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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Hey everybody! Been a while since I had a good update to show you guys, but since OnyxShadow asked if I was going to be showing new enemies soon, I guess it's about time!

Allow me to introduce the Hellhound:


This guy is being worked on as we speak. He's not going to be ready for the next update, but sometime soon he should have his full debut. He'll show up in the Catacombs, the newest area in the game. Just try and guess what kind of H-scene he'll have.

Now, aside from that, the 3rd boss - the Female Warped Soldier - has finally been mostly completed, as of v.17. Here's a sneak preview of her H-scene, for those of you who haven't played it - the other half of the scene isn't in the game yet, but it should be in the next update, which is coming out in just a few days!


EDIT: I'm also about to be starting a dev stream - unfortunately Orexius won't be able to make it, but I'll be working by myself for a while. Stop by if you have time!
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Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Just try and guess what kind of H-scene he'll have.

Loving and tender face-to-face missionary.
If not, 'tis proof that you are clearly a scammer, and you will be dead to me.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

sorry but i been scammed before =/ i donated money and got nothing for it so i have my reason for doubt

nothing personal annon you do nice work though but i dont feel comfortable donating sorry
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Not to try and make myself sound bad, but.. I can't really see how that's different than what I'm doing? The only clear difference is that I also offer a copy of the full game at release when you've donated $10 or more. As far as beta updates go, though, that quote is exactly how they work - donations are only valid for that version and not future content. If all you meant is that I also allow you to get the full game with one donation, then my bad.

@YummyTiger - Thanks, man! I'm glad to know even other devs are enjoying Crisis Point. Must be doing something right, then!

What I see as being different is how I would compare a completed game that gets an update to (not neccesarily yours because I have no idea how you in particular are doing it) a patreon demo where you get nothing else either before or after.

On one hand you have a completed game. A bug gets found, and the game is updated. Now since you bought the game you simply redownload it and/or the patch for the game and you still have what you paid for.

In the other corner you have what is essentially a demo of a game that you could be paying the same if not possibly more than the cost of what the full game down the road would cost. There is no update, there is no anything aside from this incomplete version of the game that you are buying in the interim until the full game gets released.

That is the one difference I see, and it is rather big. Personally I would not support the latter behavior as it is simply selling snake oil in my opinion. It is quite possibly the same as what I know alot of comic producers to do. They make pages a month in advance and the queue feature of their site will publish those pages on the specified days. The work may well have been done month(s) ago. Which goes back to why I will never support a patreon page. Show me what you have as the finished product and I will evaluate it then. As a game reviewer for the last 12 years, it has been policy that I only review a finished game. I would hope that people were smart enough only to buy finished games as well.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

As I've said before, if Patreon makes you uncomfortable, please - do not donate. You aren't going to hurt the dev's feelings (not that some of you care), and you should never throw money at something you're unsure about. However, being uncomfortable with Patreon means you have to accept you aren't going to get the same benefits as people supporting us. Games in development are not meant for the public eye, and if Patreon wasn't a thing, these betas would not exist. It takes a lot of extra development time to prepare something every single month to the point of being publicly playable. It's my way of thanking people for the support they give me. Hypothetically, if Patreon didn't exist but I was still working on Crisis Point, nobody would get playable updates. Public demos are a massive timesink, and there would only be a few of them during the entire course of development, max.

As far as the "this work could've been done months before" argument, I'd be damn impressed with myself if I managed to coordinate things so far in advance that I could do the work on camera, then host several livestreams a month using pre-recorded footage without any inconsistencies - not to mention the interaction with viewers, and the fact that I often scribble shit people are talking about in chat live on stream. Last time I checked I'm not a psychic. However, you are more than welcome to believe what you wish. If it makes you sleep better at night to think I'm ripping people off, then by all means, dream my nonexistent money-stealing sins into reality.

Now, I'd love it if we could stop reviving dead conversations and rehashing the exact same arguments ad nauseam. No matter who you are, you're still getting every single non-playable update to the game as it gets developed - like the one I posted just a few days ago - and that's a hell of a lot more involvement than you'll ever get with most games. The best part is, you don't even have to pay a cent for it.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

The hand-wringing is perplexing. This project is probably the single most on-schedule, well-structured and steadily progressing H-Game development I've ever seen. Almost every other game has constant delays, months without content updates, and/or no real plan.

But freeko has always been a tiresome antagonist of anything related to Patreon, so that constant harrying is hardly surprising. It apparently is an assault on the very core of his being.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Haven't posted in here for a while! Remember me Anon? No..?

That hellhound makes me sad that there are no more public updates. I can't do patreon, as I'm living the poor student life. This game is still looking good though, after all this time (feels like ages). Keep it up mate.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

The people of Fenoxo's forums are asking if you could come back and share this game there again. They haven't seen you since the forums were lost and had to be rebuilt from scratch.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

I was going to support for this month's demo but Patreon only takes credit cards it seems. Any other way of paypal donating to you for it?
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

As I've said before, if Patreon makes you uncomfortable, please - do not donate. You aren't going to hurt the dev's feelings (not that some of you care), and you should never throw money at something you're unsure about. However, being uncomfortable with Patreon means you have to accept you aren't going to get the same benefits as people supporting us. Games in development are not meant for the public eye, and if Patreon wasn't a thing, these betas would not exist. It takes a lot of extra development time to prepare something every single month to the point of being publicly playable. It's my way of thanking people for the support they give me. Hypothetically, if Patreon didn't exist but I was still working on Crisis Point, nobody would get playable updates. Public demos are a massive timesink, and there would only be a few of them during the entire course of development, max.

As far as the "this work could've been done months before" argument, I'd be damn impressed with myself if I managed to coordinate things so far in advance that I could do the work on camera, then host several livestreams a month using pre-recorded footage without any inconsistencies - not to mention the interaction with viewers, and the fact that I often scribble shit people are talking about in chat live on stream. Last time I checked I'm not a psychic. However, you are more than welcome to believe what you wish. If it makes you sleep better at night to think I'm ripping people off, then by all means, dream my nonexistent money-stealing sins into reality.

Now, I'd love it if we could stop reviving dead conversations and rehashing the exact same arguments ad nauseam. No matter who you are, you're still getting every single non-playable update to the game as it gets developed - like the one I posted just a few days ago - and that's a hell of a lot more involvement than you'll ever get with most games. The best part is, you don't even have to pay a cent for it.
no ur a patron
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

WEEEEEEELL, been throughly enjoying the last public demo. And I did this . . .

I done derped through a plant in my excitement.


  • I derped through a plant.jpg
    I derped through a plant.jpg
    12.8 KB · Views: 3
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

WEEEEEEELL, been throughly enjoying the last public demo. And I did this . . .

I done derped through a plant in my excitement.

Oh boy, that doesn't look comfortable. Can I get a bit more info on how this happened? Were you just jumping and bumped into the ceiling, did you fall into it, were you knocked down and that's where you ended up, etc?

@angelspit - Sorry man, I don't use paypal. NSFW projects go against their ToS, and I'm not willing to risk losing funds/my Paypal account by violating it.

@thetruemaster - Thanks for pointing that out! I think I lost the link to the forums a while back.. I went back and let them know I'll be updating again soon.

@NLL - Thank you! It always feels great to get fanart - knowing that people like the game enough to be inspired to make something related to it is awesome!

@HentaiProdigy - Nah, I remember you Mr. Oversized Dongers. Hopefully my reasoning behind not releasing playable public updates makes enough sense, but I can understand the disappointment. Still, at least this means you have a lot to look forward to on the full release! There are still a bunch of enemies left uncovered, too.

@Tildryn - Thanks, man. I really do put a lot into staying on schedule with this, so it feels nice to get some recognition for that. In any case, Patreon-haters aren't about to get me to quit this project, so no worries on that.

Now that the replies are done, quick announcement: Me and Orexius are going to be streaming in about an hour (1pm EST), and we'll probably be going for a good long while. I'm trying to finish up v.18 today, and there's still a decent amount to be done - so if you have time, feel free to stop on by once we get started!
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Oh boy, that doesn't look comfortable. Can I get a bit more info on how this happened? Were you just jumping and bumped into the ceiling, did you fall into it, were you knocked down and that's where you ended up, etc?

Sorry that I didn't explain it quite well. First things first I ended up seeing if I could recreate the situation multiple times. So it works both before and after I cleared the demo (unlocking the debug commands).

Second it only happens in the Deep Soil against any slanted platform. Weather it was the top of a room or a platform like the one in the picture.

I was able to shadowcat my way through the floors by jumping and moving in the direction of said slanted tile section. After that I just hung there, I was able to move back and forth and there was no problem of being stuck. All I had to do was move away from the slant and I just slid out of the terrain.

Also since I could move back and forth in the slant I attempted to fire the gun, and I was able to fire it towards open space but not towards the slant.

I think it was just a collision issue.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Well I laughed. Also, it's not that disappointing, considering the reasoning behind it actually makes sense. The most it does is make the wait a bit more unbearable. But hey, that's what studies and games are for right? Wasting time until the next great interactive indie porno gets released? Pretty sure that's why people attend uni.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Thanks for the detailed report, man - I was able to find it on stream and fix it for v.18 pretty quickly. Much appreciated! It's surprising what kinds of minor glitches manage to avoid my attention for such a long time. That glitch has been sitting in the game since back when ramps were added, basically.

@HentaiProdigy - Well, the good news is I have something pretty exciting in store for everyone, even people who aren't donating on patreon. Should get announced pretty soon.. ;D
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Hey everybody, quick announcement! Since I have been (and still am) a bit behind on work, me and Orexius are going to be pushing out a BUNCH of streams for the rest of the month so I can catch up. This week, we're streaming Wednesday (today), Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, all starting at 1pm EST (except today because my computer is being a shit) and going until at least 7pm EST, maybe longer. As for today, since the stream was delayed a bit, we're just about to start it right now - stop by if you have the time!
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Hey guys, another quick update - yesterday was supposed to be the last day of our marathon stream, but we decided to extend it one more day! Me and Orexius are going to be streaming in about 30 minutes, at 1pm EST, up until about 5pm EST. Here's the link if you don't have it:

I've also discovered over the past few days that doing slightly shorter streams (~4 hours instead of 6-7 hours) more frequently is much more productive for myself - so Crisis Point will be going through some stream scheduling changes very soon! I'm planning on trying to stream at least 4 times a week from now on, for about 4 hours at a time. The main reason behind this change is that my computer chair is insanely uncomfortable, and spending more time than that sitting there ends up killing my legs by the end of the day. Splitting up the time a bit more makes me feel more productive, and much more excited to work - which means the work comes out better and everybody benefits in general.

Anyway, that's enough about that! I'm gonna get ready for the stream, and afterwards, I'll make a real update post for you all to show what we've been working on over the past few days! Hope to see you at the stream!
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - FINAL PUBLIC UPDATE! (July 25th)

Time for the real post I mentioned! The last few days of streaming have been dedicated to this lady:


This is the Warped Sentry. Much like the Soldier and Scientists, she was a member of the military that was sent to this planet to assist in finding a cure for the virus. Until the planet had its way with her. Now she's just as lust-filled as the rest of the inhabitants. It also had the added effect of giving her a bit of a mutation. She's packing something under those pants, and she's not afraid to use it..

Despite the mental overwrite, she still knows how to use her weapons, though; she'll create a blockade in tight corridors with her riot shield to prevent Alicia from passing by until she's defeated. If you try to get too close to her, she'll hit you hard with a shield bash, knocking Alicia over in just one hit. If you leave her alone long enough, though, she'll pull her shield back and try to hit you with her SMG - it's not a very powerful weapon, though, and it presents the best opportunity to attack her early on. Later powerups could prove to make the shield a bit easier to bypass, as well.

The Warped Sentry will be available as of v.19, the update that's being worked on right now. With any luck, she'll have all of her H-scenes available right from the start - I'm certainly aiming for it! If all goes according to plan, this update will have a whopping 5 new H-animations compared to v.18, which is by far the biggest increase in the history of CPE's development.

Well, that's all from me for now. I'll share one of her H-scenes before the update comes out, as well as a look at the game's new menus - and I should have some other good news to share soon as well!