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3D porn game

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Re: 3D porn game

I can't see your images.

EDIT: Nevermind, I see them now.
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Re: 3D porn game

Now movie today and some info:
2017.04.06 Metahuman game for adult

"I want to make Infamouse Style Game"
Some of his Comments on YT:
"There is no game for make easy. Even just 2d flatformer game also very difficult. In may county There are so many developer for make that easy game. And In my county . I don't want grate open World game. Just simple 3d game. Maybe there is no texture for scene. I will be use sketchup for scene. If I should not use texture for scene , I don't need streaming scene and It is very simple."
"Simple game also needs Good designer and Good artist. But I am just along. There is no support any other people. Then From my point of view This tyle game is best simple game for make along."
"I spent many times for recruit other members. But there is nothing. Just Do It myself all."
Ok, i send him something about design back then but he still not respond to it. (over the naughtymachinia accout too, and he was logged in in the meantime so he must see my PM to him but maybe not open it and what i know for sure he not downloaded the PDF i put up for him to see about game design. This is sad but it is still up there, maybe he will check it someday and will like it.)
Because on "zippyshare" you can see when "File was last downloaded".
He still needs help, he is working hard as you can see. Any Programmer´s here to help him built a "Open World" Game?
Re: 3D porn game

Another video today:
2017.04.08 Suitable Mesh Skinning For APEX Cloth Physics

"Red type is more correct simulation. But It is very heavy. because It needs many collider. But blue type is no more needed collider."
So he work´s more on his Character Figure. A rail shooter can be nice too. Like the "Des Blood 4" by ILLUSION, you could still runn around free.
If he not can make a big open RPG world we will be fine with a smaller one. Strange Guy, he should at least put some "One liners" on his Patreon like -Today i have created a mesh for scarf of the heroine-. And more People will support his project. But he like´s more to write about game technic´s, game industrie situation in (S)-Korea and actual cinema movies on his blog:

I recomered his blog for "Unity3d" and "Unreal, 3dsMax etc." programmers.
Re: 3D porn game

No matter how big or small the game

only matters that it looks this amazing

he can make a bigger game with the success of this one
Re: 3D porn game

3 new vid´s:
2017.04.10 My Game Project

"I am making game for Nintedo switch . Haha.
Maybe I shoult get nintendo developer license and developer kit, I have to change player modeling.
Base motive is Gekko kamen. There are two gekko kamen.

This is original.
But Nagai Go parody it.

Recent 3D games are becoming more and more resembling past flat formers.
Unrealistic high jump, acceleration during jumping, double jump, these factors are sure to increase the fun of the game.
Recor , Neir automata , Mass Effect Andromeda etc...
I want to join in that kind."

I remember there was a Kekko Kamen Game for the PC98 somwhere from the 90´s.
2017.04.10 Weapon Trail

"Custom Weapon Trail using line renderer. Need exact Point modifing."
2017.04.10 Weapon Trail Correct Version

"Some mistake founded"
He added some action moves trial effects to his character.
Also translate his Blog if you want more to know what he is planning:

Do it yourself, because TG is boycotting me today.
Re: 3D porn game

Today he bombed YT with Video´s, he use "Euphoria" too for movement animation:
2017.04.12 Ragdoll Test

"For enemy"
2017.04.12 Unity3d ragdoll Test2

"Modify joint"
2017.04.12 Unity 3D Ragdoll test last

2017.04.12 Make Natural Motion Style Ragdoll using Unity3d Part1

"There arm two animators.
First animator act by Animation clip.
Second animator act by Physics.
In Normal , Get Pose from first and Set Pose to second.
But Hit , Get Pose from second and set Pose to first."

2017.04.12 Make Natural Motion Style Ragdoll using Unity3d Part2

"Now On hit , return to animation mode.
but Maybe FootIK should be applied."

2017.04.13 Unity3d Ragdoll Final

"Now similar to Euphoria.
Maybe analyzing the situation and applying the appropriate motion will make it much more similar."

Re: 3D porn game

He makes great movement in short time.
Re: 3D porn game

Yes, if he only would made a doublepost on his Patreon too. He would have some steady supporters now. Just a small post each week with one of his vids+a small text line about it.
Here an excerpt post from his korean blog (GT) just added today:

One more thing about minion ..
2014.04.14. 02:48
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Body Other Functions
What do you call them who usually come out and die by the main character and become the blood and become the flesh of the protagonist.

I think that's a lot of minions these days.
Let 's talk about one more thing about miscarriage.

Currently we do not have any real-time rendering means other than drawing a set of meshes or triangles on the screen. (Sometimes I draw a vector graph sometimes but there is no hardware help)
For example, drawing a line or drawing a shape has no function in the current graphical API.
For example, if you break up, you actually take the line data and spread it to the side to make a striped mesh.

So you just need to know the mesh without thinking about it.

But this mesh is not enough.

There are two main types of meshes we use in games.
One is a non-
The other is a deform, a mesh in which the shape itself is deformed

The non - deformed mesh is divided into a static mesh and a dynamic mesh again. It is not a mesh problem, but a mesh object is a moving object (a bullet car or something) or an immovable object (such as a rock house)

And deform is divided into blendshape and skinned mesh.

To tell you what you need to do before optimizing

A static mesh can be created by combining material with texture atlas or texture array.
On the other hand, dynamic mesh has not been answered in the meantime.
Anyway, dynamic mesh can now also reduce DC.

On the other hand, it is a good idea to never think of a way to reduce DC in the deform side.
Of course not. It is scary, complex, and not very efficient in my opinion.

So, these things become a problem. There are about 100 people, but there will be no problem (500 DC will come out)
If 10000 people come out of 1000 people, 100 people actually have a serious problem.

However, the fact that 1000 people can not be more than 100 people in front of the camera due to the nature of 3D games. The rest of them are far away. These guys are made by frame by using bakeMesh which is also in unity, and when they draw roughly, they are merged.

The problem is that the maximum number of minions in front of the camera is less than about 100 minion.

In fact, the rendering load is not that big. It's 100 people.
But it is not true. The cascade shade map becomes 100 + 100 * 4.
Therefore, if you can add shadows to this rendering, you will not actually have a load as high as 100 people.

But I told you it was called GPU Instancing .. It means that those who have the same shape can draw in one shot. If the bullets are the same shape, you can draw 1000 or 10000 feet in one shot. (Beyond 10000, GameObject instance management became heavier.)
1000 trees with 10000 vertices and 60 frames with trees.

In fact, there was no way to solve this shader by using this. In fact, before the GPU instancing, I used to put the box in every joint to use as a dynamic batting. Now I do not have to worry about the number of vertices

Just put the capsules on joints. If it's mobile, it's Ding.

If the PC is so roughly packed, the difference between the actual shape and the capsule is so severe that the self-shadowing will be difficult.
Here a screen space ray casting shadow appears.

Anyway, the detail shadows are the ray cast shadows.

In such a way, the problem of the shadows of the biggest load is solved.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Unreal's capsule shadows.
Unreal's Capsule Shadow is not actually created by Unreal, it's made by Nutty Poison.
I am looking for an indirect light shadow drawing document using Nutri Dog's capsule.

Well, I think that's a bitch. It's better to just care about AO.
I think that's what they thought.

[출처] 미니언 관련 한가지 더..|작성자 kite3h
Re: 3D porn game

2017.04.13 Per Object MotionBlur for weapon Trail

"Use perObject motionblur for Weapon trail effect.
Don't draw anything , just on per object motionblur option."

He worked out an effect to blur the lower legs during attack, looks like a faster move now.
Re: 3D porn game

Today some "Google-Translated" info about his Patreon:

Job activity
April 17, 2017. 15:34
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Well, there is one thing I really like about the pledges of the presidential candidates these days.
The only thing I want to do is to pay for health insurance.

The property is only a secured home. When I play, my health insurance premiums come out as mischievous.
If the premium is calculated based on the property, is it not normal that the collateral is subtracted?
Sisters ...

That's why I'm putting in my family name.

This is why I can not register an individual carrier.
So I will support you wherever you are.
I can not support this.

Anyway, because of this situation, I can not get a job with someone who will work with me.
I have worked so far and if I do not work with each other face to face, I get tired afterwards.

I do not have a big desire, but I would like to upload a project to patreon in earnest.
It is too hard to check the message every day and respond to supporters.

Patreon is also late, but some people earn a month for a month.
It does not necessarily depend on the quality of the project.
It's their own league.
You should be active in the community.

Well, I was trying to save someone like that.
There is no one who can work without pay.

Anyway, I have to go to the games com in August.
print 블로그카페북마크메모폴라구독
Comments 1 NEW
[출처] 구인활동|작성자 kite3h
So he want Patreon support but is sorry that he can not answer properly to email and comments because he can not understand englisch well. He would like to be active in forums to promote the game project.
So feel free to give him some Funds on his Patreon, even when he do not respond to questions. As we see on his blog and YT, he works on with his game. At this time he is creating non play characters and differend clotching.
Re: 3D porn game

Two more video´s (and two new on YouTube):
2017.04.19 Unity3D Look-dev 를 써보자

Let's use Unity3D Look-dev
April 17, 2017. 11:57
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I wonder if there is anyone who seems to be convincing only in the wear sisters and not in Unity.
Leaving evidence.
The function is look-dev which Unity Korea does not even know.
I keep telling you, but do not expect anything from the ignorant Unity Korea.
Unity is good at Unreal, but Unity has an engine that burns copper.
In Unreal, it looks pretty in a window that only looks at characters.
I hear the nonsense.
Unreal or Unity are basically using PBR.
It is a phenomenon that happens because they do not know about rendering.
Anyway, I am constantly cursing Unity ... but sometimes Unity becomes poor.
How frustrating it would be if I made it look-dev windows.
I just need to use IBL .. I do not know what to do.
2017.04.19 stencil mask

Rendering Story
Stencil mask
April 17, 2017. 12:21
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The forward of the Faceworks shader has not been done yet (it has not started yet).
I plan to change my dress using a stencil mask.
In Unity, you need to change the stencil in order to use the stencil.
I am going to change anyway ,,,
However, I changed the skin shader that I originally used to forward to dipper and then I have to change it to forward again, so I can not get my hands off easily.
The important thing in this video is that you have to put IBL ambient diffuse or make the speculator a bit harder to use Cubemap in order to show the detail of the normal even if it is backlight.
Changed the sound video. I have a situation where I can see the core area.
If you are a person with an eye, you may have noticed, but you can have a chest shaking effect in your clothes.
This is only possible with the pose space form. Because the effect of such a slight shaking is that the silhouette alone does not make tea at all if the normal does not change. Keep talking, but shake a white day with a bone.
2017.04.19 Change Constum

"Main hero's changing Costume Test"
So we have now Outfit for the Heroine coming.
2017.04.19 Suit Changing First <== one more new one today -edit-

"Player Suit Changing scene"
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Re: 3D porn game

Today first new playable demo (64-Bit ony, and if you have a XBOX Controler):

"you move player, you need xbox controller. I did not make keyboard and mouse control System. Changing key is 'R'"
New Blog (since 2017.04.11) "The Mask of bluemoon":

Also more tutorial´s on his blog:

(see also first page of this thread [ulmf] for all of his Blogs/Patreon, Vid Channel´s)
He now woks more on non play character´s, in meantime creating suit´s for the heroine (some 10 different clotches now?).
To Kite: The Mask of bluemoon should be written: The Mask of Bluemoon ( with Big "B")
And please 32-Bit version as well, Sam Kite. Someone can upload a gameplay video, or pic´s from the demo again, demo do not run on my 32-bit system? Thank you!
edit (2017.05.22): Works with Keyboard+Mouse too now, i tested it on a older 64-bit system. Set to: "Beautiful" and 1280x1024
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Re: 3D porn game

He recognized that People try to contact him (full Post here):

Unity3D Tips
Let's learn about Unity Muscle.
2017.04.20. 17:06
Body Other Functions

Well, I'm posting a lot on the blog.
I have someone to see.
I do not have anyone to see, but I mean that I am going to write down my ideas very hard.
And I am not very good at English, but it is a placenta to send messages in English or not.
Whether you are YouTube or ulmf, you do not read any messages anywhere.
Please email me if possible ..
And if you see someone in the Unity tip to post some comments, I hope you.
This is also a good thing if you run a lot of comments ..
Anyway, extra character costumes will be ready.
Ok, he write to contact him over eMail, but i do not found his eMail yet. He has a Google+ Account and i have a YT/Google Video one, but i could not find his eMail there. Send him PN´s so he will get my eMail and i his in return but nothing came out of this. Nevermind, i was interested in giving him some design ideas for a open world rpg. Now we wait for his shoting 3d h-game, witch looks even better. He also write in another post he plans to a "Games Com" these Year to present his Work.
New videos today where you can see the Rag Doll Mechanic (and gameplay+more tutorial about rigging on his blog):
2017.04.21 Ragdoll with IK

2017.04.21 Ragdoll pose control without IK

Re: 3D porn game

New vid:
2017.04.22 Ragdoll for a long time

I made a similar euphoria.
Once my feet are bouncing occasionally, I can quickly find and fix them.
Now you can either force yourself to the right intensity, stand back or step through the animation procedurally.
2017.04.23 Ragdoll End (edit, new)

Active Ragdoll seems to have to be cleaned up once in a while.
I'm doing what I want roughly
Clean up the code and organize the items to be extracted as properties
It seems that you need to apply a lot of values ​​to serialize.
There are a lot of things to do next.
The tree is so fast that only the Unity basic billboard (not the speed tree billboard) comes out.
I just have to get away with it.
In the other way, it is burdensome because it is added 3-4 ms even if it is visible.
It's aimed at low specs.
Once you've got the basic trunk road ...
Layout should be laid out on the road.

Klick here if the Pic is not to see.
Better Rag Doll movement now. He also is Building a new Terrain, see Picture, (Isle). And more Sequences and Animation, Objects.
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Re: 3D porn game

This guys tit physics are awesome!

Rather surprised that he hasn't gotten alot of attention.

Character will lose clothes with the T or R keys, and can even grow a clit dick if you press P when she's naked!!!!

Following this thread.

Only change I'd like to see is the ability to turn off "Bloom" and "Motion Blur". I hate having them on.
Re: 3D porn game

Yes, very surprising how quick he works too. Someone can Upload a vid of the new Demo or Pictures? And would "Virtual Machine" work on 32-bit System emulating a 64-Bit System on Win7 to run the Demo?
2017.04.23 The Mask of Bluemoon (first Game Map)

I have learned some Korean Today and translated the Map he show on his blog. This Terrain Isles are a Copy, without the Buildings etc., of a Region (Sin Island) West of Seoul, Korea.
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Re: 3D porn game

And would "Virtual Machine" work on 32-bit System emulating a 64-Bit System on Win7 to run the Demo?

I guess, but it won't work well. Whenever you run a VM (Virtual Machine) it creates a large amount of additional load on the resources of the physical machine. So much so that a powerful computer has to work hard to emulate a weaker computer.

For example, my computer that easily out-classes a playstation 2 has to put quite a bit of work into running an emulator for the playstation 2.

Now imagine if I were trying to run a program to emulate my computer on a playstation 2, not a fun prospect.
Re: 3D porn game

Virtual machines from the same architecture to the same architecture can be very performant... (although aren't necessarily.)

But it certainly won't perform well (if it can work at all) with a 64-bit VM inside a 32-bit host.
Re: 3D porn game

Ah, thank you, but i will have to install a extra win8+directx11 system in it for the game effects, no dx11 for win7. Better get a used Laptop with that.
Today new Video:
2017.04.13 Unity3d active ragdoll and new costum

Now She has String Top, Denim Shorts and red Women Sport Shoes.
Re: 3D porn game

Two more Videos (about Shadow/Reflection errors in "Unity" and Rigging when Legs are bend backwards):
2017.04.25 reflection probe

2017.04.25 Girls Ass Rigging :D

He also works now on interior of Houses for the Game:

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