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Who translated this game? I swapped over to the english version of the game for a bit because I was curious about the quality. The script is pretty distinctly changed, adding stuff that absolutely was not in the original.
When you talk to Sefina after getting beaten by the queen, she pokes a bit of fun at you then asks if you want her to comfort you for a while. She's supposed to be motherly. For whatever reason, the english version is obsessed with making fun of your penis size, which is 100% NOT mentioned at all in the original script.

To give an example, when you pick Yes and then finish that event, here's what she says in japanese and a quick rough translation of it:




Ufufu, acting all spoiled, just like a little kid... you're so cute♡

Somehow, i've become quite fond of you.
If you want me to spoil you again it's okay to come back anytime♪

Only for my little Alf... because you're very special♡

Compared to the english script:

"All better?
If you ever need a good bosom to cry on, remember me, okay~?

...That's the extent of it though.
You've made it pretty clear you're not man enough for
me. Not even close, really. Heehee, sorry honey~♪

To reiterate, nothing about this character in the original script is especially mean-spirited. No mentions of "teeny weenie" or "babydick" anything like that. I'm sure that the english script does it for some, especially whoever "translated" this from japanese to english, but it doesn't carry the same intention as the original language and i find that pretty duplicitous. I only grab the free updates he puts out on his site, but I figure if anyone is supporting his patreon or enty and doesn't like liberties that change the meaning of the script, they should know about this. So I'm putting it out here for any english only players.
I had noticed that change in character as well but I honestly don't know what to think about it. (Still not clear on how I should feel about it.) I had thought that Boko himself did the translation but I don't know. If Boko put up something like a credits page that would clear it up for me.

Thanks though. That was cool of you kaffita. :)
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This is...saddening. It seems the translator really is taking a lot of liberties for the sake of making this more appealing to his interests. It turned a character I would've really liked into a character that doesn't appeal to me in any way. Just how common is this? Were there...changes to Lusy, too? Is she not actually best girl?
Not a fan of this, not in the slightest. Should someone try to contact boko about this? I could try to do it, but it would be nice if someone who knew Japanese did.

And no 2-tall, the translator is not Boko. I think he relies on google translate to communicate with English speakers. The translator is TheOneZeelOne. He is mentioned in the few YouTube videos Boko still has on his channel.
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As Libg (hello btw! I follow Boko on Twitter and have seen you tweet back and forth with him) said, the translator is TheOneZeelOne. He also translated UFG, UFG type B, and the profiles on Boko's site. He's even written UFG fanfics and has a Patreon (for erotic fiction, not TL).

I've actually noticed the issues with his TL since the first UFG translation, and almost contacted him about it. Two reasons I didn't... (1) He's someone who's self-aware of and open about (saw him mention it a while back) the fact he uses MTL and is bound to have plenty of mistakes. So he won't improve; at best, he'll just fix the mistakes I point out that he thinks warrant a fix, so it's basically TLC for random lines, doesn't feel like an effective solution, y'know? (2) At the end of the day, he's the only person who presumably contacted Boko, formed a relationship with him, and took on the burden of TL for all of Boko's works (and YouTube videos, and Patreon text, and so on). I don't have the resolve to take over his job, and can't take responsibility if my well-intended words make him quit (of course that's just the worst case scenario). That said, I haven't ruled out combing over his work later and then sending him a friendly PM about it hoping for the best.

P.S. I took a look at Lusy's profile. The Japanese says, "Has a curt and sharp-tongued personality." TOZO's translation is way more detailed... um, I haven't played the recent versions of GBH, but just to confirm, is the part TOZO wrote about how she's an "everywoman" and "prone to idol worship" based off what she says in-game...?
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Hmm, it could be the person translating is also using a dictionary to interpret the game? Or perhaps he's a fan of the days when people use to "translate" manga by rewriting the story, now we just call it rewrites though. Rewriting H games takes a lot more effort so we don't see it often, but inept translators could just be doing it out of a lack a knowledge all the while being ignorant too.
I actually just play the game in Japanese and look up anything I don't recognize. The dialogue is fairly simple. I was aware that TOZO was taking some liberties with his translation, though. I just kinda ignored it. Some of the characters seem rather strange in the English version.
So he is providing actual translations? I feared he was just writing whatever he pleases. Good to know.
And honestly, I don't mind if his translations were poor. I'm more than willing to accept a poor translation over nothing. Unfortunately, that's not the case here. The translator seems to be taking huge liberties. It really rubs me the wrong way. I already contacted Boko about this. I feel he has the right to know about this as the creator. Hopefully it won't backfire and TOZO will be willing to listen to him. Or at least I'll know if Boko gave him permission to do this.

P.S. I took a look at Lusy's profile. The Japanese says, "Has a curt and sharp-tongued personality." TOZO's translation is way more detailed... um, I haven't played the recent versions of GBH, but just to confirm, is the part TOZO wrote about how she's an "everywoman" and "prone to idol worship" based off what she says in-game...?
Oh no, my waifu may not be real...
All her content is already the free version and she didn't get much of an update. If you play 0.73 and fight her she has a few lines where she expresses that she's a big fan of Alf.

Looking at the amount of text she has in Japanese, then yes. It's clear changes were made. A simple use of google translate makes the change clear. The line in which she tries to hide her excitement over the magic attack was not real. She just says magic attacks are her weakness.

I guess this explains why she kneed him in the balls when he tried to kiss her even though she expressed that she likes him a few times beforehand...
And I guess that tells me that Boko doesn't know about the changes TOZO makes.
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So he is providing actual translations? I feared he was just writing whatever he pleases. Good to know.
Depends on your definition of translation... TOZO is probably putting it through Google Translate, then attempting to come up with a sentence in English that roughly fits, and allowing himself to make up stuff that seems to fit the context when he doesn't know. That's what people often call "machine translation" (the abbreviation is MTL).

Honestly, many amateur/newbie translators engage in something comparable to MTL--though they usually have a little Japanese knowledge, or at least glance at JParser, to avoid glaring and massive errors. More importantly, they also tend to be more humble/conservative, not like how TOZO arbitrarily added things.

Looking at the amount of text she has in Japanese, then yes. It's clear changes were made. A simple use of google translate makes the change clear. The line in which she tries to hide her excitement over the magic attack was not real. She just says magic attacks are her weakness.
Yeah, I'm sorry... I just went and started up GBH for the first time in a while, to investigate this. I don't dislike the "character" TOZO made up, since IMO Boko has underdeveloped a few of the characters in GBH, but I have the patience to wait and hope he will flesh them out in later versions, unlike apparently TOZO. :( Click the spoiler for a TL comparison... This is definitely beyond a simple issue of MTL inaccuracies, and like you said, I think Boko would be at least a little bothered if he knew about this.

TOZO: Oh! Welcome back, Alf! What brings you here? / Huh... I'll be honest, as much as I like you, I do kinda wish our hero wasn't so dirty... Still... playing with you isn't, so bad... I-I guess... *Ahem* / Didn't break anything, did I? ...Well, they felt okay to me. Um... take good care of them, alright? For me? Er... nevermind...

Boko (JP): What'd you come here for? You're in the way. / Haah... I thought that would be it. Fine, I'll specially bully you. ...But don't regret it. Because I absolutely won't go easy on you. / Well? Getting hit right when you're on the brink of exhaustion.. sure is effective, isn't it? What, you have a complaint? I told you, didn't I? That I wouldn't go easy on you. Now, our business is finished. Don't curl up there, get out already.
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Boko (JP): What'd you come here for? You're in the way. / Haah... I thought that would be it. Fine, I'll specially bully you. ...But don't regret it. Because I absolutely won't go easy on you. / Well? Getting hit right when you're on the brink of exhaustion.. sure is effective, isn't it? What, you have a complaint? I told you, didn't I? That I wouldn't go easy on you. Now, our business is finished. Don't curl up there, get out already.[/spoiler]

Oh dear...
She's actually not my cup of tea. Not in the slightest...
And here I was really looking forward to seeing what she'll do now that she knows Alf was the hero she looks up to.
Well thank you for taking the time to tell me about this. Not sure what to do with all the shilling I did for her now. And it'll be pretty awkward when I tell senpai that I don't actually like Lusy after all this. I hope he doesn't feel disappointed.

But this is strange. If TOZO was really doing it for his interest, then why did he change Lusy to a much cuter and sweeter girl? I guess what the others said is more likely to be true. He's just taking librities because he lacks the knowledge, and perhaps he likes doing it.

Some of the characters seem rather strange in the English version.
Yeah, I was very confused as to why she stared at him with utter contempt before kneeing him in the balls for getting his face close to hers in her plead scene. I got excited expecting a kiss or at least a smile. Now her actions actually make sense.
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Since I didn't see anyone mention this, I feel I should mention that a while ago Boko stated that ufg2 is "stuck". Not sure if that means he has a problem or that he's going to work on it later. In any case, he's currently focusing on gbh and is probably working on the maids or Auphemia for the next update now that he's done with Astride.
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Hey, Libg. I just saw your tweets with Boko. I don't know if it will be helpful, since you already finished your initial tweet exchange with him and he's said he'll talk to TOZO about it, but since I saw you broached this topic with him, and you had previously said you felt limited since you can't speak Japanese, I went ahead and translated into Japanese one of the key points (bound to have a couple slightly awkward spots, as I'm not a native speaker).

Boko (JP) 何しに来たの?邪魔なんだけど。 / ハア...…やっぱりそうおいう目的ね。いいわ、特別にイジめてあげる。…...でも後悔しないでよね。私は容赦なんて絶対してあげないんだから。 / どう?脱力しきったところえの一撃...…効くでしょう?なによ、文句あるの?言ったわよね、私は容赦しないって。さ、もう用は済んだでしょう。うずくまってないで、さっさと出てってよ。
翻訳者(EN->JP) あ!おかえり、アルフさん!何しにきたの? / へえ...……正直、アルフさんの事は好きけど、私たちの勇者はそんなに汚らわしくないといいな、と思う...…でも...…アルフさんと遊ぶのは悪く、ない...…か、かも...…コホン / なにかが壊れた事はなかった、よね?…...まあ、大丈夫と感じた。...…あの...…それを大切にしてね?私の為に?いや、何でもない…...

^ The first line is a transcript of Boko's Lusy text, the second line is me translating TOZO's line from English to Japanese.

Actually, I composed a lot more than this, but decided not to post it after all, because there's no need for me to fuel the flames. As long as Boko understands that the problem is real, he can make his own judgment.

Edit - Oh, and sorry for continuing to derail discussion of the game itself with talk about the dev. I considered just PM'ing Libg but thought it best to be open about what was happening. Feel free to continue to talk about this awesome game!
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Thank you. I tried to explain as much as I could so he doesn't assume people are just being picky with the translation. I just hope I'm not bothering him with this. I don't think I sent him any example from Lusy though, so it should be fine.
Hopefully this issue will resolve in a manner that keeps everyone happy.
Hope I'm not interrupting, but Ver 0.1.8 had been released for patreons

Astride's fight was added (The jail warden). She got new moves, and have an extra visual cue on her hand. If it moves slightly, her move will do much more damage if you're guarding.

The inn is now able to be explored, and the mentioned cat that serves as a tutorial now exists. I kinda wish there's a serious battle with her though, she's a cutie ;)

I'm pretty sure he made Millis stronger now, her Hip Attack feels more powerful.

And, I think that's everything. I might miss something, though.
It's fine, we're done for now since Boko knows about the issue.
Make sure you download the patch, too.

Hey guys. There's a rare bug I happened to encounter for the second time now, but I'm not sure if it's a problem in the game or on my end.
The bug is pretty simple, but can be easy to miss. The opponent just doesn't do anything during a turn. I encountered it once with Leticia and once with Astride. Curious if anyone encountered something similar.
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He has released an update, so I believe I'm allowed to double post. Sorry if I'm making a mistake.

0.1.9 for patreon supporters includes the fight with Alicia, and as expected, she is boobs. Her fight has been changed in alot of ways, as it relies on luck far less than it used to and some of her attacks can cause some minor debuffs which is a nice touch. Not to mention that she now can inflict lust with regular attacks, so she no longer requires paizuri to inflict it.
It used to be very difficult to beat her on level 55 if she kept spamming smothers and paizuris. Now she's pretty managable even at 55. She's probably my favourite at this point.
Be sure to download the patch he has on Twitter if you're a patron.
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Oops. I saw him mention 0.1.7 on twitter so I thought he uploaded. He only said it's coming soon. Sorry.
I think he said that it would be out during or after this weekend that 0.1.7 public version.

edit: That being said what would you say is the most humiliating thing to happen to the hero? For me I'd have to say either the queen or losing against the younger sister.
0.1.7 is out. It includes the fight with Millis.

what would you say is the most humiliating thing to happen to the hero?
Probably the very fact Millis exists. All the time and effort Alf goes through to fight, train and grow stronger, only for her to easily catch up to, if not surpass him, in a short period of time. To make matters worse, she casually figures out how to perform a power boost in a matter of seconds. And she's his younger sister. I'm a little surprised Alf doesn't seem to resent her in the slightest over this.
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