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Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Emily walked over to David and sat down next to him like the last time. She felt like she was crazy for asking this question but thought if anyone in this hotel would know it would be him.


"Er... David this might sound weird but do you know anything about magic?"

She hoped he wouldn't think of her as crazy after asking this question. After she managed to cure people of the things inside them not once but twice she knew something was going on.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

David didn't even blink,

"MetaPhysics." he corrected her, "Yeah, why?" he asks without looking at her.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Claire leaned into Caitlyn's touch, one hand going up to meet the blonde's. Her nails dug into Caitlyn's skin just a little as she quietly replied,


"I don't think I'm going to pop anything out, if that's what you're asking. I just..." she gazed intently into Caitlyn's eyes, her expression both frustrated and heated. "I think... I think I liked that a little too much," she admitted. "I don't know what's wrong with me, I can't get my mind off of it..." If Christie was near enough, she could probably hear, though Claire was trying not to make a scene of things.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Christie walked in to the main lobby quietly, keeping an arm across her naked chest and a hand covering her sex. She gave a small wave (without moving her arm) to Emily as she left, and listened Claire and Caitlyn's exchange with a slight grin.


"Well, while you two fool with each others clothes," she said with a wink, "I'm gonna grab a new set from Jesse." With a giggle, she headed off to the shop.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Emily was a bit confused. She didn't realize this shit she was doing had an official name. Still she pressed on-


"I didn't think there was a name for it.... I guess that's what I'm using then."

As David answered her question she felt relieved. This probably wasn't just some weird thing happening only to her. She hoped David would also ask what she can do but didn't really expect it.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Caitlyn looks back into Claire's eyes, a brief expression of surprise flitting across her features when she feels Claire's fingernails against her skin.


"It's okay..." she gives her lover a worried smile, "Let's go someplace... um... more private, maybe." She glances around the inn, remembering Jesse's scene earlier in the day.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Melanie shuffles in the main room with a rather disturbed look on her visage - hands resting in the butt pockets of her shorts. She's managed to find a pair of sneakers so that she's not barefoot any more - and wet, layered blonde hair clings to her eyes - obviously speaking of a very recent shower. Tilting a few fingertips up along the currves of her pale, cute cheeks, she sifts a few locks behind one ear - her little lavender t-shirt top still clinging tightly to the curves of her body - though - it were a bit moist now from shower steam - and it held rather nicely to the curves of her chest - leaving a few inches of midriff bare.


Finding an empty couch, Melanie plops down, sulking, and folding her arms underneath the curves of her chest, mumbling to herself.. "I..I guess i'll find a way to help out around here, then..."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Melanie toddles over, watching a crumpled piece of paper filter by, squatting down beside the thing, and examining it carefully..


"...Available missions, huh..? There...there's missing people.."

Her expression narrows. "I..if I can't live a normal life, then i'll at least use this to make sure other people can..but I need a weapon if I want to go outside, don't I...?" Her teeth gnaw at the glossy pink flesh of her lower lip, one hand twirling a single lock of blonde hair around the curves of one of her fingers as her eyes drift skyward in thought. Slowly raising herself to her feet - and snaking one arm behind her waist to tug her booty shorts up against her form before they decide to bare any more of her creamy-white flesh.

That's what i'll do..
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Seeing David grow quiet for a long time Emily was deep in thought about all this. Gathering herself up she decided to ask David more questions about this.


"So... what else do you know about Meta- uh -Psionics... If I just started randomly using it it would be nice to know more about it... "
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Seeing David grow quiet for a long time Emily was deep in thought about all this. Gathering herself up she decided to ask David more questions about this.


"So... what else do you know about Meta- uh -Psionics... If I just started randomly using it it would be nice to know more about it... "

"Just don't use it too much, kid." he warns, "Shit's addictive, and once you get hooked, there's no telling what'll happen..." he trails off.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Emily was a bit shocked at what David just said to her. She looked down at her hands and wondered if what he was saying is true. Her powers seemed to help people... but David seemed to know far more about it then her.


"So... I'm kinda like a ticking time bomb... wait... never mind about me... How do you know all this?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

David shook his head,

"Don't worry about that." he stated.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Emily thinking she just brought up bad memories for David with this whole conversation stares at the ground.


"Sorry about that David. You've been a lot of help to me."

She then proceeds to leave. She didn't want to trouble him anymore with this shit that was happening to her.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

David shakes his head,

"They come, they leave, they come, they leave," he repeats to himself, "Man... Did every girl turn into weirdos after the monsters showed up?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Emily glad the conversation didn't seem to bother David as much as she thought walked back over to him. She really didn't mind his rude words. She sat down (If there is a ledge I've wanted her to sit down on the ledge next to him like the whole time <.<) She smiled at him not really caring if he could see her or not.


"Well Geeze if you want company I'll stay... Although I'm still wondering if my friend made it back... Hey... did you see a girl with white hair come back in the hotel?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Melissa comes into the main lobby, Mina hanging onto one arm, and looks around. A couple of the guards had suggested going hunting for clothes, but before she decided on doing that, she thought it might be a good idea to check for potential partners. While reviewing the mission postings, she overhears Melanie...

"...Available missions, huh..? There...there's missing people.."
"Er, so you're looking at the mission postings too? I-WE were just thinking of going out looting... but if you wanted a couple partners, we could come along. Oh, where are my manners? I'm Melissa, and this is Mina."

She sticks a hand out for Melanie to shake.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


Sera walks into the main room. "Well, instead of looting, we could rescue some of the other girls.." she looks at her twin swords and nods. "I figure Rin...she's been gone an entire week..."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Emily glad the conversation didn't seem to bother David as much as she thought walked back over to him. She really didn't mind his rude words. She sat down (If there is a ledge I've wanted her to sit down on the ledge next to him like the whole time <.<) She smiled at him not really caring if he could see her or not.


"Well Geeze if you want company I'll stay... Although I'm still wondering if my friend made it back... Hey... did you see a girl with white hair come back in the hotel?"

Placing a hand on his forehead, he answered her, "Yeah... Your friend is here."
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


Well, that's enough sticking my nose in where it isn't wanted for one day... besides, it doesn't matter how it started if I can't manage to stay alive and unmolested long enough to do anything about it.

Jenn, having decided that the next day would be spent improving the situation here at the inn, decided that she'd explore one of the two places she hadn't yet been. The basement... was a basement. They were all pretty much the same, and not very interesting. The roof... well, also mostly the same but at least it was out in the open air and probably not as crowded as the common room. Maybe she'd even learn something. Yes, the roof it would be.


Well, not quite empty, but I suppose still better then the common room or the basement. Yea, I must have known there would be a sniper or two up here... but is that a guy? First man I've seen alive since this started...

Jenn decided to ignore him for the moment. As quite possibly the only male in the inn, he probably had women crawling all over him. And that almost certainly meant he was too interested, not interested, or taken. If he was too interested, she wasn't. Otherwise, he wasn't. So no matter how she looked at it, they wouldn't end up together. (Horray pronouns!)

Instead, she went to the opposite side of the roof and looked over the edge, then began a stroll around the roof, taking a good look at what she could see of the city, and looking for a comfortable place to sit... preferably not hidden from the sniper.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

David, even though noticing Jenn, payed no heed to the girl, instead, focusing on looking through the scope of his rifle, and taking a shot about every half a minute.