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Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path


A water sprite? Or a Undine as they might be called.

Well, not right now. She may be when I actually reveal her, because now that you've mentioned it, it fits in with who she is (character-wise) just as well as my original idea....

It's like I'm writing the story as I write it.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Well, not right now. She may be when I actually reveal her, because now that you've mentioned it, it fits in with who she is (character-wise) just as well as my original idea....

It's like I'm writing the story as I write it.

Well I actually thought that you might have played some exalted in the past because most Water Spirits/Gods had that unique 'undercurrent' to their speech. At least the few times i'd had run into one while playing. Resistance to posion come with the template.

Lacking that I would have said aquatic races in order starting with a Mermaid.

What was she originially/now?
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Well I actually thought that you might have played some exalted in the past because most Water Spirits/Gods had that unique 'undercurrent' to their speech. At least the few times i'd had run into one while playing. Resistance to posion come with the template.

Lacking that I would have said aquatic races in order starting with a Mermaid.

What was she originially/now?

That would be telling. :p

Those who want the reveal to be the mild surprise it is, don't open the spoiler.
Litu is a slime-girl Lust Mage. Within the confines of the Aulondria universe, slimes are individually stupid, but can gather into larger groups and become more intelligent. The mechanics for sentient slimes are thus different from the mechanics for everything else. Because slimes are not really solid, they don't have much constitution. Instead, their HP is based off of their intelligence score, which is correlated with the number of individual slimes that make up the whole. Litu has a much higher intelligence score than the player character would at this point if you had chosen the mage: a score of 14, giving her 70 hp. Of course, she has no damage resistance and almost no strength, so if she gets attacked she will lose HP quickly. As another problem, every 5 HP she loses, she loses 1 point of intelligence, until she has 5 or less, at which point she is no longer able to meaningfully add to the battle. She can reform, but it takes her full turn and several skill points to do so.

So yeah, lots of unique stuff there. If I do change her into an Undine, most of it will remain the same.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path


Not enough respect for the good ole "Murder the guard with the key" routine around here. Although if it ends up a 3way tie tomorrow, maybe shift my vote to A?
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

C presumably we could taunt him more easily into coming to close to the cage.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Well, you certainly moved the story along with the self-vote...

None of the options really stand out in my opinion, so I'll cast my lot in with C
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path


Sera stretched out, groaning as tired muscles protested. Litu remained quiet, as Sera had already explained the plan to her. There wasn't much room in the cage to move, but she leaned against the side of it, trying to ignore how the position made her wings uncomfortable. She coiled her tail around her, letting it drape between her legs to offer a small amount of decency. She began meditating quietly, forcing the disturbing thoughts of the day away, focusing her energy on the plan, on the upcoming action.

Footsteps echoed down the corridor to the prison. A few words of goblin drifted along with them, and Litu knocked twice against her own cage, rousing Sera from her meditations. She straightened, looking around with practiced disinterest. Around the cages came a single goblin carrying a torch. It was the hunter from the day before, and a cruel smile was plastered on his face as he beheld Sera in her cage.

"So, little lizard, how do you like our cages?"

"Are you trying to do the menacingly friendly bad guy thing? Because you're bad at it. Also, what happened to the whole 'YOU NO TAKE CANDLE' voice? That at least was threatening."

The goblin glared at Sera, then turned and set his torch into a holder on the wall. "They told me you had a sharp tongue. Are you scared, little lizard? Is that why you're so filled with bravado?"

"Bravado? Do you have a license to use words like that? As for being scared, you're not scary. You're a weak, cowardly little thing. At least your sister had the balls to fight me face to face. Did you let her borrow yours? Or did she take them from you? I imagine a weak little shit like you would like letting your sister tie you up and -"

The goblin screamed in rage, kicking the cage hard. "DO NOT SPEAK OF HER! YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A SLAVE, AND YOU WILL NOT SPEAK OF HER!" He turned away, breathing heavily, then turned back slowly. "Someone... should teach you manners. And since I'm the only one around...."

He took a key from a pouch on his belt, leaning down to unlock the cage. His hands were shaking so hard from the rage that he couldn't get it in.

"How are you going to teach me a lesson when you can't even get a key into a hole? Your dick is a lot smaller than that key, you know. Oh! I know! Maybe you could get the lock open with it? You can pick locks with a thin rod, can't you?" As she continued to ridicule and berate the goblin, she slowly slid toward the back of the cage, leaving one foot within the goblin's reach. Things were going well.

The goblin snarled, wrenching the cage open and grabbing the offered foot harshly, his nails biting into Sera's ankle. "I am going to teach you respect, you stupid lizard. I don't care what the chief or the master says! You will learn to respect your betters!" He pulled sharply, and Sera twisted, catching the bars of the cage. The goblin stumbled, then wrenched again, causing Sera's grip to fail. She gasped and pulled her wings tight across her chest as she slid through the door to the cage. Almost immediately, she felt like a haze had lifted from her mind. She was certain she could use her breath again, though it would be best to wait for the opportune moment. She braced herself on her elbows and knees as the goblin tore aside his loincloth, revealing himself. Sera glanced back, a little surprised at the size of him. She dropped her tail, covering herself, and surged forward, trying to keep the goblin off balance. She pulled free of his grip, causing him to stumble forward, then gathered her legs under her and kicked back, slamming both of her heels into his knee.

There was a sharp crack, and the goblin hit the ground, gasping in pain. Sera quickly scrambled upright and dropped down on him, driving both her knees into the base of his ribcage. Air rushed out of him in a pained squeak, and he gasped for breath as Sera straddled him slowly, with the sensuous motions of a tiger stalking its prey. She pressed her hips against his, grinding against his hardening member, then leaned forward to wrap her hands around his throat. He struggled against her, trying to get his hands to her face, but Sera was taller than him and had longer arms. He clawed at her chest and stomach, each strike weaker than the last. As he weakened, Sera leaned down, bringing her face close to his while pushing her hips back, grinding against him again. She loosened her grip on his throat slightly, and smiled at him like a lion smiles at a gazelle.

"I'm sending you to see your sister now. Of course, she may not recognize you...," she whispered, tongue flickering out and dragging across her fangs. The goblin struggled again, trying to buck her off, but failed to even move her. Sera opened her mouth wider and spat a glob of acid on the goblin's face, closing off his windpipe again as he attempted to scream and struggle away from her. She held him there as he struggled, until finally he subsided. She sat up slowly, noting distantly that she had enjoyed killing him a little more than was healthy. She took a deep breath, then grabbed his torch, sword belt and weapon, and the key he had used to open her cage.

"Litu. Where are you?"

A blue finger poked out of a hole in a cage, which looked more like a box with holes in it from where Sera was standing. She approached, peering in, but could see nothing. She attempted to use the key, but it didn't fit in the lock.

"Litu. How do you feel about fire?"

"Don't like it. Why? What are you planning?"

Sera leaned back, then spat acid again, onto the keyhole of the cage. There was a hissing sound as the acid began eating through the metal, and Sera stood back for a moment to keep away from the fumes. After a few seconds, she leaned back and drove her heel into the lock, causing the weakened metal to crumble. The cage swung open, and from the shadows came Litu.

Litu was a water spirit. Like Sera, she wore no clothing, except she was made out of water, and had thus changed her form slightly so it looked like she was wearing some type of robe in the eastern style. The "robe" was fascinating, managing to be modest and incredibly suggestive at the same time. As she walked, flashes of "leg" appeared under the robe, and it shifted around her, giving a suggestion of revealed breasts and butt. Sera found herself staring slightly, even as the girl drew herself up to her full height as she left the cage. Litu was a little shorter than Sera, and much skinnier. Whereas Sera had the sort of prettiness of an Amazon, Litu looked like a dancer - still strong, but strong in a different way, and absolutely beautiful. Despite being made of water, there was some suggestion of different colors through her body, and her robe was a blend of purples and greens, with the flesh that showed underneath being a deep blue like the depths of the ocean. Her face was a lighter blue-green, with her eyes being just green with a slight glow behind them, like a light shining from the deep. Her "hair" flowed down to the middle of her back, with flow being the operative word. Her hair was constantly moving, with a gentle rushing sound, from her scalp to her back. It was a light blue color, somewhere between the light blue-green of her face and the darker blue of her body.

With feminine grace, Litu stepped forward and gently kissed Sera on the cheek. The action made Sera's mind race with conflicting thoughts, and she became aware of a slight moistening against her thighs. Litu noticed as well, somehow, glancing down and grinning at Sera with lascivious thoughts evident in her eyes. "Time enough for that later, my savior. First, we need to escape, remember?"

Sera coughed and turned away, trying to force the blush down. Litu laughed, then walked past Sera to glance down the corridor. Sera looked around the room at the other girls, several of whom were trying to reach for the dead goblin, while others spread their legs when they saw Sera looking and fingered themselves invitingly. "Should we do something about these other girls?"

Litu glanced back, frowning slightly. "There's nothing to be done, I'm afraid. If I had my spellbook, I might be able to focus their lust against specific targets, but if we let them out now, they'd just try to have sex with us. And if we refused, they would force themselves on us. They might also attack the goblins, but they'd have no qualms about cutting them down. Better to just leave them. There's no way to fix them, before you ask."

Sera frowned, then sighed and nodded. She followed Litu to the door of the room. "It's rather quiet. The goblins must be out hunting. That's good. That means we can escape. There will still be a few guards, but the one that should be here must have been sent away by the new corpse. We should have a few minutes."

Sera shook her head. "We should get our supplies, if we can. I'd rather not be stuck with this crappy sword, and it would be nice to have clothes before going home. Public nudity is generally frowned upon."

"I still think we should just escape, but... it's your choice."

What do you choose?
A. Go after your supplies. (Higher risk, higher reward)
B. Escape now. (You lose everything, but escape without issue.)

Name: Sera Craith
HP: 30/30
SP: 8/10
Lust: 10/20
AC: 15
DR: 5
Status: Horny: Intelligence checks more difficult.
Level: 2
EXP: 115/200
Active Skills:
Dragon Breath: Breathe fire, ice, lightning, or acid. Cost: 2 SP
Passive Skills:
Wings: You can fly, giving you a bonus to avoiding melee attacks and traps outdoors.
Dragon Skin: Your scales have begun to harden, giving you +5 DR that stacks with armor.
A belt
A sword which does 2d6 +4 damage, and has gives a +5 to attack
A lit torch (8/10 rounds)
Strength: 8
Speed: 5
Constitution: 8
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 3
Name: Litu Cralubl
HP: 20/20
SP: 10/10
Lust: 15/70
AC: 20
DR: -5
Status: Normal
Level: 3
EXP: 0/300
Active Skills:
Lust Mage: Can cast spells by increasing her lust rather than decreasing her skill points. Requires a Spellbook.
Liquid Form: Can become liquid, allowing her to move through any passage large enough to permit water flow.
Absorption: Can absorb any liquid to heal HP. Depending on the liquid, she can also gain additional effects.
Passive Skills:
Base: Is immune to poison and acid.
Conductive: Lightning based attacks do no damage to her.
Freeze!: Ice based attacks do double damage to her.
Boiling: Fire based attacks do double damage to her.
Be Water, My Friend: +5 AC. Also forces a reroll when she is hit by a trap.
Splash!: Blunt damage does double damage (because she splashes)
Reconstitution: If her HP is ever reduced to 0, she reforms after the battle with 1/2 HP.
She is naked, and has no items.

Strength: 2
Speed: 6
Constitution: 5
Intelligence: 12
Charisma: 10

Strength check: 24 vs DC15 (success)
Escape check: 26 vs DC15 (success)
Escape check: 10 vs DC20(Fail)

Thanks to Bloodshifter for unintentionally convincing me to make Litu a water spirit. Have an internet cookie.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Sigh. I really want to say B, but A it is. The gold is too much to pass up...
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path


We're so naked without the 10 DR from the armor. And also because she's naked. It's worth the risk to try and recover it.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path


Sera shook her head. "I found some good stuff here. And if we run into anyone, I'd rather have some armor and a good weapon rather than this rusty thing and just my skin. Plus... I know my axe broke from the fall, but it belonged to my mother. I don't want to lose it."

Litu nodded, then pointed in the opposite direction. "I believe the armory is that way. That's where everything will be, if they kept it. Treasure is kept in the chief's room. Anything not in the armory will be there. Go quietly."

Sera and Litu began moving down the hallway, making very little noise. They passed a small dining hall, which was empty, and a dormitory, with a few sleeping goblins inside. There was apparently nobody around. Probably the goblins thought there was no way for their captives to escape. There was probably a guard on the stairs somewhere, keeping an eye out for enterprising heroes. The duo made it to the armory with no issues.

Sera quickly cased the room, and found it to her liking. Her pack was sitting on a table against the wall, and everything inside was intact. Apparently the goblins hadn't gotten much further than poking through it. Annoyingly, Sera did not find any of her clothes nearby. It was possible the goblins had thrown the clothing out due to her blood staining it. As for her armor, it lay on the table next to her pack- but it was obviously much the worse for wear. The goblins had apparently had to cut some of the plates in order to get it off her. Most of the other plates were bent severely out of shape - not surprising, considering Sera weighed about 180 pounds with it on, and it had been getting old anyway. A shame, that. The head of her axe lay also on the table, with the end of the broken haft still in it. Sera tucked it into her pack, then pulled out the cloth she had found earlier. She wrapped it over herself, covering herself completely. The cloth was so light, it almost felt like it made Sera herself lighter. She finished the ensemble with the cloak pin, which seemed to sparkle in an impossible way as Sera picked it up. She didn't notice it, and pinned the cloak around her neck.

Meanwhile, Litu was also looking around the room. She found what she was looking for quickly, and smiled triumphantly as she pulled her spell book off a shelf. It had taken her years to research these spells, and they were all her own personal design. She muttered a word under her breath, and the spell book slid into her body, disappearing into the depths, despite her body not apparently being big enough to hold the large book with no problems. She turned toward Sera, and gasped.

Sera spun, hand on her sword. The speed of her spin surprised her, almost knocking her off balance. "Litu, what is it?" she asked, somewhat irritated. Litu crossed the room quickly, pulling at the fabric of Sera's cloak and staring at it in surprise. "This is... wow! You didn't say you had an Elven cloak, Sera! This is amazing. They're really rare outside of the Elven homelands. And this one... it's really well made. Where did you get it?"

Sera shushed Litu quietly, then replied, "I found it. In the room I fought that goblin's sister in. I thought it was special, but I didn't think it was that special. Why did they leave it here?"

"Elven cloaks are designed so that only their owner can recognize them if they aren't being worn. It takes an expert eye to recognize it. I spent some time in the Elven lands, so I know more than the average person, and certainly more than the goblins. This is a damn good find. I've heard that the ones woven for Elven warriors are about equal in strength to iron plate mail."

"Good, because my iron plate mail is in no shape to be used. Look around some more. There may be something we missed," Sera said, turning away to look at the weapon racks. Litu nodded, and began poking around the shelves some more. Sera found a few weapons, and was about to grab one when the door to the armory burst open, and a guard rushed in, a wild look in his eyes. Sera and Litu whirled quickly, Litu's spell book appearing in her hand.

A. Attempt to attack the guard physically (whyyyy)
B. Cast a spell
C. Try to escape, and leave Sera behind.
A. Attack!
A1. With your fists!
A2. Grab the Great Sword from the wall and use that! (3d10, -5 to attack)(Note that mechanically, this increases the chance of Sera being counter attacked from 1 in 20 to 5 in 20.)
A3. Grab the long spear from the wall and use that! (3d6, + 0 to attack, invites no counter attacks)(Even if Sera rolls a 1, no chance of being counter attacked due to reach, unless the opponent also has reach.)
A4. Grab the sword and shield from the wall and... (3d8, +5 to attack, use of a shield increases DR by 5 points, but lowers AC by 5.)
A5. Grab two swords from the wall... (2d12 + 1d6 damage, increases to 4d12 damage when Speed is greater than 8. -5 to attack, increases to +5 when Speed is greater than 10.)(Same drawback as the Great Sword at first.)
A6. Grab the Kanbato (Basically a huge, vicious mace.) (3d12 damage, -10 to attack. Ignores DR.)(Basically a 50/50 chance as to whether or not Sera will be counterattacked, and she'll have to get a natural 20 for most enemies.)​
B. Dragon breath!
C. Fuck off and leave Litu on her own (unless she runs too)

Name: Sera Craith
HP: 30/30
SP: 8/10
Lust: 10/20
AC: 20
DR: 15
Status: Horny: Intelligence checks more difficult.
Level: 2
EXP: 115/200
Active Skills:
Dragon Breath: Breathe fire, ice, lightning, or acid. Cost: 2 SP
Passive Skills:
Wings: You can fly, giving you a bonus to avoiding melee attacks and traps outdoors.
Dragon Skin: Your scales have begun to harden, giving you +5 DR that stacks with armor.
A belt
A sword which does 2d6 +4 damage, and has gives a +5 to attack
A lit torch (8/10 rounds)
1 unlit torch
2 Chitin Plates
2 Giant Spider Venom Sacs
Leather bound book - Lust curse?
2 scrolls
1 Elven Cloak
Strength: 8
Speed: 5(+2 from Cloak)
Constitution: 8
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 3

Name: Litu Cralubl
HP: 20/20
SP: 10/10
Lust: 15/70
AC: 20
DR: -5
Status: Normal
Level: 3
EXP: 0/300
Active Skills:
Lust Mage: Can cast spells by increasing her lust rather than decreasing her skill points. Requires a Spellbook.
Liquid Form: Can become liquid, allowing her to move through any passage large enough to permit water flow.
Absorption: Can absorb any liquid to heal HP. Depending on the liquid, she can also gain additional effects.
Passive Skills:
Base: Is immune to poison and acid.
Conductive: Lightning based attacks do no damage to her.
Freeze!: Ice based attacks do double damage to her.
Boiling: Fire based attacks do double damage to her.
Be Water, My Friend: +5 AC. Also forces a reroll when she is hit by a trap.
Splash!: Blunt damage does double damage (because she splashes)
Reconstitution: If her HP is ever reduced to 0, she reforms after the battle with 1/2 HP.

Litu's Spellbook
Synchronity: Drops the caster's lust points by the target's lust points/2, while raising the target's lust points an equal amount. Save for no damage.
Water of Life: Heals target for 1d6 + int/2 (7) hp.
Desertification: Draws water out of target creature, causing the dehydration status and inflicting 2d12 points of damage. Save for half damage.
Emotion Bomb: Hits up to three targets. Does caster's current lust/number of targets damage to HP. Save for half damage.
Freeze: Immobilizes target for caster level * 3 turns. Save ends.
Acid Splash: Does 3d6 + int/2(7) acid damage to up to four targets, ignoring DR. Damages target armor for an equal amount. Save for half damage.
Strength: 2
Speed: 6
Constitution: 5
Intelligence: 12
Charisma: 10
HP: ~50
AC: ~15
DR: ~+5
Move Silently: 10,12 vs DC10 (Success! +11 to encounter checks)
Encounter check: 68 vs DC25 (Success)
Hunting party returns?: Tails. The hunting party is away for 20 rounds.
Search check: 17, 19 vs DC15 (Success!)
Encounter check: 58 vs DC25 (Success)
Hunting party returns?: Heads. The hunting party is away for 18 rounds. (Every heads = 1 round closer, every action = 1 round closer)
Encounter check: 42 vs DC50 (Encounter!)
Surprised?: 15, 17 vs DC10 (No surprise)
One enemy, because I'm being nice. However, if you take more than 3 rounds to kill him, he will call reenforcements.
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Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path


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Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Sera: A5
Litu: B Desertification

Litu snapped her arms out toward the goblin, muttering words under her breath. She finished with a moaning cry and shivered slightly. The goblin turned toward her, then color drained from his face and he slumped forward slightly, panting raspily. Litu smirked, ignoring the fact that her "nipples" were pushing against the "fabric" of her "robe." (Sera made a mental note to ask her how she did that in the future.)

For her part, Sera snatched the pair of swords off the wall and bounded forward, striking quickly. The goblin moved to the side, avoiding the attack. Sera snarled and spun as she landed, moving to a ready position with the swords.

The goblin stepped forward and swung, his moves slightly lethargic from whatever Litu had done to him. Sera dodged his attack easily, though he wasn't so sluggish as to make himself open to attack. The goblin turned toward Sera, still panting. He also blinked a lot, as though his eyes were dry.

A. Attack physically (seriously, she does like 1d4 +1 damage.)
B. Cast a spell!
C. Bravely advance in the rearward direction!
A. Press the attack.
B. Done with this shit. Set him on fire, or on ice, or lightning, or melt him.
C. Cowardice is such an ugly word. You prefer to call it discretion.
Name: Sera Craith
HP: 30/30
SP: 8/10
Lust: 10/20
AC: 20
DR: 15
Status: Horny: Intelligence checks more difficult.
Level: 2
EXP: 115/200
Active Skills:
Dragon Breath: Breathe fire, ice, lightning, or acid. Cost: 2 SP
Passive Skills:
Wings: You can fly, giving you a bonus to avoiding melee attacks and traps outdoors.
Dragon Skin: Your scales have begun to harden, giving you +5 DR that stacks with armor.
A belt
A sword which does 2d6 +4 damage, and has gives a +5 to attack
A lit torch (8/10 rounds)
1 unlit torch
2 Chitin Plates
2 Giant Spider Venom Sacs
Leather bound book - Lust curse?
2 scrolls
1 Elven Cloak
Strength: 8
Speed: 5(+2 from Cloak)
Constitution: 8
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 3

Name: Litu Cralubl
HP: 20/20
SP: 10/10
Lust: 25/70
AC: 20
DR: -5
Status: Normal
Level: 3
EXP: 0/300
Active Skills:
Lust Mage: Can cast spells by increasing her lust rather than decreasing her skill points. Requires a Spellbook.
Liquid Form: Can become liquid, allowing her to move through any passage large enough to permit water flow.
Absorption: Can absorb any liquid to heal HP. Depending on the liquid, she can also gain additional effects.
Passive Skills:
Base: Is immune to poison and acid.
Conductive: Lightning based attacks do no damage to her.
Freeze!: Ice based attacks do double damage to her.
Boiling: Fire based attacks do double damage to her.
Be Water, My Friend: +5 AC. Also forces a reroll when she is hit by a trap.
Splash!: Blunt damage does double damage (because she splashes)
Reconstitution: If her HP is ever reduced to 0, she reforms after the battle with 1/2 HP.

Litu's Spellbook
Synchronity: Drops the caster's lust points by the target's lust points/2, while raising the target's lust points an equal amount. Save for no damage.
Water of Life: Heals target for 1d6 + int/2 (7) hp.
Desertification: Draws water out of target creature, causing the dehydration status and inflicting 2d12 points of damage. Save for half damage.
Emotion Bomb: Hits up to three targets. Does caster's current lust/number of targets damage to HP. Save for half damage.
Freeze: Immobilizes target for caster level * 3 turns. Save ends.
Acid Splash: Does 3d6 + int/2(7) acid damage to up to four targets, ignoring DR. Damages target armor for an equal amount. Save for half damage.
Strength: 2
Speed: 6
Constitution: 5
Intelligence: 12
Charisma: 10
HP: ~32/~50 (~7/~25)
AC: ~15
DR: ~+5
Status: Dehydrated: Strength, Constitution and Speed halved.
Litu Spell: 17 vs DC10 (hit!); 18 damage.
Sera Attack: 6 vs AC 7 (miss)
Goblin Attack: 18 vs AC 20 (miss)
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Litu: Rinse and repeat.(Re-cast Desertification)
Sera: Set him on fire.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

Litu: B Desertification
Sera: B Fire

Litu raised her arms again, gesturing toward the goblin. As she muttered under her breath, she gasped slightly as her lust began building, breaking her concentration. While the spell didn't fizzle entirely, the goblin looked none the worse for wear after it. Litu, for her part, collapsed against the wall, moaning quietly. Her face turned slightly bluer, obviously the water spirit way of blushing. She glared at the goblin, trying to keep up a look of fierceness and defiance, but the way her eyes darted over the goblin's body betrayed her lust.

Sera took a half pace back and rolled forward, throwing a gout of flames at the goblin. The flames flowed over the goblin, and his dried flesh seemed to accept the flames greedily. He writhed, unable to scream, as the fire consumed him. As the flames subsided, nothing was left behind but ashes, with a few blackened and shattered bones poking up from the ashes.
Sera: 75 exp
Litu: 50 exp
Base EXP * (Enemy level / Character level)
For multiple enemies, if the average base exp is higher than the highest individual base exp, then the characters gain that times the E/C ratio. Otherwise, the enemy with the highest base exp is the base used.

With the goblin dead, Sera turned toward Litu, who was looking at her with a bit of hunger in her eyes. The water spirit closed the distance between them, and kissed Sera gently on the lips. "Good job, warrior. Now what? Should we go to the chief's room and steal some treasure, or should we get out of here?" A lascivious smile played around her lips as she slid a hand under Sera's cloak and around to the small of her back. "Or maybe we should blow off some steam...? The chief has a nice bed...."

What now?
A. Go after the treasure.
B. That was too close. Let's just get out of here.
C. Blow off some steam.
C1. Blow off steam on the chief's bed.​

Name: Sera Craith
HP: 30/30
SP: 6/10
Lust: 12/20
AC: 20
DR: 15
Status: Horny: Intelligence checks more difficult.
Level: 2
EXP: 190/200
Active Skills:
Dragon Breath: Breathe fire, ice, lightning, or acid. Cost: 2 SP
Passive Skills:
Wings: You can fly, giving you a bonus to avoiding melee attacks and traps outdoors.
Dragon Skin: Your scales have begun to harden, giving you +5 DR that stacks with armor.
A belt
A sword which does 2d6 +4 damage, and has gives a +5 to attack
A lit torch (8/10 rounds)
1 unlit torch
2 Chitin Plates
2 Giant Spider Venom Sacs
Leather bound book - Lust curse?
2 scrolls
1 Elven Cloak (1000/1000)
Strength: 8
Speed: 5(+2 from Cloak)
Constitution: 8
Intelligence: 3
Charisma: 3

Name: Litu Cralubl
HP: 20/20
SP: 10/10
Lust: 45/70
AC: 20
DR: -5
Status: Horny: Intelligence checks are more difficult.
Level: 3
EXP: 50/300
Active Skills:
Lust Mage: Can cast spells by increasing her lust rather than decreasing her skill points. Requires a Spellbook.
Liquid Form: Can become liquid, allowing her to move through any passage large enough to permit water flow.
Absorption: Can absorb any liquid to heal HP. Depending on the liquid, she can also gain additional effects.
Passive Skills:
Base: Is immune to poison and acid.
Conductive: Lightning based attacks do no damage to her.
Freeze!: Ice based attacks do double damage to her.
Boiling: Fire based attacks do double damage to her.
Be Water, My Friend: +5 AC. Also forces a reroll when she is hit by a trap.
Splash!: Blunt damage does double damage (because she splashes)
Reconstitution: If her HP is ever reduced to 0, she reforms after the battle with 1/2 HP.

Litu's Spellbook
Synchronity: Drops the caster's lust points by the target's lust points/2, while raising the target's lust points an equal amount. Save for no damage.
Water of Life: Heals target for 1d6 + int/2 (7) hp.
Desertification: Draws water out of target creature, causing the dehydration status and inflicting 2d12 points of damage. Save for half damage.
Emotion Bomb: Hits up to three targets. Does caster's current lust/number of targets damage to HP. Save for half damage.
Freeze: Immobilizes target for caster level * 3 turns. Save ends.
Acid Splash: Does 3d6 + int/2(7) acid damage to up to four targets, ignoring DR. Damages target armor for an equal amount. Save for half damage.
Strength: 2
Speed: 6
Constitution: 5
Intelligence: 12
Charisma: 10

Litu cast spell: 6 vs DC10 (fail, target takes half damage); 1 (Spell mostly fizzles. Spell costs double due to casting error.)
Sera breathes fire: 13 vs AC 7 (hit); 3d12 (I think I've been rolling the wrong amount for this attack in the past. Oops.) 18 damage. Goblin dies.
Re: Aulondria: A Warrior's Path

A. Shinnies are good