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Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC


Former Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Oni and I have decided to re-start Super Boarding School. We’ve cleared it with Nunu, who doesn’t want to get involved this time.

The game will be very similar to its past incarnation, though there will be some minor changes:

  • Characters should attempt to keep their powers a secret. And this time, we mean it.
  • Players should RP having to go to class, and other school related activities. While this isn’t 100% necessary, it should at least be attempted for the sake of immersion. Note that this does not mean you have to play through the events of the class itself (unless you want to, that is).
  • Scenarios will occur in which powers can and should be used. The zombie apocalypse from the first board is an example of one such scenario, though these will be on a much smaller scale. They may take place through events such as field trips, Holiday events, or at random. While the GMs will start them up where necessary, players can band together to start their own if they so wish. They may be as simple as a few players attempting some kind of feat, or much larger events featuring numerous characters (within reason, of course).
  • While the RP will remain primarily a School Sim, there will now be a plotline!

Oni and I will be GMing, and will intervene as we see fit.

Who’s interested?
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Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth

I'll join if Oni doesn't have any problems with it :x
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth

I dont have any problems with it, so long as you keep up to date with posting. Thats all I ask of everyone.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth

Pending a join from Siphon's new partner in "crime", Sho, controlled by Copper, I'll bring him back in. I'll probably leave him as he was, minus the technology parts and make him more "magic" if you will. IE: His blaster pistol may no longer exist, but he can shoot a sort of stun/kill beam from his hand. Not sure yet, will have to talk things over with you Bartnum, as well as Copper so that the character concept and all isn't totally destroyed if I DO make changes. Or I could leave him that way with only Sho knowing about his technology, and him hiding it from everyone else as long as he can. After all, an alien probably doesn't want to use high tech stuff if he's going to blend in, but in a school like this with other "mutants" he can probably pass himself off as human with those abilities. Of course... he's gonna need that just for men hair stuff to remove the silver hair, can't exactly pass as a student when you appear to be older than half the advisors!

Jump on MSN Bartnum when you have a chance, I'll go over stuff with you there.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth

Dont taze me bro?
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth

...Interesting. Count me in for now with Alazais... I wouldn't mind sitting down with Bart and Oni to chat about GMing stuff as well. I might be able to help, some of my ideas might be useful... Or not. How are you guys coordinating..? MSN? IRC?

For ease, I'll put up my main issue here. Limits on PCs. For a long time, we've had the "keep-powers-secret" issues. But no punishment if one doesn't, and, more, no normal characters who would be freaked out.

....I once came up with a way of dealing with this. A GM character. A teacher. Now, I originally had the classic scary schoolmistress in mind, but anything works.. the important bit is that their power is to stop anyone else around them from using powers.. Simple, no? It could work..

Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth

The rebirth of the reborn. Does this make this RP a phoenix or a zombie?
Either way, I'm in as long as Keylo watches himself.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth

For ease, I'll put up my main issue here. Limits on PCs. For a long time, we've had the "keep-powers-secret" issues. But no punishment if one doesn't, and, more, no normal characters who would be freaked out.

....I once came up with a way of dealing with this. A GM character. A teacher. Now, I originally had the classic scary schoolmistress in mind, but anything works.. the important bit is that their power is to stop anyone else around them from using powers.. Simple, no? It could work..

We've got a solution for this, and it's actually pretty similar to yours.

If anyone wants to discuss anything with me, my MSN is [email protected] .
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth

Excellente. Then I'm in, with Alazais.. The girl who just can't die. Much fun to be had is. Unless some evil person calls me Pumpkin. Again.

Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth

So, awareness of previous events would be something to be discussed. Do we know each other, and more specifically, do we know that we are superpowered?
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth

Excellente. Then I'm in, with Alazais.. The girl who just can't die. Much fun to be had is. Unless some evil person calls me Pumpkin. Again.


Hey hey hey! Sho is not evil! (Not in this incarnation anyway...) I, on the other hand...

Am not one to pass up a golden opportunity.

So, awareness of previous events would be something to be discussed. Do we know each other, and more specifically, do we know that we are superpowered?

Seconding the question. Is this a complete and total reboot (as in, what happened in the past never happened to these characters, fresh slate and all) or are we simply going alternate timeline?

Count Sho and Ian in, if we're allowed two charries to start.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth

Ah, fuck it. May as well hop in this time around. I have no problem keeping any of my character's powers a secret, though some of their powers may be a bit..........What's the word? Flamboyant? Yeah.

Also, would only being able to post once a day until I get my upgraded PC be considered bad activity?
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth

to be fair i would like to be involved, i just think its better for everyone if i stay out of it. i'm far to fickle to play these games... *cries*

if anyone needs a hand with anything about this pm me (preferably you'd be pming the actual people in charge but never forget that this has always been my baby)
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth

You could still at least play, Nu.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth

there is a reason i don't play any of our lovely role play or play by post games. its the same reason that all the games i start end up in an archive. i don't keep playing them. thats fine for a single player thing but i dont want to let other people down so i don't play.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth

I think as far as the issue goes of characters "remembering" each other, let each person work that out. IE: Siphon might remember Sho, but Sho might not remember meeting Aya (my other character.)
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth


Kyo's back, BEE-ATCH!


Well, once I find that brain-storm sheet I used to help me keep his Ki below OP, that is >.<
YES, I'm keeping him with ki..... I managed to keep him from being OP last time, I think I can do it again ;p
I won't be hurling MASSIVE KI BALLS around, but I'll at least be able to make ones that can distract someone; mostly it'll be all about increasing my own natural abilities, i.e. running, kicking, punching... things just about any human can do, just increased with Ki. So, for the most part, shouldn't be TOO hard to keep the powers under wraps.
So, will there be a thread to post our Character sheets, or what?

Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth

Also, would only being able to post once a day until I get my upgraded PC be considered bad activity?

Not as such, though it really depends on how long it'll be before you get it. If it'll be like that for a while, then it may be an issue.

Oni and I have a couple more things to sort out, after that we'll post a character sheet thread.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth

It'll only take a month or so. At most, three months until I get my new comp. Reason being, I'm building it from scratch, motherboard and all.