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RPG RPG Maker [sugar star] Life is Paradise / LIFE IS PARADISE 完全版 (RE094661, RJ094661)

Re: Life is Paradise(RJ094661)

there is now a new option when starting new game, the first is 9, and the second is 15, anyone have any ideas what they mean?
Re: Life is Paradise(RJ094661)

there is now a new option when starting new game, the first is 9, and the second is 15, anyone have any ideas what they mean?
Number of buildings.
9 is normal, and there's some bonus to it.
15 is extended. You can build almost all buildings, but it may break the game balance.

That's what the game says, as far as I remember.
Re: Life is Paradise(RJ094661)

Number of buildings.
9 is normal, and there's some bonus to it.
15 is extended. You can build almost all buildings, but it may break the game balance.

That's what the game says, as far as I remember.

15 buildings it's actually the "standard" for all the precedent versions, so if you import a save you'll default to the 15 option.
Starting with 9 spaces has its perks, but obviously makes the game harder (or at least, forces to make you plan more carefully). It's the ideal choice if you want the game to be more challenging (and are prepared for quite a bit of grinding for resources).

Is there any requirements for a particular character to move in? I have been trying to get Cecilia for quite a while with S/L method and the only 2 that ever appear are Kutei and the other girl who wear modern clothes.
My town atmosphere are 21/22/3/6.

It seems like the atmosphere in the village plays a factor in what character visit the island and/or moves in. But plain old luck is way more important.

You can just build/destroy/rebuild houses until you get the character that you want, but it's a lengthy affair. Your best bet is to just wait for the character to show up in the city hall as a visitor.
If they like the village (treat them well and have an atmosphere that is not opposed to their preferences) they will ask you to build a house for them and they will be automatically the next character to move in.
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Re: Life is Paradise(RJ094661)

Might be the order of people moving in is pre-determined at start of the game? Or when you first start building the house?
My money is on pre-determined at the start of the game. Doesn't mean you can't boot them out of course.
Re: Life is Paradise(RJ094661)

Might be the order of people moving in is pre-determined at start of the game? Or when you first start building the house?
My money is on pre-determined at the start of the game. Doesn't mean you can't boot them out of course.

I think that the characters follow some sort of pattern, but I really can't understand it for now... I'm quite sure that there is at least some weighted randomization, since every character shows up at least once before old characters start to appear again.

On an unrelated note, patch 1.9 it's already out, but from what I gather it adds nothing of note (a new title screen). Patch 2.0 is on the making and it appears to be more consistent. Why did they even bother with patch 1.9?
Re: Life is Paradise(RJ094661)

Where do I get Fragments of Sacred Tree for the upgraded Axe?
Re: Life is Paradise(RJ094661)

Where do I get Fragments of Sacred Tree for the upgraded Axe?
Light Atmosphere: Chop the trees. Save scum for great effect. EDIT: I might be wrong here...

And yea, confirmed, Chaos Atmosphere = All crystals gone

Some of em are still missing info.
街灯 (Street Light) [LN]
シックな街灯 (Fancy Street Light) [LL]
ブルーグラス (Blue Grass)[NL] = 1 Light Point
サボテン (Cactus) [CN] = 1 Chaos Point
ベゴニアの花(外) (Begonia) [NL] = 1 Light Point
ベビーティアーズ(外) (Baby Tears) [NL] = 2 Light Points
春の寄せ植え (spring Plants) [LL] = 1/1 Points
誰かの骨 (Bones) [CD]
誰かのお墓 (Grave) [LD] = 1/? Points
黄色い花 (Yellow Flower) [NL] = 1 Light Point
白い花 (White Flower) [LL]
ピンクの花 (Pink Flower) [LL]
ラフレシア (Rafflesia) [CD] = 2/1 Points
Snowman [NN]
ヤシの木 (Palm Trees) [CL] = 1/1 Points
邪教徒の像 (Statue of Muslim) [LD] = 1/2 Points
悪魔の柱 (Pillar of Devil) [CD]

Epic Item: Raccoon at the port sometimes sells a purple ribbon item, it makes you immune to nearly all status effects. Makes it possible to solo the Chimera and the Machine Boss from 3rd dungeon... Also, no more antidotes needed.
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Re: Life is Paradise(RJ094661)

I think that the characters follow some sort of pattern, but I really can't understand it for now... I'm quite sure that there is at least some weighted randomization, since every character shows up at least once before old characters start to appear again.

On an unrelated note, patch 1.9 it's already out, but from what I gather it adds nothing of note (a new title screen). Patch 2.0 is on the making and it appears to be more consistent. Why did they even bother with patch 1.9?

Well,the characters you get are affected by the atmosphere of your village,the season you're in,the number of days that already passed,and of course some of the choices you've made during the intro.So when you start building houses first make sure that your atmoshpere is the one from which you want the characters(example:if you want Queen have neutral atmoshere,and your chances of getting her are boosted considerably).Anyway there is a pattern for characters indeed,but only for every character "row"(i mean every row represents a certain sphere like light,darkness,chaos and even law and neutral),but seeing how you're bound to have a mix of certain spheres in your village it is impossible to predict what character you'll get(because you have to include the season and time factor in as well).
So this system makes every playtrough as random as possible(which is great in my book).

Oh,and i can't wait for version 2.0(i hope they will add some new buildings or jobs,or both).
Re: Life is Paradise(RJ094661)

I think that the characters follow some sort of pattern, but I really can't understand it for now... I'm quite sure that there is at least some weighted randomization, since every character shows up at least once before old characters start to appear again.

On an unrelated note, patch 1.9 it's already out, but from what I gather it adds nothing of note (a new title screen). Patch 2.0 is on the making and it appears to be more consistent. Why did they even bother with patch 1.9?

I dont know why but RPGMaker ... makers patch consistently. Like the Virgin Island RPG, it had like 4 patches in a week.
Re: Life is Paradise(RJ094661)

Are the turnips market and the raccoon reference to animal crossing?
I hope they add the MC counterpart for 2.0
Re: Life is Paradise(RJ094661)

Are the turnips market and the raccoon reference to animal crossing?
I hope they add the MC counterpart for 2.0

The other version of the protagonist is already in the game, he/she is on the bonus stage map you get when playing with 9 slots.

And just in case you're wondering, the makers have already declared that there will definitely no sex with yourself ;)
Re: Life is Paradise(RJ094661)

Anyone figure out how to break the barrier with out going Chaos?
Re: Life is Paradise(RJ094661)

You can also go Dark. Light and Law will still have it blocked.

There are some storyline events that allow you to open up the crystals temporarily.

I havent played with Cat yet but I'll try her out this NG+ and avoid sexy timing her without her permission this time. :(
Re: Life is Paradise(RJ094661)

Anyone figure out how to break the barrier with out going Chaos?

Some characters seems able to break the barriers no matter what the atmosphere is.
As far as i know:

- Satira: Can break barrier in the Cave

- Aredo (the blue/gray demon with a tatoo): Can break barrier in the Pyramid

- Kiria (the red demon with the unsettling outfit): Can brek barrier in the Mine

A couple of things to remember: The barrier will eventually come back after a season, so you'll have to destroy it again.
The characters can only destroy a single crystal (wich is enough to open all the paths, but sometimes you'll have to walk a bit).
I don't know if there are some extra requirements for them to break the crystals, so let me know if it does not work at the first try. Also for now I don't know if there are other characters that can destroy the barriers.
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Re: Life is Paradise(RJ094661)

The info is wrong, Satira can break the one at the Cave, and it's very specific, not just any one, it's the bottom one of the top part, close to the portal.

None of the other people I had could destroy any of those barriers, I'm guessing only Chaos can destroy it =(
Re: Life is Paradise(RJ094661)

The info is wrong, Satira can break the one at the Cave, and it's very specific, not just any one, it's the bottom one of the top part, close to the portal.

None of the other people I had could destroy any of those barriers, I'm guessing only Chaos can destroy it =(

Whoops, I got confused :eek:

Satira can break the one in the Cave, Kiria the one in the mine! Editing it now...

And yeah it's a specific one, Kiria can destroy the upper crystal in the mine, Aredo the left crystal in the pyramid.
Re: Life is Paradise(RJ094661)

Please upload a fullcg save game.
Thank You!! :D
Re: Life is Paradise(RJ094661)

Yo,guys.So,has there been any announcement as to what will be included in the new 2.0 patch or when will it be released?

Also i don't know why people insist on having a relationship with the MC counterpart out of all possible characters.There are way better stuff for authors to do for a new update(in my opinion at least).
Re: Life is Paradise(RJ094661)

Yo,guys.So,has there been any announcement as to what will be included in the new 2.0 patch or when will it be released?

Also i don't know why people insist on having a relationship with the MC counterpart out of all possible characters.There are way better stuff for authors to do for a new update(in my opinion at least).

No real news for what to expect for the new update, unfortunately. I think that they will focus on bug-fixing now(the game is quite bug-free from what I've seen, expecially if you consider its complexity).

The last blog posts are from the artist that is talking about his new pen tablet and posting new drawings he made with it... So yeah...
Maybe while he (or she?) is at it, will add a couple of CG? Who knows!
Re: Life is Paradise(RJ094661)

No real news for what to expect for the new update, unfortunately. I think that they will focus on bug-fixing now(the game is quite bug-free from what I've seen, expecially if you consider its complexity).

The last blog posts are from the artist that is talking about his new pen tablet and posting new drawings he made with it... So yeah...
Maybe while he (or she?) is at it, will add a couple of CG? Who knows!

Hmm,well it would be nice to have a few new CG's,but i would prefer something tangibile for new update(like new items,or chars,or buildings...).I mean CG's are nice,but they are not really that important(not with the lack of H events anyway).