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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

Once more the doors obligingly opened, allowing Sho and the Klarnell through them. The Klarnell hesitating for only a moment until he realized Sho was a wind witch, and then all hesitation vanished.

As she dropped him off, he rolled, landing in mid roll and rising to his feet barely a second after contact with the ground. Making his way inside the city, she lost sight of him.

Sho wasn't sure until after Jacobs called out that his blast was incoming if she was stopping or slowing down the jumper at all, then suddenly it became visible!

The good news was that the jumper was in fact buffeting in the winds, slowly making headway, but having to fight for it. The bad news was that both drive pods were open, and from the glow inside, Sho had the impression Nirrti was considering firing a few drones at her. And that was when she got a warning cry from Jacobs again.

"Detecting a big build up of energy from that jumper. I don't know what's happening, but these readings are off the scale for a craft that small, it might just explode if this keeps up."


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

When the angered Klarnell decided to charge Sarnael, it would get rewarded with him dodging, and slamming his fist into it, roughly where the solar plexus would be on a human. This would result in two things. First, the Klarnell would get the distinct impression that this armored figure had a lot more physical strength that others of that size. Second, the move would get shifted into Sarnael physically tossing it across the room.

Also, as Sarnael straightened to face his attacker after that, the right side of his suit's visor would flash briefly, as if there were a sickly greenish glow underneath it.
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

The Klarnell stood after it caught it's balance, growling low as it withdrew some kind of spinning blade like weapon, rearing back to toss it.

The throw came as the wall behind it, already damaged from flooding, simply exploded out, and an energy blast screamed in the direction of the other Klarnell, blasting a hole in it's chest. The Klarnell had a surprised look on it's face as it stumbled forth, trying to cling to life, and figure out what was wrong with it even as a second Klarnell emerged from the ruined wall, walking over to the dying one and ripping off part of his arm armor, some sort of screen coming with it. Withdrawing a smaller weapon, it blasted the dying Klarnell a second time, ending it's life before turning to face Sarnael. As it did, it paused to regard his armor, tilting it's head slightly in recognition. Taking a step away from it's now very dead 'brother', it spoke to Sarnael.

"You are Nixari, are you not?"


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

A stasis field sprung to life, stopping the thrown projectile. "About time."

Sarnael responded to the second question with a half-snorted, "At least you pronounced it right." The tone alone spoke of an affirmative.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

The Klarnell's alive when he lands, that's all that matters.

"Then she won't have a jumper, will she?" Likely the last that Jacobs gets back from Sho, given that she's now working on converging several waterspouts on the craft in addition to the wind. The biggest thing, though, was both concentrating on that and watching out for incoming fire. She wasn't worried about the drones. Given the warning about the energy build-up, she figured the blast was going to come from Cassie/Nirrti and not the vehicle itself. Her aim now was to put it down...or tear it apart if she had to.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

As the waterspouts converged, the air around the jumper began to distort, then settled back to normal. Jacobs started advising her of the change, when all hell broke loose.

"Power readings are dropping again, looks like some of the jumper systems are shutting down. Keep it ...."

As he spoke, the clouds above her parted, and a ship resembling a modified Hatak with spider arms descended. It was all black, with a few hints of gold where the pyramid was, and it screamed danger. A crackle of energy filled the air, and she didn't need anyone's warning to know the ship had armed it's weapons and was preparing to open fire. It might dawn on her that she should get closer to the city and get inside of the shield, surely Jacobs would raise it. And that was when she realized she had no communications at all, that it was either being jammed, or her device had malfunctioned.

The Klarnell responded with his own snort before pressing a button on it's arm, a holographic display of the city interior filling the air. A series of red dots, scattered about the various areas of the city map showed as well, and the Klarnell began explaining.

"These dots represent a bomb planted by our deceased asshole here. We'll need to split up and defuse them, and we only have ten minutes to get them all before we all die a horrible explosive death. I'll get the ones closest to this area, where the sensors are damaged and won't trigger any unknown security measures, or at least that's my hope. Once you finish yours, you might want to double check the spots by me, just in case. Understand?"


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

"Ten minutes on spatial charges. Moving to disarm."

Sarnael took off heading for the bombs.

Outside, there was a small, tear-like crimson rift appeared off to one side of the hostile ship. Out of it sped a smaller black ship shaped like some kind of damaged arrowhead. It let fly with a barrage of prismatically-sheathed warheads, followed by a few blasts of some manner of crimson beams, all aimed at the spider arms. It sped off into a different crimson rift without doing any more than that.

((As a note, both rifts closed immediately upon the ship's departure through it.))


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

((Because wonky internet is fun.))

"Shit. Fuck. Sonofabitch." That will cause a couple of the waterspouts to collapse, but at the same time, others will almost "shatter" in various directions as her winds reflect her moment of panic. She will retreat, if only to give herself more room between herself and the massive ship, which will give her more room to dodge anything that might be coming at her. There's a good chance the jumper might get some leeway, given she won't be concentrating on it as much but it's not forgotten. Seems the next move is up to the big guy.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

There was a pause as the large ship attempted to fire back at the retreating vessel, but it was too short a time to actually score a hit. Sho might see a flash of shielding that looked similar to what they had seen on the Lantean warship Tria, prior to her destruction at the hands of the Ori during their war not too long ago. She'd be in for a bigger shock when after a short pause, the big ship turned, even as the jumper seemed to lose power suddenly. A moment later, the spider like ship opened fire, obliterating the jumper in a couple of shots, before opening a hyper-space window and vanishing into a window that looked like Lantean or even Asgard in origin. Just like that, the ship was gone.

Nodding only once, the Klarnell took off at a run, leaving Sarnael to do his thing.

((Figure you can work on that at your own pace, nothing's gonna stop him, so yeah.))


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

"Son of a bitch." The hatak wouldn't have simply obliterated the jumper without a reason and doubted that she'd find anyone down in the water with the wreckage. This was going from bad to worse in a big way.

"Yo! Anybody in the city got their ears on?" If she couldn't reach anyone with the stone, she'd head back in and into the gate room.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

It took a few long, agonizing moments before she got a reply, though it wasn't exactly a reply.

"Shoni, this is Jacobs, do you read me? Is this damn thing broken?"


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

"Maybe. Looks like we might be on 'listen only.' Yes, I can hear you. If you can hear me, Cassie just got away. I'm inbound currently. Hopefully I can find you once I'm inside."

It's back to the window and in. She'll likely head for the control room to touch base there, maybe get a fix on Jacob's last location before figuring out where to go next.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

There was a brief pause, then she got a reply back.

"I figured as much, I detected an energy transport very similar to Asgard technology just before the jumper got obliterated. I'm still in the control room, trying to keep certain systems from turning on by themselves."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

"En route, then. At least we can call out and let them know what happened. Not looking forward to that communication, let me tell you. Although have we had someone look over the gate and controls? If I were going to blow up somewhere, you take the escape route out first."

She'll head into the city once more and beeline it for the control room. At least they weren't underwater any more, if things really started hitting the fan. Still, probably best to see where she could help, given she didn't exactly have experience with explosives, outside of avoiding them.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

"I've already checked, the gate and all of it's conduits seem to be fine. I'll see you when you get here."

Once Sho reached the gate room, Jacobs walked over to her.

"I'm not looking forward to this call either. I'll.. dial ..."

He trailed off as the gate suddenly lit up and the chevron indicators began lighting up rapidly, looking over the symbols.

"Incoming wormhole, it's Peltas."

A moment later, a much more battle dressed Siphon stepped through the gate, and the wormhole shut down. Stepping down, he saw the look on their faces and he frowned.

"Ah christ, I know that look. What's wrong?"


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

"Good to know."

She'll join him shortly, coming into the room at a brisk pace. "You dial, we'll both talk this one over." She glances over at the gate as the chevrons start lighting up. "Or someone could be feeling psychic today."

Sho will wait for him to get his feet back under him from the transport. "Oh, just everything." She flashes him one of her tight grins, ticking off each point with her fingers. "There's bombs in the city, thanks to a Klarnell invader. There's another Klarnell running around that's apparently part of a rebel faction that has information for us, so don't shoot him. Sarnel and him are working on getting the bombs deactivated. Cassie's gone, only it apparently wasn't Cassie, I think it was Nirrti the whole time and she and Henry went and made a goa'uld demon baby, not that he knew that." She'll stop there, apparently out of steam and the look on her face tells him there's more to that, but she doesn't want to talk about it. "And Nirrti just got away when some super-sized hatak showed up, destroyed one of our jumpers, and took off."


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

About the time Sho was mentioning the explosives, Sarnael entered the room. Once she was finished, he added a comment of his own, "The bombs are dealt with. And, given the readings, I'm fairly certain that hatak was carrying another mess the kids decided to dump on us."

After a moment, he spoke to Jacobs, "Oh, and be careful moving that dead Klarnell. He might be a bit... contagious still."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

Siphon groaned at the mention of the Klarnell, about to say something when she mentioned the rebel Klarnell. Blinking in surprise, he simply listened until she mentioned Cassie going off, and the likelyhood it had been Nirrti all this time. As she finished, he growled.

"How the hell did she hide herself with all the damn Tokra and Gou'ald on Peltas this entire time? For that matter, how damn long was she in her for, the whole time? Or are we going to find a body around here somewhere later? As for the ship, I'm betting that was Anubis. Fuck, we have to warn the Tokra, if they manage to extract information from that child, they'll know every single Tokra outpost there is. Shit, as if the situation on Tollana wasn't enough too ...."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

"Was a clone. Maybe she was in hibernation. Or something. Maybe when we catch her, we can ask her. I don't know." There's a sigh and the mutter of "Already found a body," but he might get the idea she's not talking about Cassie. "All right. Get on the horn and give them the head's up. I don't know how long it takes for goa'uld babies to grow up, but she just bugged out of here not long before you showed up, so maybe there's a bit of a window." Giving him time to figure out the next move, there's a pause before the question of "What's going on where now?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis

Jacobs turned to Sarnael.


Siphon shook his head.

"Assuming she still has access to one of the gene manipulators, she can accelerate the growth of the child and it could be fully grown in a day or so, just like Adria was. And I'm guessing the paralysis or weakness stuff Sarnael?"

There was a small pause and finally he added, "a wraith hive attacked the Tollan and dropped another viral bomb on the planet. The same disease that's been affecting both this galaxy and other worlds in the Milky Way has infected the Tollan now. However, we did get word that this hive has some added perks, such as Asgard, Draque and even Ori technology. I'm beginning to think it may have a Z.P.M as well, maybe more than one. Anyway, the Tollan's Ion Cannons had zero affect on it. I'll contact Peltas and have them get the word out to the Tokra, and then I'm on a bit of recon here. We think someone around here may know why someone is attacking both Rebel Wraith and Humans at the same time, and we don't think it has anything to do with starving the Wraith."

The rebel Klarnell chose that moment to enter the room, and it spoke up as Siphon finished.

"That I can shed some light on as well. It's a former rebel wraith known as Mirvik. Some time ago there was an attempt by a coalition of human worlds to forcibly change captive wraith into humans. It failed, and he's now an outcast amongst even his own people. I've seen the results of his attempt to alter the time line later on, it isn't pretty. He must be killed before he can discover how to manipulate the anomalies again, if he does, we're all in trouble. All bombs are disabled now, including the two he tried to use by your Z.P.M."
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