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RPG [ARUMERO SOFT] [ あるめろソフト] Creature Hunter RE133887 RJ133887

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Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

Nevermind, I've always had the items I just scrolled down far enough in battle to see them highlight-able. Still having problems finding that pink-ish tentacle scene though.
Ah, I think I remember. I don't have a playthrough at that point to test it out offhand, but I believe it's one of the tentacle minions in the bottom-right set of worlds (the one the current translation calls Tentabo), and it's another case of "doesn't futa you, but will use the attack on you if you're already futad", so it's nonobvious to get once again.
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

Ah, I think I remember. I don't have a playthrough at that point to test it out offhand, but I believe it's one of the tentacle minions in the bottom-right set of worlds (the one the current translation calls Tentabo), and it's another case of "doesn't futa you, but will use the attack on you if you're already futad", so it's nonobvious to get once again.

Ah I see, well I guess the clue to finding it is just finding out that there are items that lactate or futa you in battle, so I guess that's the promotion to go destroy yourself at every known enemy in the game? XD
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

Ah I see, well I guess the clue to finding it is just finding out that there are items that lactate or futa you in battle, so I guess that's the promotion to go destroy yourself at every known enemy in the game? XD
Well, I think the intent is that you battle several enemies in the zone in order, and you might still carry a status effect from the previous battle into the next, triggering those.
Unfortunately, difficulty and mechanics are tuned so you want to recover to base as often as possible when farming, and when hitting bosses dodge all enemies on the way there anyway...
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

Ah I see, well I guess the clue to finding it is just finding out that there are items that lactate or futa you in battle, so I guess that's the promotion to go destroy yourself at every known enemy in the game? XD

At least on the forest stage there is a flower that periodically puffs out some smoke that if you walk in it it puts the entire party into futa state. Actually getting some of the scenes in the gallery to unlock is still tricky though. Believe me, after working with the game I know from first hand experience it's a complicated mess.
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

So in 1.3, there was a "Data" folder with uh... well, data inside. To put in the translations, I just plopped them into the Data folder and allowed it to overwrite what it needed to.

In 1.05, I can't find the data folder. I tried starting the game, changing locations, fighting an enemy, saving the game, and walking around the map, but still no Data folder (or anything going by the name of the files in the translation). I also tried just making my own data folder, but still no dice.
Get your hands on the program "All decrypter"(there's a tutorial on this forum somewhere) and use that to extract the data from the core game. That will create a couple of folders(data/graphics I think). From there replace the files in the newly created data folder with the translated files and then copy both folders into the game's main folder. From there I think you have to delete the rgss2a file, and then everything should work. At least that's how I did it :)

For anybody else who needs it, here's a link to the tutorial for AllDecrypt on ULMF.

Out of curiosity, what benefits are provided to the developer and/or consumer by aggregating the game files into a repository? Just to make it inaccessible for trial versions and stuff?
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Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

I believe they call it "encrypting". I think it's supposed to prevent you from being able to open it up in the editor so you can't cheat or do whatever else you wanted to. Welp, so much for that.
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

Out of curiosity, what benefits are provided to the developer and/or consumer by aggregating the game files into a repository? Just to make it inaccessible for trial versions and stuff?
It's pretty much mostly obfuscation - making it harder for people to edit stuff or steal the art for unauthorized use in other projects.
It also means you can't just go and view the CGs before playing the game.
Having one big file also saves you a bit of disk space over many tiny files, though, and as a result probably speeds up loading - I doubt it's really a noticeable difference, though.
I suppose it might also cause fewer problems with special characters in filenames, because it's the same program reading the archive either way.
At the end of the day, they call it encryption, but it's really just a proprietary RPGMaker packaging format that they intentionally don't document, but is easy enough to reverse-engineer with some knowledge of ruby.
I suppose it may just look more "professional" if it's a big 'ole archive rather than a bunch of files thrown together, too.
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

Very informative. Thank you both.
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

So maybe I missed something, but when any of them level they dont seem to improve at all, is there anything i can do about that?
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

So maybe I missed something, but when any of them level they dont seem to improve at all, is there anything i can do about that?

You get more equipment points so you can equip better/higher quality things.

Your base stat doesn't change.
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

I'm pretty sure leveling does _something_, at least it seemed that way to me.
But the main power spikes you get from crafting and equipping gear.

BEWARE: The way this game is balanced, it assumes you're spending some time farming, either for ingredients or for money.
You get money from mission rewards, with a difficulty multiplier: Hard gives 2x money, easy gets 0.5x.

It's really easy to get burnt out on these games by repeatedly trying that boss that you just barely can't kill, and getting frustrated that it doesn't get any easier, and your money bleeds out on potions.
This game isn't meant to be played like that.
Try harder bosses, if you can't do them, go back and farm a bit. Look for equipment that's strong against the boss, farm the ingredients, kill the highest-reward boss you can easily kill on hard difficulty for money.
This gives you some variation in the enemies you encounter, and it's a lot easier to make progress.
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

In case somebody wants 1.05 version i found mine here (cant put full www since this is my first post since ever)


i looked and looked and newer version is 2.01 or something

anyways my honest thanks for translations!
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

The current version of Creature Hunter on dlsite is still 1.05.
That said, the major update should be "soon", at which point we'll get 2.00 onwards, I expect.
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

Pretty fun game, I rarely enjoy rpg maker games but this isn't too bad. Doesn't take much to get away from the typical formula for them and yet so many unoriginal games... Would be nice if the art was better but I'll take gameplay over art any day. The translation totally makes this game too, thank you greatly for that. I'm so tired of the usual machine translating programs.

They could streamline the weapon shop a bit though, a bit obnoxious to go through all those menus checking for upgrades. It does get incredibly grindy as well. I don't mind some grind but eh.
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Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

And here's the translation files: mediafire.com/download/9sjfm2ibuxhx127

Anyone still have the translation files for this one? Sadly was taken down.
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

They aren't taken down :p Just checked the link.

I don't know who would take down a translation anyways.
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

Anyone still have the translation files for this one? Sadly was taken down.

You have to copy and paste the link to go to it. Don't know why, something about this website and mediafire don't agree........ Don't know :confused:
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

Thanks guys, whenever I visited the link it told me that it was blocked. Copy/pasted the link and now it works fine. :)
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

so umm.. how are you guys downloading this? :confused:
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

so umm.. how are you guys downloading this? :confused:
Myself, I just go to and download the latest version from some pretty awesome-bandwidth distribution servers.
Of course, that's probably not the answer you're looking for ;P
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