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A Knights Tale (Feris)

Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30, Paralyzed

Body vs 30: 12 + 30 = 42 vs 30 = Success.
To-hit: 19 + 34 = 53 vs 20 = hit.
Damage: 6 + 10 = 16 damage.

Mirunas ability to remain standing despite the spiders poison seems to catch it by surprise, and it is unable to attack her again after Mirunas sword takes off one of its legs. The demon struggles to stand before she can deliver the killing blow.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

With that attack Miruna knew that the fiend was now off-balance and proceed to raise her blade above herself executioner style and attempt to plunge her blade inbetween it's many googly eyes.

(Attack last spider *Thrust*)
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

Body vs 30: 1 + 30 = 31 vs 30 = Success.
To-hit: 9 + 34 = 43 vs 20 = hit.
Damage: 12 + 8 = 20 damage.

Mirunas sword thrust impales the last remaining spider, and it slumps, the only thing holding it up being her sword sticking out of it.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

"haaa...guh...ahh" Painful moans followed after her battle ended, Miruna's right hand got the urge to grab the poisoned wound upon her shoulder. With the last of her strength she pulled out her weapon and continued to walk down the path victorious from her battle.

Yet as she walked the poison that seeped in her veins turned into an painful headache she found trouble in concentrating and within a few moments she dropped her sword as it stood lightly plunged into the earth a few feet later she finally collapsed.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

While the poison caused a good amount of pain and weakness, it didn't seem to last long. Miruna was able to regain her feet after only a few minutes, still in pain but nothing she wasn't confident that she could put up with.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

(Got two questions how much exp did I gain from my first fight *The one when I aided the trolls and fey* and how much in this one?)

After a small map Miruna rose again the strench of her enemies decaying corpses filled the air she walked over to retrieve her blade from it's resting place in the ground.

'I wish there were an easier way to end this villages plight or at least someway to call upon others of my order for help...Otherwise I might have to use that fiend...As much as I loath the thought. Miruna thought about the Daemon she made a deal with the thought of his help made her cringe that he had probable a bigger objective.

She continued walking down the street hopefully run into the cause of all this chaos.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

(You get 2 exp for each fight unless I explicitly said otherwise for the middle one, so you should have a total of 6 after the spiders.)

Miruna can't help but think that she must be getting close to the source of the demons, as she runs into another of the small clawed ones after less than a minute of walking. The demon runs out of a house and into the street, pausing when it sees Miruna and turning to engage her, though it is still twenty feet away.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

(I see i'll add that then though for the very first fight you didn't really clarify since I was kinda assisted by some NPC's does that half the experience or null it totally? Or do I gain all?)

Miruna lightly touched her hilt the blade still reeking of the spiderlings blood from the previous battle. Yet she knew that all this killing was getting her nowhere she had to precisely find where these devilspawn were coming from with that in mind she charged the creature but with her blade sheathed this time she would attempt to capture the fiend and interrogate for information.

(Attempt to Grapple Demon.)
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30, Grappled

(You get all 6.)

To-Hit: 3 + 42 = 45 vs 20 = hit.

Miruna rushes forward and grabs the demon, the creature apparently to surprised by her direct attack. It doesn't react other than to struggle as she lifts it off the ground.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

(Acutally I was referring to the first battle I fought with the fey and the troll against the other five beasts.)

Miruna then with her other hand brought her blade up to the demons neck and with the most menacing look she could muster stared at the demon.

"Now devil spawn your going to answer my questions faithfully or you will join your comrades back to the hell which you've spawned from." She stated moving her sword in a saw like motion across it's neck. 'I just hope that this demon can speak the common tongue otherwise this effort would have been for naught.' were Miruna's last thoughts before waiting for the demons reply.
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Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30, Grappled

(You still get the full exp.)

The demon doesn't reply other than to give a low growl and a sweep of its claws at her face.

Grapple: 17 + 20 = 37 vs 9 + 42 = 51 == Miruna wins.

Miruna is easily able to pull away from the demons claw swipe, and she begins to doubt that this simple creature can talk at all.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Miruna narrowly dodged the beast's reprisal, sighing and seeing how it acted the creature clearly wasn't afraid of her which either points that the demon didn't have the intellect to respond or it was didn't wish to betray it's master whatever the case he was a waste of time.

Miruna returned her blade to her sheath and with now both hands she wrangled around the beasts neck attempting to cease the air from going to his brain if he didn't try to say anything in the common tongue she would not stop until she had completely crushed his windpipe.

(Strangle the demon.)
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30, Grappled

Grapple: 17 + 42 = 59 vs 3 + 20 = 23 == Miruna wins.

Mirunas hands find the demons throat, and slowly begin to squeeze the life from the creature. It continues to struggle, clawing once more at Mirunas face.

Grapple: 7 + 20 = 27 vs 17 + 42 = 59 == Miruna wins.

Miruna casually swings her head out of reach, and the creatures struggles grow weaker and weaker until it finally goes limp in her hands.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Miruna sighed as she finally suffocated the demon though such tactics always left a bitter taste in your mouth she justified that everything was for a better cause of freeing this place from the evil that gripped it with the fiend dead she left the area in search for more answers to the cause of this.

(Moving on) *On a side note I used 20XP to purchase the talent "Hard Hitter" if thats correct just letting ya know*
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30, Grappled

(Whoah! Talents cost 8 xp, not 20. And my logs show that you had a total of 8 (exactly enough for a Talent.) 2 for the encounter with the Fey early on, 2 for the demon in the church, 2 for the guys that nearly killed you, and 2 for the spiders. Also, you get 2 more for your most recent kill.)

Moving on down the street, Miruna spots a trio of dead kobolds lying on the ground. They had been dead for a while, and they were covered in claw wounds, and one had a mean looking burn on its chest that looked like magic. Just up ahead, an alley turned off of the road, and the rest of the street was surrounded by housing.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

(whoops I thought it was 2 xp per monster...Guh counting wayyy to high here! anyway so I only have 2 xp right now since I purchased that right?)

Miruna starred at the dead beastmen as one of the companions displayed a rather charred chest whilst the other seemingly died of other rabid beasts obviously pointing at one conclusion. 'A mage...' Though she had encountered a demonic mage recently fighting another wasn't her faviorite target but even so if this person was evil or a necromancer she would show no mercy.

Yet she hadn't encountered the person so she didn't worry for the moment and continued on the road.

(Move further down the road.)
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30


Perception: Success.

As she continues on, Miruna gets the distinct feeling that she is being watched. She proceeds on cautiously, and her feeling is rewarded as she narrowly dodges something rushing at her from behind, which she had heard only a step before it had lunged at her. She notes that is similar to the demonic mage she'd fought earlier, a grey skinned humanoid creature with claws and teeth. It quickly rises to its feet, and Miruna is fairly sure that there are more of the creatures nearby, waiting to strike.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Miruna pupils went from right to left her nerves were on edge at the sight of the last encounter she saw though it seemed presumptuous to already guess that the beasts had already moved on to another area yet an eerie feeling in her stomach told her to be on guard. With only a few moments her instincts prove right and a beast attempted to do harm to her turning around and quickly sidestepping the fiend she reached for the hilt of her blade and starred down the beast.

"You shouldn't of come here demon nor least of all attack me...Prepare yourself." With that said she drew her blade focusing on the fiendish mage infront of her though she heard things move in the brushes beyond showing that it probable had friends numbers never bothered her no matter what army or greater monster, she would face it as she was trained to for cowardice had no place in the mind of the valorous. She charged forward attempting to slash the demon.

(Attack Demonic Mage *Slash*)
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Mirunas Status: HP = 40, P = 30, EP = 30

To-hit: 12 + 42 = 54 vs 28 = hit.
Damage: 9 + 10 + 4 = 23 damage.

Miruna cuts into into the creature, drawing a deep gash in its belly, though it avoids being disemboweled. It howls and claws at her face in retaliation.

To-hit: 19 + 24 = 43 vs 33 = hit.
Damage: 1 + 6 - 2 - 12 = 0 damage.

Miruna pulls back, and its claws strike against her chainmail, bouncing off harmlessly.
Re: A Knights Tale (Feris)

Miruna arched her head backwards to avoid the demons swipe as his strike fell short of it's intended target and frailly fell upon her chain mail unhurt by the contact Miruna let gave a disappointed glare at the demon. "Pathetic..." She muttered as she would bring her sword up to the demons face smashing it with the flat part of her blade which would probable knock out more than a few teeth.

(Attack Demon Mage) *Bash*