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Re: Akabur Games

What really worries me is that he says that WT was "Completed Successfully" and apparently is planning a complete remake of PT.

.....so a year from now Butlers Bitch will still be the only game that he actually completed.
Re: Akabur Games

I hope he fixes his attitude a bit. A few People and I are getting Ignored by him and it seems he is pushing people away.

I don't have no clue why he is doing that but it better be a good reason. You don't push away your friends as that makes you a fucking Douche.
Re: Akabur Games

Doucheness aside, that mini-poster raises up (pun intended) some nice stuff :

Iris the juggler/joker/carnival/evilclown and Lola in what seems to be a Gryffindor blouse/shirt ...... Some inter-game connections ? or costume-swap madness ?

Though let's hope he doesn't start from scratch and just add CGs/scenes/quests to PT so he won't take another year to come and whine his hands are on fire and his life is doomed by supporters telling him to release a pre-alpha build and call it quits. Hope is a fickle thing nowadays (go to hongfire.com and search for otome funtion :()
Re: Akabur Games

This is an extremely good point. Really, people flock to Akabur because he is one of the few developers who are actually producing English products. As people see the money he is creating, the market may get more competitive. That should be a good thing, assuming people still actually pay for these products. The selfish part of me just wants MORE damn English H games!

If EA start to make H game in english we'll probably stop to masturbate XD.
One way to eliminate a bad habit hahaha.
I imagine a crucible shaped as a dildo XD:

Wait it's like a dildo :D.
P.S. Hope that mass effect 4 is good, since they ruined almost all series (and I still like mass effect).
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Re: Akabur Games

Doucheness aside, that mini-poster raises up (pun intended) some nice stuff :

Iris the juggler/joker/carnival/evilclown and Lola in what seems to be a Gryffindor blouse/shirt ...... Some inter-game connections ? or costume-swap madness ?

Though let's hope he doesn't start from scratch and just add CGs/scenes/quests to PT so he won't take another year to come and whine his hands are on fire and his life is doomed by supporters telling him to release a pre-alpha build and call it quits. Hope is a fickle thing nowadays (go to hongfire.com and search for otome funtion :()

yfw it's one lola scene and 3 unfinished quest branches with condescending passive aggressive commentary.
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Re: Akabur Games

On svsgames there was a "witch trainer complete" uploaded. Did a new version of witch trainer just come out?
Re: Akabur Games

On svsgames there was a "witch trainer complete" uploaded. Did a new version of witch trainer just come out?

No not really. I think they just uploaded Bitch Trainer or Witch Trainer 1.01.
You can find both on the front page.

Here are the last 4chan Bitch Trainer links:

4chan said:
Uploader anon here with updates to Bitch Trainer, and a mod for the same.

Bitch Trainer - Iris Mod:

Bitch Trainer 1.04a:

Bitch Trainer 1.04:

This is SPSQ's work, whereever he is, so please thank him for his contributions to the community. I just upload things to torrents.

Meanwhile, this next link is a pastebin with links to all previous updates. I figured we could include it in all future OP copypasta, in case anyone wants to take a look at SPSQ's process to learn from it/get tips for it for their own trainers/attempts to mod the game.

That, and if anyone has issues with the most up to date version, 1.04a, then they can get 1.04 or any previous update easily without people having to look around for it.

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Re: Akabur Games

I contributed to the Patreon, yet I still don't see a way to DL Witch Trainer from Akabur directly... :confused:
Re: Akabur Games

I don't think you can get it from Patreon. He put up a Mega link for the release, purportedly because he was hit with cease & desist orders and Patreon and Youtube took exception to the content. Patreon has let his main page stay up with details about it, so I don't know how much truth there is to that. I'm pretty sure his Mega link went down after the bandwidth was exhausted or something, and if you ask him for link, he'll tell you, "justfuckinggoogleit, it's all over the 'net." (I'm not making that up; it's what he actually says.)

This is my favorite Akabur moment lately:

ask.fm said:
Akabur please Im begging you, don't make the new content in PT gold all chibis. Ill do anything. Ill donate, ill sing your praises from the highest rooftop. Your CGs were amazing and what made me fall in love with you. Dont take that away from us. Please Im begging you. PLEASE

If there is one thing I really enjoy it's being told what to do. Can't have enough of that shit!

Then two days later...

ask.fm said:

I love your Chibis man, but please give us some actual CG's in Princess Trainer Gold Edition. I think you're really good at them and it'd be a shame if there was an absence of CG scenes in favor of quick Chibi animations. I find that a good balance is the best way to go ;) Good luck on your work.

Sure... There will be plenty CGs in "PT Gold Edition".
Re: Akabur Games

It almost looks like he's tired of people treating him like he's standing on a pedestal.
Note the difference between "I'm begging you to do X" and "I like X, think you're good at it, and would appreciate more of it"...

In my interactions, I've tried pointing out bugs and potential improvements like I'm talking to a random internet person like myself. Civil, assuming mistakes are on my end, but not putting on baby gloves.
I've gotten reasonable responses to that, but then again, it was a while ago.
Re: Akabur Games

It's essentially the same request stated two different ways. Personally, I wouldn't consider either of them worthy of ire on a normal day. The first one is overkill, but not impolite, and the second one is polite, but reads to me as more manipulative. Or at least it seems wormier. The submitter is trying to get what he wants by essentially compromising with himself and then submitting the result for perusal.

It seems like the issue is more that Akabur's sort of moody, and his responses aren't particularly predictable. I think he's also, somewhat understandably, a bit on guard after all the hate, but those two exchanges are the sort of thing I'd look back on and think, "man, I was a dick." Looking through the latest answers, he seems to think the reason for all the criticism and hate (as far as I can tell, he doesn't classify them as separate things) is that his work got too popular. At what point it became so, who knows. He just wants things to go back to an insular little group of sycophants, I guess.

It's all very confusing and amusing to me. He's just a mass of contradictions and doesn't seem to be aware of it.
Re: Akabur Games

There is also something to consider, that generally people when they see someone who says "I was wrong", they don't admire the fact that he admitted this, but they take the opportunity to deride even more.

So a person does well to say, actually we could improve this, compared to say I was completely wrong (In the first question he could admit it was wrong, in the second that he can improve.)

Then there are also people who do not admit even the possibility they could do a better job, this can become annoying to me.

Considering the time it has had, the only mistake was to bet too much on chibi, but otherwise the work is good.

Unfortunately, every image, every line of code, even if not complex takes time, especially for a single person.

However you must consider that now his chibi will be reusable with little effort to create projects more comprehensive and complex and most of the work will be on the CG in the future.
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Re: Akabur Games

Re: Akabur Games

Nah, his code isn't that reusable. He can copy and paste if he has something similar, but he'll be rewriting half of it every time. Animating "scenes" with sprites usually involves some level of custom scripting anyway, even in Triple A titles of old. However, in those games reusable stuff like making a sprite walk around town in an RPG, is usually handled somewhat automatically, but using Akabur's style, each character on each map would have its own animation routine, copied and pasted from the first one he got working, and edited to use different images in a different part of the screen.

I'm not sure I correctly interpreted the rest of what you were saying. Either question Akabur was asked could have been answered with the reply from the second, and neither required him to admit he was wrong about Witch Trainer somehow in his response.
Re: Akabur Games

He could only add 2-3 shots of Lola naked and I'd be happy ;)
Re: Akabur Games

I don't care about his personal life, I just care about the quality of his work. Witch trainer was excellent quality, it just needs more time to reach it's full potential. There's a bit too much grinding at the start, and too few fullscreen scenes, but otherwise it's solid now.

Witch Trainer: Gold will be the game that many people expected/demanded the pirated Beta that was forced out the door due to pirating to be.
Re: Akabur Games

What I'm talking about isn't his personal life. It's just his public responses to players and supporters. Honestly, you could have passed along that exact comment over the last couple of weeks, and it seems like there would have been a fair chance you'd be called stupid or told to fuck off.
Re: Akabur Games

What I'm talking about isn't his personal life. It's just his public responses to players and supporters. Honestly, you could have passed along that exact comment over the last couple of weeks, and it seems like there would have been a fair chance you'd be called stupid or told to fuck off.

Akabur doesn't seem to understand that when you solicit financial aid from the public that you're somewhat beholden to suggestions and criticisms. He doesn't have to listen or do what they say, but to lash out at the people that are giving him money to just draw and make games as his job would seem to be unwise. He's built up his own cult of personality, however, so as long as he keeps making new posts on his Patreon page then I doubt his bank account will suffer the slightest.
Re: Akabur Games

Akabur doesn't seem to understand that when you solicit financial aid from the public that you're somewhat beholden to suggestions and criticisms. He doesn't have to listen or do what they say, but to lash out at the people that are giving him money to just draw and make games as his job would seem to be unwise. He's built up his own cult of personality, however, so as long as he keeps making new posts on his Patreon page then I doubt his bank account will suffer the slightest.
I'd put it differently: If someone finances your work, it's probably a good idea to listen to their feedback.
By opening up for donations from the public, anyone can get into that role by putting in money, though obviously there's a question of "how much is enough to be important?"
I don't think it quite works as "you asked the public for help, so now you have to listen to everyone in the public," though...