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Tria Class Ancient Warship

Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

With the sudden imminant danger the connections were made quickly. He turned, flicked the blood off his blade, sheathed it and started sprinting towards a potential locking corridor.

"FUCK I AM NOT GOINNA DIE IN SPACE." he growled as his ice armor intensified and the temperature around him rose dramatically. With each step he prayed that the power would hold just a little longer.
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

So long as the wraith was down, that was fine by her.

"And so that's where they came from," she states, catching sight of the view out of the window. At the weapon fire, she stumbles a little but keeps her balance pretty well. Seeing the drones, she looked relieved. "So that's what he got going." She looks to Caitlin. "Yeah. Though I don't like the sound of that. If you want to keep going, I'll go with, but we should probably head back in case we need to scram, and quick."

How we holding up there, babe? Saw the light show and our friends don't look too good. What about us?
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Nova had no sooner got past the closing bulkhead than it suddenly shut without warning, the room he had been in previously finally having lost containment. He also realized the particular room he had entered seemed to be some kind of mess hall now, with multiple exits.

When all had finally gotten quiet, Siphon assessed the damage and groaned. Half the weapon power relays were shot, there was no way he'd ever get them running again in anything short of a week should any more hives show up.

Our situation isn't good. We lost weapons after that little stunt, and several key junctions of ship have lost life support again, looks permanent this time without massive repairs. Pods are intact so far but ... the ship is sacrificing parts of itself to keep them going. I'm initiating a wake up call for the pods in your area, only a few of them. I hate rushing things, but if we don't get the Captain of this ship up and about to open up a few more options here, this may end up being their tomb anyway. Near as I can tell there's two wraith still on board the ship, currently at the opposite end. Are you both prepared to talk to a couple of Ancients?
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Do what you have to do. But if they start talking anything but English, we're gonna need a translator. There's a mental laugh. Just let me know when and where to expect them.

She relays the information from Siphon to Caitlin, slightly abridged. "So, looks like you and I get to be ambassadors. How do you feel about meeting someone that's probably going to be highly disoriented and probably not happy with there being Wraith and possibly intruders on their ship?"
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

"Considering we're just as much intruders as the Wraith are?" Caitlin asked rhetorically, then gave a shrug, and preened her organic green flight suit a bit as she continued. "Well enough, though if I'd have known, I'd have brought a fancier suit."
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

About then the two ladies heard a mechanical hissing noise, and one of the pods opened up slowly. After a moment, a single female stepped out, blinking in surprise when she saw the other women. She stood there for a moment, seeming to gauge them, or perhaps she was utilizing the information the pods had been feeding her to keep her mind sharp to remember how to speak? Nevertheless, after a moment she spoke in shockingly perfect English.

"I am Helia, commander of the Ancient vessel Tria. I don't quite recognize either of you, so your definitely not part of my crew. Please identify yourselves, and state your purpose aboard my ship."
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Picking up on the hiss, Sho headed over toward that particular pod. As a female captain stepped out, she blinked.

Okay, not expecting that. She kept that one from Siphon, not wanting to worry him.

Still, she kept still for the time being, letting the captain get the first words in. This was her ship, after all. And she was doubly grateful for the English. Her Ancient was, at best, rusty, even with what she'd picked up from Siphon.

"Well, I'm Shoni and this is Caitlin," she jerked a thumb in the direction of the other woman. "And what we're doing right now is trying to keep your crew alive and not turned into Wraith food. Or scrap. There's a Hive outside that's trying to put a beating on the ship and my friend's keeping her going and keeping the pods intact, but either you need to wake these people up and fast or we're going to be playing a game of 'one jump ahead' to keep life support going to these things." She pauses for a breath. "And, ohyeah, there's two Wraith dicking around on the other end of the ship, so if there's something important over that way, tell me now."
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Caitlin had rolled up just behind Sho, and had opened her mouth to respond to the apparent Captain's question. Sho got a word in first however, so Caitlin remained silent, more than happy to let the other woman take the lead. Instead, she took the same medical scanner she had from planetside and contented herself with starting it up. "You've been out a long time, Captain. I'm the closest thing to a doctor on this ship until you get your own revived, would you consent to some scans, make sure nothing's wrong?" She asked once Sho had finished her speech, holding up the scanner by way of explanation.
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

The woman seemed to pause a moment, gauging them probably before nodding.

"It seems that a civil war must have broke out amongst the wraith then, they weren't hostile the last I remembered, then again I have no idea how long I've been out for. The pods need to be shut down, the crew revived as fast as possible. Once we have done so, we should be able to restore systems quickly. At least I hope so."

She turned to Caitlin and nodded.

"Alright, but try not to take too long, the longer we wait the more likely it is we'll lose people."

To accentuate her point, the ship shuddered again under weapons fire from the Hive, which still was partially intact, but suffering damage fast enough to be a mild threat.
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

"All right, well, you can tell us what needs done, though, fair warning, it's mostly just "Press that" or "Flip the switch" for me. Don't get technical." She laughs a little, then sobers. "And I'm in contact with the one manning the weapons at the moment, so if you need to get a message to him, lemme know."

Captain's awake, babe. She's doing okay and I think we're gonna start waking up the crew. You doing okay?
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

"Move around if you want, I get most of my practice from scanning living creatures in theirnative environment. It's really quite versatile." Caitlin states as she begins. If the captain does start going, she'll follow quietly behind for a minute or two, alternating between scanning and keeping up with the woman. "So, do you prefer to be called Captain, or Ms. Helia, or something else perhaps?"
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Helia nodded once to each woman.

"If the secondary control panel three doors over is still intact and functional, I can do it from there. If not, then only the chair interface will work. Though I may need help with actually moving them out of the pods since some are bound to be quite out of it, and a few were injured."

Nodding to Caitlin she proceeded to move out of the room, before adding a reply to her as well.

"You can call me Helia, it's only customary for our own people to go by rank and proper title, we don't expect others to do so as we can't know everyone's customs. I once met a race who considered it an insult to shake hands because it implied you thought they were weak and unarmed. Interesting people after you got past that."

Caitlin's scanner would reveal that while there were similarities to the scans she had taken on the other woman, she lacked the advanced mitochondrial energy signatures of the other. In fact, they were still similar enough that she'd likely draw the conclusion that the woman was indeed an ancestor to her. She also would note no apparent injuries, and Helia didn't act wounded, so she probably was fine.

You serious? Wow, got the captain on the first try flying absolutely blind. Talk about luck. Yeah going alright here, that hive doesn't want to quit though.

Again, the ship shook, and this time sparks flew from the wall closest to Sho, the walls protesting under this unjust punishment.
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Caitlin nodded at Helia's explanation. "That's why I ask, it's better to be considered uninformed than rude, in my opinion." A few seconds later, her scan finished and she put it away. "You look healthy and well to me. As for the rest of that, I'll help if I can, but unless they consider falling on me better than falling on the ground, it's probably better if I stay out of the way for that part."
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Sho figured it best to stay out of the captain's way, and Caitlin's, until they did what they needed to do.

"Pending on how many of 'em you pop open at a time, I can help with the 'not falling over' part. To an extent, anyway." She lets out a squawk and throws her arm up to shield from the sparks. "Though I'd suggest taking the chance and getting as many woken up as you can, because we've still got Wraith knocking on our door here."

Yeah, she's gonna try and wake up the others. See if you can't buy us some time to do that. Though you might be helping with that, too, if the panel she's looking for doesn't work. She'll need the chair.
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Helia nodded, shooting out a hand to grab the wall as the ship shuddered again.

"Alright, let's get moving. It isn't far, but the way this ship is shuddering ..."

She trailed off, the implications clear.

Understood. I'm going to see if I can manage to move us some, put some more shield in between us and it. SHIT, drones are all expended. We have no other weapons active at the moment, transferring power to the shields.

Meanwhile, Helia had stopped next to a large pair of doors which were shut.

"Crap, controls are fried. I'm going to have to try manually over-riding the controls, and failing that, well ... I guess we'll see if the years have dulled my strength hmm?"
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Some distance away from the fight, the Razor's Edge jumps out of slipspace. The Kara would recieve a transmission shortly after.

"This is Corax. Anyone there who could tell us what's going on?"
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

"Yeah, hurrying is good."

All right. Will pass along that we're going to be moving, hopefully. Do what you can.

Which is what she did. "Siphon, that is, the one in the chair, is going to try and put some distance between us and the Wraith. And right now, we're completely on the defensive, so he's bolstering the shields."

She frowns as the remark is made about the controls. "It's times like this, I wish Ian were running around with us and not holed up back on Earth," she mutters. "Well, I can give you a hand trying to push the door open, but that's about it." She lets out a chuckle, but it's not very mirthful.
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Helia blinked. Up until now she had assumed this Siphon character had been using the human controls, but in order to pilot the ship one HAD to use the chair.

"He's using the chair? Remind me to have a very definite meeting with this Siphon after, I'd love to know how he accessed that. As for the doors ... let's see what we can muster shall we?"

She placed her hands on one side, and began to push.

Moments after Coraxus's hail, he got a reply from Vanessa, rather than Siphon.

"We're further into the system Corax. We could use some help, I have no idea how to use the Alveran weaponry, and it seems the Ancient Ship is out of drones. We're under attack from a single wraith hive and numerous darts, they attacked unprovoked claiming it was their feeding grounds. Looks like that civil war spilled over into our galaxy now."

To accentuate her point, Corax would be able to hear dull thuds as weapons fire impacted off shielding. If he had a visual, he'd even be able to see the shots themselves.
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

Nova slowly rose as the sudden jolting of the ship made him loose balace.

"Shit looks like things are getting warm down here. Dammit i wish i had some way to talk to the group."

He kept traveling down the corridors ready for a fight already being attacked once. All his senses were alert now. he continued to check the side rooms if any for any docunments or the such to enlighten what happened on this rig.
Re: Tria Class Ancient Warship

"Provided we get through this, I'm sure he'll want to have a nice long conversation with you, too. But for right now, let's worry about keeping your crew in once piece." Shifting around, she put her shoulder to the door as best she could. "How about I try pushing and you try that manual over-ride? Then we can get back to the pushing?" Unless, of course, the door is giving, then that's fine. She goes back to cursing this Ian person and his lack of presence, mostly just for something to help build up a bit of steam to help push.