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Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Shit!" Eve stumbled backwards. "Ronny! Get him Offa meee!!!!" she screamed. Her hand was still jammed in her pocket and she clutched the cell phone, hoping to get away and use it before the new Kindred tore her apart.

((( D: I'm a lover, not a fighter! )))
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Claire nodded gently to Fletch's words, before Eve's scream tore through the house.

"Well so much for charm. God damnit, let's go the hard way. Keep looking for that damn book, be careful," she whispered just loud enough to be heard and took off through the house, trying to find her way to the front entrance and Eve's scream.

A thrill burned inside her, the rush of the fight, the joy of the hunt.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

As Fletch hears the scream, he is about to take off himself - but Claire beat him to it. And he'd do hell and try to defy the half-crazed chick with the shotgun. Clenching his fists tightly and closing his eyes, he tries to calm the urge to screw this mission and take off after her anyway. With a quiet grumble he returns to looking for that old book, wondering how exactly he's going to recognize it.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

The frenzied Leonardo catches the surprised Eve by the wrist as she stumbles backwards. His fanged mouth shooting forward towards her exposed arm stopping inches away as Ronny grabs the back of his neck with one hand and shoves Eve out of the monsters grasp with his other. Eve falls to the side hard as Ronny loses his balance pulling Leonardo down on top of him.

Claire nearly trips over the drained body of the hospice worker as she takes off for the front of the house leaving Fletch to start searching for the book. She quickly makes her way down the darkened hallway to the front door where she can see Ronny struggling with the frenzied kindred. After a quick search of the bedroom with the corpse in it Fletch finds several books but nothing like the one he's searching for.

Raven and Izzy both turn in surprise at Eve's scream, and watch as Ronny shoves her out of the way and falls to the ground struggling with Leonardo. They also both notice a few of the porch lights from the houses on the block come on.

(((Eve takes 1 point of bashing damage from the fall when Ronny shoves her out of the way.)))
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Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve scrambles up off of the ground, running a short distance away and pulling out her cell phone. Pressing the speed dial button for Alexander she held the phone to her ear and waited.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Leonardo flailed around in Ronny's grip with strength born of hunger, all he needed to do was get his fangs in somewhere...
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Izzy's head snaps toward the front of the house, hearing Eve's shriek. Then the lights flicking on get hear attention, too. "Oh crap. So much for keeping this quiet." It's half under her breath, half spit out on a grumble.

Hopefully, if they could keep it from becoming too much of a spectacle, it could be explained away easily enough. An accident...Surprise...Eve getting spooked. Something nice and mundane. Not...whatever the hell was happening.

"Ron, take it back inside!" Her call is clipped, trying not to draw more attention than already has been. She squeezes Raven's hand once and then slips off and hurries over toward Eve, making sure she's all right and also getting away from the street and more toward the darkened front of Leo's house. Outside of whatever Ronny was struggling with, which she hoped to get a better look at before they retreated into the house (hopefully), nothing out of the ordinary, even if they were noticed.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Damnit damnit damnit, Fletch mentally curses as he steps out of the bedroom and into the next room, starting to sift through that one as well. If they keep on causing a ruckus like that, we'll have the cops on our asses in no time. His green eyes keep on flicking towards the front of the building nervously, ready to beat it if the police shows up.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

'Too much noise,' Claire thought to herself, still she bared her fangs and rushed towards Ronny and the figure he was struggling with, noting that Eve had been shoved out of the way.

No way to shoot without hurting Ronny, so she raised the shotgun, and brought the butt of the weapon down on the back of Leonardo's head with as much strength as she could muster.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve hears the cell phone ring once before she is answered by the reassuring voice of Alexander, though it's difficult to hear as he's speaking in a soft whisper. "Eve, my dear, I can't talk for long. The police are on their way so you all need to get the situation under control before they arrive. If River's there she'll certainly be able to think of something. I don't know what happened, but good luck. I'll speak to you more after Elysium is over. Till I see you again my dear." The phone clicking off after he say s that.

Raven squeezes Izzy's hand in return as he lets her slip over to check on the commotion and Eve who appears to be alright. He remains where he is however and continues to watch the street for anyone coming. As Izzy checks on Eve she can see that Ronny is struggling with what looks to be a rather old man. Though she can see that he's obviously a kindred, and a hungry one at that.

Fletch's search of the next room comes up empty as well despite the large number of books he finds. Oddly enough several of the books he comes across have the name V. Mihailov written under a strange symbol: a black square in a circle with a triangle pointing diagonally away from it. Nothing about a Giovanni or necromancy however.


The shotgun butt to the back of the head goes unnoticed by the frenzied kindred struggling to free itself from Ronny's iron grip. Ronny mumbles to himself as he struggles with Leonardo. "Right since I'm the one making all the noise out here. Fucking licks, well there's only one way to shut you up that I can think of." Ronny looks up at Claire behind the frenzied kindred and growls out, "Pull the damn thing off of me and back inside after he's had his meal, alright."

With that, Ronny bites down on his free wrist and shoves it towards Leonardo's mouth. Unable to control himself at all, Leonardo greedily sucks at the blood flowing from Ronny's wrist. As he feeds he can feel his normal self returning as the beast inside of him is sated by the nourishment. His hunger subsided he can feel himself shoved off to the side, as Ronny brings his own wrist up to his face and licks it, causing it the wound heal as if by magic.
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Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch furrows his brow as somewhere in the back of his head rings a bell. He picks one of the marked books at random and takes it with him as he heads into the next room, slowly working his way towards the front door in his search for the fucking book.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve nearly drops the phone as the phone call is finished and help really isn't coming. She swallows hard and when Ronny is finished with his... actions... runs back over and into the house. "Come on! The police are on their way we have to get inside before they get here!"
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Claire watched the apparently starving kindred feed for a moment, but as soon as he started to relax she fingers curled around the back collar of his shirt and she tore him aware from Ronny, dragging him inside the house.

"Cops? Well son of a bitch," Claire muttered, remembering that she was supposed to be dead.

She tossed the man to the ground not too far inside the house hold and pressed the muzzle of her shotgun against his forehead.

"Now you calm the fuck down, or I'll be licking your brains off my fingers," Claire snarled angrily.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Don't think to threaten me girl." Leonardo grabbed the barrel of the shotgun and shoved it out of the way and stood up. "You're lucky the meat head knocked on the door or I would have drained you dry. Now," Leonardo looked at the assembled vampires. "get out of my house, and I'll tell the police that you ran off and I didn't get a good look at you."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Claire blinked as her shotgun was pushed away. She turned away from Leo and looked back at Ronny. She let out a short sharp laugh.

"This guy is really starting to piss me off. How bout this guy co-operates or we let the Police find the drained corpse back there and let this guy dangle in front of the Prince for busting the masquerade. Hear that you old fuck?" Claire snapped, turning back to face the newly turned vampire.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Cops? Already? Jesus, but people are jumpy around here...unless... She shook her head. That was just too damn convenient, wasn't it? This rang back to what Claire had said of her own Embrace. She also picked up on the other woman spitting at the old man...vampire. And now they had a corpse in the mix. Wonderful.

"He has a point. We could leave. Out of sight, out of mind," she chimes in. "Let him send the cops off or risk having to explain that corpse."

Of course, she wasn't planning on going far. Now that this guy wasn't in a feeding frenzy, it might be possible to talk to him. After the cops left. Or, well, they already broke in once. What's to say they couldn't do so again. She also didn't see Fletch with Claire. Hopefully, if push came to shove, he could pull off his invisibility trick and stay there to keep an eye on things. Either way, they needed to either come to an accord quick or book, and fast.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch slowly makes his way towards the front of the house where the rest of the group is waiting. He still can't quite place where he had seen the symbol, but he was sure it was sometime in the few weeks since his embrace. Just as he's about to enter the room with all the others he hears the owner of the house making his proposal about them leaving.


Ronny got up from the ground and dusted himself off before hurrying into the house with Izzy and Eve, just in time to hear the owner's proposal. Ronny stood behind the others trying to quickly gauge what would be the best way to solve the problem before the cops arrived.


Raven meanwhile made his way off the sidewalk without drawing any attention to himself, stopping just outside the door where he could listen but not be seen by the owner.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Well look here, someone with an actual brain." Leonardo turned to Izzy. "I don't imagine you'll have a whole lot of time to think this over. Either leave now in peace, or deal with the police. From your reactions earlier, it seems to me you only have one real choice."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Rest of you leave right now," Claire snapped, and without a further word of warning shouldered her shotgun and squeezed the trigger, aiming for the newly turned Kindred's knee. The bang of the 12 gauge filled the front entrance, spilling outside.

She pumped the action of the weapon, ejecting the spent buckshot shell. If the others left she might have a chance convincing them of an undercover operation. It was unlikely, but she was starting to get pissed off with this bastard.
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Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Jesus H. Frog on a pogo stick! What the hell are you doing!" Eve stared at Claire, mouth hanging open. "Are you psychotic?!"