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Ashley (thetwo)

Re: Ashley (thetwo)

2 vs 17 counter
12 vs 14

Ashley pulls hard on the bindings, finding a shock given to her as punishment as it drains her. The mage tries to blast her again, but misses, as she slumped to the ground in her growing arousal at the things that may be to come. Including him, and her.

Mage 1/3
Ashley 3/6 4/5
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Her arousal is almost too much, and would be clearly apparent to anyone who felt her pants. But of course if someone else was doing that, her arousal would be the least of her worries. In fact, being aroused under those increasingly likely circumstances would probably better then not being aroused at the same time.

Ashley forced her mind off that line of thought, and back to one that might still have a chance of avoiding those circumstances in the first place. She ignored the punishment as best she could, and tried to free herself from the bindings again.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

9 vs 16
6 vs 10

The scene stays much the same, Ashley struggling to escape from her binds, the man trying to weaken her more. Her mind racing yet staying clear enough to focus maybe once more.

Mage 1/3
Ashley 3/6 4/5
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Ashley takes heart from the fact that she still hasn't been overwhelmed, and again strains against her bonds, not wanting to waste any energy on banter or irrelevant thoughts. If she didn't break free...
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

15 vs 7
Ashley didn't need to think along that line of thought anymore, as she managed to get herself out of the bindings. Running towards the man, in what she thought was her last chance, she lads a feinted blow on him, she he tries to side step the stab, she twaps him with the haft of her spear, knocking him out.

Of course, now she was feeling aroused with no release. But at least the wall faded!

Ashley 3/6 4/5
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

That was... close.

Ashley frisked the man for any food he might have on him, then ran down the stairs before he woke up, not willing to kill an unconscious man. Even if he had intended to rape her. She was still painfully aware of her arousal, but she wasn't going to do anything about it here!
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Finding no food on the man, Ashley heads down the stairs. A spiral staircase this time, they empty off into what appears to be a sort of rest area, of some sorts.

A small bath in a corner and a plant growing on a wall with a bunch of berries. A small sign next to it explains their purpose. "Tuflow berries, sweet and refreshing. Have a few, but they go bad a few minutes after leaving the vine, so don't try to take any with you."

A small pop up as she enters the center of the room. "Checkpoint reached! Saving and quitting now available!"
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Well that's... convenient. And I suppose I can probably trust the sign if the game is confirming this as a safe area.

Ashley looked around. Well, it was a good place to rest for a moment. The bath was tempting, but it hadn't been long since her bath on the first floor. And since then the worst that had happened to her was a few lewd images in her head.

On the other hand, she was still really aroused, the run down the stairs hadn't helped any in that respect. Somehow she imagined that there was only one way to rid herself of arousal. It didn't really appeal to her at the moment, but it appealed more then going into another fight so distracted by her crotch that she was defeated. And if she was going to do it, this would be the place.

She picked a few of the berries and stripped down, setting the berries on her shirt and sliding into the pool, careful not to let her hair get wet. She tried to relax, to shake the feeling that this would be recorded or watched, and popped a berry into her mouth. Then she closed her eyes and began rubbing clit, while her other hand teased at her breasts...

A few minutes later, satisfied, Ashley finished off the last of the berries before they went sour, and rinsed her still-damp panties, plus the crotch of her jeans, then hung them up to dry as best she could, soaking for a few more minutes while they dried.

Finally she got out of the bath, let her body air dry for a minute, got dressed, and tried to figure how to go about saving.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Feeling refreshed and better, Ashley decides to set off into the maze once more.

She finds herself suddenly ensnared as the ground below her turns into a sort of quicksand, dragging her in. She feels something against her legs, also trying to drag her in. She feels tired as it sort of drains her.

??? 1/1
Ashley 6/6 0/5
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Unable to see anything to attack, Ashley focuses on trying to get out of the sand, and keeps her eyes open for whatever beast might inhabit this trap.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

10 vs 8
7 vs 4

Ashley manages to drag herself out of the pit, just as she sees brown tentacles spurt from all inside of it, as they shoot themselves towards her, wrapping themselves tightly holding her arms pinned to her chest, they start to drag her back...

??? 1/1
Ashley 5/6 0/5
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

With her arms pinned Ashley's offensive options are limited. She struggles to free them, knowing exactly what those tentacles will do to her if she fails.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

19 vs 14
4 vs 13

Ashley manages to free herself from the tentacles, taking a good couple of steps backward as she notices the floor turning into sand in front of her. Using her spear, she manages to fend off the next wave of attacks by the thing.

Sand 1/1
Ashley 5/6
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Well, that's certainly an interesting effect. I suppose stone *does* turn into sand, but I think it usually takes a few thousand years. Of course I've never seen it happen, but...

Ashley takes a break from pondering the logic behind the game to level her spear at the sand, waiting for the tentacles to show themselves again so that she can attack.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

4 vs 17
18 vs 8

Ashley tries to stab the tentacles the next time they surface, but their too quick for her, as they weave around her spear, grabbing her ankles! They tug, making her fall with a thud to the floor.

They start to drag her to the sand, the sand gets closer...she knows what they'll go, lewd images going through her mind, but she manages to maintain focus.

Sand Tentacles 1/1
Ashley 4/6 0/5
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

"Frick! Things need to stop grabbing me!"

Ashley takes advantage of her now-free spear arm, and the known position of the tentacles (i.e. holding her leg) and tries to bring them into conjunction.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

14 vs 12
Ashley finally manages a lucky break as the tentacles by her legs are impaled. The others retreat, feeling the pain, and the sand pit sort of disappears, turning back into the stone floor of before.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

I swear Christine must have it backwards. The monsters have been much less scary since I went down the first set of stairs, and that one wasn't much harder!

Ashley eats a small amount of ration to keep her strength up, and continues onward, looking for the way down to the next level. Or perhaps for a helpful girl to *tell* her where said stairs are...
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Ashley walks through the dungeon for a long time, not really coming upon anything. Eventually she comes across a mostly empty room with a box in it, just standing in the center...
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Ashley sighs dramatically, and walks over to the box. It could have something terrible in it, but then it might have some food in it. Would she open it? Of course she would, otherwise what was the point of exploring?