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Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

"Succubus-i?" Maya repeats enquiringly, cocking her head to one side so slightly, "No, I don't know what that is." That glimmer of curiosity beginning to subtlety resurface in her eyes, and further as she watches Marissa's reaction, and... re-reaction. "Why? How? What is that?" She asks in rapid fire, taking another muffin now.
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Enigma: HP = 0/52, PP = 53, EP = 0/109, Status = Pregnant, Unconscious, Phoenix Summoned
Maya: HP = 63, PP = 55, EP = 113, Status = Fine

"Hrm? Oh, you mean her... Don't worry about that! She's much nicer when she's being friendly, isn't she? Much prettier too!" Lanai said as she patted Marissa on the head approvingly, and the human woman blushed and shyly nudged against the demon wherever they had a point of contact, which was a lot of surface area to cover given that the woman was practically in Lanai's lap by that point. Before speaking further, Lanai joined Maya in taking another muffin and munching on it, and as such her voice was somewhat muffled as she said, "Mm, succubi and incubi - that's the word for the male version - are people - sometimes demons but not always - that feed on other people's souls."

She swallowed somewhat noisily and then went on; "As for Truth or Dare, that's.... Uhhh, well it's a game that people play in which a bunch of people sit around a table or a campfire or what-have-you. Whoever starts points to someone else, so long as that person didn't go last if there's more than two people involved, and the person they pick has to say "Truth" or "Dare," and depending on what they pick, they have to do something. Saying truth means that the person that picked you gets to ask you a question, and you have to answer it truthfully, no matter how embarassing it is. If you choose dare, they tell you to do something, and so long as it's not something crazy like jumping off of a bridge, you have to do it! If you lie or refuse to answer or won't do the dare, you lose~ And you're also not allowed to say the same thing twice in a row! I almost forgot about that... So, wnat to give it a try? Marissa here can be our third, I'm sure she's up for it! Aren't ya!"

The human woman nodded, clearly excited by the prospect, and Lanai turned back to Maya and said; "So, since you just had a question answered, I think it's my turn! Truth, or Dare?" The other two watched Maya expectantly, waiting for what she would pick, or if she would play at all. The half daemon could always refuse, if she wanted to.
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

"Well uh..." Maya began, having more aimed her vague questioning at the "but... succubus" phrase and what this 'game' was, but she did agree that she much preferred this Marisa who didn't point, frown and shout. She instead simply nods and voices her agreement. "Yeah, this is nice." Watching the recently very friendly human cuddle up affectionately to the Demoness, Maya's face perhaps hinting a trace of jealously and reconsideration, not unlike a person eyeing another enjoying a treat that they had just opted to pass on.

The brief explanation of Succubi and Inccubi didn't exactly satisfy Maya, and seemed to be missing out on something significant. But for now she lets the rules of this game be laid out. It seemed simple enough, even if she didn't fully grasp the point quite yet. Whilst running the gist of the game through her head once more, the declaration of whose turn it was and the query on her choice of truth or dare caught her by surprise a bit. "Oh... Um! I don't know... Truth?"

What had she just picked then? One option certainly seemed easier than the other. Seemed like you couldn't lose this way, but she felt like she was perhaps missing something?
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Enigma: HP = 0/52, PP = 53, EP = 0/109, Status = Pregnant, Unconscious, Phoenix Summoned
Maya: HP = 63, PP = 55, EP = 113, Status = Fine

Awww, they always go for truth first!” Lanai pouted, but then she smiled brightly and asked; “Alright, my question to you is… And you have to answer truthfully! No lying! Anyway….My question is: How did you lose your virginity?” Marissa blushed slightly after hearing the demon’s question, though it should hardly have been surprising to anyone that that had played a standard game of truth or dare. Once Maya answered, the human woman explained; “Now it’s your turn. You have to pick one of us, and we’ll answer either Truth or Dare, and then you have to either tell whoever you picked to do something or ask a question.
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Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Maya tilts her head in a puzzled manner. "My what?" instantly getting stuck, simply on the word itself. As soon as it is explained to her however, she then continues.

"Oh, ok." she pauses for a second, thinking of how to start.

"It was in the woods back home with my sister Lily. She went wild one day whilst playing, and pinned me on the ground so I couldn't move. It was really frightening at first because it hurt and I had no idea what she was doing, but... it was amazing. I didn't care." She says perfectly casually, ending with a smile. "Lily wouldn't stop crying and telling me she was sorry afterwards. She's a very silly flower." Maya laughs with a tiny roll of the eyes.

"And I guess I'll pick... hmm. I don't even know what to ask yet, but uh, Marissa! Uh... truth or dare?" She says resting her front, arms and chin down on the table and staring up at the woman slyly.
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Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Enigma: HP = 0/52, PP = 53, EP = 0/109, Status = Pregnant, Unconscious, Phoenix Summoned
Maya: HP = 63, PP = 55, EP = 113, Status = Fine

(In order to avoid locking you into a loop, I'm going to retcon the "can't pick whoever picked you" rule.)

Both Lanai and Marissa seemed surprised that Maya didn't know what the word "virginity" meant, and Lanai quickly explained; "It means when was the first time that you had sex. And where. And with who. All of those things are important!" The demoness grinned at the half daemon's explanation, while Marissa looked slightly aghast. "Your own sister?" she exclaimed incredulously, and for a moment Lanai looked extremely surprised at her, "Why, that's awful! My sisters would never do anything like that to me...."

The human woman frowned and harumphed when Maya said that she hadn't minded it at all, and Lanai let out a low mewl at her revelation of Lily's subsequent behavior and let slip her nature as an alraune. "That's cute~ I'll bet she was even more mortified than Marissa here was to hear it!" said Lanai, giggling.

When Maya turned to Marissa, the human woman smirked and instantly said; "Truth!"
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Maya nods plainly in affirmation at Marissa's shocked exclamation, not seeming to quite grasp the reason behind the reaction. Thinking back on it, sure it was very sudden and... a bit rough, but Maya wasn't able look back on the moment in bad light. It had been a one off, of sorts. "It's fine, really. It wasn't Lily's fault, she's a good sister." She somewhat pleads, as if she didn't like the idea of Marissa thinking ill of her sister. "The orange flower gang had come back to the forest, and were messing with her head, plus whilst I didn't know it at the time, my... poking, didn't really help things either. The other plant people are always whispering sexy thoughts into her head, and it drives her nuts. When I'm around her, and listen hard enough, sometimes I could hear them too. So I think I can understand how she felt. And anyway, I've got my own back plenty of times since." She explains, breaking into a cheeky grin with the last part. Looking off around the room she switches to trying to think of her question for Marissa. It was tricky since she didn't really know her at all, which meant there was everything to ask, and nothing to ask.

"Hmm... Truth... Truth... uh..." Murmuring, and gradually beginning to get a little frustrated at being unable to figure out what a good question was and causing a hovering silence. Eventually going on a slight tangent, "Hmm... Never? Your sisters never have sex, or touch and hold, or do any of that with you? Not ever?" Maya asks, keeping the same casual tone that implied the mere concept of the taboo was something utterly foreign to the daemon fathered catgirl, and with an expression that suggested the idea was perhaps almost tragic to her. Before the likely once again stunned human could reply, she quickly continues, "Have you tried asking? Don't you want to? Or what if they asked you? Ah, actually that can be your question. What if they asked really nicely? That would be nice right?"
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Enigma: HP = 0/52, PP = 53, EP = 0/109, Status = Pregnant, Unconscious, Phoenix Summoned
Maya: HP = 63, PP = 55, EP = 113, Status = Fine

"Oh? I had no idea that the plant kin could do that to each other," Lanai said thoughtfully. "Has that caused a lot of problems for your family? I imagine someone as powerful as you could go and take care of the plants pretty easily, but if they're only a nuisance I guess it's not really necessary. Enigma hates them because of... Well, we encountered a lot of 'em once, and they weren't so friendly. That was the first time.... Ahh, nevermind," Lanai said dismissively, and then it came time for Marissa's question.

The human woman seemed surprised by Maya's question, but the half daemon's rambling continuation of her reasoning behind asking it and her seeming disappointment set her even more off kilter. It took her a moment to gather herself, but eventually Marissa manages to reply; "Well, I've never done anything... Lewd... With any of my siblings, that's for certain! We've held each other before, and... Well, I kissed my sister Gabriella on the mouth once! But that was it!" Lanai raised an eyebrow at that, and Marissa blushed scarlet and continued in a quieter tone, "I've... Never asked... You're not supposed to! They've never asked either! And if they had I would say no! You're not supposed to... To have relations with your siblings! It's unnatural!"

She glowered in challenge for a moment, but Lanai simply rolled her eyes and said; "I had sex with every one of my siblings, and I turned out alright~ Maya seems to be a pretty swell gal too!" Marissa pursed her lips, but then turned to Maya and said; "Truth, or dare?" She clearly seemed intent on dropping the conversation if the other two would allow it, and Lanai merely rolled her eyes again and turned to Maya expectantly.
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

"Yeah, they talk like that a lot. You never quite know what they're giggling about sometimes. And they were a problem once, but we're all friends now. Even if they still tease Lily. I was too little at the time to remember or do much, but mother and Lily had a fight with them when we first met. They left us alone after the fight, for a while, but the oldest one still has the big scar where mother got her." Maya tells, gesturing a line across her waist and up skimming between the breasts. "Hmm... a lot like yours actually." Commenting briefly as she seems to take notice of the scar for the first time. "And yeah you said something about that. Roof tiles or something? I wouldn't want to meet unfriendly plant folk I don't think. Too many vines to keep track off."

When Marissa begins her answer Maya blinked with a tiny note of surprise once more, continuing to listen and watching the woman's expressions with curiosity. So it really was like that then? First untouched Tomoe, and now poor loveless Marissa. Was it a human thing then? An expression of incomprehension coming over her as Marrisa speaks of "not supposed to...", and even a breaking out a frown at the claims of the idea being "unnatural" as Maya glowers back in a slightly more quizzical and bewildered sense. Her mouth open with the words "Says who?" hanging on her lips, but not coming forth before Lanai makes her comment. She nods in slight relief at being in the majority point of view again, and shrugging as she dismisses the topic with only a trace of disappointment. At least demons seemed to be sane and on the same level as her. Though thinking about it, her mother was after all half human right? And she seemed more prone to wave her knives at the flower folk than ever accept a hug from them... so? Maya couldn't tell whether this train of thought was fair logic or just crazy thoughts, and shakes it from her head to pay attention to Marissa again.

Pausing for just a spell as her choice apparently came up again, her gaze hovers absently for a moment before declaring "Dare!" as she suddenly whips her arm forwards to point at Marissa and clicking her thumb and finger as she does so. The act of clicking seeming to amuse her as a tiny ping of pride is seen. "That's my latest trick, I learnt it last week!" She jovially informs before waiting to hear what her "dare" was.
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Enigma: HP = 0/52, PP = 53, EP = 0/109, Status = Pregnant, Unconscious, Phoenix Summoned
Maya: HP = 63, PP = 55, EP = 113, Status = Fine

Lanai frowned slightly at the mention of the scar running between her breasts, responding to Maya' further explanation with little more than a nod. Marissa, on the other hand, seemed to take notice of the wound on the demon's chest for the first time, but was wise enough upon noting Lanai's expression to say nothing about it. Instead, the human woman turned to Maya and said; "That must have been terrible! I can't stand violence myself... And no offense to your sisters, but they cause far too much trouble for their own good! We've had some problems with the plant folk around here... Though it was never anything as bad as what happened this morning."

Maya' antics when she was chosen caused the human to falter, stuttering for a moment while Lanai grinned at the half daemon. "Uhh... Uhm... Well... I, uhhh... I...." she paused, blinking, but then smiled and said; "I dare you to.... To show us another one of your tricks! Whichever one you learned most recently!"
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Noticing Lanai's frown also, Maya decided that it made sense for someone with a big scar like that to not be the biggest fan of it, or the memory of getting it perhaps, and so didn't go any further on the topic. Not that she'd intended to anyhow. In response to Marissa, "Eh, like I said, I was too small to remember much. Though it did upset Lily, since she was the one who had led them home to meet us, and then ended up fighting them off. And yeah, violence just spoils things. And I guess plant folk are like that huh. The tricky thing with planties, or at least the ones I know, is getting their attention. As in... uh, I mean... making them stop and listen properly when you're saying something, rather than just staring at you like it's dinner time." Maya nods. "You've got to be loud, look them in the eye, and tell them what's what, or they won't take you seriously." She continues, not realising that she had began to act as she described somewhat, leaning over the table. Switching back to a calmer tone in the blink of an eye she sits back again. Looking ever so slightly despairingly at the empty muffin plate for a tick. "Except for Lily, she always listens. I had to tell her that stuff, so she might get them to stop teasing her someday."

"Another trick huh?" She murmurs, scratching behind one ear. "Well... I don't know if I really like this one much, but I guess it is the newest trick." Raising her arms to rest elbows on the table, and cupping her hands into a ball. When she opens them, there's a puff and a lick of orange flame snaps into life in her palms. As it flickers she blows onto it a few times and it flares out a little, glowing green each time it flares. "It's pretty, but you can't touch it, so what good is that?"
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Enigma: HP = 0/52, PP = 53, EP = 0/109, Status = Pregnant, Unconscious, Phoenix Summoned
Maya: HP = 63, PP = 55, EP = 113, Status = Fine

Both Marissa and Lanai reacted to the subtle change in Maya's stance as she described how best to deal with alraune, though in fairly different ways. A smile slowly spread across the demon's face as Maya drew closer, a gleam of dark hunger just barely hidden behind her mirthful expression. Marissa drew back slightly, her eyes focusing on Maya completely, and as such she noticed the glance at the now muffin-bereft plate and said; "I can go and make some more, or something else if you're still hungry!"

They both watched as Maya conjured her magical flame, the human oohing and ahhing appreciatively while the demon gazed at the flames thoughtfully. "That was very pretty! But it makes sense that you can't touch it.... One should be very careful with fire!" Marissa said, and after a moment Lanai asked; "How much control do you have over that flame, Maya? It flashes green whenever you put any effort into it... Can you make it stay green? There is a kind of flame that only burns what one wants it to burn, and I was wondering if you could use that too."
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

"Oooh... Hmm..." Maya responds to Marissa's offer of more food, though hesitating just a bit. "... Nah. I think I've had enough, actually. Stay with us." She smiles. Even if turning down the food did seem to throw the cat girl for a second, perhaps she had actually had enough for the morning.

"Mhmm." She murmurs in response to Marissa's comment on being careful with fire. "I've learnt that twice now." Raising her arm a little to peer at for a minute, even though neither of the others would see anything wrong or noteworthy about it. Turning to Lanai's queries "Control? Yeah, I can make it stay green. If I feed it." Doing so as she speaks. The small flame flickering as it fluctuates in intensity for a bit, but soon settles into a consistent very clean looking green flame. Maya continues to focus on it, and a second latter it flares a little more and whips up into a miniature burning tornado of sorts, as she seems to play with it's shape some more. At one point it swells just a little too much at the base of the flame, and very suddenly snuffs out as Maya twitches her hand away with a tiny 'eep' and a face reflecting the minor heat sting. "Ooops. Heh... Well I don't think I can use that kind of flame yet. Though I've barely practised this one at all yet either. Can you...? make that kind of fire?" She asks the Demoness, even as she begins idly playing footsie with Marissa at the same time.
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Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Enigma: HP = 0/52, PP = 53, EP = 0/109, Status = Pregnant, Unconscious, Phoenix Summoned
Maya: HP = 63, PP = 55, EP = 113, Status = Fine

"Okay, just lemme know if you change your mind!" Marissa replied brightly, and then allowed the matter of food to drop. The human seemed curious when Maya mentioned that she had learned to be careful with fire twice, but she remained silent on the matter and instead allowed Lanai to follow through on her questions. "Yup!" she said, and then stretched out a hand, conjured a fist sized orb of white fire, and then simply.... Let it go. Maya felt the blast about to erupt a second beforehand, but she knew all too well that there wasn't any place that she could go to get out of the blast radius, not when she was sitting literally feet away and the table in the way.

Marissa gazed at the white orb in wonder for a moment, briefly surrendering the game of footsie that she'd been playing with Maya under the table... And then it exploded, and she screamed in terror as the flames washed over all three of them. When the flash cleared, none of them had so much as a singe on them, and neither did anything around them. Maya had felt a comforting warmth wash over her when the white fire had touched her, and that was all. "Neat trick, huh?" the demoness asked smugly as she grinned at the cowering figure of Marissa, and then she turned to Maya, "I do believe that it's your turn dear... To pick one of us I mean."
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

"Oh, I like the col...uh-woah-hey-Lan!?!" Maya says at first leaning in, then quickly away again as she sees the impending eruption rushing up as easily as Marissa might have seen a raised fist. Joining the human in a short shriek of her own, not having the time to properly consider the likely notion of it being a harmless prank. Maya's arms flail and her energies surge shapelessly as she pushes back into the padded seating of the booth. As the fire washes over and soon disperses, she remains frozen for a short time, wide eyed as the slowly shock fades out. Taking a kindred glance at Marissa, and then looking back to Lanai, she sighs and relaxes again sinking into her seat. "Jeez. You... you, big titted tease!" She laughs and glowers, using her sunken sitting position to deliver a pattering of light kicks at the Demoness from across below the table. Her expression hinting a trace of light wrathful embarrassment for not having seen that one coming. She sighs again blurring into a groan, "Great, now I'm all dizzy inside." leering at Lanai from just over the lip of the table as she attempts to "catch her breath" and re-assimilate the unspent energy she'd welled up. The smile returning in no time however, "I like that fire though. I'll have to train my fire to better behave like that. And my turn again already? Hmm... I keep forgetting about that. But ok. Lanai, then."

After hearing Lanai's choice, Maya remained quiet for a while, spare a passing thoughtful hum. Not seeming to have any prepared questions or dares once again. "Well... lets see another of your tricks too, I supose. You have lots of good ones. One of your favourites, or whichever is most fun. I dare you to, I mean."

Whilst she's down in her low slouched viewing angle, she also happens to take note of the new scenery on offer. Dipping her head and view a tiny bit more, and then inclining her head to the side in Marissa's direction as well. Raising her head to above table hieght again without any more comment than the casual smirk she wore.
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Enigma: HP = 0/52, PP = 53, EP = 0/109, Status = Pregnant, Unconscious, Phoenix Summoned
Maya: HP = 63, PP = 55, EP = 113, Status = Fine

Lanai laughed heartily at Maya's title for her in her admonition, "I do have big tits, but I'm only a tease at first!" The demoness shot Maya a suggestive wink and grinned broadly at her, and Marissa held back her own angry comment following Lanai's explosion in order to blush brightly and glance away from both of them. Settling back down but still grinning broadly, Lanai then replied to Maya's comment regarding her show of power; "It's one of the neater tricks I've picked up over the centuries, I'll agree. Maybe I'll be able to teach out about it sometime! You've certainly got plenty of talent for this sort of thing!"

When it came time for Maya to take her turn, Lanai giggled and said; "You're supposed to let me pick truth or dare first, silly! It's okay though, I was going to pick dare anyway~ Lets see... My favorite trick? The one that always causes the most fun?" She paused, and a sly grin came over her face as Maya momentarily dipped her view beneath the table. Lanai's legs were parted just enough for Maya to catch a glimpse of her womanhood from between her legs, while Marissa's legs were now crossed underneath the table. The human woman, for all her faults, had some very nice legs, and Lanai's flower glistened just slightly from between her thighs. "My favorite trick eh?" she said quietly, and then Lanai stood up, causing Marissa to shuffle slightly aside to make room, as the booth in which they were seated prevented standing unless one wanted to stand on the bench, which Lanai did.

"Well, the trick that I always have fun with is this one~" Lanai placed a hand over her crotch, and then pulled it forward as if tugging something out of herself while a cock grew out from her mound. It formed fully within a second or so, longer and slightly thicker than the one that Phyrra had used on Maya back in the tower, but also not fully hard yet. Marissa instantly turned a deep shade of scarlet, but the girl's widened eyes seemed locked on the thick member hanging less than two feet from her face, a similar distance separating Maya from the still standing demoness. Grinning as she gazed down at Maya, her eyes aglow, Lanai quietly said; "It's one of my favorites, at least. I have a few other parlor tricks up my sleeve, but most of those aren't so much fun unless I'm in the mood to hurt someone."

She turned to Marissa, and the human shrunk back slightly. Tilting her head, Lanai smirked and said; "Marissa dear, you look troubled... And I do believe that it is my turn, so... Truth... Or dare?" Pausing a moment as her eyes flitted between the demon's cock and her face, Marissa eventually whimpered; "T... Truth..." Lanai promptly and frankly said; "Have you ever seen one of these up close before?" The tension in the human was palpable as she let out a little squeal and squirmed a bit further away from the demoness as she replied; "Nnn.... No... I... I haven't..." Lanai chuckled softly and moved to sit down, but then Marissa blurted out; "Truth or dare?" Her gaze was fixed on Lanai, and the demoness remained standing as she said; "Truth."

Marissa' reply was spoken quickly; "Can I touch it?" Lanai laughed once again, this time more loudly, but Marissa's gaze never wavered from her face. "That's more like a request than a question... But sure! You can touch it~" the demon said brightly, and Marissa hesitantly reached out towards Lanai's newly formed cock, biting her lip as her eyes remained wide and fixated on it. She reached out and brushed her fingers lightly against the shaft before her hand darted right back against her chest, letting out a light; "Okay."

With that, it was Lanai's turn once more, and she didn't bother trying to sit down this time as she turned towards Maya. "Hrm~ Truth or dare, Maya?"
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Maya watches with curious anticipation as Lanai shifts and then stands up to perform. As soon as the hand moves to her crotch, a flicker of recognition comes across Maya's features, and she sits up straighter to see if this was what she thought it might be. And then her face lit up. "Just like Phyrra!" She squees gleefully, leaning toward the table again. Eyes wide like her grin. She hovers transfixed for a while, clearly thinking about something, before looking to Marissa's reaction, and happily beaming the scarlet faced woman an expression that said something along the lines of, 'Isn't this fun!?'.

Seeming greatly entertained now as the others continue the game, laughing once or twice. She watched quite intently as Marissa reached out to touch, with Maya stroking her fingers through the air just in front of her in imitation. When Lanai's turned to her to ask for her choice, she paused, and looked as if she was putting considerable thought into trying to choose and predict what might be asked. Looking back up at the demoness with narrowed contemplating eyes. She had this strange feeling that both options would surely be fun somehow, and her lips hover on the first letter of each word. "...D...T...D... T-ruuuth?" She comes to answer.
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Enigma: HP = 0/52, PP = 53, EP = 0/109, Status = Pregnant, Unconscious, Phoenix Summoned
Maya: HP = 63, PP = 55, EP = 113, Status = Fine

Smirking meaningfully at Maya, Lanai sat back and down without dismissing her conjured manhood and said; "Truth..... Wouldn't you like to come over here and join us? You look so lonely over there by yourself~" She tilted her head as if beckoning Maya over, and the smile on the busty demon's face was quite inviting in and of itself. Marissa was still blushing brightly and gazing around sheepishly, but her eyes eventually settled on Maya, as if to see what the half-daemon would say.
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Blinking once, her mouth sneaks open to answer, but instead simply curls into a smile, and without hesitating another millisecond, Maya jumps up. She climbs up quickly and springs light footedly onto and over the table, and drops down into Lanai's lap. For a moment, one could be forgiven for thinking she was about to bring herself straight down onto the Demonesses member directly. Even if it wasn't far off.

Sandwiching the part warmly for a second against Lanai's belly as she gazes mischievously into her red eyes. Along with a tiny yet lustful curl and lick of her own lips. Just holding herself back however, she suddenly turns her attention towards Marissa before she could become any redder or "shy out" any further, leaning over whilst still seated upon Lanai's lap, and pulling her into a three way hug. "Marissa!" She blurts happily, "Truth or Dare?~", squishing a cheek up against the human.
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Enigma: HP = 0/52, PP = 53, EP = 0/109, Status = Pregnant, Unconscious, Phoenix Summoned
Maya: HP = 63, PP = 55, EP = 113, Status = Fine

Lanai let out a slight outburst of air when Maya climbed onto her, evidently at least a little bit surprised by the other girl's eagerness to join them, but she leaned back and wrapped a supporting arm around the cat-girl's back even as she left the demon's cock trapped between them. "I knew you'd be happier over here!" the demoness said softly. Marissa yelped as Maya suddenly grabbed her and tugged her into the hug as well, at which Lanai giggled and wrapped her other arm around the blushing human woman. Trapped and slightly stunned, Marissa still managed to quickly gasp out; "D.... Dare!"