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Tria Class Ancient Warship

Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

"Section two, got it." Caitlin said, looking over the panel and pressing a few buttons in quick succession.
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Outside the massive warship, space began to boil and shimmer as a large white ship slips it's head out of Slipspace, then slowly glides out, the portal slowly closing behind it as it stopped directly above the warship.

"By the stars. A Forerunner ship. Fully intact!" the Prophet aboard proclaims, as the Chieftain Tartarus beside him snorts "Your holiness. Please, try to remain focused. We are here to find this Siphon human. Find him, you whelps! Scan the whole ship if you have to!" the Chieftan yells as the ship begins to scan the ancient warship, quickly locating Siphon in the chair room.

"Holy One, we have found Siphon. But that section of the ship is well-shielded and we cannot penetrate it with our transporters. Orders?" the Chieftain asks as he watches the instruments on the bridge carefully. "Very well. Make sure our shock troops are prepared. We may have to board the ancient ship to get to him. And keep our shields up. I have a feeling that the Forerunners will not allow us to simply climb aboard." the Prophet says, as his throne slowly hovers back and forth across the bridge, the Covenant vessel holding steady, waiting for something, anything, to happen.
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

As he charged the group he let out a feral roar, ice and fire shimmered along his blade causeing the very atmosphere to burn at a high pitched screech. He swung at the closest target in an attempt to decapitate and if that failed following the momentum he would launch himself into the middle of the group.
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

The hive ship simply did not like the new ship appearing, and even though it was doomed, it unleashed several blasts of weapons fire at the Covenant vessel, before suddenly exploding into a massive fireball.

The remaining darts would not be deterred, however The Razors Edge was able to hold their attackers back.

The Ancient ship however was struck by several kamikaze darts, exposing a chunk of section to open space now, while the rest of the darts that could fit began landing inside the now torn open section that had once been a stasis unit housing. Luckily the interceptors took out some, but no where near all of them.

Helia nodded again.

"Right, but now we have to bypass section three to begin with section four. That'll take a moment. Ah, there we go, section four and five should be online now, and the last one ..."

She was cut off as the entire ship shuddered visciously around them.

"Section six just vented. The whole compartment just got rammed by darts."

Inside the ship, pods began to open, and deeper still, a number of wraith began their hunt.

The wraith that Nova attacked were caught flatfooted, not prepared for a defensive stand. Two died quickly, the remaining three took up positions, and drew some form of daggers, growling and hissing as they lunged to stab or gut him.

The same crewmember now answered Coraxus.

"Sensors are indicating around forty unregistered life forms, most likely wraith sir. Also of note is that the Ancient vessel's shields have failed. Weapons appear to be expended and we just lost the channel to them. They're deaf and defenseless sir, probably mute too. Uh, a lot more just registered on sensors, they appear to be originating from containment areas. Perhaps the ships crew?"

Meanwhile onboard the Covenant ship, their sensors would also note the shield loss, as well as a sudden rapid increase in life sign readings.
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

As the blasts impacted on the Shadow of Intent, Tartarus snorted as the Wraith ship exploded. "Did those fools really think they could destroy the Holy One's chariot?" he asks, turning to face the Prophet, who had gone about examining the Ancient ship. "Tartarus. Those......things.....are planning on desecrating the Forerunner ship. Prepare our forces to board and clear them out." the prophet says, as Tartarus moves over to a console and begins giving out orders as the Prophet observed the steady increase in life signs. "Anything that looks to be human is to be examined first. If they are hostile, use force to put them down." he says, sighing as he leans back slightly in his throne.

Soon enough, the hanger bay of the Shadow of Intent was wide open, multiple Spirit transports, looking much like a flying and box-shaped horseshoe, began funneling out, a total of ten transports leaving, aboard each was a small squad of either Brutes, large gorilla-like creatures, or Grunts, small aliens in breather masks. As they descended towards the Ancient ship, entering one by one, small pulse cannons mounted under the vessels training on the darts in case they got up and tried to run, and aiming at any wraith inside the bay and opening fire at will whilst trying to land.

As the Spirits landed, both sides of the strange transports began to open, small 2 foot tall creatures wielding what looked like horseshoe-shaped pistols beginning to file out. Among them were the almost 7 foot tall Brutes, each holding either small pistols with blades attached, or large grenade launchers with even larger blades attached. And out of one Spirit, what looked like two massive sets of moving armor stepped out with loud thumps. The large spikes running down their backs twitched and moved as the walked, their left arms holding massive plate shields, and on their right arms were what looked like cannons bonded to the arms of the creatures. They moved together, as if attached to each other through thought, slowly clearing the open area of the ship and preparing to fight.
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Caitlin rocked in her seat as the ship shuddered around them, holding onto the sides of the console she was at to keep her steady. "That's not good. Is there enough power for the ship to continue running those pods until we can seal the section off?" She asked Helia, checking to see how the other two women were faring after the hit.
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

"Dammit... Things are looking less than ideal right now."

"Well, we'd best give them a warm welcome. Activate the automated defences and notify all troops of the invaders. Have non combat personnel evacuated from the areas infiltrated and send nearby combat teams to engage. If you can, lock down the areas in question until our men can get there."

"In fact... upload their locations to my neural implants. I'll go and lend a hand. Send Torben out to join me. Achilles, keep my secure channel open with the bridge."

With that, Coraxus gets to his feet and heads off to deal with the wraith. In another part of the ship, Torben recieves the notification and moves out as well. Men all over the ship begin preparing for combat and moving out to intercept the Wraith.


Meanwhile, Vulkan's shuttle and it's escort had successfully docked with the Ancient ship. As the team, consisting of Vulkan, Graevus, Lilith and the two pilots of the escort fighters prepared to move out, they recieved a hail.

"Commander Vulkan, this is The Razor's Edge. The ancient ship has been hit by several suicidal Wraith darts, and has sustained heavy damage. Although the immediate external threats have been mostly eliminated, the ship's weapons and shields appear to be offline. We also believe the ship has been boarded by multiple Wraith. Our scanners indicate that the crew is beginning to wake up from stasis, which places them in danger."
"Great. Do you have any good news?"
"An unknown ship has arrived, which we believe was at the battle above Polvas Five. We have no idea as to their current intentions, but for the moment we believe they are allies. Their men have boarded the Ancient ship and may be able to assist you. If possible, you should try to contact them. On that note, communication with the ancient ship has been knocked out. We may need your team to relay messages."
"Alright. Keep us posted. Vulkan out."

"Right then. Our orders are to re-establish contact with Siphon's team, protect the crew of the ship, and deal with the Wraith incursion. Apparently some potential allies have also boarded, so we might look into contacting them. Questions? No? Good. Let's move out."

As the team heads off into the ship, Vulkan begins broadcasting over an open channel.

"This is Vulkan of the Tiberion 108th. All friendlies, please respond."

"That'll lead the Wraith straight to us, you know."
"Good. Then it'll save us the trouble of looking for them."
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Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Sho slammed into the wall as the impact tremor ran through the ship, but nowhere near hard enough to really hurt herself more than a bruise. "Fuck. That can't be good." And she repeats the curse as Helia informs them of the situation regarding the vented section. "How many more do we need to bring online? Because I really think we need to start getting people the hell off this thing before the Wraith finish breaking it to bits.

Everything all right on your end, babe? We're getting folk woken up, but dunno how much more time it's gonna take. Lost a section of the pods, too, probably to whatever that quake was. But we might be almost done. Not too sure.
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

His movenments immediatly shifted from a straight in charge to a flowing dance of blades, claws and kicks. As they battled Nova worked himself into a pattern.
'Common take the bait you bugfaced shitbrains.' He thought to himself purposely left his back side open to a wraith attacker.

He felt the explosion and immediatly shifted his weight and maintained his balance, and looked to see if oppenings appeared on the three meatbags. In the lull of fighting he listened for any signs that he should get out of the area, But the multiple footsteps allover the ship gravely concerned him.
"Sounds like a party on the broken ship." he muttered.
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Nova found that the Wraith seemed prepared for the tremor, and as he made his balancing move, two lunged to attack him once more.

Helia snapped back, in full situation mode now.

"Yes, rerouting power to the sections not affected now. Damn, not much spare power left. We've done almost everything we can, be time to book it out of here very shortly."

As the Covenant forces boarded the ship, a device that looked an awful lot like a grenade rolled down the hall, flashing with light intended to disable and stun the enemy. The Wraith then poured into the hall, over two dozen of them, preparing to attack and feed, expecting the enemy to be on the floor and stunned.

Things aren't so hot up this way, we've lost shields and we've definitely been boarded. Pretty sure the shaking was from suicide darts, I'm picking up a whole lot of hull breaches that weren't there a minute ago. Ah, friendlies on board, gotta run and talk to them, if internal lines are even online ..... YES they are.

A moment after the broadcast, the Tiberion group got a reply, from Siphon over the internal communications array.

"Glad to have you onboard Vulkan. Sho is busy trying to revive crew members, so be advised you may run into some confused Ancients. They should be able to understand our language by now as the pods have been recording everything around, so simply tell them your friendly and here to help them fight off a rebel wraith invasion, that ought to get them moving. I can't track you folks, internal sensors are offline, so I'm going to need you to be my eyes and ears. Anything you see or hear let me know, I'll do my best to guide you from here.

As Coraxus's people began to prepare their defenses, they caught a very nice break. Several darts aimed to slam into them on suicide runs, when suddenly a blast of bright blue energy shredded each one, even as a second Alveran battleship registered on sensors. A voice came over the channels, which went through to Coraxus as well.

"This is Julia of the Alveran Vessel Trimaga. Sorry we're late Coraxus, got a little hung up between a pair of hive ships that were kind enough to inform us we needed to be out here to help. What's the situation internally?"

Sensors now would confirm that despite her best efforts, several wraith from those darts had managed to enter the hull of the Razors Edge, thought not where they likely had intended to be, as it seemed a safe bet beaming into the waste facilities wasn't a big goal.
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Aboard the covenant ship, the Prophet hovered back and forth across the bridge, as Tartarus attempts to contact the Ancient vessel. "Hello? Does anyone respond? This is the Covenant ship Shadow of Intent. We have forces aboard your vessel that are attempting to deal with the defilers. Do not engage, or they will fire upon you." he says, then grunts as he walks across the bridge, grasping at a massive warhammer and hefting it onto his shoulder. "Say the word, noble Hierarch, and I shall deal with the defilers myself." the brute chieftain says, as the Prophet stops his pacing and sighs "Very well, Tartarus. Go with my blessing, and crush them. Prepare the Rapture." the prophet says, as Tartarus is surrounded in white light, then disappears from the bridge, down to join the other forces aboard the Ancient warship.

Before the grenade detonates, Tartarus appears in the small bay with the other Covenant ships in time to be blinded by the flash of it. As the other Brutes and Grunts fall over asleep or paralyzed, the two lumbering suits of armor let out a low-pitched growl that echoes across the small room. As Tartarus moves his hammer from his shoulder to a proper battle stance, he looks ahead of him at the two large blue Hunters. "Crush them. But do not fire your weapons. Using them here would cause far too much damage." the Cheiftain says, slowly walking forward as the Hunters lumber forward as well, their bonded shields raised to protect their bodies as they stomped forward. If the Wraith looked carefully, they might see flashes of orange flesh beneath the armor at certain points where the armor was lacking to allow locomotion. Tartarus, on the other hand, let loose a thundering roar as he began to bound forward, raising his hammer and slamming it down towards the nearest wraith he could get to. As it swung, a thunderous crack was heard, a shockwave of force being emitted as it neared the wraith, pushing or crushing anything that was within two feet of the event's occurrence.
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

All right. Be careful! At the mention of suicide darts, she groans. They'd have to be careful, since there could always be the off chance that the pilot survived. And wounded Wrait were even grumpier than healthy ones.

"Siphon says we're in a world of hurt and the Wraith have boarded the ship. And given that we're opening up the buffet by letting your folks out, we've got our work cut out for us. On the upside, there's more friendlies aboard the ship, now, too, so hopefully they'll be able to keep an eye on things."

She'll keep working with Caitlyn and Helia, bouncing around and doing what's needed and also keeping an eye out for any unfriendlies that might come calling, given that there are apparently more Wraith on the ship now.
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Achilles relays Julia's message to Coraxus, still on the move.

"I don't know what the Kara's situation is, but the Ancient Vessel has taken damage. Weapons and external communications appear to be down, and there are multiple hull breaches. The crew's waking up from stasis, too. She's been boarded by Wraith and... well, whoever those guys in the whale ship are. Fortunately I think they're on our side. I've got a team over there too.

"As for us, we've got a Wraith infestation, but we have their locations and my men are already on the move. Hopefully we should have them cleared out soon."


"Alright. Just a heads up, another ship from Peltas Five is here now, and it looks like they've sent some troops aboard too. We're not sure who they are, but if your internal comms are still operational, you might want to contact them."
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

As the wraith grab onto him, Nova smirks.

"Hope you can stand the heat." He says as he suddenly engulfs himself and the attackers in white flames.
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

((Because I don't know when or even if Occam is coming back I'm going to have that battle end exactly when the rest of yours do, and auto them back to their ship when the time comes if he's not back by then.))

"Copy that, will have to run a ship wide one since I have no idea exactly where those people are. Wraith will probably storm around after that, but it's their funeral. Good Luck, I'll keep a channel open with you for as long as I can. I'll work on trying to restore at least partial internal sensors."

The Wraith roared in pain as Nova lit them on fire, and stepped back, angry looks on their faces as they did. Then with a hiss, two of them pulled out daggers and swiped at him, one leaving his guard open for just a second to a counter-attack, if Nova wanted to take it.

"Understood there. We'll send some people to help on the Ancient ship then, sounds like they need it a whole lot more than you do. We'll be in touch, Julia out."

The three women continued working, at least until Helia finally sighed.

"Alright, we've done everything we possibly can from here. Now we have to get down to the first pod section and get those people moving."

As she turned, Sho's looking out paid off as six wraith suddenly appeared, looking quite hungry ...

And just as quickly were cut down by weapons fire. As they were left to wonder what had just happened, a woman flanked by three guards stepped into view.

She stood about average height, slender and had fairly middle length blonde hair. She was armed with an Alveran Energy Pistol, while her guards had rifles. It would take a moment, but when her green eyes showed, Sho would definitely recognize the woman from description at least, even before she spoke.

"Well, there go a few of the uninvited guests. Sorry we're late Sho. If you don't remember me, my name is Julia, I'm an Alveran. You folks alright?"

Helia seemed to watch for a few moments, deciding if this woman was friend, or foe.
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

"You lead, then," Sho tells the captain. "You know where you're going." Of course, this is before she spots the Wraith, backing up some and ready to call alarm when Julia and her men cut the things down.

"You're the one that sent us here in the first place. Glad to see you could make it to lend a hand." Given her demeanor around the other woman, Helia will hopefully be getting a "friend" vibe soon enough.

"Now we've got a bunch of disoriented folks we need to keep from becoming Wraith snacks. Who's up for a bug hunt?" She grins.
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Caitlin had failed no notice the wraith, and visibly jumped when the weapons fire cut them down. She spun her chair around and reached for her rifle, but never brought it to bear, Sho having recognized the group and started to talk. "Well, the more the merrier, I say. The more friendlies on this ship, the better. Shall we get going?"
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Seeing the clear target Nova understood the ability of his target was pathetic. Feinting a strike to the open target he suddenly swung around and with his momentum launched a full power swing at the other wraith, planning to overpower his block and cut him in half.
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Helia nodded slowly, realizing that if Sho knew these people it was probably a good thing.

Julia moved out of the way and nodded.

"Alright, show us where we're all going, we'll provide cover fire where and when it's needed. Bug hunt though? I like that."

Helia once more nodded, then moved out.

"This way then, we may not have much time."

Nova's plan worked to perfection. The wraith he bluffed at rapidly tried to close his guard, taking him out of the picture for several valuable seconds. The one he DID attack had opened his guard to attack, and was promptly cut in half for his troubles.

This angered the remaining two wraith, and they charged at him again with angry roars.

((Probably the last update before surgery, so could be a while until my next post. Bartnum, go ahead and handle things on your ship, you know the interior better than I do.))
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Mockingly returning with his own roar he charged them but instand of going head on into them he suddenly lept up towards the wall kicked off of it landed behind them and aimed a spinning shash attack across both of their spines.