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A Knights Tale (Feris)

Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

"Daemon. Not demon. There's a big difference, though your kind named the demons after mine. I can tell you why, if you care to listen, though it doesn't hold much relevance to the presence. This place is undisturbed by my presence, I assure you. I merely guarded you while you slept, and healed your wounds. You made good bait, I even got a mage like the one you killed in the house out of the deal;" the daemon replies, not moving in any way, either threatening or reassuring.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

"Then I'am happy I was such a good use to you being your worm for the fish that roam otherwise I would have felt an obligation to repay you..." There was a slight agitated tone in her expression though he claimed to guard her he explained that she was also good bait for the lesser predators he devoured what terrible irony one would say.

"Demon or Daemon you hail from the same ill ilk that ravage this once prosperous place I will have none of your kind soiling what little light remain here you can either leave or explain what you've truly want to say to me if thy have nothing more to add but wish to pester then i'll remove you by force." She stated with the utmost conviction in her voice she grabbed her hilt once more even though this Daemon had helped she was still sworn to defeat his kind.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

"I am not here to ravage this place. I am here for the same reason you are: to kill demons. And I waited for you to wake to make you an offer. Though, if you'd prefer to attempt to remove me, be my guest;" the daemon replies.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

At that moment a thirst for battle clutched her heart as if wanting to pierce the Daemon heart to finally rid this place of his stench yet the feeling that she still had a dept to this fiend hampered her will and she finally released her blade and stared at the Daemon most contemptly.

"I'll hear you out for the sake of your deeds rendered to my safety though it pains me to have any sort of deal with you..." She stated honestly folding her arms awaiting for his so called offer.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

"Very good. I am here looking for whatever opened the portal in the first place. Should you come across whoever did so, or should you run into anything you are unable to defeat on your own, all you need to do is say my name, and I'll take care of it. I require nothing from you besides your cooperation, and you have a degree of security should you end up facing a demon lord. What say you?"
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Her allies were few in this place and she was quite sure that there were no Knights left that could help her. There was also uncertain dangers in accepting the Daemon's offer their word wasn't ever to be trusted somehow they would twist it to their own benefit. Miruna knew all this and thought long and deep about her general quest in this land fighting this horde she expected to find allies along the way but most seemed to be heading the opposite direction so the only way it appeared she was going to gain allies was the old saying.

"The enemy of my enemy...The ways of your kind never cease to be anything but treacherous. Yet I'am one amongst many of you and have none to call upon for aid so I must accept your offer at least until you are the last one left here be aware that if you do not leave this plane by then our Alliance will be null and I will slay thee." She declared her own terms for this offer though it was long after the demons were gone and made no attempt to deceive the daemon once the evil that plights this town was destroyed she would kill him if he did not leave peacefully.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

"Excellent. My name is Matthias. Good day then, lady knight." The daemon replies, apparently not bothered by her threat. He disappears, and Miruna blinks a few times before realizing that he, or it, had just vanished into thin air.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Miruna sighed though her heart was gladdened that the fiend was finally gone it appeared that the main cause for concern in this town was the portal the Daemon spoke so finding this place would be her first priority. "Though I loath relying on any sort of devils aid I might have too...AGH! Just in emergencies I suppose."

She stated lightly clasping her hands then bowing to her religious symbol before departing the building and go deeper down the roads were she stopped last time from where she was ambushed the day before.

(Depart Church)
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

Stepping outside after a brief prayer, Miruna immediately spots another dozen or so demon corpses. Shrugging, she turns to head back down the road. She glances into the house she'd found the demons in, seeing nothing save the corpses she'd left there.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Seeing there was little left here Miruna went deeper into town.

(Proceed further down)
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

Walking further down the road, Miruna spots a trio of massive, black spiders crawling down the road toward her. She readies her weapon as the creatures spot her.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

She starred at the beasts contemply drawing her blade to meet to her foes. "Ugh does it have to be spiders...." She cringes despite her best efforts she couldn't really help but be frightened by these morbid creatures despite being able to face many of demons she hated fighting these overgrown venomous fiends the most.

She gathered her courage trying to summon her strength and charged the center spider with her blade to slash away at its face so she could silence it's venom and their giant webs.

(Attack Center Spider) *Slash*
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

To-hit: 1 + 34 = 35 vs 20 = hit.
Damage: 2 + 10 = 12 damage.

Mirunas slash cuts off one of the demons legs, badly injuring the demon and causing it to hiss in pain. It and its two companions spray webs at her, hoping to entangle her.

To-hit: 8 + 20 = 28 vs 33 = miss.
To-hit: 10 + 20 = 30 vs 33 = miss.
To-hit: 10 + 20 = 30 vs 33 = miss.

Miruna dodges aside of the strands the demons spray, easily avoiding the demons attacks.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Seeing the fiends spray their vile white sticky substance(lol) Miruna jumped back avoiding all three attempts but quickly she literally jumped back into the fray with a possessed expression she lunged at the center beast she just cut the leg off of attempted to plunge her sword into it's center of the fiends body.

(Attack Center Spider) *Pierce*
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

To-hit: 4 + 34 = 38 vs 20 = hit.
Damage: 8 + 8 = 16 damage.

Mirunas sword plunges into the body of the spider, spraying black ichor as she pulls the blade out. The two spider demons try once again to spray her with their webs.

To-hit: 5 + 20 = 25 vs 33 = miss.
To-hit: 2 + 20 = 22 vs 33 = miss.

Miruna once again dodges both spiders spray of webbing.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Her attack hit right where she intended as the ichor poured out from his center showing how the arachinid was finished the other two attempted once more to chain her with their spew but she managed to duck under the flung webs and she sweep her blade under the spider to the left of her to hack off one of their legs perhaps more.

(Attack Left Giant Spider *Slash*)
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

To-hit: 12 + 34 = 46 vs 20 = hit.
Damage: 1 + 10 = 1 damage.

The spider pulls its leg away just as Miruna sweeps her sword to cut it off, taking only a moderate cut rather than losing the limb entirely.

To-hit: 4 + 20 = 24 vs 33 = miss.
To-hit: 11 + 20 = 31 vs 33 = miss.

Miruna once again dodges the spiders webs, rolling aside as the demons try to spray where she'd been standing.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

(Eh 1 damage? damn...)

Miruna quickly ducked under the attempt to bind her again 'These spiderlings must not have been the most cunning of their egg.' Tousa thought as she bolted underneath having no time to turn the sharp end of her blade she literally attempted to bash the spider's front where his eyes were with the center of her blade to get him temporally dazed or perhaps blind him depending on her effort.

(Attack Left Spider *Bash*)
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30, Paralyzed

(Lol, sorry. It was 11. Also, check the Talents section and update your character sheet, some of your Talents got upgraded a bit.)

To-hit: 19 + 34 = 53 vs 20 = hit.
Damage: 1 + 15 = 16 damage.

Mirunas strike is so powerful that it forces the spider to the ground and dents its thick hide. The demon seems to be too dazed and badly wounded to rise and attack her any further, and Miruna turns to the last one as it rushes at her with its fangs bared.

To-hit: 15 + 20 = 35 vs 33 = hit.
Damage: 10 + 4 - 12 - 2 = 0 damage.
Body vs Mind: 14 + 20 = 34 vs 6 + 10 = 16 == Enemy wins. Miruna has been Paralyzed.

The demon sinks its fangs into her leg, and even though they barely penetrate her chainmail and she is easily able to shrug off the pain caused by the bite, she feels its venom injected into her bloodstream, sapping her strength.

(Miruna gains 5 corruption and has become Paralyzed.)
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

(Updated I think if theres anything wrong just tell me.)

Miruna felt the beast latch onto her and with it's best effort bared it's fangs down into her right shoulder. "Guh ah!" Miruna let out a small painful moan as she felt the beasts fangs and poison seep through her skin. Though sadly that wasn't the end the moment the fiend released her, she began stumbling about every moment about to loose her balance and collapse her mind was barley her own.

Luckily she managed to keep herself from falling and starred at the demon with much distain despite the pain it caused her just to move she tried to shrug it off to lop off the one of the spiders man right legs.

(Attack last Spider)