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Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Truly, the manner in which Lanai had taken care of the disturbance was admirable. Not a drop of blood spilled, and tranquility restored yet again...simple and elegant despite the incivility of the other party...a useful trick if anything. Though it was a bit too close to the style of a rather...detestable colleague, for her personal taste.

Fortunately for Enigma though, Maya would bring up a notion who would deter her thoughts from such unpleasant ones...managing to return a smile to her face.

"Oh? Tell me, what is it exactly that leads you to believe I am a demon?... Fufufu~"
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

"I can feel it. Your... colour, from inside. Or... the way your air tastes. I don't know the proper word for it, but it's there." Maya explains as best she can, pausing to take a deep breath and examine the aura once more. She had to admit that now the two weren't in quite such intimate proximity there was something just a little off with what she sensed which raised a small doubt, but it still looked fairly straight forward. Lanai's recently fed energies continuing to obscure the scene. "Or at least I think that's what I'm feeling." She adds, with the hint of a question as she waits to discover if her senses had informed her correctly.
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

The color "inside"?... Was the daemon spawn too able to see into the souls of others?... Fascinating. Granted it seemed a bit unrefined still but with some time to mature and develop, the girl would make such a fascinating specimen to study. All the more imperative that she left a mark upon her then, a means to track the half-daemon known as "Maya" after she had time to grow a bit more. Though granted, that would require enticing her to stay for a while longer, till her energy recovered...

"Mmmm, partially correct then I suppose... Though you'll forgive me for being a a bit drained at the moment. Lanai here is indeed what you suspect. Though as for myself, I believe I'll let you be the judge of that once I've recovered a bit. Is there a problem in particular with that?"
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

So she was half right at least. Which was satisfactory enough, to learn that her senses were trust worthy enough to overcome the doubts about Lanai here not sharing some of the physical traits Phyrra had. Apparently it was what was on the inside that counts most. Hearing the word "Drained" for a second time however, it dawned on Maya what Enigma most likely meant by this, and the reason as to her partial error of identification. Eyes flicking between the two, as the fun notion and implication hovers in her thoughts a moment. Just before she had bumped into them both perhaps? None too distant memories of that unique sensation being gently stirred up.

Wait. Don't day dream. Being talked to.

"Ah, no. No problem. Someone actually thought that I was a Demon, or "hellspawn", just yesterday." Said with a token degree of amusement, "I've got the impression that people act odd about demons, but I don't really know anything about it myself. So I just figure it would be good to know who I've met."

Having got to grips with the quirks of the strangely rocking chair, Maya was no longer suspicious that it was plotting to topple her from it and lifted herself to sit cross legged on the thing. Overall seeming to regain her casual air quite readily, regarding both seating and the discussion at hand.

The defective chair was actually somewhat fun. Perhaps intentional even.
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Enigma: HP = 52, PP = 53, EP = 109, Status = Pregnant
Maya: HP = 58, PP = 51, EP = 105, Status = Fine

Lanai, having remained silent since they arrived at the cottage, smirked slightly as Maya revealed her lack of knowledge about demons. "Yes, I am a demon. Enigma is not, however. You have met another of my kind I take it?" She said casually, but the door to the cottage opened before Maya could answer. The woman who had shouted at Lanai and Enigma in the street strode in, now fully clothed in a simple brown dress and bearing a tray containing a plate of pastries, a kettle and a trio of cups. "I just thought I'd make you something, in order to apologize for my behavior earlier," she spoke meekly as set the tray down on the bedside table.

"Ahhh, thank you miss. You may go now," Lanai said dismissively, and the woman curtsied and left with a pleased smile on her face. "Tea and scones. How appropriate!" The demoness exclaimed, and poured a cup for herself and Enigma, making it exactly the way that she liked. She made a cup for Maya too, adding a great deal of sugar before passing it to the half daemon. "So, Maya.... What would you like to know of first? I'm sure that I can offer you a great deal of knowledge, not just an explanation regarding your parentage."
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Cut off by the sound of the sound of the door and the woman entering with foodstuffs, Maya's face hung in a slightly unsettled expression as if she was no longer quite familiar with this woman. Blinking as the food and drink was placed before her, she offers a simple "Thank you." and hides away her unease, not wanting to appear strange or ungrateful for the food.

Drawn to one of the scones first, she plucks one up and tests it. Looking quite pleased with the new food. It was a bit like that one time she had tried bread, but much nicer overall. "What first? Well... I don't really know, actually. And um, I've met just one other of your kind. Phyrra. We went to this tower together to help get back those women who were stolen. She lives somewhere around here, except I'm not sure where she's gone off to right now. I kinda wanted to talk to her about something before she left... Hmm. Though I guess that's something then..." She says gazing off in though for a brief second before looking back to the womanly demoness with a more focused expression.

"What's corruption?"
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Enigma: HP = 52, PP = 53, EP = 109, Status = Pregnant
Maya: HP = 58, PP = 51, EP = 105, Status = Fine

"Ahhh, that. Well, corruption, at least as the mortal races understand it, is just overexposure of the soul to magical forces. Demons, and I suppose members of the fae as well, are rife with natural magic. When we're in close proximity to a being without a similarly powerful nature, some of that magic can rub off on that being's spirit, and the reaction to such exposure can result in changes in the person being corrupted. Sometimes this can result in physical changes as well. Corruption really isn't the best word for it, in my opinion, but the mortal races, and humans in particular, can be so.... Strange, when it comes to things that differ from what they consider the norm." Lanai paused and smiled warmly at Maya before taking a sip of her tea, and then quite innocently asked; "You wouldn't happen to know where this Phyrra might live, would you? I would so like to meet another of my kin who has chosen to live among mortals."
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Maya listens with all ears as Lanai gives her answer. It made sense, thinking about it. There was indeed a trace of something left over. She had been able to sense it when she slept last night. A little sliver of self, that somehow felt new, but also familiar. It was a somewhat concerning kind of thing, but didn't exactly feel "wrong" in any way. A few thoughtful "hmm"s and nods being as far as her comments go at the moment.

Taking her own tea and cupping the warm aroma under her lip, she answers the small query about Phyrra next. "Umm... She lives somewhere in the forest just outside of town, is what I think she said, though I've not been there or seen it. She has these horns and wings," Maya's hands loosely gesturing the shape of said horns "... but might be hiding them at first if you meet her."

The tea also being yet another "new thing" for her, went over smoothly. Rather different to anything else she'd had previously, but pleasantly sweet to her tastes. "Hmm, ok. Well what about Naya then. You said you knew a few things?" She says leaning forward in her seat with eyes showing curiosity as to what she might learn, and narrowly avoiding a spill by doing so. Taking a good sip to help avoid any such hot accidents whilst she listened to the reply.

She also goes on to ask some further questions including ones about demons in general, large green humanoid lizard people, whether either knew anything about the tower she had just come from, and other small questions about races, nations and the world.
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Enigma: HP = 52, PP = 53, EP = 109, Status = Pregnant
Maya: HP = 58, PP = 51, EP = 105, Status = Fine

The tea also being yet another "new thing" for her, went over smoothly. Rather different to anything else she'd had previously, but pleasantly sweet to her tastes. "Hmm, ok. Well what about Naya then. You said you knew a few things?" She says leaning forward in her seat with eyes showing curiosity as to what she might learn, and narrowly avoiding a spill by doing so. Taking a good sip to help avoid any such hot accidents whilst she listened to the reply.

"Ahhh, your father... Yes, that is a subject of some interest. Naya was, and I suppose is again now, a goddess. The goddess of life and fertility, to be exact. Before she became a goddess, Naya was an Archangel, but she was slain by one of my kind. Her soul rose as a daemon some years later, having absorbed the demon that had tried to consume it rather than the other way around. Some years ago, I'm not sure exactly when, her.... Personal habits were noticed by her former kindred, and she was bound. I'm guessing that your mother must have found what she was being held in and released her, and Naya saw fit to, ahhh.... Reward her as only Naya knows how."

She also goes on to ask some further questions including ones about demons in general....

"Well, demons in general tend to come in a variety of flavors, but I suppose I can go over the basics. Firstly, there are the low demons. Goblins, stalkers, and the more monstrous varieties. You know what those are, right? They make up a decent bulk of demonkind. Then, there are the High Demons, such as the nightmares, the hellhounds and, of course, my own kind. All demons, high and low, are immortal unless killed in battle. We reside on the plane known as Hell, a world separate from this one. It is a lifeless, sunless place covered in the ruins of what it once was, before the Destroyer came and burned all of the growing things from its surface and tore the sun from the sky. We are ruled by a monarch, usually a Queen who was, up until two years ago, appointed by our god, He Who Devours. That was when I left hell, but last I knew the former Queen, Natalie, had retaken power, despite everyone thinking she'd been killed. Is there anything else in particular you'd want to know? There's quite a bit I could tell you, but I'm not sure exactly what you'd like to hear."

...large green humanoid lizard people.....

"Errr... I'm afraid you'll have to look elsewhere for information on that one. Sorry Maya!"

...whether either knew anything about the tower she had just come from....

"I'm afraid not. I imagine it must have been the home of a sorcerer of some sort, but you probably know more about it than either of us do."

.....and other small questions about races, nations and the world.

"You'll have to be more specific, dear. It's a big big world, and I can't exactly go over all of it without someplace to start, now can I?"
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Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Maya listens attentively, doing her best to take in certain things that she wasn't familiar with, such as the speak of Angels and Daemons. "Rose as a, Daemon? This is something different than a Demon? Yeah, like that. Mother has told me about how she found my father. Trapped in a crystal and locked away, whilst she was exploring uh... Artmirst, I think was the place? The place was empty because of fighting with demons or something. Went there to escape the Badarian people that were hunting her." Maya comments, going into a little of the tale she'd been told a few times. "I've had dreams where I've seen my father, Naya. I think it's a shame that I didn't get her wings, like I got mothers ears and tail." She jokes with a smile, stretching over to get another scone as she does. "Hmm... But what did you mean by... Well, what kind of personal habits would they bind her like that for? I don't think I would like to be put in a crystal."

"And, so there are lots of different kinds of Demons huh? I wasn't sure at first when I met you, because you don't have the horns and stuff like Phyrra, but I guess that explains it. Mm, I like both of your hair by the way! And how the colours kind of match each other." Said going off on a brief tangent as she waves a finger to indicate the pair. "But uh... what was I saying... that doesn't sound like a very nice place. Hell, I mean. If it's like that I guess I can see why you said you left." It was difficult for Maya to imagine a place which wasn't covered in thick forest, or at least mountainside scrub, as that was all she had ever seen. But a place without any sun? Even more so.

"And I don't really know what I'd like to hear. Any story is good, I guess. So how long have you been travelling together then? Are you going anywhere special? I've decided that I still want to keep going and see more, even if it might hurt, but having someone to hear about it from is great too." She says continuing to enjoy the scone and the novelty of the rocking chair. "These things are good too. If can, I think I'll try lots of new food whilst I travel as well. Hee~"
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Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Enigma: HP = 52, PP = 53, EP = 109, Status = Pregnant
Maya: HP = 58, PP = 51, EP = 105, Status = Fine

"Yes. A daemon... Is a sort of spirit that has grown powerful enough to assume physical form without being fed energy or having a body crafted for it. And most demons can change their shape at will, at least to a degree. Watch!" Lanai replied, and then rose to her feet. The demon's voluptuous body shifted, her breasts and waist both shrinking and her hair changing color.... Until she looked exactly like Enigma! The demoness didn't stop there either. A moment later, and she had adopted a form similar to what Maya had always imagined her father to look like, though her wings were much too small for her to be able to fly with them. She turned into Maya, and then an old woman, and then a man, and then a young girl... On and on, as Lanai adopted over a dozen different forms in the course of about five minutes, until finally she returned to what she had looked like before, a voluptuous woman with no obvious demonic features save perhaps for her oddly colored hair. Strangely, the scar running across her chest remained, and had been present in each of her assumed forms as well.

By then, Enigma herself, who had been dozing in the corner, had recovered a decent portion of her strength. She was still exhausted, but she felt like she could remain conscious for a while longer at least. Lanai sat back down onto the bed with a plop, and then leaned back without a care in the world for her nudity. "What do you think, Enigma? I'm sure that we can come up with a story to amuse and enlighten our young guest here without too much trouble, hrm?"
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

((ME3, Kamidori...then computer explosions. Eesh. Amazing I managed to get this post out at all.))

The ability to assume a variety of forms, how long had it been since Enigma last witnessed it? A year or so perhaps, for the last time she had seen it was before she had opted to create a seal for Lanai, to avoid attracting the ire of hunting daemon lords… It really was nice to see the demon at her finest, barring that dreadful scar, once again.

Having kept herself propped up against the stand of the bed with a cup of tea in hand (she had passed on the scones for once) while Lanai told her stories, the high elf’s eyes would have blinked open as the conversation at hand was shifted to her. A tale?...That was easy enough. Throughout her journeys, whether through personal experiences or word of mouth, she had collected a fairly vast repertoire of stories, ones that she enjoyed sharing with those willing to hear. However, as the stories accumulated, the problem became as to “which” story to tell to “whom”.

There is a pause, an awkward silence as Enigma contemplates…then, as the cup of tea was finished and set back onto the plate with a faint clink, then would the elf begin to speak, a bemused smile upon her visage.

“Mmm…while I do believe there are more interesting tales to tell them how Lanai and myself came to travel together, I do suppose I’ll begin with a brief summation as to how we met…”
And thus the narration began…

“It was two cycles ago, back during…what do people refer to it again? The “Artmirst" incident I believe?... Yes…back during that incident, when the boundaries between the worlds had been torn asunder in a city to the south, and demons spilled forth into the mortal world.”

There is a pause as the elf looks upward for a moment, eyes gazing far away as if in reminiscence… though she continues soon enough, despite still continuing to look away.

“Many considered it a disaster, an event of fear or despair…if it could be called that. Yet for scholars or other explorers of the unknown, it could only be described as an “opportunity”, one by which a mostly undocumented race of beings could be observed, captured, and studied. Naturally, being a seeker of knowledge, I was among those who ventured to the rift torn at that time, so as to procure specimens for my research. It was then I first met Lanai for the first time…and that we challenged each other for our own gain.”

The memory seems to be almost…pleasant for Enigma, despite what had actually taken place. The fond smile upon her face seemed to indicate such.

“A fine contest really, despite how short it was. It led to an understanding of sorts between us after all. From there, after a few dreadful encounters with talking plants amongst other things, and of course…a source for the demonic knowledge I sought, we would find ourselves departing from the rift-torn town, leading us to where we are today.”

As her tale concludes, it would be then that Enigma finally turns to her audience again, most particularly Maya…as if to gauge their reactions.

“I do hope that tale was satisfactory, though I apologize for it being a bit…short. My travels with Lanai have just begun you see, and have yet to age well enough to make more than a short story at this time. Would you perhaps like to her another tale?...Once I recover a bit more of course.”
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Eyes casting wide as Lanai begins her demonstration, Maya shifts forward in her chair quite clearly entranced by the particular power being shown. A delighted and amused smile showing upon seeing her own form mimicked. Her expression twisting into a small fright as it morphed, the next form happening to be an old woman, though quickly passing as the display went on. "That's incredible!" She beams, "I've got to learn how to do that for sure." holding up her arm to examine her own form as a sudden new interest in her shape takes her for a moment, gripping her flesh in a few places as if testing it and willing it to change. Nothing happens.

Shrugging she turns her attention back to the pair, and in particular Enigma as she began to rouse a bit more again. "Ah, you must have been there the same time as my mother was then. But for different reasons. This is what you normally do then? Travel to find and study interesting things?" Sitting squarely in her rocking chair again, crossed legged and with her arms straight down to support her in the space between her legs in fairly cat like posture.

"So, what kind of, contest, do you mean? It was a, uh... invasion, right?" Pausing just a beat as she tries to recall the word. "Meaning you two were enemies, of sorts, first? It sounds like an interesting way to meet, I think. And I know about the plant people, if you mean the same kind. They can be quite pushy sometimes. Mother and I used to have trouble with them too, but we get along now."
She replies, answering the final offer of a further tale with a simple nod and smile.
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Enigma: HP = 52, PP = 53, EP = 109, Status = Pregnant
Maya: HP = 58, PP = 51, EP = 105, Status = Fine

Lanai beamed in pleasure at Maya's praise of her shapeshifting abilities, "Oh, it's nothing really..." The demoness frowned slightly at Maya's proclamation that she desired to learn to do the same, "It's.... Possible, but it would take time." Lanai's smile came about once more, "Though, I suppose I'll be able to teach you a few things, if you'd like to stay with us for a while."

Settling back, Lanai nodded and said; "Yeah, that's more or less what we do, just kinda wander around and looking for interesting stuff to poke our heads into. We've gotten into a bit of trouble here and there, but we've usually gotten out of it unscathed. Usually...." Lanai trailed off, glancing down at the scar between her breasts and then sighed. "Yeah, we... Didn't start off as friends. Heh, she actually skipped over a lot of the details-" Lanai gestured with her head toward Enigma, "-like the stone dragon. Do you remember that one mistress? Or how about that black phoenix you summoned later? Or the storm of spinning roofing tiles?"

The demoness chuckled and shook her head, glancing sideways at Enigma at the mention of their former adventures. "Your mother was at Artmirst too, right? Did she ever tell you what she got up to there? She must have been the one who released Naya, and I'm sure she got into plenty of other adventures before then." Lanai said, smiling and turning back toward Maya.
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

"You think you might?" Maya replies to the offer with an enthusiastic smile, "If I could only learn that, then I'd... well... I don't know what I'd do with it, even, but I've got to have it!" she grins, rocking in her chair as she listens on. The passing focus on the scar made her wonder, but perhaps more so made her remember. Making her own glance down at her left side, where her burn scars should have been. It made it feel a bit like yesterday hadn't really happened, but she of course knew otherwise. A word in the following sentences however happens to draw her attention.

"Ah hah! You said it this time~" Maya laughs out with another grin as if she'd just heard some fun secret slip. "So that's your other name huh. You nearly said it earlier, but switched." She comments, to Enigma and then Lanai respectively. "I'll use the one you gave me, but that's fun, having special names for different people like that."

"And yeah, though she didn't stay long. Just long enough to get rid of the people chasing her. And long enough to make sister and I." She says with a wide smirk, then reaching out slightly as if to slowly grab an imaginary object. "It's was all spiky and sharp. The crystal..." frowning as she gradually closes her fingers around the empty space, with what looked like a wince, or an imitated one at least. Performing a little hand explosion gesture, a few seconds lingered where Maya seemed to become lost in an odd trance of sorts, just staring into space. Taking on a curious warm expression momentarily, before blinking several times and simply looking back up with an innocent smile again.
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

"Perhaps, though I never did meet your mother during that incident. But yes, I wander about in search of opportunities for greater knowledge and learning, sometimes alone... other times in the company of others. As to the plant people though, more likely than not they were...different, unless they too chose to greet you with bared thorns for blood-letting. Although I have little love for the "other" type either, same lack of a green thumb and all that."

Such was the elf's initial response to Maya's feedback, before letting Lanai resume control of the conversation again, until a noteworthy topic was brought to her attention once again. It was then that she would opt to add to it, for she herself had an inkling as to looking into such means at one point, given the opportunity.

"The means to change one's form at will is indeed a wonderful thing to pursue regardless of what you should choose though. "

Though as to observations regarding her summation of events, Enigma would opt to shed only a bit of light on her preferences in story-telling and otherwise, seeming to prefer vagueness unless directly questioned...not counting the visual "puppetry" she would opt to include this time around. Eyes, beginning to glow with just a bit of her slowly reemerging power, as minimal as it was compared to her normal capacity after proper rest, the necromancer would begin story telling yet again.

"Mmm, of course I do dear. Though I prefer to offer exposition only when inquired about it, especially when the subject matter is yours truly. Modesty and all that you know? But yes, a stone dragon I did sculpt out of disappointment amidst our initial encounter, and the phoenix I did summon, mind you its flames are golden barring the times I lose myself, for the less than affable plants that believed choking and mauling were part of a civilized discussion. As to the "other name" though dear, that...was in a time when our relationship was...different. Though... it'll still find uses every now and then still I suppose. "

When Enigma began an explanation as to the stone dragon, the materials that had once been tea cup and plate would warp and distort...to form a serpentine dragon of china, as to fit her little tale. When she would confirm the phoenix's existence, the miniature clay "puppet" would mold yet again, into the best imitation of the majestic creature possible from such material...relying on the image envision in the elf's mind. Though when she addressed the former relationship of..."master and pet", the puppet show would cease temporarily as the sculpture would revert yet again to tea cup and plate... instead allowing what seemed to be a faint pink tint upon her visage to speak for itself.

"...Interesting. Do you happen to remember the crystal in which your...father, was trapped?"

Alas though, in the end...Embarrassment was always trumped by raw curiosity. At least, for Enigma anyway.
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Blinking as the china tea cup was morphed and animated into depictions to match the tale, Maya leans in once again, much like before, "Aww! How do you do that!? All these things..." a subtle degree of jealousy becoming evident mixed in alongside her appreciation of the little show. Eye's lighting up with a hint of inner energies as she watches it change from the dragon to the phoenix. She catches her tongue to avoid interrupting the tale again before it had been said. Still focused on the born-again teacup as she listens on, she almost misses the faint blush that comes across the story teller, only just looking up in time. Maya still didn't quite understand the significance of the alternate names, but couldn't help but smile and cast a glance at Lanai and back, upon seeing that ever so slight shade of pink and the ever so slight way Enigma's speech broke during it. For such an insubstantial thing it was surprisingly noticeable. And that power. To change the self, and to change the non-self. Surely so much fun could be had.

"Well, my mother told me about it in her stories, and I have had dreams about it too. Hidden in a book box, in a dark locked room, in a library. Small, and sharp, and bright green. Just like this..." Maya describes in response to the question regarding the crystal, emanating a green glow into her palm as she speaks. "It's a scary thing, that calls, and hurts to touch, but when you break it..." Casting her tiny green mote of energy down onto the floor where it puffs out and vanishes, "... it becomes something wonderful, and even more scary. And I want to leave, but I don't want to leave. And I don't leave... And then... even more wonderful..." her warm faced smirk returns as she trails off, taking a deep breath and fidgeting a little. Her aura also becoming agitated in a way easily enough perceptible to the pair of them. Eventually shifting her posture to close her legs and hug them to her front. "That dream always wakes me up at night." She laughs, casting her gaze off distractedly.
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Enigma: HP = 52, PP = 53, EP = 109, Status = Pregnant
Maya: HP = 58, PP = 51, EP = 105, Status = Fine

For a moment, Lanai looked confused by Maya pointing out the use of Enigma's former title rather than her name, but then she seemed to recognize what the half-daemon had meant by the words and smiled. "Yes, it is, or at least it was Enigma's title, but only I addressed her with it. I imagine you must not know much about that sort of thing, do you?" Though, he face became curious at the mention of a sister, "You have a sister?"

Lanai, having watched Enigma's display of her powers with one eye and the elven necromancer with the other, smirked knowingly as a blush came over Enigma's face, but as Maya described her dream and unconsciously caused her aura to spark, the demoness settled back and adopted a contemplative look. "Strange... Perhaps it's a memory of some sort? Such things are possible when dealing with particularly powerful parents. Demons are generally born with a great deal of genetic memory for instance, that's how we are able to mature so quickly and still more intelligent than a mortal several times our age."
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

"A sound hypothesis actually, given the nature of Daemons to feed, assimilate, and then improve or create. The miracle of life after all, is based upon a similar principle after all. Born from a daemon lord, it's not that surprising if such were the case, though interesting if there was a means to confirm it."

Such would be Enigma's analysis of the matter, based on what she had learned over the years, through both experience and otherwise. Though it had taken her a while to confirm the similarities between her manner of acquiring power and that a daemon's, once she had done so...it became possible for her to make assertions as to the nature of those strange and distant beings.

"Unfortunately though...I lack any means by which to do so that would not violate personal taboos at this time. For one that is about to give life, should not ever "take life" until the deed is done. And I have neither the abilities nor the interest to emulate the means of a certain...monstrous songbird. A pity really..."

Yet it was also because of this that she could not help but seem "disappointed"... at this time. Well...as disappointed as Enigma could seem until, that glint of insanity, the spark that indicated the formulation of an impractical experiment appeared in the elf's eye.

"Well, perhaps I could copy the method of demons then?... The one that merely drains without tearing another's soul asunder. It'd be a stretch, but I do believe I've had enough...experiences, to try copying the means, especially if I manipulate the demonic seed I borrowed so long ago... Well, provided she agrees of course..."

Though the elf continued to speak aloud, it would seem almost as if she were speaking not to anyone else present, but rather herself...or an invisible other. A habit of her's that Lanai would perhaps be more than used to by now, but still a bit odd nonetheless. One blink...two blinks, and then a smile would return to Enigma's visage as the madness would fade from her eyes, and she would scan to Maya, the one she desired to perform the experiment upon, and her love and usual assistant, Lanai.

"I apologize for the suddenness dear, but would you care if I made an attempt to peer into that dream? I am ever so curious now, as to what the vision of such an union might be. The means by which I normally "devour", generally allow me insight into images of a morsel's past. However, as I've no wish to inflict the same upon you, I propose another option. One that would allow me to emulate the process of devouring, but leave you intact over all. Namely, a tryst in the manner of...demons, if you would. Though of course, that's provided you're comfortable with such a thing of course. In the event that you are though...Lanai love, might I ask you for a bit of...assistance, with a particular strain of magic?... One that might grant me a suitable body part by which to...drain with."
Re: Breaking Things (UnknownSquid and Keylo)

Enigma: HP = 52, PP = 53, EP = 109, Status = Pregnant
Maya: HP = 58, PP = 51, EP = 105, Status = Fine

Lanai watched Enigma's monologue with only moderate concern, having been witness to her inner ramblings plenty of times before. When she asked Maya for permission and then asked Lanai for assistance, however, the demon's jaw dropped as she blatantly gaped in shock at Enigma. "Are you serious?" She asked incredulously once she had recovered, but then smirked broadly and nodded. "You've seen me do it often enough, and 'tis a simple enough trick." Of course, if pressed Lanai would either connect to Enigma's mind in order to help, or simply performing the power on the elven necromancer herself. Regardless, in the end, the elven necromancer had acquired the same 'tool' that Lanai had so often enjoyed using upon her, in the form of a fairly impressive member sticking out between her legs.