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RPG Unknown/Hiatus RPG Maker [Takimaru] Despair Labyrinth

Despair Labyrinth (RPG Maker VX GOR game) - Version 0.09 - Updated 4/18/2012!

  • Emilia (Warrior)

    Votes: 27 10.3%
  • Rhiannon (Berserker)

    Votes: 24 9.2%
  • Irine (Priest)

    Votes: 32 12.2%
  • Lanie (Magician)

    Votes: 30 11.5%
  • Thyme (Sage)

    Votes: 44 16.8%
  • Cesca (Thief)

    Votes: 63 24.0%
  • Sairyn (Martial Artist)

    Votes: 22 8.4%
  • Asella (Paladin)

    Votes: 20 7.6%

  • Total voters

Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG Maker VX GOR game) - Version 0.07C - Updated 11/8/2011!

another thing I would suggest adding: there is this room where 4 girls are being raped by different things, 1 is a horse and such.. there is this 5th one with no girl, could you make it so the main char could whore there or something? (also adding scenes/pics for the other 4 girls there would be nice...)

You can, actually... Lose to the assassin-like enemies, or to the boss guy after attempting to rescue the Gwyn, and you end up there. From then you can volunteer yourself for it (may need a low enough purity, not sure).
Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG Maker VX GOR game) - Version 0.07C - Updated 11/8/2011!

You can, actually... Lose to the assassin-like enemies, or to the boss guy after attempting to rescue the Gwyn, and you end up there. From then you can volunteer yourself for it (may need a low enough purity, not sure).

Hehe, I actualy just figured that out just now, after giving it another play through with another character, didnt know that, cause last time I tried going there to get a scene, and nothing happened... didnt know you had to lose to the slavers twice for it.... xD

Might be I missed a few other scenes as wel... ^^
Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG Maker VX GOR game) - Version 0.07C - Updated 11/8/2011!

If you could be kind enough to specify which phrases are experiencing cut-offs, because of my five beta testers, they've spotted mistakes that I've fixed but no other 'cutting' issues outside of that. What scenes, for what characters, and which particular phrases are you seeing that problem? Is your screen for the game going to 640 x 480 as it should?

As far as the suggestions, yeah, the Gwyn shower was already mentioned to me and will probably be added in future patches. Mind you, Gwyn joining was the very last part and I got that whole scene done literally the day that I released the patch, so I haven't had time to think up all the stuff.

There will be plenty of time to go back and work on lots of H-scenes, but I would just like to mention how many hours go into making those in the first place, heh--for 0.07, there were 11 total (including each Stalls scene), more than any other patch. I guarantee at least 3 for each release--as I said, however, there isn't NEARLY enough raw playtime in this game, so I'm busy adding areas, storyline ideas, character-specific NPC's and some new battles / enemies for 0.08. It will likely be similar to 0.05 in that regard, so stay tuned! Not to toot my own horn or anything, but thanks to the assistance of a couple storyline consultants, I actually believe that this game will have a fairly strong story element, despite its obvious heaviness on the H content. I just need to get to the points where I can illustrate / express that, first.
Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG Maker VX GOR game) - Version 0.07C - Updated 11/8/2011!

aha, so the ideas where already noted... I was merely pointing out things that I thought could be in... if it was to much work, then no worries... I am fine either way...

having more play time and such wil help alot, I got through the game in a little more then an hour and that was with most of the lose=rape scenes as wel... :p

the thing about the text, the text for me is out of bounds on all the sentences I believe.....

btw, teh screen I see on my pc = black outlined or something, idk how to explain, lets say its fullscreen and the game is centered as a smaller size, the text goes outside of the screen at the right... for most scenes that is... only about a few letters I believe.. maybe something like 5 or something... dont know for sure how many letters are missing... I mostly do get what they are saying, but sometimes its harder to understand due to this error/flaw/mistake or what you wanna call it...

If you need a screen so you know what it looks like on my pc, then I could do that... although my comp is a big failure... (has issues, not alot of ram and such...) so it might take a bit to get things working for a screen to show...

but if it wil help seeing a screen, then I wil add it... (so you can better see what might be wrong...)

I for one realy have no clue what might be wrong, I dont know how encoding and such for these games work.... nor do I even know how to make anything actualy.... (I do have the RPG maker on my pc, but still not used it to this date... xD)

and I understand it takes time to make all teh scenes, so I am not rushing you, if I made you feel like that, then I realy didnt mean to... take your time, as I might have said before, rather have you take your time and add more and good stuff on the next releases then doing minor things.... (kinda like Fairy fighter always has minor things done... not that I mind, its also still a great game.... xD)
Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG Maker VX GOR game) - Version 0.07C - Updated 11/8/2011!

Hrrm... Sounds like your computer isn't resizing the screen as it should for some reason. Not sure why that is.

If you are referring to the cutoff in the combat screen, yes, that is natural. I WOULD fix that issue if I knew how, but that's an unfortunate side effect of the screen resolution script I'm using at the moment; I've tried like 3 other 'resizing / resolution change' scripts and they all sucked horribly or didn't actually accomplish what I was aiming for (which is, in this case, allowing larger pictures for the H-scenes). 640 x 480 is the highest RPGVX supports, so that's what I got it set to.

But from the sounds of it, entire conversations are being cut out, which basically no one else has reported experiencing, so it appears to be a relatively unique issue. This is the first time I've ever gotten such a report regarding resolution, so sure, PM me a screenshot of what yours looks like.
Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG Maker VX GOR game) - Version 0.07C - Updated 11/8/2011!

I realy have no clue... guess something might be wrong with my pc... I have been having some issues with it.... (the computer I mean, not the game..)

I wil make you some screens when I get another play through...
Ps. is it me, or are there less character choices then the above poll makes it seem??
I dont believe I had the choice from 8 or some girls... (maybe I am wrong, didnt count them.... (or maybe you took them out, due to having to much work on all the screens and such... and took out the least appealing??)
(not that I mind if its less characters to choose from btw... there is plenty... am a bit of a loli fan myself though... xD)

I wil pm you the screens when I get them done, and the pics I have no issue on those, they work fine I believe.... the pics at least, not sure about the text on those scenes/parts....

think I wil have to make a few different screens, to show what the text is like on those.... (might take a while btw, currently pretty busy so dont have time to play and 'screenshot' things..)
Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG Maker VX GOR game) - Version 0.07C - Updated 11/8/2011!

Nope, there are... definitely 8 characters to choose from, since the very first patch.
Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG Maker VX GOR game) - Version 0.07C - Updated 11/8/2011!

yeah, I double checked it, you are right, I am an idiot... xD
8 characters are in there in deed... (btw, nice to have so many options, realy makes it alot harder on you to get all the scenes I am sure.... so realy have respect for that... ^^)

also my thought about my fave character has changed, the Fighter is now actualy my fave....

- her Scenes/pics are more to my liking, the views and such are better in my opinion...
- she can beat most enemies with her normal attack, cause she does a double attack...

o_O I still need to get some screens for you.... but wel since I am the only one having this issue, I am pretty sure its just my computer.... I mean, otherwise others would have also said something I think... and its not such a big deal realy.... I can make out what they are saying mostly... (also I skip through the text sometimes anyways... xD)

Some more suggestions:
- the bar - you can get raped by those 3 bandits, you have 2 options, wich is realy nice, it would be nice if there where some more repeatable ones.... (in the spirit of that one... but then repeatable if possible...)
- most parts seem a bit 'empty', with this I mean, there is not much to do, you can chat to alot of the people, but most have nothing realy interesting to say, nor do they give you a scene or anything else.... (if you could add more to that it would be awesome...) - just suggesting this as being nitpicky and all.... (if its to much work, then no worries...)
- adding some random encounters would be fun as wel... with this I mean, if you talked to a certain person if your purity is low enough you would get a scene as wel... (kinda like with the 2 guys closing you in, and the 3rd guy either killing the one standing before you, this happens with high purity I believe, or he doesnt stop them, and you get 'raped', with low purity I believe...I am not sure if that is the reason why they where different, could be cause I played with different characters??)

Oh also have a question:
Those orbed rooms, there are 2 from what I saw so far... do they do something in a later stadium....
if you dont know what rooms I am referring to... (there is one with the monster you need to beat or you get a game over, where all the plants are), otherwise I wil have to add screens... xD

Hope I am not getting on your nerves with the questions, the suggestions and such, just love this game... and want to see this get even better...

Ps. is it me or are your graphics getting better, some of the 'older ones' looked more edgy, pixelated, and the newer ones look smoother.... (or I might be wrong here??)
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG Maker VX GOR game) - Version 0.07C - Updated 11/8/2011!

might I suggest putting in a "debug" item so you can adjust a girls purity? It's rather tiring to see the same scenes over and over again just to lower a girls purity.
Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG Maker VX GOR game) - Version 0.07C - Updated 11/8/2011!

Yep, Sairyn having less DEF, HP and what not needs something to make her competent, so she's pretty high on the damage end, especially with normal attacks, as she hits twice and has high Critical.

A LOT of people like the Sailor scene, so I'm probably going to add a variation of a repeatable one in the Barracks (as well as one in the bathrooms).

Ultimately, my goal is to make it so that you can have sex with a good amount of the existing NPC's, which is why I didn't go overboard with overpopulating the place with NPC's thus far. I'd kind of like it to be similar to VH in spirit. Characters who are capable of fighting, for the most part, will usually be willing to rape you. Those who aren't (slave girls, villager customers, etc) generally won't--with a few exceptions based on Purity level.

And no, you are correct; many of the CG's up to the Wolfram scene are a tad worse in resolution, but I found an anti-aliasing program to fix it so that pretty much every one made from here on out is 'high quality'. Eventually I'll work on resizing and cropping the old ones, but since their dimensions are a bit skewed to begin with, it actually does require some 'cutting off' of the pics, so that might take a while.

The Teleporter rooms will be used as a 'fast transport' system, but you won't be able to do it until you learn how to from a certain member of the Arcane Division.

In the Chambers, you can always enter the Stalls (by losing to the Assassins after the first time or by losing to the rogue leader in the second battle with him) as a quick way to grind down Purity while getting some variation in the scene, as there a quite a few that are randomly selected. This grinds down one's Purity score very quickly.

There IS a debug item that adjusts Purity, but it's only available for beta testers in my 'testing' versions. Depending on the character you've chosen, if you lose to just about everyone or take up every offer before even reaching the first pikeman, your Purity should be low enough to make pretty much every 'relevant' sleazy offer (with the Pikeman being the first, anyway).
Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG Maker VX GOR game) - Version 0.07C - Updated 11/8/2011!

That... doesn't really change the fact that you have to sit through the same scenes for about 5 minutes...:confused:

and there also isn't a good way to gain purity, so you have to keep roughly two saves of a single character to see all of their scenes...
Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG Maker VX GOR game) - Version 0.07C - Updated 11/8/2011!

If you want it that badly, I can send you a copy with the tools, but I am NOT releasing a debug copy for the general public. That's a game mechanic meant to steadily drop over the course of the entire game anyhow, although I do know people intentionally grind it down. Generally one of the lowest thresholds is about 45 anyway, so a girl only needs a visit to the Chambers plus getting screwed less than 8-9 times from anything to hit that point.

Nope, so far the only half-decent way to gain Purity outside of said debug tool is the shower.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG Maker VX GOR game) - Version 0.07C - Updated 11/8/2011!

I dont see the problem in the purity system, it works quite wel, as I have tried this out with almost all the characters, and if you lose to all the guys (apart from the game over ones that is..) then in most cases it would be around 2 or somewhere, that is if you did the twins and all the others as wel.... (twins second scene is also repeatable... and one of my fave scenes actualy..)

Takimaru, I got another one for you to maybe add in:
Those horse things, the part where the blonde girl gets taken, if you could add something like the stalls there as wel, that would be awesome...

using the 'horse' as one of those scenes and maybe the chair as wel, if you didnt think of adding those before, then I think it might be something good to add...
Also, does the clown do something, or wil there be something added to him, cause I would love to see him do weird stuff to the main character or something like that... (shrink her or something?? - the castle and such imply that he can shrink things... and then maybe idk.. finger her or something... his fingers would be like as large as a penis then I think?? just a weird thing to maybe add...)

PS. nice to hear you are basing it on VH, although I think VH is a bit to dated and the overall game wasnt that great in my opinion.... I realy think you could make a better version of it....

Also, is there already something you can do with the slaves or something, with low enough purity, cause I didnt try that out.... I talked to them a few times, but not with low purity, if there are some to talk to for more scenes, please let me know... ^^

Thanks in advance, and once again, great props for what you have so far...
I realy feel you did a great job...
o_O also dont worry about the older scenes being pixelated, its not a thing that bothered me, just was wondering... cause I felt the newer scenes looked better.... Also this game wil be big if you realy add all the things you intend to..... (guess it wil take a long time to get everything in though.... but take your time as I said before.... rather have you add good stuff and take your time then rushing it.... already great to have people make games anyways....)

Keep it up... ;) :cool:

ps. sorry that I havent made the screens yet, but my comp seems to crash alot lately when I try using my PS for the screens... (PS = Photoshop ofcourse... just for if you didnt know what I meant...^^) also dont have paint on my comp anymore... so yeah.... guess I should redownload that... might be better for the screens...
Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG Maker VX GOR game) - Version 0.07C - Updated 11/8/2011!

Can't do anything with the slaves just yet, though I'll just be adding a simple picture for each one in the future. Also, scenes for the wooden horses are definitely possible, I just need to get the 3DCG mod to make that happen. The clown... well yes, I've already got a bazillion requests to do something with him but I'm holding off until at least 0.10 'cause I don't like to give people everything right away. :rolleyes:

Yerp; Grrl Power! and VH were my primary influences for this game design-wise, with Harem and Elysium causing the first spark seeing the good work their respective authors do in their games. I realize the other VX games are vastly different from mine in design, but variety can't hurt, right? It's not like people play just one of these games, so why not give the audience some options...

My goal is to create an H-game with a wide variety of characters to choose from, with well-done and numerous H-scenes, and a compelling storyline. All the rest comes secondary.

I think I've done a decent job so far on the first two, but there's a lot more work I need to do storyline-wise (which I already have planned out and feel that the draft is a great story for the premise that has been given), I just need to get deeper into the game to express that.
Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG Maker VX GOR game) - Version 0.07C - Updated 11/8/2011!

I do like this game, so sorry if I came across as a bit of an ass. I've just been spoiled by VH's debug mode which allowed me to see a great variety of scenes without having to grind out the necessary stats to see them.
Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG Maker VX GOR game) - Version 0.07C - Updated 11/8/2011!

WoW, great to hear that Takimaru, realy shows that you have a great idea going and already have a good idea on how you want to implement them and when...

waiting with the clown is prolly also a good plan, this makes people more excited about new versions, and gives them at least something to look forward to that they know will be coming in the distant or near future, depending on how long everything takes... most likely it would be more in the distant future I think, specialy cause adding all those scenes for all the main characters wil be alot of work....

adding just 1 or a few pics for most of those slaves is already a great thing, I mean... it just adds that little more to the whole piece...

happy to hear you might be able to implement some of the ideas I am throwing at you.... if I could make it myself I would, but I have a crappy pc, and I have no clue on making games... ^^

So hope my feedback at least helps on ideas and such... cause I realy wanna be off some help if I can... ^^
(more minds makes more ideas...)
In the end though its up to you ofcourse wich ones you implement or dont implement.. its your game... :D
when I get some more ideas, then I wil add them..
(unless you rather not have me add ideas or suggestions here form here on... ^^)
Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG Maker VX GOR game) - Version 0.07C - Updated 11/8/2011!

No worries gruunt, I was kinda the same way with VH at first--the debug tools are mighty handy if you're just looking to get straight to the good parts. Especially for a game like this where there's a ridiculous amount of characters, as well as high/low Purity outcomes for both, it definitely makes things easier.

And yep, like I said, I work on it little by little each day. There are some important things I want to work on in-game before anything else--I think that people for the most part are giving good suggestions, it's just that I can't be making patches entirely devoted to that until later, or the game will never actually 'progress' in terms of story and actual gameplay. You will definitely see more NPC's, activities / side games, and H-scenes later on, but as I said, no promises on delivering that early since I gotta prioritize things in-game.

Going to be moving this weekend, so won't have internet for a little while (or as much, anyhow).
Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG Maker VX GOR game) - Version 0.07C - Updated 11/8/2011!


Firstly, I really like the game already. That each character has their own unique dialogue and a unique event is really nice. Even outside of that there's so much difference I'm sort of in awe about how long it must've taken to write. Some really nice ones were the different ways of dispatching sleeping bandits.

As for characters, I've done three urns so far: Rhiannion, Thyme, and Cesca. Of the three I found Rhiannion's run by far the most difficult. I lost far more fights with her than the other two, though that may have been due to playing her first and underestimating status effects. Next was Cesca who I found destroyed the mooks, but had a lot of trouble in boss fights. Thyme destroyed everything through her entire run.

I only did this with Rhiannion, but all of the gear you can't use makes the game really easy once you find a shop. With the other two I just made due with random drops and what I found in chests, even ignoring the pool of healing.

I also noticed Thyme had all numerical effects of items doubled which was very cool and made sense given her backstory. Are there any plans for other characters to have some similar power? With Cesca being able to pickpocket enemies if you interact with them before they hit you would be fun, with failure either being going into a fight or a short scene.

But all in all, great game. I'm really looking forward to the next release.
Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG Maker VX GOR game) - Version 0.07C - Updated 11/8/2011!

Thanks! Yeah, the reason why the updates can sometimes be short for how much work I put into them is due in part to me spending a good amount of time adjusting each character's response to a single event. It's a pain, but hopefully it adds a degree of replay value to the game. For next patch, I'm working on some more character-specific events and H-scenes, as to give an actual reason for the player to try the different girls.

By the way, I really appreciate the fact that you actually tried the various characters--I know some people only really try one, and I worked really hard on all of them!

Admittedly there is a LOT of money to be made, though prices in the future will be adjusted accordingly based on what most people have. To my understanding, the typical player will have around 10-20K by the demo's end without excessive grinding? In the future I may also just make treasure chests give a different item based on the character; I just put a bunch of them in the slime cavern, for example, to make it feel... well, less 'empty', and also because I originally was going to make the 'Primary 8' girls team up with each other, but that idea was scrapped for even more characters like Gwyn, since such a thing would provide less incentive to try the different paths, heh--having Lanie in your party is definitely not the same as 'being' her.

As far as combat goes, I've got a LOT of balancing to do and I know it. Thyme is currently OP due to the unforeseen power of status effects--she was originally buffed because she started out as the weakest character in the game, but given her background, I don't have that much problem with her being the strongest; I just don't want her to oneshot bosses or anything like that. Rhiannon is actually not too bad; at higher levels all of her 'buff' effects stack, which means she can almost oneshot certain bosses with a powered-up Cleave. The weakest character right now is actually Lanie, who was meant to be a magical powerhouse in terms of damage, but lacks status effects and has low HP; so you can imagine what a pain that is.

I'll be adding a 'Steal' script to Cesca sometime within the next 3 patches or so, not sure what I'm going to do for the other characters. I know Emilia's future 'perk' will be that because her name is more well-known by members of the Syndicate, she'll have more people arrive when it comes to gangbangs and the like. A low-Purity Sairyn will be able to use certain 'techniques' in H-scenes which can result in branching CG options, and so on.
Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG Maker VX GOR game) - Version 0.07C - Updated 11/8/2011!

If some info helps, completely ignoring the shop I ended with 28k with Thyme and 30k with Cesca. I tried to avoid grinding with them, though I did open every treasure chest I could. Laine ended at 22k. All of this involved not selling anything.

I just tried out Laine and a few reactions. First holy crap she's a derp, really funny though. Her dialogue in general was hilarious but especially her sex scene choices. Second, I needed to use the shop with her a lot due to her taking so much damage. I didn't have much trouble up to the solo fight with the division leader.

The one thing I can think that would help is maybe giving her spells with more variable costs depending on how much power she put into it. If her basic one is 6 mp maybe have one dealing double damage for 15 unlocked fairly early.

The enemies elemental weaknesses are what I really noticed this run, with lightning being very effective on most foes. Fire and water were also good selectively, but I found little reason to use earth and wind. I couldn't find much of a use form concentrate because while double damage for more efficiency is nice, I needed to use a potion every other round in boss fights.