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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Minerva is for editing flags in save files. Ytinasni posted his program for translating text. Don't know on which page it is though.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

my suggestion for this thread (and to hopefully lessen the confusion and questions) is any editor programs used with this series of swf games (translators and save editors) be listed at the very front of this topic, so we can access them (unless something else prevents that)
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Hey Ritsu, mind if I ask whats the progress on translating Shion 2? (My fav. game) :p
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I'm knee-deep in studies these days, so it goes rather slowly. It's still a long way to go, I'd say. I haven't even finished the main dialogue yet.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Um, guys, can anyone tell me where is the walkthrough of the archer one is, please? :)
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

It's university. Thx. Well, if you want, you can help me with translation. I can do it by myself, but it takes too long. PM me if interested.

I don't recall any archer games. Which one is it?
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

It's university. Thx. Well, if you want, you can help me with translation. I can do it by myself, but it takes too long. PM me if interested.

I don't recall any archer games. Which one is it?

the one with blue hair and holding a bow, which I believe is RJ102196 (Kinda :\)
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Oh, THAT one. IIRC someone posted smth about the endings soon after the game came out.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I just made an account because I had to say this one thing.

I heart u guys. really. Especially that Ritsu who takes time out do what I wish more people would do, by Translating these japanese games i distract myself endlessly with.

I must ask you. The music on some of these games, I find to be the best part. I don't even play most of them for the porn anymore, i just load the scene with the music and swap tabs. Especially the music from Vampire Hunter N, and uhh. . Sister Fighting i believe it's called? My moonspeak is limited to google translate (格闘妹).

The love endings in particular. those were the only endings i could manage to get with any consistency without looking for guides. It's hard to memorize each reaction without knowing whos saying what (but i imagine it's much more difficult to sift through all that code).

Anyhow yea, You'd be doing me a solid by telling me how to get just the music. Or even Who made the music.

Also, I was looking for a translation or a guide for Shion and that's how i actually stumbled across this thread. This is why i heart u most Ritsu.
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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Just made an account. My first game was Orekko and I found it amazingly unique. There was actually foreplay and different endings compared to those other games where you had to do stuff in order to advance, very dull and all. Then Imouto and Miyuka came up with terrible english translation which made me cry my eyes out. So I started to search for more JSK games and stumbled upon this thread. All you guys are just really fantastic. Ritsu, you are the best; using up your own time to help us all out with translations so thank you. Garou too, proofreading is equally as important as the translation itself, can't have jumbled words eh? Thanks. And the rest who helped out with the games, uploading them or contributing them in some way, thank you all. And to players like me who are useless, appreciate these people and show patience for them. They aren't getting paid so be grateful.

I'm just about to finish off school and make my way into university so I think I should contribute somehow. What's involved in proofreading? Probably help out Garou and all if he needs any. Haha, seeing so many dedicated people makes me happy and stuff. Sorry about the emotional outburst, but this thread is something that is really great. <3 to all and especially to Imouto :D
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Yeah, that's me :D. Well, I am sure glad to get such positive feedback. Thank you. I appreciate this.
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Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Just curious about some of your "tastes". Pretty much most of the JSK games I've played have different endings. I usually categorise them into two piles; "Sparkly eyes" and "Blank eyes". They pretty correspond to happy/love and bad/rape endings? Not necessarily all the time though. Which kind of ending do you like the most?

In my opinion, blank eyes turn me off a bit and so I prefer it when she has lovehearts in her speech and has sparkly and bright eyes.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

I prefer the ones where they have ordinary eyes, actually.

Take the "win once, lose twice" ending in the archer girl flash, for example.

Then the blank eyes, and least of all the lovey endings.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Are you planning on releasing it, or are you doing it for yourself? Because I don't think that two people working separately on one thing is good. And I surely wouldn't want my work to be for naught.
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Maybe you guys can share the load to have a quicker release. Why did that sound so naughty?
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Well, his last translation seemed serviceable enough, but who's to say whether there'd be the same quality if the project was a collaboration?
Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

Hi ! I have all the jsk games but only one translated (Imuototo).
There are more translations ?

Maybe you guys can share the load to have a quicker release. Why did that sound so naughty?

Re: JSK工房 Hgames Thread

There's also vampire hunter. Here it is
4shared -
mediafire -