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Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Sean walked back in at this point. "If she already knows who's coming, I'm going back to work."

He walked over, grabbed the bagged kettle, then headed towards deeper parts of the warehouse. "I'm going to lock this thing down...again."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"Put it in the BLACK room! I'd prefer not to see that blasted Ferret spawning hunk of metal again."

He chuckles then turns to the others. "Sorry about that, so as I was saying, a ..."

He looks at Conner, realizing he hadn't been there before. "Ah yes, your here to help in the gathering and safe keeping of secrets, and counter-bio-terrorism force. We're about to start a tour of the facility if you'd care to join us?"
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

After a few minutes, Sean returned. "All right, that little piece scrap is locked up tighter than an Everlast chastity belt."

Without any further notice of the others, he hops back in his pseudo-nest of binders and books, and keyboard taps come forth again.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Akira walks up to the large doors and looks around, slowly pushing one hand against the door, appearing to be concentrating while standing there, taking a look around every once in awhile, as if wondering whether this was the right place.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Claudia silently exited the main room, and went to the main doors, opening them for Akira.

"Welcome to the Warehouse. Step on in, Chris is waiting for ya!"

She led her inside, where Chris was getting ready to move the group down into the Warehouse proper.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Ellen doesn't say a word, just leans up against any wall without stuff on it, standing if there wasn't one, and watched the entire room. She does seem to be spending an inordinate amount of time staring at Sean, however.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Sean seemed somewhat oblivious of anything going on around him that wasn't related to whatever it was he was working on. Given that Chris seemed slightly annoyed the one time he had moved, it would be a fair guess that he doesn't move often...Or if he does move, it's generally because Chris or Claudia said something to him.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"Right then, this way folks."

He leads them around, pointing out several things. "That's the guillotine head that beheaded Marie Antoinette, don't touch it, it does weird things. Over here is Lewis Carrol's mirror, again don't touch, Alice Liddel is trapped in there, very dangerous. And over here we have ... Ah shit."

He grabs a microphone and calls out to Sean. "SEAN? Tell me you moved Pandora's Box to the Black Room and it didn't just move itself!"
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

A walkie on Chris' belt crackles to life. "Positive. I set that blasted kettle right next to it."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Sarah's head instantly perked up from her table seat, having wisely chose not to go with. "PLEASE tell me that's a codename?" she said, almost whistfully.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Sean's voice comes over the barrier of books. "Nope."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Claudia shook her head. "No, he's being serious. Pandora's box is in the Warehouse. I think it's empty though .... or was that the box that held the Spine Of Saracen? Oh dear, I can't remember."

She doesn't hide her amused grin very well.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

The scientist's face visibly paled as she realized what she's gotten herself into.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Ellen spoke up from the back of the group, having followed on the tour. She was still examining the guillotine. "Wasn't it Marie Antionette's husband that was beheaded?"

((Nobility are famous for no reason/Marie Antoinette enjoyed her cake./She caused a revolution when she would not share/and her husband lost his head for that mistake.))
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Chris chuckles slightly and answers that. "Actually they both were, but it was Marie who somehow caused a surge of supernatural power through this blade and 'cursed' it. We lifted this out of a museum about .... six months ago."

He reaches down and uses the Walkie. "Good, good. I trust you remembered to seal the room on your way out as well."

He then turns back to the rest of the group and adds, "alright so where were we? Oh yes, over here we have Houdini's wallet and the case for the Spine of Saracen. That one we won't be opening to show you since that bastard is somewhat ... alive."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

A snort came over the radio. "The fuck you think? I ain't that absent-minded."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Ellen just shrugged and continued on, staying silent again for the time being.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Akira follows the group, hands held deeply in pockets to prevent the curiousity and want to touch things in the room. Mostly because touching things sounded potentially very very bad.

Akira speaks up in a very nondescriptive voice, "What are we here for anyway?" while resisting the very strong urge to add, "And are you people crazy?". Most of the things the 'leader' of this group was talking about seemed very strange, paranoia tin foil hat alien cultist strange. But at the same time, this seems to be somewhat government authorized...
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Dex follows the group, the slightly amused smile fading away quickly as she figures out that they are completely serious. "So wait, if Pandora's Box is empty, doesn't that mean that. . . what was it - all the evil in the world has been released?"
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Roger, who was at the very back of the group, started to shake his head at all of the items they were being shown. "All of these people here must be just as crazy as this "tour guide" and his friends. I mean, Pandora's box? Black room? Just what the fuck is this? I've got a real bad feeling about these guys..." Roger thought to himself. And, after a time of following, and being introduced to more... Artifacts, Roger, in the back of his mind, wanted to say something, but instead, chose to stay silent. "They asked me to come here and help with something, I'll wager... So why the hell are they dickin' me around, on this fucked up tour guide?"

Akira speaks up in a very nondescriptive voice, "What are we here for anyway?" while resisting the very strong urge to add, "And are you people crazy?". Most of the things the 'leader' of this group was talking about seemed very strange, paranoia tin foil hat alien cultist strange. But at the same time, this seems to be somewhat government authorized...

Roger was taken out of his thoughts when a certain Asian arrival, who appeared even after he did. He nodded at her question, and figured he'd support it, "I'd like to know that to, just what the hell is this about? Your recruiters out there talked about national security, so what the hell does Pandora's Box have to do with that?"