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ACT [暁音] Nightmare Sphere


Feb 7, 2009
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Nightmare Sphere is an action/2D Metroidvania type of game, where you control Female MC known as Relm (Her name), whose been revived to deal with the final boss.

Depending on your corruption levels, there are three ending (Good, evil, neutral). which has different scenes etc.

To increase corruption level, you can rape the villager, and do the opposite to decrease it (help them, for example)

Combat features animation rape and ryona, normal enemy will do it when you're down, and boss will do it when they flashes red. Note that leaving Relm getting raped after she's dead for a while will led to birthing animation.

Z - Attack
Arrow - movement
C - Jump
S - Special attack


But it runs so slow it's unplayable. =(
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Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

Pray do tell madam, what be this, "Nightmare Sphere?"
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

From what I recall, think "Blank Blood" but with less instadeath, better graphics, and maybe even some actual sex.
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

Yep, would be lovely if it didn't just barely run..and actually ran =(
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

Runs fine for me, it might be your computer. Either that, or you could change the processor settings when you select new game, I set mine high, and it runs great, but if you've got a low end computer, I think you might want to bring it down into the negatives.

Oh, and the game is great, by the way, I've only just gotten out into the forest, and I'm loving it. It's absolutely beautiful, and even reminds me of Castlevania!

+rep for sharing it with me!

*Huggles Miachan*
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

where to click to download? it's all japanese @_@
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

Copy and paste the link at the top of the post that miachan linked to. Download both parts by clicking on the blue spots.
Downloading now myself. Needs japanese settings, right?
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Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

Copy and paste the link at the top of the post that miachan linked to. Download both parts by clicking on the blue spots.
Downloading now myself. Needs japanese settings, right?

where is the blue spots you are talking about? @_@
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

Miachan links to a post. At the very top of that post is a link. Copy and paste it.

I think you first have to click on something else before you get to the page with the blue dots. Is there a link with a looking glass next to it?
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

don't see anything with blue spots @_@

edit: NVM, find it, and downloading now
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

where to click to download? it's all japanese @_@

Just copy and paste the link among the jumbled mess.

From what I've seen, this game is excellent, and is very much like the old 2d Castlevania: SOTN I loved way back when, and even still now. The graphics are beautiful, and the game play is fantastic.

Although there isn't much for nudity, there is, "technical" sex involved, from what I've seen. Ranging from demonic lesbian women polluting the heroine's soul with their pussies, to dogs who do the same, but with their cocks. The sex is just them mounting your character, and thrusting away.

Although almost every grapple can be easily escaped from, I find it more enjoyable to sit and watch. ;)

As your character travels, you may notice on the right hand side of the menu, a pollution meter. This goes up as you hurt allies, and have sex, whether it's voluntary, or vice versa.

Under the meter, you'll see something that either says, "Kill," or, "Normal." This decides whether or not friendly fire is on, and decides whether or not you can betray the very people you're charged with saving, and even rape them for lost life points! :D

Overall, the game is very well made, and I'm surprised I got it for free, when I would normally expect to pay for such a master piece.

And now, for those of you that are needing a few early pointers, I've learned some things that the game hasn't taught me so far...

1) First off, I tried to change the controls, and it messed up bad for me, so I just use the default ones now, which is the following;

Movement: I, J, K, L OR The arrow keys

Weapon 1: Z
This is for selection, and using the weapon in your first weapon slot. You equip a weapon by hovering over it with the game's cursor, and pressing the corresponding button you'd like to assign it to. After you exit the menu, you'll use the weapon in that slot whenever you press this button.

Weapon 2: X
Same as Weapon 1.

Jump: C
Self explanatory.

Dash: V
Another obvious one, but there are several tricks to this after you earn it in the game. If you hold down, then press this, she'll do a dodge roll, making herself become invincible for a short second while she does the animation.

Pause: P
This brings up the ever valuable menu, which has a number of handy tools that make your life easier.

Hitting the, "Keep" button above the map, places a temporary spawn point at your exact location, allowing you to go back to a save point, heal, then come back, fully charged, and ready for battle by clicking on the symbols marked on the map, which will either be blue, or pink.

The weapon icons will be just above this, and you can equip them by pressing the desired weapon button of your choice.

There will be a portrait on the right side of the menu, and below it, the words will either be, "Kill" or, "Normal." Clicking on this toggles friendly fire, on, and off.

Each time you gain a level, you gain a point to spend in a stat, which you can donate to via one of the five stats around the polygon, by clicking on the colored label.

STR: The amount of damage you do with weapons

INT: The amount of MP you have.

VIT: The amount of HP you have

EVA: How long the heroine stays invulnerable after being hit.

QUI: I'm not quite sure what this does...

2) Pollution is a problem if you want to be the good girl of the game, as if it maxes out, friendly fire is forced on, leaving you with no choice but to hurt your friends in your attempt to kill the baddies.

However, the seemingly only way to get it down, is to save your friends before they meet their doom. Kill the monster(s) that's (are) attacking them, and then walk over to them. As long as you didn't hurt them in any way, they'll drop special orbs that clean away your pollution, and even restore a little health!

3) Then, of course, is the evil path. If you don't care for the meager lives of the mortals, then just rape em!

After a normal human loses all of their health, they'll lay on the ground, unmoving. During that time, you may position yourself above them, and hold, "down," which will make the heroine mount them, and begin to drain their last bit of life, making it her own.

The rest is up to you to find out, I hope this little guide helped you out! :D
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

how to move in game cursor?

edit: forget it, just realize the menu can be changed to english

yes, stupid me >.>
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

Found this game cool as well, but how do you spend mp?
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

what's the meaning of "3" below your MP?

for MP, I think we need to wait until we get some sort of magic

and, kill me, I can't even get past the first boss, I always get bear/boar hugged by him D:
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

what's the meaning of "3" below your MP?

If you press both attack buttons, (default Z and X) at the same time, you'll use a special attack that hurts everything in a radius around the heroine.
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

kill me, I can't even get past the first boss, I always get bear/boar hugged by him D:

In the pause menu, there's a "config" button which allows you to decrease the difficulty from god to yutori...
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

So, I'm downloading this now, though I do have one question (one that someone else asked, but never had answered). Do I need to turn on the Japanese settings to run this?
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

In the pause menu, there's a "config" button which allows you to decrease the difficulty from god to yutori...

kill me twice for not knowing that, please


I think not, but I'm not really sure, as I always set my comp to JP language, but in game, there's an option to change the language to english
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

So, I'm downloading this now, though I do have one question (one that someone else asked, but never had answered). Do I need to turn on the Japanese settings to run this?

I'm running it, so no JP unicode is needed.
Re: Nightmare Sphere is out...

Praise Raptor Jesus! This has finaly come out!

Not only is it free...but it seems that it's also english friendly. Excellent.