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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Thanks for info Petite! Even if I though you're not going to translate it was better to awk than not doing it :)

Marcus, I agree with Longherin, switch your mage with Archer. Btw. Have you feed your mage affection items? For me he was only male character for long long time (and still is, I wasn't able to get Conrad) so having him 100% should be really easy. I am also switching prince with Bernice (ping armor).

I am also very low on souls and regretting that I wasted time on Odette event :/. Wondering if I am ever able to lvl her properly. And today I have to farm crystals a little bit....
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

You must have good luck with platinum armor drops. I used about 9 crystals so far and I've gotten 5 Mischa and 2 platinum armors as drops. I'm at 269 souls currently because I passed over 2 days of the event just to farm for Odette. Even though I didn't get as much platinum armors as I had hoped for, at least I was able to get both Calliope and Mischa their max cost reduction with copies to spare.

As for what I will do with these platinum armors, it's going to be tough when everyone I like using can make use of it.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I wasted time on Odette and a little bit on monday map (needed money) and I have just 120 souls ffs .___. Have you used any sacred crystals yet? I am saving mine for second week. But I shouldn't have only half of your number :/

Ps. I bought one Janna, hope I wont regret this....
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Speaking of which, I was finally able to get the 5000 and 2000 DMM money cards; I had to ask a Japanese friend who administrates a niche community I participate in to purchase them for me for 7700 yen. Unfortunately, this isn't going to be of any use to anyone here...

I'm planning on asking a friend too, is the campaign across all 7/11's that carry DMM cards? Or is it region specific? The english page says something about it being country wide but I don't really trust the... broken sounding machine translation.


I was farming Odette for two days too, and I've been saving my sacred crystals as well. Currently at 180 souls, but I've literally used my stam on nothing but event maps.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I used 9 crystals so far just for Imelia's event. I also used 5 crystals for Odette's event. If I'm not screwing up with my calculation, then I only need to use about 6 or 7 more to reach my goal of 700 souls. Regardless of my calculations being right or wrong, I still have about 12~15 crystals to spare as insurance.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

@Katsu, thanks. Now I am not nervous anymore. Since I wasted a while my number sounds similar to you.
@exkale, according to crystals you used I though you should have more @@.

My goal is to farm 810 crystals ( I wanted 800 but 10 more give me plat fairy). Thats why I am panicking about my actual number
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I started using crystals some time after the Odette event, which was around 140. While I did use 9 crystals, 2 of them were used for charisma. Because I'm level 117 at the moment, I'm only able to get 13 stamina from each crystal. I only waited 2 hours twice for 5 stamina before running 50/5 again. 80 stamina * 1.6 = 128 souls~. The remaining 3 stamina from the other crystals were used on challenge quests for fairies because I'm running short on them.

I'm not sure if I'm able to reach 120 before the event ends. If I do end up reaching 120, I'll be cutting close to maintenance because I will want to wait an hour before restoring stamina again just to get 3 runs out of each crystal.

edit: I guess talking about other people's luck changes things a bit :D
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I'm with 244 souls and I have only used 5 crystals but I didn't farm a lot the Odette event. I have been lucky with platinum armors with 5 drops, 4 are for my gold healers the others I still don't know.

Also yesterday got one star in my first aw map just two failed attempts at the beginning, so someone know where I can find which units are the one that drop the aw orbs because the map yesterday I needed to let pass one blue soldier because if I blocked him I didn't have enough deployment for the healer; and almost at the end my duelist couldn't kill fast enough the archer to intercept the other so he reached the end. Therefore I want to know what I can let pass and what I can't.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I'm also conflicted on whether or not I want to trade for a second copy of Janna before she's removed (I currently have close to 200 magic crystals). I'm pretty sure they're going to add the platinum sailor Viera, and I'm of the opinion that awakened sailor elites are really good units (Machinist Ricca is also super awesome).

Edit: thx for the info as always

If u have a max cost reduced Marie then the plat sailor would need a lot of magic crystals and love to be better, cost wise. I couldn't use Janna, she is still lvl 2 :p I like the idea of physical aoe for I don't like her skill.

Btw.... fuck the random of this game. I miss the 5 souls drop more than 5 times for each plat armor I get (only got 1 armor and missed the 5 souls like 6 times already)

Edit: fuck 2.... I've been farming 55/5 without checking Petite's post... not only 40/4 has better soul drop but it also drops archers!!! I need like.... 7 T_T
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Damn I'm actually out of people to level atm, gotta head back to Rural finally. I need a bunch of silver fairies to CC silvers for AWs but can't afford to farm them right now. Been so long since I used Rural instead of the new 30 maps, darn. Really can't wait for that x4 speed...

I started using irons and bronzes from 30 map to level 40+ units but it's quite expensive as expected, can't maintain that for long.

P.S: I wonder if they'll ever make a rogue with a 7% attack boost to all rogues in the party for an AW ability. I feel like they're intentionally avoiding that so Betty can never passively 1 shot goblins on rural without that plat strategist, so cruel.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I'm planning on asking a friend too, is the campaign across all 7/11's that carry DMM cards? Or is it region specific? The english page says something about it being country wide but I don't really trust the... broken sounding machine translation.
It's across the country; however, there are stores that aren't participating in the campaign. DMM also doesn't send any confirmation, so you'll have no idea if your friend bought cards from Lawson—or a non-participating Seven-Eleven—until it's too late.

Tieskey said:
If u have a max cost reduced Marie then the plat sailor would need a lot of magic crystals and love to be better, cost wise. I couldn't use Janna, she is still lvl 2 :p I like the idea of physical aoe for I don't like her skill.
I've been seeing a lot of videos where people with teams of Machinist Riccas were curb-stomping god-tier maps. Sailor Elites are also deadly in large numbers (I only have one Marie, so if I want a second one, I'm going to have to use Viera).

Mages only deal magic damage to the unit they're targetting. Garania and Janna's skills are both really good for maps that try to overwhelm you with huge clusters of enemies coming from everywhere like the god-tier map Infection during Flan's event, and the god-tier map Lord of the Dead during the first phase of this event.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I wanna show you something I am incredibly happy right now. My first AW ^_______^


My Soma, Claire, Xiao, Daniela and Rita are also happy :p
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Grats on the AW! I'm jealous because I wasn't able to get my own Spica. If only I had more crystals back then.

Finally did this.

It took two tries just to find a suitable position for Jelius and Maribelle. I know it's the least difficult compared to the rest of the AW maps, but it's a start.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Wow, awesome! I still don't have any orb map 3starred :D I was lucky with events before. One gold rush was dropping orbs and then event with black unit helping. Thanks to that I have some useful orbs with small effort (4 HA orbs, 2 healer, 3 samurai and some others).

Spica is really awesome, too bad ypu couldn't get her. But you have some fancy princess who is not so easy to get :)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Spica is a great choice for an early CC, now get some healers :p
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Iris will be my second. I have almost all mats, except fairies (AW fairy and silver fairies to CC mats). Gonna work on her after bandit princess :)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Maintenance Update:
-Latter Half of Emergency Missions for "Capital of Princesses, Bandits, and Evil Spirits" Added.
-Great Subjugation Mission "Great Youma March" Ends.
-Janna and Cyrus removed from Magic Crystal Exchange.
+Fairy Queen Sedis and Ninja Hien Added
-Premium Summoning Chance-up for Gold Archer Bella and Platinum Vampire Hunter Elizabeth
-Apology Crystals sent to all users who have Marnie or Mikoto in their unit box.

I'll be adding story translations, and drop information in the post in my signature. Good luck everyone!

EDIT: There's no new information regarding Imelia in the campaign image, unfortunately.

EDIT 2: Stats garnered from Imelia's stats as a guest:

Lyra  HP2717; AT810; DF213
Seria  HP3012; AT584; DF279
Imelia HP2403; AT679; DF334
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Maintenance Update:
-Janna and Cyrus removed from Magic Crystal Exchange.
+Fairy Queen Sedis and Ninja Hien Added

EDIT: There's no new information regarding Imelia in the campaign image, unfortunately.

Guess they're going to cycle them, good news for people who missed certain units.

Dammit x.x Well I do like her look and sprite, but eh.

Careful on the new maps, sometimes enemies can escape earlier than it seems they should be able to, easy to miss 3 star. So far they seem easiest with a ranged heavy team. I guess that explains them spamming ranged event units at us.

Got 5 x2 and 3 x2 souls from the new 50/5 map, dammmmn. 16 souls for 5 stamina, not bad.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

shidisu in shop! that is wonderful, wonderful news! iI was able to get only one copy first time, now I can cost reduce her :)