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ACT Patreon Active [Anon42] Crisis Point: Extinction

Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Feb. 25th)

Hmmm beat that double worm boss and went up and cant get through. Heard there are checkpoints somewhere and I kinda forgot how to use that force shot. And how do you get to the summit area?
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Feb. 25th)

Hmmm beat that double worm boss and went up and cant get through. Heard there are checkpoints somewhere and I kinda forgot how to use that force shot. And how do you get to the summit area?

Assuming you didn't customize your controls, you use subweapons by pressing the U key, and you can switch between subweapons with the spacebar. You need to use the Force Shot to get to the Summit. Look for walls that look cracked, you can blow them up with the force shot.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Feb. 25th)

Assuming you didn't customize your controls, you use subweapons by pressing the U key, and you can switch between subweapons with the spacebar. You need to use the Force Shot to get to the Summit. Look for walls that look cracked, you can blow them up with the force shot.

Realised it before the site got blown up lol. Got the the summit but then got owned and had to restart from the beginning. There are checkpoints somewhere correct?
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Feb. 25th)

Realised it before the site got blown up lol. Got the the summit but then got owned and had to restart from the beginning. There are checkpoints somewhere correct?

Not in v.08. The checkpoints were just added in v.09, which was released to Patrons a few days ago and will go public on March 25th. Sorry!
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Feb. 25th)

Maybe you should put some repeating "BACKGROUND TEXTURE UNDER CONSTRUCTION" text in the background.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Feb. 25th)

Maybe you should put some repeating "BACKGROUND TEXTURE UNDER CONSTRUCTION" text in the background.

I'll be sure to throw "-suggested by textbook703" in 4 point font underneath that too, thx m8
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Feb. 25th)

I'll be sure to throw "-suggested by textbook703" in 4 point font underneath that too, thx m8

Sounds gr8 m8 i r8 it 8/8!

...I'm very tired, I've been awake too long.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Feb. 25th)

Been a while since I posted here, huh..? Well, to be honest there's not a lot to post - most of v.09 was spent working on behind-the-scenes stuff, rather than artwork. However, seeing as it's been a highly requested feature recently, I'll go ahead and detail how the checkpoints system is going to work.

v.09 will have several points that are considered 'checkpoints'. When you reach them, the game will automatically activate that checkpoint, and a bit of text in the upper right corner of the screen will say "Checkpoint activated", letting you know the room is, in fact, a checkpoint. If Alicia dies at any point after reaching one of these checkpoints, she will respawn back in that room, while still keeping any items or powerups she collected since the checkpoint. This was actually a lot easier to implement for me than saving every collectible and such at the time a checkpoint is activated, and I figured it would be a nice bonus for those who have been playing the demo every month.

TL;DR - There are several checkpoints in v.09, and when you die you keep all your shit.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Feb. 25th)

I think saved games in Final Fantasy VI worked the same way. There were some power-leveling exploits that revolved around that, but there's nothing to lose from using it mid-development as a stand in for a to-be-implemented save system (in a game that doesn't even involve grinding).
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Feb. 25th)

I think saved games in Final Fantasy VI worked the same way. There were some power-leveling exploits that revolved around that, but there's nothing to lose from using it mid-development as a stand in for a to-be-implemented save system (in a game that doesn't even involve grinding).

Yeah, pretty much. Saving will be more traditional in the final version of the game, where you'll have to manually save at specific points, and if you die you'll reload that save and lose any progress you made since then - but there's really no negative to using this system for the time being. It's more convenient for everyone.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Feb. 25th)

EDIT: Nevermind, figured it out. Long story short the download borked the first time I tried it and I ended up with a broken zip (everything worked except for data.win which failed to extract without giving an error... thanks 7-Zip). Redownloaded it and things are good.

Figured it out because data.win was uh, old.
Last edited:
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Feb. 25th)

EDIT: Nevermind, figured it out. Long story short the download borked the first time I tried it and I ended up with a broken zip (everything worked except for data.win which failed to extract without giving an error... thanks 7-Zip). Redownloaded it and things are good.

Figured it out because data.win was uh, old.

Well, glad to hear you fixed.. whatever was happening :p I didn't even see the original post, lol. Hope you enjoyed the game!

In other news, the public release of v.09 is coming in just under a week, so I'm going to detail the new map system for you guys!


(The size of this grid is NOT indicative of the final game's map size, it's purely placeholder for now.)

Crisis Point's map is auto-generating, which means that as you wander around the game world, your map will automatically update each time you enter a new screen - not a new room, but a new 640x480 area (the size of the game's resolution.) Each room in the game adheres to that size restriction, and now that there's a visible map in place, you can see exactly how they connect together in the grand scheme of things.

Now, for the v.09 update, it won't be possible to uncover some of the rooms fully. In the screenshot, you'll notice that the rooms on the left seem to be missing chunks. That's because Alicia never moved into those screens, because it's impossible to do so right now. Rest assured this will not always be the case. Now that the system is functional, I'll update room design as soon as I can to ensure that it's possible to fully complete the entire map. I wasn't able to get that all done for v.09, though, so my apologies to any OCD completionists out there like myself!

(Also, yes, the map is much easier to look at in the release - this screenshot was from when I had just finished getting it functional.)
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Feb. 25th)

I've been meaning to ask... you know those breakable walls you've had us using the bomb-shot to blast through? There's what looks like a floor/ceiling version in the lower-left section of Not Brinstar, in a room that has an ammo upgrade, but it seems impervious to bombing. That's by design, right?
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Feb. 25th)

I've been meaning to ask... you know those breakable walls you've had us using the bomb-shot to blast through? There's what looks like a floor/ceiling version in the lower-left section of Not Brinstar, in a room that has an ammo upgrade, but it seems impervious to bombing. That's by design, right?

Well, it's not so much 'design' as 'the game isn't finished', lol. I'm going to replace that graphic with a plain block right now, actually - I never should have put that breakable wall there, it's just confusing.

Basically, you'll be able to break that floor later in the game with another powerup that isn't the Force Shot. In the final game it will have its own unique graphic, rather than the one it has now, so there shouldn't be any confusion then. For now I'll just make it a plain black barrier so it's obvious that it's unfinished. Sorry about that!
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (Feb. 25th)

Well there are no comments to reply to, so I'm at a bit of a loss as to how to start this post. Eh, fuck it. UPDATE TIME!

This update is one of the best ones Crisis Point has had so far, in my opinion. It took a lot of cramming to get it all done, but as it turns out I work well under pressure and I'm very happy with how everything turned out!

-Begin implementing Map system
-Implement checkpoint system (NOT save system)
-Implement more uses of the Wire Shot
-Add new movement stance (limping) to be used for various status effects -- partially complete
-Add flies cumming animation
-Add new enemy (Latchers)
-Custom controls will now be saved in 'keys.ini', and should function with future versions of the game
-New music for Summit and Worm boss
-Create more content (areas)
-Fix more minor issues

Like last time, I'll be listing the minor changes at the end of this post, for those of you who are interested in them. As you can see, the changelog is probably the biggest one that Crisis Point has ever seen, and there are some pretty important functions that a lot of people have been looking forward to. I hope you guys enjoy it! As for what the future will bring..

-Enable Pausing function (will require large system reworks)
-Finish implementing Map system
-Add new enemy (cumshooter)
-Finish Limping animation
-Begin working on new boss
-Improve Latcher animation
-Create more content (areas)
-Fix more minor issues

As usual, v.10 is coming out for patrons in about a week, so for those of you who want to be a part of it, now's a great time to join the campaign! Either way, I hope you enjoy v.09, and v.10 will be going public on the 25th of April!

Minor Issues fixed in v.09
-Door straight ahead in first slime room has been changed into force shot wall to provide better flow
-Enemy reaction to Wire Shot platforms moving was wonky
-Flies buffed (more knockdown, faster attack speed)
-Added sound effect & music credits
-Added new struggle system to non-rape struggles
-Made boss fight start up faster
-Some rooms weren't persistent, had respawning ammo upgrades
-Pants in jumping animation were inconsistent with standing
-Made Alicia move backwards when kicking enemy near the wall, rather than forwards
-Increased boss damage, lowered boss HP, to result in faster fight
-Attempted fix at random H-scene crashes
-No longer possible to get knocked back behind laser gate and be unable to progress
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (March 25th)

When all else fails, post an update!

Thanks man
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (March 25th)

That new monster certainly seems... endearingly harmless? Protag looks more confused by it's mischief than anything. I'm assuming it's role in combat is to annoy and hamper us while we try to fight actual threats. Of course, I haven't seen what happen if it glomps onto a downed Alicia. Or what happens if more than one manage make nuisances of themselves at the same time.

By the way, when the time comes to implement effects for the "libido guage," what do you intend them to be? It looks like it winds down too fast to be be an ending thing.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (March 25th)

This game really needs a save. The checkpoint doesn't retain after the game ends. I find it frustrating enough I'll just skip it otherwise.
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (March 25th)

Ok, don't stone me for asking a possibly stupid question but where do I find the double jump upgrade?
I can't get past the area with the insect hive
Re: Crisis Point: Extinction - Metroidvania H-game - NEW PUBLIC UPDATE! (March 25th)

This game really needs a save. The checkpoint doesn't retain after the game ends. I find it frustrating enough I'll just skip it otherwise.

A save system is planned. The checkpoint system is temporary.