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Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Each of you recalls your previous night vividly. You were approached by a woman, perhaps around thirty or forty years old. Beside her was a tall body guard who looked like he could snap a semi truck in half with little effort.

You were handed a set of papers by this woman, who identified herself only as Ms. Frederick. You still can remember her words clearly.

"On a matter of national security, you've been selected to join a special team that deals with a number of obstacles. Your to be at these coordinates in South Dakota by noon tomorrow. Showing up is not an option, we know how to find you, and your role will be critical. You'll be greeted by a man named Chris MacLeod. He'll be your boss. I expect you won't disappoint, your country is counting on it."

With that, she'd left you to prepare. Any attempt to find information on her, or the man she mentioned yielded nothing, or very little as the case was for Chris. With nothing else to really do, you figured at least you should show up and hear what had to be said. After all, she hadn't said after showing up that you couldn't refuse, now had she?

And so each of you pulls up into South Dakota, following your navigators and the like. To your surprise, they tell you to head off the main road, into what appears to be nothing but farm land cut away on either side by mountains. As you enter the far outskirts of Harding, South Dakota, your GPS tells you to turn left and go five hundred yards. Doing so, you spot what appears to be a gigantic metal building, cut right into the rock face. This, it seems is your destination. Heading to the door you note it seems to be locked, with a small note saying "Be back soon, and watch out for the football if it comes back."

((Game on, those of you who have character sheets up feel free to post and get to know each other. Chris will be along shortly, I promise.))
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

The blonde girl in a rather ragged trenchcoat looked over the pair of sunglasses she had gotten earlier that day. "The... football?" she reads to herself, wondering what on earth that meant. Sighing, she slid down to the ground nearby, taking out a black binder and adding some notations to a paper.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Another car pulls up to the strange building. It looks pretty standard - a dark blue limousine, not too dirty and not too clean, not too big and not too small. The woman that exits wears a dark pants suit, brand Government. Her blonde hair is done in a loose ponytail, and her eyes are hidden behind a pair of sunglasses. Not too special, though she carries herself with confidence as she walks up to the door and reads the note.
"What the F? Football?" She sighs and turns around, walking up to the ragged figure nearby. "Hello. Are you working here?" She points over her shoulder. "Any idea what's going on with the football?"
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

They didn't have long to wait to discover what that meant. Suddenly a brown rugby style football came flying in, nearly hitting both women in the head before slamming into the steel door in front of them. It then rolled slightly towards them, having left a small dent in the door.

A few moments later, a man dressed in all black came running up, obviously having heard the football. "Oh dear, that didn't hit either of you ladies did it?"
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

As the football flies by Dex rolls backwards in one smooth move, ending up in a crouch and one hand shoved up her jacket sleeve. Just as quickly she regains her composure, casually straightening her clothing. "It didn't hit me, at least. Surprise, though? Yeah, a bit."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Right about then, a rather pale man dressed in a pair of carpenter cut jeans and a plain black t-shirt steps out, picks the ball up, and sends it literally flying off. Some vague muttering about time is the only thing he says, seemingly oblivious to the newcomers, as he gives the man in black a quick wave in acknowledgement before heading back inside.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"Oh, I apologize for startling you then. I'd hoped to be back before it got here, but I got delayed on my way back. So uh, you two are from the small grouping of people that were supposed to show up today huh? Right then, come on in."

He pulls out a pair of keys, then unlocks the doors, holding it open for them to enter. "If your hungry I made cookies earlier."

He waves to acknowledge the other man as well.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

At the time the football was thrown, a man in an old 1998 black Ford Expedition rolls up to the warehouse, the man stepping out and slamming the door shut, his gray trenchcoat covering his entire body, his Fedora hat covering his head, as well as providing a shroud of darkness over his face "......Which one of you is Chris Macleod?" he asks in a fairly deep voice as he slides his right hand into one of his side pockets and looks around, ignoring the cookie statement
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Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

The eyebrows above the sunglasses arch. "Cookies? My agency didn't greet me with homemade cookies the first day." The sunglasses get discarded and pushed into a suit pocket to reveal blue and green eyes. "You just bought yourself a chunk of my time. . . as long as you have cookies", she giggles.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"Hmm, oh that would be me."

Chris moves slightly forward, but not so much that the door would swing shut on either of the ladies trying to enter.

"I take it your one of the new arrivals as well, welcome to Warehouse 13."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

The figure sighs and begins to walk towards the door into the warehouse, not saying a single word as he seemingly floated in, his leg movements hidden by the trenchcoat
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

A short ways inside, a table with cookies and a tea kettle are waiting the newcomers. Nearby, white hair can be seen from behind a large pile of books, binders, and what appears to be a computer desk, although it is a little difficult to see through the barrier... Whoever the owner of the hair is can be heard flipping through either a book or a binder. Queen's song can be heard playing from a CD Player, likely somewhere in the nest.
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Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"Right. Anyway here we go."

He leads them all inside, stopping only once at a larger door to peer into an eye reader, which unlocks said door. Opening it, they enter into what appears to be a workers office, overlooking a large warehouse of stuff.

"As I said before, welcome to Warehouse 13. You've been sent here to join me as fellow gatherers and protectors of secrets. Our job is to find items of strange power, which we call artifacts, and bring them back here to be sealed away. Most of them can be very dangerous in the wrong hands, hence why we hide them away. Our other mission though is at times to respond to bio-terrorism reports, and deem if they are correct or not. I'm sure you all have plenty of questions, so I'll let you get thinking on them before we start the grand tour of the facility. Oh and I don't think I have to mention that everything here is TOP secret, so no sharing with anyone other than yourselves. No outsiders, si? Right, back in a moment."

He ducks into another room, and a few moments later comes back out with plates for the freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. "Dig in while their hot still, and ask away, I'll do my best to answer your questions before we start the tour. Oh, and we might get more people later. Ms. Frederick was saying there should be more coming eventually."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Dex takes one of the cookies and bites into it, hmming a bit as she takes in the unique flavor of fresh chocolate chips cookies. Her eyes, though, look into the distance for a moment. She always does that when thinking about a mission or, as in this case, a job offer.
"Bio-Terrorism? Like attacks with viruses and bacteria?" She chews for a moment before looking at Macleod. "And what kind of artifacts are we talking about here? Ancient? Alien", she jokes as she finishes off the cookie.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

The figure in the trenchcoat looks out at the warehouse, his mind wandering when Chris said something about bio-terrorism "Count me in." he says plainly, then turns and looks at Chris "Name's Kevin by the way."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Dex's answer comes from the mostly hidden figure. "Yes. And primarily ancient, although every now and then something newer crops up."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

The blonde had sat silently through most of it, still scribbling in her book every soo often, as if she was taking notes or working on some form of equasion. Upon the mention of 'top secrecy,' however, she snaps the notebook shut and takes the pair of shades off, shifting her bangs off her right eye as she looks around. "If I pretty much didn't have that much of a choice anyway, I'd say yes," she points out. "My only question is this- what sorta resources we looking at here? I have a few- erm, projects, I'd like to be able to work with while I'm here."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Chris nods to her and then replies. "Ah, yes, projects are usually fun. Well we have just about everything you'd need for most experimentation here, so all you'd need to do is list what you need and if we don't already have it here, I can probably get it. Just no viral weaponry research here please. It's not officially banned just yet, but getting close to it. Not to mention if something like that got out, Ms. Frederick would have our heads."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"Not just her." Kevin says in remark to the heads comment "I'd turn you inside out if you were working on those atrocities." he says, his head slightly turning away from the view of the warehouse
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

An average sized, fairly pale man came through the door, trying to keep as quiet as possible. It was unlike him to be late to things, and they seemed already well in-motion, so he decided to try and take the nearest seat and not interrupt any. He could always ask afterwards what the hell is going on, and why he was, almost threateningly 'summoned' to this strange place.

Eh, I'm already here, I figure all I have is time. Might as well hear these people through