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Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)



Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Ashley was clueless about why the two could be having so different feelings about the clime, but there was not time to wonder why this is happening, her lust was growing and she really wanted to just do something unnapropied with that beautiful angel at her side.

Holding this feeling she just nooded as she let Angie try to sense her aura for what she suppose. However the hold at her hand was the enough to make her heart be excited, with her sight missed on Angelique's eyes, she dont pay any attention of what she said at the start and just when she said about share auras was when she junp literaly at her arms and steal a kiss from her.

Angie was very tired to resist at her partner, but as the intensity of the moment grow it was also the energy than Ashley shared with her. The human was unskiled at the side of the monster maidens, but there was something at that kiss than made Angie turn on and be pleased with it, it was a really sweet kiss one filled with something more than just lust and it lasted for a while until suddenly Ashley gasp and push herself away.

Ahm...ahh...well i feel a little better, yet i want baddly a bath or a cold drink, maybe both... Are you fine Angie? How do you feel? The purple haired girl said mostly wishing than the earth eat her now. Angie meanwhile has recovered some of her energy but not enough to feels herself completely full of power, before the kiss she has tried to drain some of the girl power but havent been too much to recover what she is getting drained from her, mostly holding hands and drain as much as she could only made her lost half of what she could lost normaly inside this strange trap. The kiss had melted the cold state at where she was, maybe other with more passion will make a better job but for what she notice to get full power she must push to something more private.

Earned the energy than Angie required the two girls move toward the next point, with all the bright coming out from Ashley, it was not rare than they soon were in danger again, from bellow them a strange creature trapped Angie's lower torso, not making her fall but trap her in place as she feels how some liquid started to fill the strange creature aroung her lower body. Shadow winged creatures started to fly around them, looking to have the itention to go for Ashley who still wonders how to help her friend without cut her with her sword. They looks to be four small things... or something... how can i help you Angie? Ashley ask as she tried to find a way to break this living trap

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Not noticing that Ashley was pretty much not listening to her at all really, Angie continued speaking until she took Ashley's hand, and was taken aback when Ashley kissed her. Unable to really resist because of how weak she was, Angie let Ashley hold the kiss for as long as she wanted to really, even going so far as to hold Ashley close while they kissed. Feeling the energy flowing into her from Ashley, Angie felt her power increase, bringing her back up and able to fight again somewhat thanks to the sharing of power between the two of them.

"Hmhm, after that I feel amazing to be honest. Thank you Ashley, you really helped me out there. It didn't fill me up completely on energy, but it should be enough I think for the time being," Angie said to Ashley, smiling softly at her as she cupped her face with one hand and leaned in to peck her on the opposite cheek her hand was on. "Maybe later once we've finished out here we could get ourselves that nice cold drink and relax a bit with each other," the young angel added with a wink at Ashley.

Heading on from there to the next location didn't seem to be too tough really, but once they arrived there some sort of trap opened up and partially swallowed Angie up to her waist. "Ngh... Ashley try to stay close okay, and cut this thing I'm in, I'll keep them off of you as best I can. We're close though to the next seal," Angie said to Ashley when she asked what they should do.

With that, while Ashley used her blade to cut the creature or whatever it was holding her to free Angie, Angie would start sending blasts of holy energy at the smaller creatures to keep them off of Ashley, making small concentrated bursts to keep from burning too much energy but enough to give her magics some oomph in the hits so they'd actually do damage.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Even with Asley attempt to take distance, the angel get closer and after said some words she not only placed softly her hand on the noble's cheek but also give her a peck kiss what made the blush get more intense at the poor girl. Heh, yes a cold drink will make wonders and you could give me a massage at home, im a little tense right now. Ashely answer still inocent of what Angie could be trying to say with a time to relax together.


Its hard to find out where ends your legs...agh dont move too much. Ashley said as she try her best to free the angel of that strange creature who try to suck her deeper. The small powers than Angie shoot were dodge for mostly all the creatures but finally one hit a target.

Eek...Mhng something cold hit my back The human mutter as suddenly one of the creatures shoot some kind of dark energy to her rear and soon she started to squirm and groan softly S...something is happening to my underwear. She manage to mumble as her attempts to remain confortable to her clothes were in vain, the pressure at her breasts and privates was getting really intense. At least the small creatures remaining stay away of them thanks to the angel's powers but who know how much time she could endure sending spells.

Angie is still trapped but Ashley attempts had made stop the trap to try anything more
Angie's undies had been damaged by a strange curse

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Try to not focus on what hit you Ashley, focus on getting me out of here and my voice okay, I won't let anything happen to you if I can help it, and right now I have the power to prevent it," Angie said to Ashley, trying to help her focus on her and getting her freed while she dealt with the problem of the beasts flying around them, managing to hit one with her volley of shots.

Thinking quickly on what to do now since Ashley had been unable to free her, Angie decided to save back a little bit of energy just in case, in order to make a protective magical shield around Ashley, while preparing another spell to send at their foes. Aiming to hit all of the ones close to them, Angie send a full blast of holy energy that she'd send out in a 90 degree cone directly behind Ashley, hoping that it would hit more than just one of them this time and hoping also that it would drive them off or at least back long enough for Ashley to free her. She figured that these things were weak against her holy energies and intended on continuing to use them against them.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Sure...sound easy. The young noble answer said back, as the truth was than having the angel in front with her torso exposed was the main reason of be unable to focus on cut bellow and now this squeeze feeling at her erogenous zones was turning all worse. At least dont having in mind to be attacked from behind helped a lot, as now that srange magic shield maded by Angie was in some way so warm and confortable for the human. She was trying to find the correct way to cut when suddenly Angie notice some juice hurting her as the moster started to suck her inside making her body bounce, the sudden change at her state made her scream a little in sorprise what made Ashley dont waste more time, slicing luckily the right spot in her wish to free her friend.

From the creature a mix of blood and fluids get out of the new wound as Angie could notice than she is now almost free, however the shield defending the human almost get destroyed by that strange substance and Angie suppose than it was some kind of acid or digesting fluid than could affect her spells, almost what the saliva cause to some small candies. The substance was starting to get closer and in large quantities at the celestial's lower body, but it was not pain what she was feeling now, more likely weakness as also lust taking the place of her energy.

Before something worse happen the sword cut finally the last needed to slice the creature. Free but having yet the upper part of the creature at her lower body, Angie shoot her cone spell hurting by luck and in part skill the four creatures, from these one looks to had taken enough and vashined in just some smoke sucked by the strange clouds above them.

ahm...hng is getting worse... Are you fine Angie? The poor noble said starting to sweat by the suffocation caused at her clothes. For what it looks Angie's shield cant stop what is happening at Ashley's clothes yet it defended her of that nasty substance. With the creatures almost down, Angie could end the battle soon, but she still havent finded what that trap has caused to her lower body

(three small flying ones remaining)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Making the shield around Ashley to protect her, Angie felt the creatures sucking her down further, which in turn caused her body to bounce and her breasts to jiggle practically right in Ashley's face as the purple haired girl sliced into the creature holding Angie. The blood and other fluids that spurted out of the creature when she sliced into it nearly destroyed the shield Angie had made around her, but thankfully it held up and didn't give way. The fluids that she was being pulled further into however seemed to be a kind of digestive fluid which was having an effect that she hadn't expected... it was making her body feeling weaker somewhat as well as making her body heat up with lust.

As soon as Ashley sliced the creature again though it released Angie, just as she blasted her cone of holy energy out at the creatures, managing to hit all four of them and either killing one or driving it off and leaving just three more to contend with. "I'll be okay Ashley, help me get out of this thing and I'll keep covering you," Angie said to Ashley, pulling herself up with one hand while sending another bolt of holy energy at the the first of the remaining creatures that came after Ashley to cover her. "Be gone you foul beasts, go back to where you came from," she added as soon as she sent her blast out.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Sure, let me handle this crap. Ashley answer back, a little disgusted to take the strange creature's remain with her bare hands to release her friend, she made it but take her a time, more likely for how nasty it looks to her eyes and also because the fight still havent ended. The first shoot was dodged easily by these things more likely starting to get used to how Angie shoot her spells and the difficult for her to aim in this state.

Once free was something different and she take them out of guard with a sudden potent holy spell than dont hit one but two of the creatures than soon turned into a dark gas than returned to the dark clouds, the joy dont lasted too much as the remain creature pass through her body making her feels so much cold than her niples get hardened, as also her now hard member filled with the strange warm substance of the dead trap monster. Angie was now mostly naked with just a very small rag of her male underwear and nothing else, her legs have some wounds caused by the fluids but her magic could heal this later.

Ashley get up with difficulty and giving a soft moan by what was turturing her body and then tried to hit the monster with a swing, however the monster just dodged flying away as also dodge some of the angel's shoots. The damn monster was more a nuisance than a danger and after waste some more of her power the two girls aiming force to defeat it ending this strange battle than caused them too much problems.

Ashley fall at her knees with her aroused face looking toward Angie. Will you be fine?, if you need it... well i could give you more energy... I mean is the less than i can do to thanks you for protect me this time... Ashley said worried and still hiding what she really wanted to say to Angie, looking to that huge dick with her pussy so wet were making her have some unneded thoughts.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

With how she was sinking into the creature that had her trapped, which was now dead at least, Angie found it tough to aim properly at the small flying creatures that buzzed around them, being more a nuisance than anything really. When Ashley managed to get her up though and out of the strange creature's maw, Angie's blast took them off guard as she hit two of the three remaining ones, taking them out in the process.

The last creature though attacked, flying straight through her as it phased through her body, leaving behind a cold feeling in her chest that caused he nipples to perk up along with her member that had become fully erect now thanks to the fluid from the creature that trapped her. Eventually though after some troubles with the two hitting the thing, they managed to take down the last of the small creatures, where Angie fell to her knees almost as soon as it was gone.

"Let me see about this next seal first, I wouldn't want to take any and waste it on this thing. But... I will need some most likely yes. But... I'm so hard it hurts, it's tough to think straight with my body like this," Angie panted to Ashley, pulling off the last shred of her clothing as it was just in the way more than anything and the tattered thread merely tickled and made her poor dick ache more. The poor angel was very aroused, but she didn't want to do that to poor Ashley, not out here in the woods with no bed or anything for the poor human girl... she couldn't do that to her. Though she knew that if she was aroused too much then she might not have a choice in the matter, so she decided that if Ashley looked like she couldn't handle it any longer along with her, then she would ask her if she wanted some relief, but first came the next seal.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Im not tired at all, maybe i have still a lot of energy... so yould well if you want... Also we could rest until it stop to be so Huge... I must admit than im also feeling a little weird... my clothes are causing me some affliction. Ashley said unable to avoid being continue looking to Angie now completely nude at her side, but also she started to ponder if she was fine bellow her summer dress.

The noble lady tried to look with caution, so Angie dont could see, but the surprise and lust on her were so huge than she couldnt stop her dress to fall down until her belly. The angel even at her state noticed a impudic black bra lingerie, with openings to have exposed Ashley's erect nipples, there were some letters on it but Angie was so far to see them.

Quicly Ashley tried to cover herself and look to be ashamed as she shout. Dont see Angie! I...its not what you think... this is not the underwear than i had before...

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"You may yet have a lot still in you, but I wouldn't want to borrow too much from you and make you weaker... I mean at least one of us needs to be able to run just in case. And... I think we may need to do that, just try not to touch it okay, else I fear I may do something that I'll regret which I won't be able to prevent," Angie said, looking over at Ashley as she lowered her dress down where she saw the sexy black lingerie that she had on, which only served to make Angie even harder as she beheld it. Angie moved closer to see if she could tell what the letters said, curious as to what they spelled out, but she was also trying to see more of Ashley's body, her instincts trying to override her better judgement, but they hadn't won completely just yet.

"It's okay Ashley... please let me see it. I saw letters on it, they might give me a clue as to what it was that put them on you if you show me, and I may be able to later change them back to normal... maybe," Angie said to Ashley, gently touching her arm to have her show her the lingerie she was wearing, where afterwards she would then head on to break the next seal, shaking the lewd dirty thoughts from her mind.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

I would never run and leave somemone so special for me, ehm you are a very special... friend Angie and i should be at least a friend for you too... Ashley said back almost shouting by how suddenly Angie supposed than she could escape alone. what will you regreit? Will you really hate it?... I suppose than you wanted than the girls at that hole were here instead of me.

I...will do anything to help you... anything Angie, you just need to ask me and i... if i can will do it.
The noble said as she prepare herself to check her bra for first time and soon the two look that strange bra on her. She soon covers herself again and frown when Angie wanted so baddly to look it again.

B-but my, i mean im really exposed, j...just see the letters alright? Ashley complain in shame before accept to remove the top of her summer dress to let the angel read, meanwhile she used her hands to vover her nipples as much as she could withou block anything on the letters.

S...so what do you found? All will be fine... you are so close and that thing... why you always ends naked? The purple haired girl said closing her eyes to dont see the bare body in front of her.

Angie could notice how excited was the human girl, maybe by the fear of what is happening now, but soon her eyes focused on an unusual kind of idiom writed in the simpy bra.

"Angie please take me"

Was the words than she manage to read at her bra and she also find out than the skin around the bra was more pale than the rest of her body as also more alluring. Ashley should be really sensitive at her breasts now and also as a last clue she notice than her panty was of the same color as this bra but the dress on her lap avoid her to see more than just a small sign og it.

The road to the second seal was surrounded by some trees and a small river at the side, also a opening far away of them could be seen in any of these paths they could reach their next target.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"But Ashley, I would rather be taken myself than let that happen to you. It's not only my duty as an angel, but also as a friend," Angie said to Ashley with a soft smile, a little startled by the way Ashley was nearly shouting back at her. "N-No Ashley, that's not what I meant. I... I meant that I might try to... do things with you... lewd things, and I wouldn't be able to control myself," Angie went on to say, giving an apologetic look to Ashley.

"It's alright if you're a little exposed Ashley, and thank you Ashley... I appreciate you saying that you'd do anything to help me," Angie said after a few moments, giving Ashley's hand a gentle squeeze as she leaned closer to look at the letters on her lingerie. "It says... um... it says, Angie please take me. I think those little critters were trying to make me rape you if I had to guess Ashley," she added, blushing deeply as she answered Ashley's question of what the writing said.

Angie kind of just remained silent until they reached the second sealed area after that, only then talking about something. Angie knelt down in the area where it was at and focused her energy, trying to conserve as much of her energy as she was able to, but expending as much as necessary to break the seal so that the ley line energies could flow properly again. She hoped that the energy would flow again once this seal was broken, as she didn't have a whole lot left to throw around even with borrowing some more from Ashley.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Ashley sigh mostly thinking than Angie havent changed too much the whole time being at her town. Uhm, so lewd things... to say the truth im also very tempted on ask you a pair of questions about some private things... but i dunno if we have the time. The noble stop for now this talk, giving to Angie another choice for later.

However when the angel dont notice her feelings again she just started to have something against the others girls than Angie has meet at the unknown catacombs. Do you think that really Angie? Should i remove this dress and let you see more? well i suppose than you dont care about nudity... but i would almost die of embarrasment if you see me now with this naughty underwear or naked... The poor human have a lot of things at her head, mostly all about her feelings and what she should do with Angie, the pleasant feelings at her hand taken by her was not doubt of her attraction, but she was so insecure now after heard than she was just her friend and all what she has done to her maybe is just a duty than an angel have.

Peals of thunders started to sound more closer and mixed with the black and blue rays a bunch of dark orange and yellow thunders started to appear. Ashley passed more time looking to the floor and a little distancing could be noticed with difficulty as they continue their path, damn... sexy... naive... airhead Ashley just mumble maybe Angie could suppose than the human was scared as the silent forest has been filled with these scary thunders even more now and she was saying random words now to endure it.

Fortunately for them their new walk was out of dangers and Angie have the chance to try to break the seal, she placed her energy to try to break it and after a hard moment she manage to remove it...

Suddenly some feet away of them between two stone pillars the view of the nature in front of them broke as a mirror revealing a hidden passage with two statues at the side of the strange portal like door. The seal presence havent dissapear of this area and instead has moved to deep inside this strange door with purple light. Angie was tired enough to dont be able to notice more to decide what to do and Ashley aura was still so bright without a change...yet the chaos inside her remain or has grow, she even dont said anything and just remain behind the angel after see this supernatural event in front of them.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"I... we'll see if we have the tie after I break this next seal. If need be we'll make the time shortly to talk about things. And... I'm... I'm afraid Ashley," Angie said about their talk and pausing for a moment as she started to talk about their friendship. "I'm afraid that I would hurt you Ashley... if I'm not careful. You don't have to remove your clothes if you don't feel comfortable doing so, because I already know you're beautiful. I just... don't want to make a mistake is all. And you are my friend, you've been so nice to me since I arrived even after all of the things we've gotten into together, and I don't want to repay that kindness with uncontrollably raping you or something thanks to some outside influence effecting me. I mean don't get me wrong... my body, it's becoming more and more aware of itself and my surroundings, and like I said you're very beautiful so I would love nothing more than for us to make love right under the full moon in a clearing here in the forest," Angie went on to say to Ashley, trying to get rid of any worries she had and to prove to her that she cared about her quite a bit, but she was scared of hurting her in some way because of what was going on around them and because she was so attracted to her.


Later on after she finished talking and they made their way over to the seal, Angie heard Ashley's mutterings and started feeling bad, thinking that Ashley didn't like her anymore and that her earlier words might have made Ashley hate her. Before she could think too much on it though Angie found the seal and began her work on removing it despite the crackling energies about them. It was a chore and a half though to remove it, but she soon managed to remove that seal too, which exhausted her a good bit more, enough so that she had to shake her head because she felt a little dizzy.

When the hidden passage revealed itself to them, Angie was a little amazed to say the least, as she was so weak on energy at the moment that she couldn't sense it out. Angie tried to stand but stumbled back a little bit and fell back to her knees, panting as she did so. "Ashley, I... I can feel the sealed presences within that portal now. But, I fear I'm too weak to remove anymore without some more energy from you," Angie said, looking over at Ashley for a moment with an apologetic look on her face, letting her know she regretted what she'd said earlier that upset her. "I'm sorry Ashley... for the way I spoke earlier. You're my first friend here though, and I don't want to mess that up... but I really find you attractive Ashley... a lot. My parents, they told me that I would probably end up finding many women attractive once I came into my own, but that I should be careful who I chose to make love to, and now I'm beginning to understand what they meant exactly. I want you Ashley, my body is aching to do have you, but I can't deny that I want other girls too... I would be lying if I tried to say otherwise," she went on to say to Ashley, reaching out to take Ashley's hand unless the purple haired girl pulled away from her.

If Ashley didn't move away from her, Angie would gently pulled her over to her, bringing her down to her knees with herself, where she'd lean in and kiss Ashley softly right on the lips, her wings closing around them protectively and partially blocking them from view of any outsiders as she stared directly into Ashley's eyes with a kind and loving look in her own, showing Ashley that there was more than just mere friendship that she felt for her. There would also be a hint of fear though with a single tear coming from her eye, which Ashley could tell from seeing what it meant... fear that she would hurt her and ruin any friendship they had between each other.

If Ashley moved back though and didn't take Angie's hand, Angie would force herself up to her feet and do the same thing, desiring to prove to Ashley that she didn't just see her as only a friend or her charge of her angelic duties. "Please believe me Ashley, I... I care about you, what happens to you. Would I have done all I did to rescue you from that marriage if I didn't care about you?" Angie would say to Ashley afterwards, regardless of what Ashley decided to do of allowing Angie to pull her closer or not.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Ashley remain quiet, most likely lost at ponders and how she feels after what the angel has said to herself before they started walking again. But soon after try to break the seal, Angie was once again out of energy to continue and soon the angel tried to give an apologize and also show her feelings to the noble human girl. Ashley heard all without show any change of her distant depressing state, she just closed her eyes and moved back when Angie tried to pull her hand.

Angie could suppose than the mortal was upset with her and she tried a last time what made the purple haired girl open her eyes and get closer. All looks to be close to be solved after that missunderstanding, Angie was ready to receive what Ashley have at her heart, until the girl give a sudden bump on the head to Angie than the angel never expected it. Before the angel could say something or let any tear drop, Ashley sigh and let her dress fall at the floor before quickly jump at the angel's arms. It has been so fast and Angelique was not expecting any of these two actions, but she reached to see than Ashley's simple white underwear and shorts had changed into a black naughty lencery, with heart shape openings at her nipples and cunt, black tights than were united at her panties, the angel could notice the gushing pussy drenching her crotch and looking to the human's back was turning her on even more as a huge opening at the human's rear make it looks with a heart shape, what Ashley is using now was exposing anything in a worst way than be naked and Angie could notice how her hard dick was pressing against Ashley's honeyflower.

You are so silly and naive Angie. I was so scared to lost you than i decided to wear this sissy underwear, heels and even a dress...

I should try to guide someone so naive and pure at mind at this damn world, but i almost tried to use that to have you and feel what the others girls at that cave enjoy with you... I hate myself for be a terrible friend.

Angie could notice than Ashley still tried to hold her feelings, but she wanted so baddly to confess all and just find out what she was for Angie. The angel could notice some warm tears slowly falling at her shoulder where Ashley's head was resting as they remain at theirs kness huging each other.

I want to have you... but im SCARED!

Very scared of myself...
Just then the thunders hit a closer tree, the quantity of them at the sky has grow mostly all were yellow and blue as the ones from the start than were mixed with the black ones. Even then Angie know than Ashley's body is shivering by what she have inside her soul, the poor girl was a mess, filled with insecurities and needs to remain like this for a while.

Im a monster than just cause missfortune... this and and before... all the people is right... but no matter what could happen... i want you to... i want to feel it, but im scared... it must sound so stupid, isnt?

That disgusting naughty thing is so warm, i wish to remove it, but have you so close make me feel so different of what it should.
The girl was stoping her teardrops, but remain huging the angel, just having her dick close her crotch was giving her some magic, that place was so filled with aura than Angie know than just having her member inside could give her enough power to start a fight, but she was not so hard at the moment so she could endure this for a little more before it hurts.

Her mind remember the protection at Ashley pussy, if she use her that would be broken and anyone could take her after struggle. But if someone else take break it and have a first time with Ashley then the human would fall slowly in love with that person or creature. With the possible danger in front maybe was prudent to take the human, as Angie is unsure how strong is what they could face in this journey.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Looking at Ashley as she made her apology, Angie was unsure of what the purple haired human might do at first. When Ashley stepped back though, Angie felt terrible, thinking that Ashley didn't like her any longer, and when she bonked her on the head Angie immediately thought that meant she had just lost her first friend here in the mortal world. Feeling that she'd failed Ashley as a friend for only a couple of seconds until Ashley jumped into her arms, Angie's eyes widened in surprise for a few moments before she returned the hug, wrapping her wings around them both protectively. Noticing that her member was pressing against Ashley's flower, Angie couldn't help but twitch a bit against her as she stared at the lewd lingerie that her friend had on and was unable to suppress a smirk.

"No Ashley you aren't a terrible friend, far from it if you ask me. And you didn't need to wear this kind of lingerie to seduce me... I already thought you were beautiful, and when I saw you earlier I... well after having sex with a couple of the girls from the catacombs yesterday I felt very conscious of your body when I saw you naked earlier. You couldn't see it because of my robes, but my penis was hard as a rock there for a couple of minutes when I saw you," Angie said to Ashley as they held each other there, and when she felt the warm tears falling onto her shoulders, Angie gave a gentle squeeze to Ashley before pulling away just a little to look at her. "Oh sweetie, don't cry okay. And you don't have any reason to be scared Ashley. You aren't a monster, you just have a lot of power within you that you don't understand and don't know how to control yet. I... I'll stay with you to teach you and protect you, and to... and to be with you," Angie went on to say to Ashley as she kissed her tears away, caressing her cheek gently before kissing her on the lips once her tears had stopped, and Angie could feel all of her insecurities raging around with her soul, unsure of what she should really do here herself, but feeling that following her heart would be for the best.

As she felt her member pressing against Ashley's soaked folds, the memory of what she'd been shown and told of Ashley came to mind and she knew in her heart that this would change Ashley's life... for better or worse it would change her forever. Angie just didn't want to change Ashley's life for the worse, but she also remembered that if she was the one to take Ashley's first that the young human would start to slowly fall deeply in love with her, which she had nothing against in the least, but it would break the seal that was keeping her purity intact and could open her up to attack from all kinds of things.

"Ashley... do you trust me? Do you... love and feel attracted to me? I can't deny that about you. I... I also have something to tell you, which I was shown when I rescued you the other day..." Angie asked Ashley with a hopeful look in her eyes before trailing off with telling her what she'd been shown and told about the seal placed on her that protected her, all she knew of it at least. "That Ashley is why I've been acting reluctant to take you, despite my attraction to you. Because I didn't want to leave you defenseless without that seal, and I didn't know if you liked me enough for me to do it since it would cause you to fall in love with me. But... I can't help it though, I really do want you... if you still want me that is," Angie said when she was done telling Ashley about what she'd seen in the visions and all about her, still holding her close to her with her wings wrapped around her protectively.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

With Ashley so wounded by her own feelings, Angie tried to calm her as the best way that she could. The human was not sure if the angel really has got what she feels of her, it hurts her to be so direct and dont let hiden all what she has stored for the last years. She wanted to stay just like this huging the angel and she was not expecting more than the warm hug from the Celestial as answer, so when she was pulled away she was taken off guard and she wanted so badly to hide her teardrops but her face was filled of them, fortunately she havent tried to place a make up as she dont have a single clue of how place it.

There is... not way than anyone couldnt notice it, Angie... That thing is so big to hide, but i never expected than it was because my body. Ashley manage to said between sobs as she tried to calm herself. Why do you care too much for me? Its because your duty as an angel? or... Ashley wanted to ask to the angel if she was more than a friend, she dont wanted to be just that but she could endure it if it was the only way to stay with the clueless angel. Just then Angie cleaned her face with kisses, making the human be really moved by this show of apreciation than even her mother havent show to her. She stop her tears by how great she was feeling as Angie take care of her, soon Angelique notice it and give her a passionate kiss than dont receive any resistance from the human. The purple haired girl could had stay there for hours leting Angie confort her until they had her lips away so the angel could speak as much as she know about the curse and the possible future than cold fall over the noble lady.

Ashley dont have any place to go now and mostly she was so intersted of what Angie is saying to her yet almost at the end she closed the eyes and frown a little.

You dont needed me to say me anything Angie, you could had just take me and i would had fall in love... Ashley sigh and shaked her head a little. Thanks, for said me all and dont take advantage of this... But that sound stupid, i cant fall in love just with that...

The place remain silent with just some thunderstorms hitting each other as Ashley fight inside her to say the next. Because. How can i fall in love having sex if... i already love you? I love you and i dont see anyone more taking my purity than you.

I dont care if i lost this seal or if a monster take me, just be my first time and stay with me Angie.
Ashley ended completely ashamed yet fully exposing her feelings to the woman in front of her, she was still with throughts at her mind than confused her, mostly asking herself if Angie her friend was the right person to give her all.

Take me now or later... just be the first... dont dare someone else have the chance to take your place... i dont want to fall in love of an strange. Just be kind, im so scared of how it will feel. Do it hurts? Will you do it now? Angie could notice the fear on the poor one in front of her, the idea of have sex has been shown as terrible at her mind for years but she was even then trying to let Angie take her, there werent any sign of creatures around them and Angie havent received too much energy from the human as the confusion at her mind had stop her flow until just some moments ago and now almost all her body ask the angel to take her or at least accept her feelings as Ashley has accepted hers.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"I care for you so much silly because you're a good person, because you helped me when I needed it, because you have chosen to stay by me through thick and thin, and because I... I love you too, even though we just met a few days ago I feel that I couldn't live without you. Now I can't deny that some of my love for you comes from my being an angel and wishing to protect all living things in some way, but there's more than that in my heart I can tell," Angie told Ashley when asked why she cared for her so much.

"If I hadn't told you anything Ashley and just took your first to make you fall in love with me, then I'd be no better than those that tried to do the same to you the other day," Angie said when Ashley spoke again, and when Ashley said the next part she couldn't help but feel love well up in her heart for Ashley when the young human mentioned already loving Angie. "Alright Ashley, if you'll accept me, I shall be your first time. And don't worry about a thing, I'll be very gentle for you. As for how much it hurts... well it's different for each girl from what I've heard, and there's no reason to be scared okay love," Angie went on to say to Ashley, a soft smile on her lips as she leaned in again to kiss Ashley.

"Come, before we go any further Ashley, I will take your first right here in this forest. Our consummation of love here will help to purify the forest as well I believe, for when two souls that love one another express their love they can always be victorious," Angie said to Ashley, using a bit of her energy to put a barrier up around them as she summoned a blanket like they would use for a picnic to lay on to consummate their love for each other.

If Ashley didn't stop her, Angie would take things slow as she laid her down on her back on the blanket, where she would undress Ashley of all she had left on. While she undressed Ashley, Angie would kiss her on the lips until all of Ashley's clothes were off of her, at which point she'd begin to kiss down her body, stopping every inch or two so she could plant another soft kiss on her bare skin. She'd kiss Ashley's neck several times, her breasts, and her navel before traveling down further to her thighs where she'd kiss them on the insides and outsides of her legs for a minute or two before moving in closer to Ashley's honeypot. Finally after a couple of minutes of kissing and caressing Ashley's body to warm her up some, Angie would finally lean in and plant a single kiss on Ashley's virgin folds, then she'd do it a second time, and a third, going several more times as she tasted Ashley's juices flowing out of her and savored the taste.

"Mmm, Ashley... you taste delicious. Would you like to taste me before we do this? I don't mind if you do and won't be angry if you don't," Angie said to Ashley, offering to let the young human taste her penis once with a kiss before she plundered her virgin pussy.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

FUCK... i will post this once and for all... Ahhhhh

But... all what i made was what must had been done for someone...in need
Ashley shaked softly her head, amazed and at deny by how Angie describe her why she was in love at her. Mostly the noble supposed than what she has done all these days could had been done for anyone else. Even then she blushed accepting the feelings of her lover. Just nodding as she heards why Angie never tried to take her before.

Her eyes show her feelings, how that single word made her stun in bliss. "Love" It was just strange how this made her suddenly smile even with all the fear of what will come to her. Thanks, i will try to dont run away...Love She said with a nervious smile, as they get closer to kiss each other again.

Struck at her mixed feelings, the young noble leave almost all the choices for Angie, as if she would have the chance, she would mostly stop and think this better, maybe even take some distance, but she want it and this sound like the best choice, the sky was a mess as the preparation have all ready for who anyone else could be strange. Really? At this clear... where anyone can see us? But if anything attack us?

Ashley worries were answered soon as a barrier was casted with some of the remain power of the angel as also a confortable blanket of the angel's choice color. Oh sure... love can beat anything, like all said... isnt? the noble said almost taking it out at her sarcastical tone, yet amazed by Angie taking this now she forget it at all her little joke and just accept the words, her mind and heart were so in bliss than each word of the angel sound so correct and out of doubt, ever her scared being was geting in place resting over the blanked.

Ashley's thighs were pressed with force as she shivered a little, her face blushed as she closed her eyes waiting for what it will come. It was painful your first time Angie? Or are you still virgin? I really want this, so badly but i cant stop to shiver... please continue. Mom said than it feels good when you get used, but i have my doubts... Angie could notice than the poor woman was trying to earn time without notice it, but the wait could make all this worse, she needed to start now before the stress affect her partner and it make the start more painful. Soon the angel started, first turning on even more the purple haired girl with kind kisses at her lips. The naughty underwear was the only thing at the poor girl and they could be removed so easily or placed at a side, but then they turned into dust and suddenly they sprout at the girls's body, Angie could try as much as she likes as after a few tries she noticed than this lingery is getting casted by the human own body, it was if the inner part of this mortal was using her powers to call the attention of the angel so her virginity could be taken.

Angelique know than these rare curses end when some requeriments or time had passed, so she could forget of them soon as the skimpy clothes will dont affect what she will try now. Her kisses continued and Ashley remain giving soft moans as she remain with her eyes closed, softly having a soft sweat drops at her forehead, just then when Angie started kissing her neithers, the poor girl almost get up by the surprise yet remain still resting at her place. That place no... is so... its so wet already. It give me tickles and... ahm... hmm... why? why are this and you so...good?

It dont take too much work to prepare Ashley for what will come, she after all is a virgin already aroused by her own powers, if Angie would had continue for some minutes more the poor girl would had reached her peak with just this.

Really? Its so strange to heard you say that... Ashley said back before get in mind the next than the angel has said. Kiss...that huge... thing? The angel could notice a small blue tone at the red blushing at the human, her fobia than her many nightmares had giving her made her this a terrible fight for her. She slowly nod and moves her hands to the thing... slowly poking it with one of her fingers a pair of times until push it a little to the other side. Hmm... i havent before be so close to... one. Do i just kiss it? Sound easy, i guess.

Guided by her love, the young human get closer to the creepy yet alluring object, almost with tears on her eyes she open her mouth and pressed her tongue to a side of the divine dick, her fine fingers softly moving it closer as she take some courage to give it a peak kiss.

Like this? I did it, right? She sometimes said as she turn to the angel, she dont wanted to do it again but she supposed than she was doing it wrong and she wanted to made her partner pleased. Uhm... its so warm and hard, it must hurt...isnt?

Maybe Ashley was more than just lacking at experience, her fears where on the way and she needed to breath a pair of times before place her index on the point of the meat rod, smelling it a little with maybe dislike but she looks at the angel's face and softly smiled. She just made a sudden kiss, the peak turned into a soft kiss and then she suck at it as her hands move to caress the long dick for some moments, as a scared hungry baby she suck at the point without stop for almost a pair of minutes, Angelique should recognize the will of this human than fighted her fears to pleasure who she love, it should be the first time than Ashley do this but she was getting used so soon as the time goes on.

The brave girl would last as much as Angie would request, it was starting to feels great for the angel and she could cum in the human's face what could be a shock for the girl if it pass without advice... Ashley is at her mercy as she remain with her eyes closed as a small teardrop fall from her cheeks as she softly moan and whimper, with these pleased muffed moans not doubt she was getting used to this but maybe a creampie at her face could be too much so Angie should guide her to the next step before she do her release, no doubt the purple haired girl will accept to do what she try now.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Seeing how much simply saying love to Ashley effected her and brightened her up, Angie smiled, feeling that she was giving a good start to their relationship. She then couldn't help but giggle a little bit when Ashley voiced her concerns of doing it right there in the clearing they were in. "It'll be alright Ashley, I may not have a whole lot of power left in me at the moment, but I can force a bit more out of myself to make us a barrier so nothing would be able to hurt us before we were ready to fight back, besides with any and everyone seeing us making love here for all to see, they'll know that it was an act of love between us and not lust," Angie told Ashley reassuringly, to help calm any fears she might have.

"Yes you could say it was a little painful, but it is for most every girl really. However thankfully one of those monster girls I told you about, Tezzy, she secretes this fluid that amazingly has healing properties and it healed my hymen you might say, so that my first time could be taken again in a sense. And your mother was right, once you get used to it and after the initial sting goes away it feels wonderful Ashley," Angie told Ashley when she asked if she was still a virgin there too, leaning in to kiss her again. "The best thing to do though sweetie is just relax. If there is pain it'll only be worse the more tense you are. So if you're relaxed and all it won't hurt as much, and don't worry I'll be gentle," she added with another kiss, this one on Ashley's neck.

When she finally got around to taking Ashley's lingerie off of her, Angie found that they disappeared and the reappeared on Ashley's body again. Sensing that this was the work of the curse on Ashley, Angie decided to keep going with other things and moved down to kiss Ashley down there over her panties instead. "Hmhm, it tickles? Well then I'll have to do this more and tickle you more Ashley. It feels so good doesn't it? And don't worry about how wet it is down here, the wetter the better," Angie asked Ashley with a giggle after kissing and licking her pussy a few times.


After she'd pulled away after licking Ashley enough and asked if she'd like to taste her too, Angie awaited the purple haired girl's answer and couldn't help but giggle when she replied. "Yes kiss it sweetie. Like I said I don't mind if you don't want to do it," Angie told her, watching as Ashley bravely reached out to touch her penis. Nodding when asked again if she should just kiss it, Angie guided Ashley along and very gently pulled her face closer, not forcing it if she didn't want to.

When Ashley's tongue touched her dick, Angie couldn't help but let out a sharp gasp at the sudden pleasure. "Yes sweetie you did it right, for your first time doing that you couldn't have done it any better I think. And yes it does ache a little bit because it's so hard, but soon it won't be so hard so you don't need to worry about it," Angie told Ashley after she'd given her a look and asked if she'd done it right. Once Ashley went back to it, Angie sat there on the blanket and enjoyed Ashley's lips wrapping around her meat rod as her head bobbed up and down over it. Seeing that Ashley was trying her hardest for her sake made Angie's heart feel all warm and fuzzy inside and soon enough she felt her cock beginning to throb in preparation for release. Angie let her keep going for another minute or so until she was getting close herself before stopping her with a gentle pull on her hair to have her pull back.

"Alright Ashley, that was great, but let's get on to other business now that we're both warmed up enough and all. I want you now Ashley, I don't think I can hold myself back any longer, not now that you've gotten me all worked up like this, but I'll be gentle for you, because I love you too," Angie told Ashley once she'd pulled her mouth off of her dick, having enjoyed it maybe a little too much before having Ashley stop, as her dick was throbbing quite a bit.

With that, Angie gently pushed Ashley back onto the blankets once more, where she maneuvered around on top of her and kissed her deeply on the lips again as she rubbed her painfully erect dick against Ashley's pussy through her sopping wet panties. When Angie was certain that they were both completely ready, the young angel slid Ashley's panties down and off of her once more and pressed her tip against Ashley's now bared pussy and rubbed against it for a few seconds before pressing inside very gently, assuming her panties hadn't reappeared on her that is, but if they had then Angie would simply push them out of the way without taking them completely off and start pressing in like that instead. As soon as Angie was inside as much as she could be before popping Ashley's cherry, she'd pull the young human girl against her body and kiss her deeply as she thrust in a little quickly to break through her hymen quickly so as not to prolong the pain caused from it.

Angie would hold Ashley close while she got used to her girth within her tight and no longer virgin pussy, enjoying the warmth and tightness of Ashley's pussy. "Just hold onto me Ashley, for as long as you need to. I won't thrust until you're ready okay, just let me know when I can start alright," Angie whispered in Ashley's ear while her dick was enveloped within her tight folds.