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VN/TEXT NTR Loli Shota Ryona [Alice Soft] Sengoku Rance / 戦国ランス

Re: Sengoku Rance

Yeah, I figured that out on my own, should've just done that instead of asking first.

Anyway, back to my original point: Fuck the Demon Army. I just hate them so very, *very* much. At present, they are trying to sink Japan, per the story. To stop them, I need to take over Morocco. Only thing standing in my way is the 23,000 troops under Shogun Rape-Your-Ass. Well, okay, not all 23 thousand are his unit, that'd be fucking silly. No, he only (Only, HA!) has 8 thousand. In order to beat him, I estimate it will take 10 turns of attacking, and only defending at that province when I'm attacked there. I gain around 11 thousand gold per turn. On average, it costs me 15 thousand gold to revive my dead troops after each turn of attacking and defending. These numbers are all estimates based on memory, but they should be close to accurate.

At this point, the game isn't even fun anymore. I just feel compelled to finish it because I don't have anything better to do, and I just want to see what happens next. :/
Re: Sengoku Rance

... I found that whole area of the game extremely easy.

If you need more time, keep using an action flag to send the female ninja you get early in the game (Sizume I think) to go feed the bridge guy.

Also, did you never get the satisfaction bonus of decreasing the replish costs of your troops by 1? I got that twice an was only spending 3-4 thousand a turn to replenish.
Re: Sengoku Rance

Could have also used Natori's Miko Storm+ in combination with Uzura's Accurate Shots, that's usually enough...
Re: Sengoku Rance

The guy just said that he never got natori.

I didn't get natori the first playthrough either.
Re: Sengoku Rance

The guy just said that he never got natori.

I didn't get natori the first playthrough either.

He did? Where? Also...how do you NOT get Natori, if you conquered the miko institute?...
Re: Sengoku Rance

@Alias: I didn't notice that formula on the wiki, thanks for that. Also, I didn't see the fourth fan option at 160, nor 170, 180, or 190. Might have just missed it. Also, I went Leazus route for reinforcements, and the Miko Institute was destroyed by the Demon Army before I could capture it; I think I was fighting Uesugi at the time, can't remember. Also, yeah, I know that battle prep only resets if you fight there, that was my original plan; 3 actions of prep, hope they don't attack there, then next turn 2 prep and attack.

Also: The miko institute won't attack you at random, so I left them alone. They didn't even have much in the way of national power.
Re: Sengoku Rance

Yeah I left the miko institute alone as well.
Re: Sengoku Rance

Well, finally beat the damn thing. The final battles were absolute CAKE compared to the shit leading up to them. And the reward for putting me through that? 5 points. 5. I feel gipped. Mind you, I didn't beat the game until around turn 210 or so, so that may have had something to do with it.

@Phoenix: No, I only picked up one of the replenishment reductions; for some reason, I thought the reduction applied only to Rance's troops, which would make it damn near useless. Heh, should've guessed otherwise.

So, what should I do with my 5 points? And which route should I go through next? I'm thinking Yamamoto's route, mostly because I'm not sure how to get to the Hojo to fight them, without having to defend against both the Hara and Ashikaga houses. I suppose I could just give Ashikaga the money they demand every turn.

ETA: Oh, and my estimate was off, it only (there's that word again) took 7 turns of attacking once per turn to eke out the gauge victory on Shogun Face-Raper. I really don't want to deal with the Demon Army again anytime soon. Hell, even the Shimazu brothers (and Agireda), with all their bullshit (2500 guys with muskets, and they get to go before me? Why the fuck not. 5000 warriors? Sure, I didn't want to go yet, anyway) didn't bother me as much as those last two castle fights.

EATA: I must've done something wrong to have so much trouble with that portion of the game. I probably just took too long clearing out all the dungeons, I dunno. What did those last two castle battles look like for you guys, who had an easier time of it?
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Re: Sengoku Rance

The good news is you won't have to fight the demon army to win the game in any other routes.
And the bad news is that with 5 points, you won't get much advantage in new game+. So you may want to take the monkey route to rack up some points (I did that).
The Ran route requires you to quickly take care of the Hara and Ashikaga (easily done within 13 turns), then either sneak past the Takeda (you will lose Kenshin in the process), or blitz straight through the Takeda (you may not be able to recruit the 4 commanders later if you go too fast though).
About those last battles.... can't say I remember much except tons of lightning.
Re: Sengoku Rance

anyone know if there are any updates for this game i'm eger also to know if there is a new release of the game where he goes to the town looking for that magic ice melting ability or some such which ever it was ???
Re: Sengoku Rance

This is an actual game and not a freeware game. Therefore, there will never be 'updates' there may be sequals, but none have been released yet, to my knowledge.
Re: Sengoku Rance[PATCH ENG FULL]

You think these asshats care for something like that? They just want you to DL as much as possible
Re: Sengoku Rance

Ah... I laugh at that.
It was in Japanese and not our tranlated ver. too.
Re: Sengoku Rance

Can someone help me with the installation? When I run als_inst.exe, and press R to install, it goes to about 2% then gives me some error that is just symbols.

Edit: Nvm, I realize I was just being an idiot, and didn't try to run it through the english program.
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Re: Sengoku Rance

This is an actual game and not a freeware game. Therefore, there will never be 'updates' there may be sequals, but none have been released yet, to my knowledge.

thought it might of been like slave maker and or whoremaster...

that was all phooey
Re: Sengoku Rance

Given the fact that it's a higher quality game and has pictures custom draw for it... it isn't freeware.
Sengoku Rance savegame [English version]

Can't beat this game.. i get 5 countries at war with me automatically.. and they all attack me each turn.. impossible to keep them at bay.. would appreciate a complete savegame.. so that i could *cough* cheat abit with points :eek:
Re: Sengoku Rance

How did you get them to be at war with you?

The most that ever attacked me at one time were 2.