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RPG [ARUMERO SOFT] [ あるめろソフト] Creature Hunter RE133887 RJ133887

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Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

Yeah gotta say after a few minutes of play with the trial, it's going to be a really fun game.
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

A turn based hentai Monster Hunter? I don't believe I ever expected that combination in my life.

I can't help but wonder if any of the player characters designs were inspired by certain armors (thought you couldn't really get away with basing something off Kirin armor if you wanted to without someone calling you out on it)

So then, I should assume characters are fixed to a certain weapon?
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

A turn based hentai Monster Hunter? I don't believe I ever expected that combination in my life.

I can't help but wonder if any of the player characters designs were inspired by certain armors (thought you couldn't really get away with basing something off Kirin armor if you wanted to without someone calling you out on it)

So then, I should assume characters are fixed to a certain weapon?

Yes, each character have specific weapon and skill from that weapon they can equip, armor is a bit less restricted (gunner and bow can use the armor crafted from first boss material)

I listed a short idea of what each of them do in my previous post :v

EDIT: Author just update his blog with the 'sample images' to be put on DLSite, as well as saying IT'S COMPLETED!
So we should get to see the game out in a few days at latest '. '
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Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

Here's hoping it's on the English DLsite as quickly as it is the Japanese site - I'm going to pick it up ASAP.
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

Here's hoping it's on the English DLsite as quickly as it is the Japanese site - I'm going to pick it up ASAP.

Depends, but English DLsite tends to get stuff somewhere between 3-5 days after the JP release, unless they have requested otherwise. Chances are because they just want to ensure it's released, and that's about how fast their translating team for the little blurbs takes. Saying they do somewhere between 15-20 products a DAY, I think that's a pretty fair pace.

...Still, it's getting it's full release right around my birthday, so huzzah for me =3=
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

Oh right '. ' There's a sort of achievement thing in the game, basically 12 medals

1-5 for getting each girl to level 15 respectively
6 is kill 500 creatures (not sure if that's anything or boss only)
7 is lay 20 eggs
8 cum for over 1000cc total
9 let out 2000cc of milk
10 get afflicted by all status at once (the image in decrypted file shows futa, pregnant and lactating)
11 while in combat rape your ally ' .'
12 clear the game

Some of them can't be achieved in the demo (the lv 15 only works for gunner), then again I haven't really bother with that much 'x '
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

A turn based hentai Monster Hunter? I don't believe I ever expected that combination in my life.

I can't help but wonder if any of the player characters designs were inspired by certain armors (thought you couldn't really get away with basing something off Kirin armor if you wanted to without someone calling you out on it)

So then, I should assume characters are fixed to a certain weapon?

Most of the designs were based on the inner wear from the monster hunter series. Aka. When no armor is worn.
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

Oh right '. ' There's a sort of achievement thing in the game, basically 12 medals

1-5 for getting each girl to level 15 respectively
6 is kill 500 creatures (not sure if that's anything or boss only)
7 is lay 20 eggs
8 cum for over 1000cc total
9 let out 2000cc of milk
10 get afflicted by all status at once (the image in decrypted file shows futa, pregnant and lactating)
11 while in combat rape your ally ' .'
12 clear the game

Some of them can't be achieved in the demo (the lv 15 only works for gunner), then again I haven't really bother with that much 'x '

Yup! The medals are also linked towards a few animations, and a single orb in your room asking for you to collect them all. The demo files sadly don't have a finished event for it ether, so no clue what the final reward is! There's a TON of outfits thought, but each girl seems to get very selective ones in turn ( there's a 'bondage' set, and a 'latex' set each that only 2 girls share in. ) with almost nothing really 'shared' between them all.

So far I gotta say the slimes are the best foes that fulfill the game's gimmick. They focus primarily on raping your team into cumming, and then forcing you to keep breeding them one after another after another. I used a newbie team with boosted heath on hard, and they successfully locked me down to a degree where I was too slow, too low on stamina, and being breed every second after birthing yet another egg, and the slimes are able to 'force hatch' eggs like the worms too!

There are succubus as well, that seem focused on hypnosis/herm status, that I'm sure leads towards team in-raping, sadly thought whatever animations they use for their attacks isn't in the demo files, so alas I'm just guessing off of content!
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

.- . Wait, you fought slimes? I didn't run into any at all.

So far the enemies I ran into were

Boss worm
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

.- . Wait, you fought slimes? I didn't run into any at all.

So far the enemies I ran into were

Boss worm

That's because I uncompressed the demo files and tinkered around a bit with values and events to be able to do battles you're not suppose to be doing.
Most of them will crash the game due towards missing files, a few don't.
The bosses beyond the big worm for starters all crash the game on their special attacks, so does the succubus. Slimes, mushrooms, and these mouth things that cause herm and then suck you off don't thought.
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

While we wait, I figure I'll try to make sense of the character descriptions.
Bear in mind that I'm working entirely from text hooks and machine translators, so some of this may be gloriously inaccurate.
Characters in the same order as in character select:
Weapon: Rifle
Combat info: Fast, has many different support bullets, good attack
Personality: Although good at combat, tends to worry a lot
Bio: Graduated from Legion hunting school with Mikoto, trying to get experience in the hunting team
Favorite food: Sushi, anything with fruit
Weakness: Heights

Weapon: Bow and Arrow
Combat info: Makes up for low attack power with fast speed and utility
Personality: Messy, gets in trouble often for it. Good personality.
Bio: Graduated from Legion hunting school with Rerika, trying to get experience in the hunting team
Favorite food: Bushy things
Weakness: Dark and narrow places

Weapon: Battle Lance
Combat info: Strong, explosive attacks, at the cost of speed
Personality: Proud, short temper. Will quickly complain when she disagrees with a decision. A bit of a pain in the neck, but reliable.
Bio: Graduated from Sigma hunting school, trying to get experience in the hunting team
Favorite food: Sweets
Weakness: Problems, cooking, laundry, cleaning

Weapon: Longsword
Combat info: High attack power and various attacks
Personality: Quiet and pretty on the outside. Friend of Satsuki.
Bio: Helps out the team for reasons she keeps to herself
Favorite food: Hot dog
Weakness: Insects (or swarms, in general)

Weapon: Battle beat
Combat info: Can cast various buffs, her attacks are likely to cause status effects on the target
Personality: Mysterious. Frequently gets into fights with Rerika.
Bio: Got assigned to help the newcomers in their hunting missions, accompanied by Aria
Favorite food: Candy, creature
Weakness: Math
And since most of that won't have any impact on the game, a quick translation of the base stats, in order they appear on the equip screen:
スロット: Slots: Limits how much you can equip at once. Goes up with level.
体力: HP: How long you can take attacks before collapsing.
スタミナ: SP: The higher this is, the more attacks you can do before having to recover
攻撃力: Attack: Increases damage done by your attacks
防御力: Defense: Decreases damage taken from physical attacks. Does not affect sex attacks.
気回復: Recovery: Increases SP recovery in combat
速度: Speed: How fast the action gauge accumulates
命中率: Precision: Affects your ability to hit targets
回避率: Dodge: Probability you will dodge enemy attacks entirely
And for completeness, the main menu in combat:
Dodge (decreases chance to get hit until next turn)
Recover (instantly restores some SP)
Use Item
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

That's because I uncompressed the demo files and tinkered around a bit with values and events to be able to do battles you're not suppose to be doing.
Most of them will crash the game due towards missing files, a few don't.
The bosses beyond the big worm for starters all crash the game on their special attacks, so does the succubus. Slimes, mushrooms, and these mouth things that cause herm and then suck you off don't thought.

Hello first time posting,
Could you please post the files or say which ones to alter to get the same results? I can extract the files but don't know the first thing about altering them.
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

Hello first time posting,
Could you please post the files or say which ones to alter to get the same results? I can extract the files but don't know the first thing about altering them.

Hard to explain honestly? Doing main gameplay with the files extracted and running in test play, you can hit F9 to bring up all of the in game switches and values. Values 262-266 handles what all the random mobs are via their battler ID's. As such, once you load into a map, you can edit these values to fight whatever you want.

Setting them all to 44 will let you always fight said slimes.
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

How do you run the game in test play?
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

Hello first time posting,
Could you please post the files or say which ones to alter to get the same results? I can extract the files but don't know the first thing about altering them.
The thing about the files is that they are in RPGMaker's proprietary format, so you can only open them in the actual RPGMaker edit/create program, which costs a fair chunk of money.
Then usually, the trick is to create a new game project in RPGMaker with the correct version to get a project folder/file,
then drop in the files from the extracted game to overwrite the default files.
Then you can open the project in RPGMaker again, and voila, you get to edit whatever you want.

Well, "proprietary." The format is just ruby object serialization, AFAIR, so you'd need either the RPGMaker source code (which would blatantly violate the EULA),
or write a custom parser for the format (which is expressly forbidden in the RPGMaker terms, I think)

In any case, doing this sort of thing WILL piss off all sorts of people. Tread softly.
One of the reasons japanese devs are sometimes so careful with foreigners is because they do things like release edits of their stuff without their permission.
This is seen worse than plain piracy, basically as an insult: It means you're thinking you know better how to balance the game than the original author, yet can't create your own original.

In this case, I think we shouldn't try too hard to squeeze stuff out of the demo it wasn't meant to have. Have some patience, folks.
The game will be out soon enough, and given the hype around this one, I don't doubt it will filter out rather quickly, for those who can't purchase it legally for whatever reason.
And I rather doubt we'll do a better job with editing the demo level than the original dev with 9 months of spit and polish.
The full version will be here shortly, don't worry.
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

Seems like a good game. Subscribed.
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

How do you run the game in test play?

Extract the encrypted datafile(rgss2a), then load everything up in RPGMaker VX/ace/whatever it was written with/etc and run in test mode. Then you can mess around with the settings.
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

\'w '/ It's out!
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

I'm conflicted. On one hand, I want it, like, right now, and that requires a download link (because I can't buy it from JP DLsite, and it's not on the English one yet).

But that means someone has to take time away from playing the game. And I rather enjoy the stuff these devs produce, so I'd like them to get whatever profits they deserve.
Re: [ARUMERO SOFT|RPG]Creature Hunter

I can't believe it! I wanted to buy it, but my credit card isn't working :eek::(
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