered for much more, relying mostly on his Master to provide him with enough women to sate his ever growing appetite.

He carried the unconscious woman back to her place along the wall, her orifices spraying another deluge of semen from them as he pulled his tentacles out of her, covering the ground and much of the path back to her spot with his juices.

Placing her against the wall, which gently melted over her skin again with it's sticky glue-like residue, Collard grabbed another screaming victim in the wall in order to feed from her as well.

Much of the day went like this, the systematic raping of his collection simply so that he could marginally sate his unquenchable thirst for human flesh.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

BC, because that vote combination hasn't been made yet.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

Living dead girl and Zomsassin
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

need more votes, if my quick math is correct B, C and D are all tied and A is behind by just 1.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

Edited my last post to include a B vote.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

B and C are locked in with 6 votes each.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar


'Lets get started' Odella says as she swings her shovel over her shoulder and quickly walks down to where the old scholar was buried with the wheelbarrow she found near the edge of the Cemetary.

Digging into the cold dirt, Odella immediately realizes that this is going to be a tough task, the ground is incredibly hard due to the temperature, but luckily the dirt was still mostly loose from the recent burial.

You sit on Odella's shoulder as she digs into the ground, her repeated lunges into the ground proceeded by the lifting and tossing of dirt are difficult for the young lady, but you can see the determination on her face as she fights through fatigue to get through this as quickly as she can.

After about twenty minutes of digging, she unearths the casket of the old man, and begins to work quicker to get the dirt off of the top of the casket.

The casket is more upscale than most, using oak instead of the usual pine, which would indicate that in life, this was a man of some wealth and whoever buried him wanted everyone to know it.

Finally, with most of the dry cold dirt off of the casket, Odella digs into the side of it and uses a jerking motion to lift the nails from the side.

The Oak lid popped open to reveal the pale face of an old man, who had a large white beard, his arms were placed across his body which was covered by an ornate blue and gold robe. on his head he wore a simple black hood.

Odella lifted him from below the arms and got his body up out of the hole, he was surprisingly light, leading her to believe that he died of some kind of illness.

After getting out of the hole, Odella brushed the sweat off of her brow, she was already exhausted, but had one more hole to go before she was done.

She lifted the corpse of the old man into the wheelbarrow and picked up her shovel, moving hastily along to the grave of the young wife.


The sun was finally starting to come up over the mountains and shine down on them, which was a small relief in terms of comfort, but it only ment that the caretaker would be along soon if Odella didnt hurry.

With renewed vigor, Odella plunged the shovel into the cold earth of the grave of the woman, breathing heavily as she worked to get through this as quickly as humanly possible.

You remained silent as she worked, prefering to watch the beads of sweat roll down her body and between her breasts.

She made quick work this hole, digging significantly faster than the last one, and clinking upon the casket below, she got down and brushed aside the majority of remaining dirt, once again jamming the shovel between the sides of the casket to open it.

This casket was much lower quality, a pine box made for commoners and people who couldn't afford to bury anything better around their loved one.

Opening up the casket, Odella saw the long auburn hair of a pale skinned beauty who was dressed in a fine white gown, likely her best dress, though from looking her over quickly, she had no jewelry to speak of.

As Odella bent over to hoist up the lady, she noticed that she was a bit heavier than the scholar was, but was without much more effort was able to lift her body out of the grave, climbing up herself quickly.

'We need to get out of here immediately, before we are seen' Odella said as she placed the body of the young woman into the wheel barrow and walked quickly back to the end of it, lifting it out of the pile of leafs below and rushing quickly back towards the edge of the cemetery nearest to her cottage.


She was in the clear now, but still exhausted, carrying the load of two people who collectively weighted almost 200 pounds.

She didnt speak a word during the short journey to her cottage.

You simply continued to observe her body in it's exhausted state and feel somewhat turned on by it's response to stress, though you have no idea why.


Finally, Odella reached the back of her cottage, where she parked the wheelbarrow momentarily and stumbled to the front of the house where she quickly opened the door and went inside.

'My lord......' she said, still exhausted as she took herself over to the pile of blankets so that she could lay down for a moment.

'Im going to take a rest' Odella said as she laid straight down and spoke in a muffled voice through the blankets. 'Don't get into any trouble.'

Odella just laid there exhausted as you crawled across her body and went down to explore her lower parts.

slithering down her leg and underneath her skirt you could already feel the warmth of her vagina closeby, but you were fascinated with her other hole which was above it.

It was a much tighter hole than Odella's vagina and it looked alot less welcoming, but it might be even tighter. you were extremely excited about exploring it, but you knew that Odella would be angry with you if you did, especially now that she was resting.

'Psst!' you heard a noise from across the room.

'Muffins!' Lettie whispered from the cage across the room.

you looked over at her to see what she had her ass high up in the air and was rubbing her butt gently.

'Is this what you want?' Lettie said as she rubbed her index finger along the rim of her asshole. 'Come here, ill let you try it' she said as she blushed and smiled.

you were very nervous about leaving the side of Odella, but you also could barely resist the temptation for a free chance to explore the parts of a woman, especially one as gently as Lettie.

You slithered off of Odella's body and started to slither across the floor, to your surprise, it wasn't painful for you to move across the floor now, like you had matured enough to be able to move on your own without the presence of a woman.

Lettie licked her lips as you approached, as she continued to swirl her fingers around her soft and delicate asshole in anticipation for your arrival.

Upon finally reaching the cage, she spoke to you.

'Little muffins, do you want some of this?' Lettie said as she moved back a bit in the cage, which would force you to move forward into it.

you followed her in, squeezing through the bars and moving towards her with ample anticipation.

Lettie suddenly flipped around and grabbed you, holding you firmly between her hands.

'I'm sorry to have to involve you in this little muffins, but that witch will kill me if i cant do something about it.'

you struggled to escape from lettie's grasp, but couldn't budge, she held onto you as if you were here only chance for survival.

'I promise to let you explore my little asshole as payment after this......but for now, i need you to explore my other hole.'

Lettie opened her legs and brought you down there between them, her young and tight pussy was already incredibly moist and ready for you.

Your instincts took over and you lunged toward her spread lips and plunged into her.

Lettie yelps as she was pierced for the first time, breaking her hymen.

You crawl down inside of her, her pussy is incredibly tight and it engulfs you as it constricts and spasms, around you, a bit of blood pools around you as well as you use it as a bit of lubrication to slide forward and finally reach your special place against the back of her vagina, where it is most warm.

Lettie lays her head back against the cage as you root around inside of her, she feels an odd mixture of pleasure and pain as you continue to slither around inside of her.

Lettie grits her teeth as she places two of her fingers at the entrance of her pussy and starts rubbing her clitoris a bit.

With all of the excitement around you, you are finally stimulated enough to ejaculate inside of her, a large amount of white fluid is squirted from your head as her body reacts and starts to suck it up into her womb.

You immediately feel as though you have done something wrong and begin to feel guilty and start to crawl out of Lettie.

'Where are you?' Odella says as she is up and about, searching for you.

Lettie puts her back up against the cage and spreads her legs for Odella as she enters her area.

'What are you do....' suddenly you pop out from Lettie's vagina, bringing a small pool of blood with you. 'oh no........' Odella says as she rushes over to the cage.

'What have you done!?' Odella yells to you as you crawl out of Lettie's devirginized vagina.

Finally you realize what Odella is upset about, you had previously not understood what being a virgin ment....all of this blood......the breaking of skin.....the ejaculation inside of her.....

'You've ruined everything!' Odella says as she put her hands around the cage and shook it with anger.

'I'm sorry, i didn't know!' you say to her, as you finally exit Lettie entirely and slither towards Olivia, covered in Lettie's blood.

'You' Odella said, pointing to Lettie. 'You knew all along, this was your plan.'

'Now you cant use my blood for your ritual' Lettie said as she brought her legs together again and scooted slowly to the corner of the cage away from Odella.

'Did you think that this would save you? i still need one more body, you are going to die regardless of whether you are a virgin or not!'

Odella quickly ran across the house.

'Save me Muffins! i don't want to die!' Lettie said as she started to cry.

Odella returned with her sacrificial blade and went to the front of the cage to unlock it and kill Lettie.

'No!' Lettie said as she backed into her corner of the cage as much as possible as tears started to flow down her soft cheeks.

You stand between Lettie and your master, who is ready to kill her out of anger that she tricked you into fucking her and causing her to lose her virginity.

What do you do?

A. Claim Lettie as your own and promise to find another Virgin for Odella within one day, before the other corpses become useless, though it will damage your relationship with Odella and she wont trust you anymore, you will also gain minor Good Alignment.

B. Let Odella kill Lettie and become her third corpse, you will salvage your relationship with Odella as you convince her that you made a mistake and it wont happen again, though you would also lose a bit of her trust, your Alignment wont change at all and you will remain Neutral.

C. Blame everything on Lettie and explain that she must suffer before she dies, Odella will torture her and she will die painfully before she becomes the 3rd corpse, but you will improve your relationship with Odella and she will begin to trust you more, you will also gain minor Evil Alignment.
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Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

This is the first major decision of the CYOA and will potentially put you on a path of good or evil, it will also effect your relationship with Odella.

By Saving Lettie, she becomes your first slave, a person who is under your control, you can use them for anything, to feed from, to fight for you, or to conduct your own affairs, of course, because you are a familiar of Odella, she controls you, which means that she also controls your slaves.

By Letting Lettie die (or torturing her), you are either not changing or improving your relationship with Odella, meaning that she will listen to your suggestions rather than doing her own thing and forcing you to comply.

Either way, the Ritual must be completed and another Virgin must be found within a day, otherwise the corpses you had just dug up will become useless.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

B. Lets be a question mark this time; also we were tricked. It will also be a change from an evil charcter like in overlord or a goody tentacle like in Shadows game.
Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

Re: Dark Ritual: Tentacle Familiar

Yargh ya damnable wench!

A- we gain 'slave' Lettie who isn't as dumb as we *read I* thought. losing points with our summonerbut we can gain a slight advantage in 'man-power' for rituals and our power needs. lettie's loyality is sub par at best no telling on how this will make sure whether or not she will split at first chance. Can use Lettie's knowledge to find a virgin.

B- gain corpse. Still need to find new virgin lose points with Odelia but she will be slightly mullified by the death of Lettie here.

C- gain corpse. Strike even with Odelia points wise. Can drag out knowledge of another virgin to capture.

If We can do some ritual of loyality on Lettie to bind her to us I would not mind A.

Till then
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