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Free version of 3.1.1 is out for non-patreons.
Probably not much new content, expecting 1 new animation at most, but I always enjoy replaying this.
The new struggle mechanic is a bit odd, holding resist instead of attacking is incredibly unforgiving and almost a death-sentence.
Okay I love this game and I love the difficulty, but these bossfights are insane.
I only beat the ogre by spamming fire spells and constantly refreshing SP by re-lighting the blue torches for infinite SP.
I beat the Kraken by ???, it took me 9 grenades, 12 rifle shots and 6 pistol shots and also getting one of them stuck behind a rock so I could hit him with a machete for a minute straight. Only then could I barely beat them.

Now the Lamia girl on Nyx.... I'm convinced she's straight up impossible. She has an I-frame move that moves her through the entire arena and hits like a truck, will legit two shot you if you're unlucky. Absolutely ZERO idea how you're supposed to beat this. Not to mention the corpse run takes so damn long. It honestly feels like the dev doesn't playtest these bosses, I always have to find some kind exploit to even stand a chance and I'm at my wit's end with this one.

I've been trying to just lay a bunch of traps on the right side of the arena and making her jump into them and then detonate them, but it takes AGES this way and after a minute or two she will just clip into me and 1 shot me anyways since you have no hit-invulnerability and she can just hit you with 3 attacks in one second.
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Okay I love this game and I love the difficulty, but these bossfights are insane.
I only beat the ogre by spamming fire spells and constantly refreshing SP by re-lighting the blue torches for infinite SP.
I beat the Kraken by ???, it took me 9 grenades, 12 rifle shots and 6 pistol shots and also getting one of them stuck behind a rock so I could hit him with a machete for a minute straight. Only then could I barely beat them.

Now the Lamia girl on Nyx.... I'm convinced she's straight up impossible. She has an I-frame move that moves her through the entire arena and hits like a truck, will legit two shot you if you're unlucky. Absolutely ZERO idea how you're supposed to beat this. Not to mention the corpse run takes so damn long. It honestly feels like the dev doesn't playtest these bosses, I always have to find some kind exploit to even stand a chance and I'm at my wit's end with this one.

I've been trying to just lay a bunch of traps on the right side of the arena and making her jump into them and then detonate them, but it takes AGES this way and after a minute or two she will just clip into me and 1 shot me anyways since you have no hit-invulnerability and she can just hit you with 3 attacks in one second.
For the ogre you can either set some paint to regain health, or use the paint to buff your attack. I mostly just kept slashing at him and dodging when he winds up for a punch. There is an exploit with the blue flames where if you light it and immediately activate it at the same time, it will stay lit and increase your sp. Also, you do not have to fight ogre you can dash or sneak right past him.

The kraken you can literally cheese by just buying like 60 rifle ammo and staying far back and constantly shooting. They are the easiest boss in the entire game.

Lamia girl is weak against lightning magic. So use Nyx's lightning bolts and keep as far back as possible. This is where you gotta make use of dodging and using magic. If you put the paint on the ground wait for her to get to the land and activate it, it'll do much more damage.

What's the corpse run?

Honestly, I think the hardest boss is Mizuki and you can cheese her too by bringing her to the cave with the hands and letting her get groped. The bosses just remind me of games like the souls game or Elden Ring.
By corpse run I just mean the time I need from save point to boss room each time I die.
I've tried spamming the lightning attacks but it's just not enough damage before I run out of SP and/or get struck by her instacombo. It's a total crapshot but I guess that's just how it'll have to play out. Sucks that I used up my druid potion AND that I upgraded my fire spell instead of my lightning one.

Edit: Welp, managed to beat her after going to the sky temple first and then trying her again after clearing it. Took me 2 Druid Potions, it really just comes down to spamming lightning while dodging back and forth in the arena.

Not sure where to go next though
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By corpse run I just mean the time I need from save point to boss room each time I die.
I've tried spamming the lightning attacks but it's just not enough damage before I run out of SP and/or get struck by her instacombo. It's a total crapshot but I guess that's just how it'll have to play out. Sucks that I used up my druid potion AND that I upgraded my fire spell instead of my lightning one.

Edit: Welp, managed to beat her after going to the sky temple first and then trying her again after clearing it. Took me 2 Druid Potions, it really just comes down to spamming lightning while dodging back and forth in the arena.

Not sure where to go next though
So instead of the door you used to get into her building go across the little stream to the building on the right. Youll then go through a bedroom and then a cave. Once you exit the demo is essentially over for Nyx. You can go to the left north and enter that cave that takes you to the other druid but there's nothing else new.
Okay I love this game and I love the difficulty, but these bossfights are insane.
I only beat the ogre by spamming fire spells and constantly refreshing SP by re-lighting the blue torches for infinite SP.
I beat the Kraken by ???, it took me 9 grenades, 12 rifle shots and 6 pistol shots and also getting one of them stuck behind a rock so I could hit him with a machete for a minute straight. Only then could I barely beat them.

Now the Lamia girl on Nyx.... I'm convinced she's straight up impossible. She has an I-frame move that moves her through the entire arena and hits like a truck, will legit two shot you if you're unlucky. Absolutely ZERO idea how you're supposed to beat this. Not to mention the corpse run takes so damn long. It honestly feels like the dev doesn't playtest these bosses, I always have to find some kind exploit to even stand a chance and I'm at my wit's end with this one.

I've been trying to just lay a bunch of traps on the right side of the arena and making her jump into them and then detonate them, but it takes AGES this way and after a minute or two she will just clip into me and 1 shot me anyways since you have no hit-invulnerability and she can just hit you with 3 attacks in one second.

I'm sure he playtests the fights, but considering how much "spank and tank" happens on my own playthroughs I have become convinced that he knows the AI quirks and weaknesses so completely well (since, you know, he designed them) that those fights play out entirely different for him than they do for the rest of us. There is a reason that most games have AI attack pattern loops that are easy to figure out within a short amount of time, which is to cut down on player frustration when learning a fight. He doesn't necessarily need to "learn" the fight, so he's created something that may be challenging for him but outright unreasonable for anybody else.

That all said, I too have enjoyed my time with it. If he ever gets to the point where he learns how to reel in some of that chaotic AI design, he could probably put out some pretty darn successful indie games with a much wider appeal.
Some of us do not consider it unreasonable, but at the end the game must sell, so some modifications may benefit it because maybe it's as you say, maybe the wider audience demands for more easy games...
Devs can pull off pleasing difficulty adjustment requests while not butchering the games, though, one recent example that comes to mind is Holy Knight Ricca, so i'm hopeful that is as far as this goes too.
Although there is also audience for hard games still nowadays...
Ah well, what do i know?
a part of me wants to play this again to see if it's better. another part of me stopped caring a while ago. Act H games with animated content are hard to come by, so I really do wish it fixed alot of it's soft locking issues. based on what i read about the bosses though...If people feel the need to cheese or exploit a boss to beat them, i'd personally rebalance that boss. I'd also remove a corpse run completely and let someone try again right then and there. if difficulty is the name of the game, trimming fat is pretty vital imo. minimal or NO corpse run. put a checkpoint outside the boss door if you cant program in a 'try again' option.
I like my games difficult too. The issue is when the difficulty is artificial and doesn't actually test anything other than how much frustration you are willing to put up with. Some attacks are simply unreactable and come baring iframes. There are no discernible tells before these are coming, either, they just happen when the AI feels like doing them. Even the most jank of dark souls bosses tend not to pull that kind of nonsense.

So right now I'd say the fights are less "well designed video game enemies that test your knowledge and skill of how they work" and more "First one to die loses!"
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So instead of the door you used to get into her building go across the little stream to the building on the right. Youll then go through a bedroom and then a cave. Once you exit the demo is essentially over for Nyx. You can go to the left north and enter that cave that takes you to the other druid but there's nothing else new.
Ah damn. I'm still missing a handful of animations though, and I activated a lever south-west of that cave exit. However I can't figure out what passage it opened so I figured I was missing something.

I'm suprised he completely reworked the Sky Temple. It was already really good in the previous demo but he completely changed almost all of it for something about equally cool.

On the topic of difficulty; As I said I like it. It adds tension and challenge, especially in games that focus on grapples and Game-Over scenes there needs to be some kinda challenge or else you'll just breeze through and fall into that habit of intentionally playing bad to actually see any of the content. Mission Mermaiden comes to mind, a game so laughably easy people had to mod the difficulty in because it somewhat ruined the erotic experience to never be in any danger at all. People say "lose for porn" is bad game design (as if regular game design applies to porn games lol) but resisting the temptation to give in to the enemies I always part of the fun for me.

The problem IMO is the bad balancing. When every boss feels like I have to exploit some kinda bug to get through their insane HP then something's off. Like the Squid, it seems generally agreed that the proper strategy is to stock up on a fuckton of ammo and just spam him to death. Especially bad with how unreliable generating money is.
I think the main issue is; All your attacks move your character hurtbox into the enemy, yet you have no invincibility frames to make up for it, so you end up in a ton of situations where you just have to, as someone said, "tank and spank" your way through encounters even though you're on the offensive, in a game that is fairly punishing with restoratives unless you 100% know what you're doing. Also I could swear there are no I-frames for when you get hit, like the fight against the Mermaid girl she would jump into me and deal 90% of my health bar in 3 hits if I was unlucky with her pattern. Also the new struggle mechanic is somewhat poorly designed because in combat you will be mashing the attack button, so when you get grabbed you will pretty much unintentionally use the "Attack" option before you even realize you're grappled.

Maybe I should contact the dev somehow, I'm not sure where he actually reads feedback.
He has both a patreon as well as a discord, if that helps.

It does seem as though his discord is fairly active, so I imagine that's a good place to start.
Ugh... I guess I could leave a comment on his itch.io at least, he doesn't seem to read them much though. Or maybe I'm just too used to people like Vrelnir (Degrees of Lewdity) who will respond to literally every single comment. Well it's worth a shot
Hm, finished the water temple again with Sasha, got the book and pretty sure I fished out every pond. Still no clue where to go next and still missing a couple scenes. I did go into that underground system where you get the shotgun and re-emerge in that house with the Kitsune, but still no clue what to do with the book.

I also get the feeling Nyx should be able to progress past the Naga girl too but once again no clue.

Edit; Well I found the hillside cave with Nyx, somehow didn't realize I could destroy the blue-ish blocks with her ice attacks. Reached the looking glass island which prompted the end of the demo. Still missing two animations, the last one and one between Basilisk 3 and Ghost hand (Used to be Beelzebub but I haven't found him in the demo)

Still clueless with Sasha, I remember a similar cave but no way to break said blocks. Tried Grenades, no luck.
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Hm, finished the water temple again with Sasha, got the book and pretty sure I fished out every pond. Still no clue where to go next and still missing a couple scenes. I did go into that underground system where you get the shotgun and re-emerge in that house with the Kitsune, but still no clue what to do with the book.

I also get the feeling Nyx should be able to progress past the Naga girl too but once again no clue.

Edit; Well I found the hillside cave with Nyx, somehow didn't realize I could destroy the blue-ish blocks with her ice attacks. Reached the looking glass island which prompted the end of the demo. Still missing two animations, the last one and one between Basilisk 3 and Ghost hand (Used to be Beelzebub but I haven't found him in the demo)

Still clueless with Sasha, I remember a similar cave but no way to break said blocks. Tried Grenades, no luck.
So you know those ghost things the float around at night. Use the item kitsune gives you if you keep pestering her. It kills those ghost. Wherever there are three of them in one area kill all of them and a portal to the next stage of the game will appear.

Oh so that's the new animation if I'm correct. The nopeboru who steals your face has a sex animation. Basically he will become visible and then he will attempt to rape nyx instead of just stealing her face, you need to be naked too. He's in the room nearby the Naga girl.
Already got the Nopeboru one so that can't be it
Hm how any of those ghost clusters are there? I cleared some and figured it doesn't do anything. I know there's one in the village. Do I have to get rid of ALL the ghosts in the game or only specific ones?
Already got the Nopeboru one so that can't be it
Hm how any of those ghost clusters are there? I cleared some and figured it doesn't do anything. I know there's one in the village. Do I have to get rid of ALL the ghosts in the game or only specific ones?
Ill check in a few. So the area to the right of where Kitsune is should be one of the spots. The other one is along the way to Nyx's house. The third one is near the cave where you get the leaf key I believe.

Edit: Its the devourroot.
Ah, yeah true that makes sense

Hm, it just won't work. I'm pretty sure I've been in almost every single spot and burnt every ghost. But they just respawn anyways so do I really have to kill them all in one run without ever resting and letting them respawn? I just don't understand, and I'm running out of uses for the item too.
That's actually the one I completely forgot about too.

Well unless they changed from the new version. I'll admit I havent been to mist city yet. However, I know when he changed the map like this all you had to do was go to one of those spots and kill the three ghosts and then the crystal appeared.
Man, that's definitely a problem with this game, so many dead ends where you can't tell if it's unfinished or you don't know what to do yet. Or just the progression getting completely changed between demos. Well there's no helping it, guess I'll have to wait until someone else happens to find out. Thank you for the help though
Man, that's definitely a problem with this game, so many dead ends where you can't tell if it's unfinished or you don't know what to do yet. Or just the progression getting completely changed between demos. Well there's no helping it, guess I'll have to wait until someone else happens to find out. Thank you for the help though
I agree and also the game breaking bugs. I will say I do like the changes made in the dungeons in Sasha's route.
No problem I'll be playing it tonight to finish Sashas route so I'll post how to get to the next part. Elden Ring has took my attention away haha.