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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I'm unwilling to go through reset marathon cuz its annoying as fuck. Rather wait for some kind of ticket that aigis gives out one time per account that is choose ur waifu/husbando even when people will just use it to choose a black unit.

Power/rarity of the unit has basically zero relevancy to me. I only use what I like to use although I will be forced to use stronger units because I have no choice otherwise.

I lvled up gellius and use him because I needed something that can take a beating. Otherwise I would've kept an iron heavy infantry in my main unit. lol

if Daniela was a black unit, I would've never used her anyways. I hate her alot. I would just leave her to rot in my unit roster in case I needed her for class change or awakening. If not, well then exp fodder. Gellius doesn't annoy me as much as daniela. Daniela is only character that I've seen so far in the game that rubbed me the wrong way.

And yeah, I spent most of my SCs onto gacha. I want my waifus not some silly unit slot or exp boost. I really hate the lvl up reward of lvl 55,60,65,70. They're full of disappointment. +1 unit slot. Really. I would've liked Scs instead to pull in premium gacha.

Only dropped ten dollars in this game so far trying to get thetis but got gellius instead. I was really pissed but, can't really be mad because a 5* heavy infantry is useful.

Oh yeah, Dorca. That priest that says call me mama. I will never use her either. She annoys me too. Will be evolution fodder.

My units thats' available to me.

And I was like, how hard can this be, its just a third stage in the event. I didn't think it required units to be high lvl. Beat it barely. Then I see my units get 1-2 shot in fourth stage and I was like, well okay. Moving on.

I'm currently lvling Katie so that I can have a somewhat tough soldier for ramp fast.

Edit: just wondering if Priestess warrior Ertel is worth going after. Because I think its a melee healer? Maybe?
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Re: Dancer of Delirium... bug???

I posted about the drop rate in the beginning of the event it was pretty high for 30 charisma/3 stamina map.Though I was aiming for soldier matieral I got like 4 waltzs before I finished getting my matieral.

My waltz is currently max CR,but 4/10 skill(Which skill is the most important with dancers >_<)
Thanks for the info. Just got Waltz drop from that mission. :p
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

9/10 skill with 2 CR to go. I haven't seen a CR in ages. I should really spend tomorrow farming platinum armors, I only have 2 left. 6 cost on a support unit should be more than low enough to drop when it needs to be dropped.

My units thats' available to me.

To be blunt, you've invested a lot of experience and gold into garbage units. With the amount of experience you invested into those iron and bronze units you could have a much stronger team. Iron and bronze units have absolute garbage for scaling with levels and don't have affection, they serve pretty much no purpose but to drop as extremely cheap blockers or to soak a quick attack. It's utterly pointless to invest leveling into them, especially so if you're trying to clear maps.

Focus on your Soldiers, Heavys, Archers, and Healers. Those will be your best bets for clearing maps. If you can block it, you can kill it. If you can heal through it, chances are you can kill it. If I were you, I'd be focusing on Katie, Gellius, Iris, and Bashira for starters. Focus on getting specific units to 50, CCing them and continuing to grow their stats.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Those Iron and Bronze units is for when I feel like trolling around. :) Don't worry about them. I liked them so I wanted to play with them.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Usual break time.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

You guys have no idea how disappointed I was when I found out scorpions don't count as armored units. Poor Imelia. :(

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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Usual break time.

This is already beyond annoying and now is just boderline stupid.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Free players should not be rolling premium gacha at all. Ever. Its the absolute worst thing you can spend SC on in this game, efficiency wise. I suppose if you just want a crappy and underpowered team in exchange for that endorphin rush of a new girls face (its just a game afterall, do what you want), then sure, go for it. But saying a premium gacha roll is worth more than the exp buff for starting players is straight up objectively wrong.

I've rolled a ton of premium gacha as a free player and my team is neither crappy nor underpowered. :p

I feel like the 'never roll premium gacha' advice is just a carry-over from the JP version and it doesn't make as much sense here. We don't have to worry about multiple events simultaneously (at least, we haven't for over a year now). We can do dailies without any major hassle during our break weeks. We know every event unit that will be released 2+ years in advance, and the general order in which we will get them.

If a person does their research and plans appropriately they should have no problem saving up enough for the collections/farm events that give units they want to perfect (barring ridiculous RNG), and still have plenty left over to roll premium gacha if they feel so inclined. It's absolutely not the most efficient use of SC, but we can afford to be more inefficient than the JP version can.

I'm not suggesting that a new player spends all their SC on premium summon, though. Top priority should be to get to the point that you can complete the current events.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

as a free player I find it unnecessary to get the exp buff at the start since SCs are precious, and I'd rather stock them up for the 1st set of 50 for rolling hopefully decent premium units, and I find exp buff only useful if you're stacking charisma refills with it to get the most out of the exp buff in the first place. It's not an issue for whales like Larcx that just throw SCs of course.

I didnt have any issues getting to clearing crystal keeper H by my 2nd week of gameplay in dmm, and clearing golden armor H by my 1st week without the exp buff either.

and you guys are forgetting that eric is effectively no different from a newbie who just started playing aigis without experience/guide, and you expect him to know he 'should' buy exp buff when he's leveling so quickly at the start? rofl.

As I said , My sample at DMM with TRUE Freemium Low Account
You are very wrong~
I reach 100 with that 1,2X EXP buff and refill at Lv 97-98
The SC I spent only 5-6 SC (3 for buff , 3 for refill)

And actually I can ignore the refill since the buff still have a long2 way
But seeing I have around 40+ FREE SC laying
I just get the temptation to do so

Eh whatever Man~
3 SC buff is expensive for any day 1 Prince

When I played Aigis at day 1 as a noob , not knowing this forum has Aigis Thread and other forum
I realize that that 3 SC buff will be amazing and something a newbie will need
I guess it was from My experience on other online game , but it is not hard to notice it too I think~

It has nothing to do with whale , LOL
As that account is FREE , unlike My main account~

Hoping for a decent unit with mere 50 crystals premium is what the newbie exactly should NOT do. Beginners must spend crystals carefully as you say. Gacha is the last of those things.

Some wise man has spoken~

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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I think not rolling as a free player is better on nutaku than dmm. You get tons of free crystals on dmm between apologies and having more than double the event maps to 3*.

Also, I was pretty lucky, but I had 2 premium blacks on a 6 week old dmm account, before I spent money for the first time on the weekend (and got 2 more blacks with 12 rolls).
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

you guys are making level 99 prince to be a very hard thing and a very important thing. what really matters are actually leveling the right units. the main reason why it's level 99 prince for X and G-tier maps is because you're expected to reach that point before doing X and G-tier maps. In fact, by dmm standards (listed in the game itself), G-tier requirement is 1* = 50cc50 units. not level 99 prince. getting level 99 prince is but a by-product of getting 50cc50 units. Prince title and buffs do affect, but they do not affect as much as unit levels and affection.

the primary reason for rolling using 1st 50 is to hopefully get a couple of decent golds/plats. the average rate for 10 rolls is 3~4 golds and 1 plat, and if one of your 5~6 silvers = pallis it's even better since you'll get your 2nd mage easy that way. getting a usable gold/plat within 4~5 units isn't hard, especially considering nutaku's snail pace where you'd actually max out your golds, silvers and event units without even being able to get the event units you actually need to clear G-tier maps.

not to mention what Ertx said. nutaku's slow pace makes charisma/stamina refills much less important, but nonetheless I'd rather spend the 3 SCs on charisma refills to get more unit exp, rather than spend it on prince exp that effectively increases wastage when you go to sleep and wake up with full resources which you don't need them all to level up. not to mention that said exp buff is effectively wasted when you use it to do dailys.

@Larcx: so says the one who got level 200 in 4 months when others take 1 year or more to get there.

Also, you guys mention guides, but in the end guides are made by people and people have different opinions. The guide I wrote doesnt follow what you guys said, and I've not gotten criticisms about my points that cannot be refuted. If you guys want to recommend newbies to get the exp buff then so be it, but I will never recommend it, not until they get to level 100+ and can get the full benefits from using the buff with minimal waste.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

If you guys want to recommend newbies to get the exp buff then so be it, but I will never recommend it, not until they get to level 100+ and can get the full benefits from using the buff with minimal waste.

It's more of a waste getting it later than earlier. The whole point of the buff is to level up faster so you can grind more when you start.

As I've said a couple times already though, it depends on how active you plan on being.

If you're going to be doing perfect resource usage then you'll greatly benefit from the buff.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

It's more of a waste getting it later than earlier. The whole point of the buff is to level up faster so you can grind more when you start.

As I've said a couple times already though, it depends on how active you plan on being.

If you're going to be doing perfect resource usage then you'll greatly benefit from the buff.

yes, you get less later, but at around level 100, you can level up almost once every day with the exp buff without being too inefficient.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

yes, you get less later, but at around level 100, you can level up almost once every day with the exp buff without being too inefficient.

That's honestly not nearly as important. It's more important to a new player starting out to maximize the amount of Charisma they get per level up to utilize the 15 day 1.5x gold boost they get at start.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Ah well. If we were talking about one new player, and if that was Eric, none of this matters anymore.

My units thats' available to me.

His play style obviously has no semblance of "efficiency" in mind.
Basically enjoying the game in his own way and at his own pace.

So our advice, from both sides, are kinda useless to him.
I say just let him be. Time solves everything eventually in this game anyway.

All my comments were assuming that a new player wants to participate and complete events ASAP.
Apparently not all new players are interested in that.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

true. I was merely targeting Larcx's comment on using exp buff, as well as his insistence on using Daniela (who is really only a substitute until spica, so you can actually use soma without much repercussion IMO, so I'd save that 30% affection worth of aff items) and his disregard for Eric previously mentioning liking to play in his own style (of using irons). you guys were the ones who joined in after that =P

edit: also, I personally think the gold buff was just to support newbies so that they don't run out of gold from combining at the start. because I most certainly did without it.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Considering he has the platinum sailor, it'd be way later than I'd recommend getting the buff anyway.

Also, I'll take all unwanted Daniela's. Need more for oppai army.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

@Larcx: so says the one who got level 200 in 4 months when others take 1 year or more to get there.

How stupid one can be??

I said again and again I used the sample of freemium account

This one is Main Account which actually a FAKE
Since I received this from Altrius on Lv 5 or 15 Prince



This is a CLONE acc , which is My REAL Acc and created back on GR Break. Back on January
This is older by one week before I received that one from Altrius

I assure You I did not buy DMM point on that one
It has nothing to do with being WHALE
You pointing out Whale this Whale that
You really sound pathetic......

I not for once said that rolling for Premium is bad , I have 2 Black on that Yolo roll
But 3 SC for 1,2 EXP buff is cheap when You were low Lv
Even when You are high Lv (personally)

About Daniela , we don't have Claire and Belle
She is still better , even caompared with Shao

You expect him having Spica with that Iron man team?

Geebuuzz..... You really funny~
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I already said my stand that I don't find the exp buff worth it UNLESS you're being a whale and spending a lot like how you got that level 212 account.

3 SC is not actually cheap for a newbie on nutaku aigis, considering how stingy they are with SCs. I am of the opinion that you get more out of refilling charisma for unit exp with that 3 SC, than getting pure prince exp. and if you want to stupidly be on gold and exp buffs 24/7 on your free account, go ahead. I'm saying that's a stupid idea and don't recommend others to do that.

regarding Daniela, yeah she can be better than shao, but considering Soma can do almost everything that Daniela can as a substitute archer UNTIL you get spica, regardless of whether you have already obtained spica, and eventually you'd only want to use bashira and spica as your main archers, I see very little reason to insist on using Daniela over Soma. Also, Daniela is even better than Bella as well, so not sure why you needed to mention her name.

The entire idea here is that silvers and many golds will eventually be 'retired' in favor of plat+ units, and considering how soon that time comes for archers since bashira and spica are easily available, there's no point in calling Eric a fool in not using daniela just because he doesnt like her, even if I disagree with Eric's inefficient playing style. (I don't like her either)
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