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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

It's one of those maps that may seem difficult at a glance but it's actually rather easy (In comparison to some final farm maps). Interestingly I just noticed Nasugame's strategy seems more complicated than some of the people's who generally just spam plat/black units. I think he was being a little too cautious on that run. Maybe using silver duelists there was too risky? Dunno. The strategy I based mine on had a TON of leeway.


The one I used:

Used Iris instead of the plat healer, Yurina (Unawakened) instead of the princess, Spica instead of Nanally, Katie instead of Aria, Carry instead of plat Valk, generally all were much lower leveled than what he used and it worked just fine. I did place Shidisu next to where he has Nanally and used a witch/Meme or Rikka next to the healer/Prince to rough up the yetis a bit.

If you're having trouble, probably best to try Nasu's.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I need some advice, which units are worth to give higher priority for lvl/CC:

- Zola (currently lvling)
- Pirate Monica

- Male HA
- Odette (-1 cost)
- Pirate Rachel
- Sakuya
- Hunter Franc
- Thief

I totally could use those to replace units on my roster but can't figure out the priority to lvl up.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Gold Gunner Zora (High: I really don't understand Zora, since she's like a part-time mage without the chance to miss her target, the heavy cost, and the short range. I guess she holds a higher priority over your Odette.)

Gold Pirate Monica (Low: She gets a weakened version of her magic crystal ability from the start, so she now has a low AW priority.)

Platinum Heavy Armour Jelius (Medium: He's less useful than Lean or Berenice at low levels, but once you get him past a certain point and a certain skill level, he becomes unquestionably the strongest tank.)

Platinum Mage Odette (Medium-High: Despite her heavy cost, Odette really only needs to be class-changed and fed affection items to hit over 600 damage.)

Platinum Pirate Rachel (High: Among platinum units, Rachel is one of the few that is more like a black-rarity unit. The Black Pirate Minerva used to be a platinum unit before WankoP changed her later to make her better than Rachel.)

Platinum Vampire Hunter Flan (Medium-High: She's a high dps unit for low-defence opponents, but you need to use her in areas with heavy traffic, otherwise, she's less useful than a sniper or pirate.)

Platinum Samurai Sakuya (Low: Despite all of the buffs to samurai cost, I haven't really seen anyone use these units unless they're awakened. So, I wouldn't recommend raising her until you're ready to do awakenings. Fortunately for you, Sakuya is the strongest samurai, and much stronger than the black archangel Sophie, so you have a good unit to use down the road.)

Platinum Rogue Cypria (Medium: Cypria is high dps melee unit, and the strongest among the rogues. However, the lower rarity rogues are easier to cost-reduce and the Gold Rogue Betty has Gold Get as an AW ability which is a high priority, and the higher rarity rogue is much more suitable for tanking difficult opponents like a mid-late battle duelist. So it really depends on if you need a powerful and cheap unit designed to get rid of things quickly rather than weather ranged abuse.)
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Depends on what your current team lacks.

If you don't have a good tank, I recommend raising Julius first. (Platinum male HA) He's probably the strongest tank in game (In terms of pure defense, and even stronger than black HA for defense, do note, Julius doesn't shine well until you have him 50CC30 or 50CC40 ish with affection pumped up).

If you lack firepower, you should go for Rachel or Flan, but you have to put in mind whether or not you need a big gun, but short range, or a smaller gun but bigger range. If you have other units that cover a bigger range with decent damage, I recommend going for Flan, otherwise I would say Rachel is a better DPS unit. (Easier to use, less situational, Flan is a great close up ranged unit, but her close range somewhat limited in some situations, Rachel has bigger range).

The other units, refer to Petite's post, he pretty much sums up everything. Personally, I dislike Platinum Thief, sure, she boasts the strongest stats of all thieves (ignoring black units since black are a class of their own), but the thing with thieves are, I prefer their cheap cost and somewhat tanky ability to solo block a mini boss by themselves. Platinum Thief has a nice (high) cost to deploy, and it's not like you can roll multiple copies of her easily, I prefer using silver thiefs to do the job, since I have lots of copies, she's max reduced which is easier to deploy, and less costly.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

What is your trouble with 55/7 map ? The only problem i can found with that map is the blizzard when Elsa appear. It increase the damage of every snow unit ( Snow wolves, Yeti, Snowman, Elsa).

The last two balphomet can easily be tanked with a HA and two healer support.

Lacking a third Healer mainly. Using a Witch in place of a Vampire Hunter also seems like a meh idea, but mine isn't maxed out affection yet.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Elas can be kill if u got any melee unit that has range attack ( ninja or ect )
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Elas can be kill if u got any melee unit that has range attack ( ninja or ect )

Oh I can kill Elsa and the Sealed Units that come afterwards without too much trouble, it's just the fact that I leak like 7 other units.

If anyone could point out which units actually have drops for the map that would be nice.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Oh I can kill Elsa and the Sealed Units that come afterwards without too much trouble, it's just the fact that I leak like 7 other units.

If anyone could point out which units actually have drops for the map that would be nice.

if I remember right last yeti on right side drops the valkyre, first baphomet drops the mage, elsa drops elsa(duh), as for the magic crystals.. never cared so I got no idea..
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I used this strategy to farm the 55/7

Needs a decently leveled princess but only 2 healers. Might work with a HA aswell.

Crystals drop from the snowmen btw.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

This's just suck :(
I keep getting this message
tells me that my download has failed and i need to retry :(
Solved same thing by installing latest Chrome. So i use Firefox for normal internet and Chrome for dmm games now.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I was using this tactics: with Anna changed to Spica.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I used this strategy to farm the 55/7

Needs a decently leveled princess but only 2 healers. Might work with a HA aswell.

Crystals drop from the snowmen btw.

Huh.... Almost had it. Didn't release the mage version nuked everything in its AOE, so that happened. Should be fine now though.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

What I did for those two sealed thingys was drop Claudia[High Dmg duelist] to kill the first that comes down, then drop Kurissa[High Magic Resist Duelist] on the second. MOST of the time, i catch the world exploder guy before he's in range to hit claudia, but if not, I can retreat her. CC'd Healers in the middle by the intersection can reach [High Magic Resist Duelist] so it just becomes a waiting game at that point.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Claudia can easily kill both of them
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Yep tested her out there at 50/48 and she was fine, the added magic resist from her skill is enough for the fire mage enemy. Her low health might be a concern if yours isn't up to 50/40ish though.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Oh I can kill Elsa and the Sealed Units that come afterwards without too much trouble, it's just the fact that I leak like 7 other units.

If anyone could point out which units actually have drops for the map that would be nice.

same here I think this is going to be yet another event unit I can't really cost reduce or lvl up its skill to a usable state getting really tired of this. I kept letting Elsa pass the first 2 runs I did so Im guessing thats why I got no drop for her I really don't know
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

if I remember right last yeti on right side drops the valkyre, first baphomet drops the mage, elsa drops elsa(duh), as for the magic crystals.. never cared so I got no idea..

There is reply for your question Marcus for quite some time. As gor magic crystals: they drop from snowmen
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

gah >w< been farming the ninja girl all day and have yet to get one D:

guess im destined to farm for a long while this event
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

jesus christ I barely by the skin of my teeth 3 starred that 55/7 map following this strategy pretty much its the last on the wiki. I did everything the same except I used Imelia instead of that Berserker looking bandit and I dont have one of those crossbow units so I put my crappy barely 50 cced silver healer in the spot instead since apparently my prince being only lvl 104 now? can't tank 1 stupid yeti. since I didnt have that crossbow unit my prince was too busy fighting a wolf to tank the last yeti on the left and it walked to the ninja placed in the middle I had to spam summoning every extra reserve unit I had to stop it from getting through. Luckily Imelia was strong enough to not need the lancer put at the top to stall the baphomets because I used it on that yeti without thinking.

Maybe I should of used memento instead of the ice witch and used skeletons to stall the wolf
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Upcoming Maintenance on December 25th between 10:00~15:00:
-Emergency Mission "Anna and the Snow Beauty" Ends.
-New Event Begins.
-Premium Summoning Chance-up Unit Changed.

I'm curious if they're going to do a Christmas date-type event, i.e. take your favourite unit(s) out for some Christmas dinner.

Finally fed the last Waltz to my main for the end result of 50CC50; -4 Cost; 8/10 Skill.

I only had 33 spaces left, so I finally decided to try and 2-star the first "Tinies Versus Giants" quest map to get the 2 extra unit boxes. I didn't have the necessary cost-reduced silver rogues or monks for the early rush, so I let 2 goblins pass by from the top lane, so I could focus on the middle and bottom lane. I took care of the final rush with Nanaly burst-killing the top lane, the Prince tanking the bottom lane with Iris healing him, and CC66 Machinist Ricca, AW40 Chounin Hina, and LV80 Immortal Princess Karma in the middle lane to kill the baphomet that drops the black fairy. Thanks to getting that hurdle out of the way, I 3-starred my way up to "Deadly Poison Mist" to get 3 black and 2 plat fairy drops for 1 sacred crystal.