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ACT [pinkpencil] Framboise and Evil Nazi


Demon Girl
Apr 29, 2011
Reputation score

I was looking up the list of platformer games on hongfire & found this

Well, atm, we’re working on new 2D erotic platformer game – “Framboise and evil Nazi”. Some things are 100% done, some are in development and we have a lot of ideas to implement.

Some words about the plot:

Time: 1943, Somewhere in France

Protagonist: Young and cute girl. Captured by Gestapo, turned into sex slave for nazi. She wears shoes and ripped stockings only. She is weaponless and she must carefully walk through underground world, searching for exit. A sort of “ryona game” )


Main Site for the demo & instructions:
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Re: Framboise and Evil Nazi

That girl's face kinda reminds me of Jeanette from Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines.
Re: Framboise and Evil Nazi

Anyone else having trouble downloading the demo from the site? Every time i try to download my download speed starts to dwindle down pretty fast and then it says it is done when it is no where near it. If anyone could could they link me the demo.
Re: Framboise and Evil Nazi

I was gonna download the demo, but looking at the video, there's no sound effects, or any real rape-system.. I mean, she had to go over TO the guy and then blow him, but even then the animation was jerky and it looked wierd..

... I dunno.. Am I the only guy who gets turned off when girls stretch their legs apart like some weird alien whenever they blow someone in a game?
Re: Framboise and Evil Nazi

I think the speed kills it for me. That jump and walk action looks painfully slow.
Re: Framboise and Evil Nazi

As someone who's played the game and beaten the first level:

As the game is, I wouldn't download it. There's only 1 sex animation for your character(the blowjob), the only enemy's(not counting the cum spike traps as enemies) attack is a machinegun-like dildo assault that can easily take away half of your health as there is no after hit invulnerability, sometimes the enemies won't allow you to kill them and then turn around to shoot you once you walk past, and the movement is indeed slow(though accurate. The platforming is rather solid imo).

Maybe the game will improve when the full version is out, but idk. If you wanna play, its on you. I gave my opinion.
Re: Framboise and Evil Nazi

Nazi in the title is a bit of a boner killer. I would prefer something like "Arashi vs the Communist Succubi". Where you are a lone male protagonist trying to escape a female Borg army of sexy Reds who want to rape you. I'm not normal.
Re: Framboise and Evil Nazi

Nazi in the title is a bit of a boner killer. I would prefer something like "Arashi vs the Communist Succubi". Where you are a lone male protagonist trying to escape a female Borg army of sexy Reds who want to rape you. I'm not normal.

Well shit, now I want to play that game to.
Re: Framboise and Evil Nazi

I think the speed kills it for me. That jump and walk action looks painfully slow.

Probably you play with "match desktop" option ON and your desktop size is pretty big. Have the same issue, btw. Try to setup it to, say, 1024x768, as shown here:

pinkpencil. com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/setup-screen-300x235.jpg

this helps
Re: Framboise and Evil Nazi

the 3D style is actually kind of creepy in the first place.
to make it worse, the male models look too stupid to want to engage, along with the fact that their dicks don't work properly.
sound effects are annoying and repetitive, but made me chortle.
the girl that you play as is ugly as fuck. her hair looks worse than a weeaboo's Miku Hatsune wig.
if the demo is any example of what may become of the game, I plan on avoiding it as much as I can.
Re: Framboise and Evil Nazi

This game is...just plain weird(and not in a good way).
Re: Framboise and Evil Nazi

The nazi faces are hilarious, especially the cheesy grin one. Thats what happens when you overdose on botox, people.

I'll reserve judgement till the full game is out: this demo feels very 'open beta'
Re: Framboise and Evil Nazi

yeah I was going to post this the other day then a played it.... I was hoping for a Nazi killing game not a sucking off Nazi game.
Re: Framboise and Evil Nazi

Anyone else having trouble downloading the demo from the site? Every time i try to download my download speed starts to dwindle down pretty fast and then it says it is done when it is no where near it. If anyone could could they link me the demo.

Try this mate ( remove spaces ) c2.lebenna.com/basil/ Framboise-20-06-2012.zip
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Re: Framboise and Evil Nazi

Re: Framboise and Evil Nazi

The demo didn't surprise me & the frame rate was varying between 60 - 30. Although, the dev might add more stuff to this game later on so let's keep an eye out :cool:.
Re: Framboise and Evil Nazi

Tested it. Seen the creepy nazis, seen the weird main char, seen the weird levers (?) and, uh...


I mean, c'mon guys. The game's performance might get improved (and most likely will), yet I doubt the author will change the game art completely. Heck, I'm not against a good platformer, but if it's a h-platformer and the main objective is to screw enemies... well, I'd expect art that won't kill my boner at mere glance. Just a thought.
Re: Framboise and Evil Nazi

Well this now has a full release if anyone is interested (I know I am curious if nothing else.) You can buy it on their site.
Re: Framboise and Evil Nazi

At first I thought the representation of the characters was offensive but then I realized I'm feeling pity for Nazis. This game is proof I'm a terrible person.