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A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"It should work if you go ahead and drink it now, get it into your system, since I'm sure you'll want to leave tomorrow, after the tour, assuming the weather complies," Sapphira said with a shrug, so it seemed it didn't matter really. "I would like to give you a proper tour though before you go. But... if you insist, Anya dear, then I won't try and stop you," she went on to say.

"Well, Anya is the new high matron of our tribe," Karina said softly, smiling over at Anya and winking.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"Ahh, now your making me feel a bit bad about wanting to go get it." Anya blushed a bit. "If you want I can hang around a bit. I don't have to rush off and upgrade my axe just yet. I just kinda got eager about the whole being able to cut through anything idea."
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"Oh Anya, dear... don't let me get in your way. I would like you to be happy and do what you will. I'm sorry if I came across as... a bit worrisome," Sapphira said softly, patting Anya's head and gently ruffling her hair a bit. "Come now girls. Would you like to rest for the evening? I mean... we fucked like rabbits earlier, so while I'm sure I could get it up again, I'm not sure we should, actually. I'm sure the three of you are worn out after that, hmhm," she went on to ask, smirking a bit.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"Hey, don't challenge like that! Or I'll have to take you up on it." Anya said with a chuckle. "But yeah, we should get some sleep. We'll figure out tommorow on if we'll go to the minotaurs or take a more thorough tour in the morning."
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"I wouldn't mind you testing that, hmhm," Sapphira chuckled softly, looking ready to take Anya up on that, but she smiled softly and went back inside, letting Anya stay out there with Karina and Kali for the time being, where they sat there with Anya to either side and snuggled in against her, simply enjoying a bit of time together with her, before they all headed for bed.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya didn't take Sapphira up on her offer, for today at least. Maybe tommorow. Instead she'd just sit there with Kali and Karina, cuddling with both of them as they watched the snow for a bit longer, and then headed up to bed. Anya practically out like a light when she hit the sheets.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Karina and Kali just sighed softly and relaxed with Kylie on the sofa, watching the snow continue to fall quite heavily for a good half an hour or so, before they headed back inside with her. Anya found that Sapphira had gotten Shana to help her fix up a large futon in Karina's bedroom, changing the other one that had been in there. It seemed that Sapphira intended to sleep with them, and apparently Shana was going to as well, along with the other housemaid, who Anya finally got to meet. She saw the other housemaid was a more mature looking winter fox woman, whose large bushy tail swished in the air behind her, and she had long snowy white hair similar to Shana's, but much longer, and she had some quite large breasts herself, around Anya's size, though she was short... only about three or four inches taller than Anya had been before the half oni change.

"I don't think you got to properly be introduced just yet, Anya. This is Yuki. She is from the White Tail tribe of the winter kitsune," Sapphira said, gesturing at the kitsune there, who bowed very politely to Anya.

"High matron, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance," Yuki said softly, while bowing, wearing a sort of priestess robe that looked less for winter, and more summer, but she didn't seem overly bothered by its lack of coverage.

When they all got into bed, Anya had Karina and Kali snuggled up in front and behind her, as she lay on her side facing Karina, who was letting Anya nuzzle her face into her breasts. Sapphira had Shana and Yuki to either side of her while she lay on her back, the two of them looking used to snuggling up to her, laying their heads on Sapphira's breasts.

( )


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

So everyone was sleeping in the same room. Well that wasn't really bad in anyway, and it would probably do a good job of keeping any cold that got through the barrier at bay. Though she did get to meet the other made properly, and for once Anya was taller then someone. She didn't know how to feel about that for some reason. "Nice to meet you Yuki."

Even if she was now a high matron, Anya was still at heart, the same blunt warrior girl that had started this little adventure. She had no real idea how to act to her station really. Either way soon enough they would all end up in bed, Anya having stripped off her clothes to keep them from getting crinkled or her overheating as she ended up snuggling into the embrace of Karina and Kali. Karina's breasts really were the best pillows.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Snoozing away through the night against Karina's and Kali's bare flesh as they took their clothes off as well, Anya found her face buried in Karina's boobs the next morning, and feeling quite well rested. Karina was simply holding her close, lovingly stroking her hair as Anya woke up. It looked like Karina had been up for a few minutes now, as had Kali, who was snuggled up behind Anya, sandwiching her between the two of them in a nice warm and comfy flesh blanket made of both of them.

"Morning love. Sleep well?" Karina said softly, while Kali groaned softly in her sleep behind Anya.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"Yes, yes I did. I think you two make the most comfortable bed to ever exist." Anya chuckled from where she was still between the two girls, reveling in the feeling of their bodyheat. "I could practically live just between you two." Anya tried to wiggle in a bit deeper into their cleavage before they'd have to actually get up.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"Hmhm... well I'm glad you approve of the bed of flesh, and these... nice big soft pillows," Karina giggled softly, petting Anya's head as she snuggled in deeper into Karina's large breasts.

Karina reached over and gently pulled Kali closer too, smushing Anya deeper into their tits, though not where they'd smother Anya thankfully, but they were so nice, warm, and cozy in there that Anya actually would feel like not getting up until forced to. Karina didn't seem like she minded too much either, about Anya wanting to stay there. Kali woke up soon enough herself, and smiled softly as she kissed Anya's neck, before burying Anya between their huge tits, with their nipples brushing across her horn and tickling her a bit as she lay there.

"Girls... come on and get up. Breakfast is ready," Sapphira called into the room to them, from the dining room.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya didn't want to wake up and leave the warm fleshy 'prison' around her of her two mates. Even if she did keep wiggling occasionally when one of them brushed up against her horn. Man, it was sensitive. It didn't keep Anya from practically disappearing between the girls large breasts though as she curled up.

Eventually though Sapphira would call them for breakfast, and she'd mutter. "Darn, I guess we should probably get up..."
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Karina sighed softly and nodded. "Yeah, I suppose we should," Karina said, while Kali groaned a bit.

"Ugh, I'm definitely not a morning person to be honest. If I'm snuggled up to someone warm, I wanna stay that way," Kali groaned softly, obviously not wanting to get up either.

"Hmhm, same here really. We're perfect for each other then," Karina giggled softly, before forcing herself to raise up.

Making their way to the dining room a couple of minutes later, Anya saw bacon, toast, and scrambled eggs piled up on several plates, with plenty of extra for all to have seconds if they so desired. "Mmm, mom's turkey bacon. It's been a while since I've gotten to have any," Karina said, looking hungrily at her plate of food, which she immediately dug into.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya clung onto Karina still as they stood up. "Nooooo, I don't want to get up." She said with a fake pout, trying to see how far she could get carried before Karina would unlatch her and she'd walk from there down to breakfast.

Said breakfast would soon find itself being attacked by not just Karina, but Anya as well. Eagerly eating to fill her new, larger body.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"Oh hon, I know... but we got to," Karina said, groaning right along with Anya, but forcing herself to get up, dragging Anya with her.

Karina didn't seem to mind carrying Anya the entire way to the dining table actually, and gently sat her down on the large cushion to eat her food. Kali savagely attacked her food just as much as Anya and Karina both did, looking utterly famished as she devoured everything on her plate, got more, and devoured it too. The two housemaids looked quite happy as they served another small platter of the turkey bacon that had been cooking, the aroma wafting through the entire house, and seeming to make the quartet of oni women even hungrier.

Finally though, they finished eating their food, and all were satisfied now that their hunger had been sated. Once they were done, Sapphira got up and opened the curtains, where Anya saw the blizzard had ended finally, and she was looking out onto a veritable winter wonderland really. It was probably one of the most beautiful sights she'd seen, and Karina hugged her from behind as she looked out the window nuzzling her cheek against Anya's in a way that made their horns touch each other a bit, which made both shudder.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya, gloriously full of incredibly good food, found herself transfixed by the sight outside the window. She'd never seen so much snow, or it looking so beautiful against everything else. Though she couldn't help but nuzzle back against Karina, wiggling everytime their horns touched. "These mountains are really beautiful when it isn't a blizzard."
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"Mhm, told you that my home was beautiful, you just had to see it," Karina said with a smile, as she hugged Anya from behind, staring out the window at the landscape.

"So... if you like, we can get moving soon. I can get us some provisions and we can get ready to head out," Karina whispered softly, kissing Anya on the cheek.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"Might be for the best, it'd be better that if something does go wrong the rest of the village isn't aware of my...new position I guess, until we get back." Anya said with a nod to Karina. "Don't want to disappoint your people too much, and nothings more dissapointing then getting your hopes up only for them to get pulled out from under you quick."
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

"Well, it'd really make them all come to our aid, if something happens, but... you're probably right," Karina said, seeming to agree with Anya a bit. "But you won't disappoint anyone Anya, I assure you that," she added.

"Well girls, I would suggest that you get some good cold weather gear, and enough travel rations to last you at least a week. Besides, Anya's going to need some larger sized clothing, I think," Sapphira said, looking over at them and smiling a bit, before she got up and tapped her chin. "Ah, I know. Karina has plenty of old clothes that ought to fit you. Come on," she added, gesturing for Anya and Karina to follow along.

In a room that was obviously used for storage, Anya saw several old trunks laying about, one of which Sapphira opened up and looked down inside of, before pulling a handful of outfits out, that were obviously way too small, and from when Karina was little. She pulled out a long thick fur coat and set it aside, the thing made of snowy white wolf fur. After setting the coat down, Anya saw Sapphira open another trunk before she pulled up a sweater dress and looked pleased. "Ah, here they are. Anya, you ought to be able to wear some of these I think. These are from when Karina was just coming of age," Sapphira said, setting the knee length on top of the coat, before setting down a pair of thick woolen stockings.

was a more full body suit of sorts, a mixed coloring of red and black, with armored padding on the joints to protect them, and also help keep them more warm as well, as Anya saw that it was soft cloth on the insides of the elbow and knee joint areas when she got a closer look at it and whatnot. There was a gap in the breasts, that revealed a lot of cleavage and a bit of her chest between her breasts. It also had a pair of good armored boots that went up her shins to protect them as well. she pulled out was more a black fairly skimpy dress, that had an underbust corset made into its fabric to help perk up anyone's breasts wearing it. It had a short skirt that had stockings attached by way of a garter, and it really showed the most skin of the three, but it came with its own long black hooded coat that had a quite warm looking interior, which after feeling of it, Anya found it was a soft but thick fur.

"Try these on real quick. You're about the same size Karina was when she was sixteen," Sapphira said, pulling a nice thick wool scarf out to give Anya too.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Apr 23, 2013
Reputation score
Re: A Cock to Hide! (Ranger9000)

Anya would follow Sapphira up to the storage room and watched as she was given something she never really expected in her life. Hand me down clothes from an oni. The first outfit was nice and modest, even if it looked like it'd fit her quite tightly, and when she went to try it on it did indeed prove a bit tight around her larger breasts but other then that it was good.

The second outfit had a tad bit more trepedation about it, though given how much skin her old outfit showed off around the legs, she decided that moving that to up around the breasts was okay, and took it, tried it on, and kinda liked the look.

The third outfit though made her blush. W-What was Karina into when she was younger? Trying to become an evil sorceress? Still, she didn't want to disappoint Sapphira, and honestly, the human had next to no idea about fashion, especially down here. Putting on that outfit left her feeling a tad naked, but...it wasn't too bad. Indeed with a bit of a blush as she was modeling it for Karina and Sapphira like she had the other two outfits, she'd say she'd keep it.

"T-Thanks Sapphira, I guess I have a wardrobe now."