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Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth

Non touchy feely, maybe. No shaking hands, no accidentally brushing... no kissing. Maybe. And that's presuming they don't find out about each other and decide to brawl over pride.

Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth

Lol I'd love to see a battle between Death incarnate and a zombie.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth

Non touchy feely, maybe. No shaking hands, no accidentally brushing... no kissing. Maybe. And that's presuming they don't find out about each other and decide to brawl over pride.


Kissing may be possible, Stella does wear a flu mask at times :x
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth

Oh yeah, SBS should be starting up tomorrow with any luck. Around 8-11pm GMT time.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth

Hah, I almost missed this because I thought it was the one I started! Thanks for the nudge.

Well then. Evidently everyone wants this to work. I personally can't stop thinking of all the characters and stories that have happened or never got a chance to happen.

So, Simon, Grace, and Ellisia are back, again. If the Mia incident never occurred, then no one knows of Graces identity, though they can still be loose friends so that seems fine. Possibility of Barry knowing her secret still? Simon should be fine, it's probably best if no one knows of the shadow again. Ellisia, though I'm not sure what to do with her. I don't think I can launch her shadow hunting arc again. It's all a little awkward. Perhaps if I assume that she has fulfilled her mission, and now is on temporary leave from Etheiria? Definitely involved in whichever club would involve swordmanship though.

But I'm getting sidetracked. My first thoughts were on the old problem with flow of time, and conversation/event trapping. Is there anything we can do to stop characters getting trapped in stale events or when a person can't manage to respond for a certain amount of time? I'm all for this, but I'm pretty sure we said all this before. Such as going to classes, have you got any plans on how we're going to do that without it just being another character trap? We need to watch for anyone who's gotten stuck.

Gah. I've got more thoughts than time right now. Otherwise I'd have written this better. I'll have to see just how much I can take part without holding others back. Anyway, while I may be a little late to get back in the game I'm definitely with this, I've added the addresses given, and I'll see if I can find a time to chat about things further.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth

With this version of SBS the Mia event never occured so you dont have to worry about that. As for the time issue there's not a lot we can actually do about that, it'll have to be left up to the players to make sure they can reply. Of course if worst comes to worst we'll have Maria pop in and erase their memories of the conversation so they can go back to doing whatever they want to do.

Classes are just another thing for you to RP. While they are now going to be mandatory, you dont have to RP every single class. Hell, you dont even have to RP any of them, but there will be periods when characters will have classes. Most likely they'll be used for time jumps and the like. After all, it wouldn't make sense to have an RP set in a school without there being any classes to take :p

And with clubs the sword fighting club will be within the martial arts club. Art'll be going to that as well as the cosplay club. Also, if there's any clubs people want in here just ask. There'll be a sub board for the club rooms once Aika comes back on.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth

I'd request a Book Club, but no one but mine and Wolf's character would join >.>;
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth

We also need to know who's going to be pairing up in the dorms and who's gonna be on their own.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth

I demand a roommate.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth

Nah, Simon would join a book club. Problem is he'd never actually attend it. More likely to covertly leave a book with a post it note attached in the club room. So are we going to have a class schedule of sorts? Club activity (or an empty slot) put in there somewhere?

When it comes to character trapping with just got to try as individuals to keep things moving. Even if it unrealistically breaks the scene a little, people should be prepared to have their character make an excuse and break off if needed.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth

We'll probably have some kind of schedule going, though there'll be no classes for the first three days and the dance is taking place on the first night.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth

I'd like to room up with someone.

EDIT: Also, count Leo in for Literary and Cosplay clubs.
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Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth

Siphon will probably want to stick to his own room in the boys dorm, although he probably could room with Ian actually, if Copper is ok with that.

Aya would probably try to room with Sho if possible, again if Copper is alright with that. I'll check with her tonight when I talk to her, but I doubt it will be a problem at all.

As for the clubs, Siphon would definitely join the martial arts clubs.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth

Good good, well we should be ready to start up in about half an hour.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth

Is a rifle team out of the question?
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth

Sure, why not. But Matt has to join the dressmaking club as well :p
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth

Corax is in for the Tech Club.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth

Right, the RP has started. All new students make your way to the Courtyard please :D
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth

Is this going to be our OOC thread as well or are we going to have a new one for that? Just wondering.

I'd request a Book Club, but no one but mine and Wolf's character would join >.>;

Not necessarily true. Sho likes reading as well.

Siphon will probably want to stick to his own room in the boys dorm, although he probably could room with Ian actually, if Copper is ok with that.

Aya would probably try to room with Sho if possible, again if Copper is alright with that. I'll check with her tonight when I talk to her, but I doubt it will be a problem at all.

He's probably already said something, but yes, this set-up is fine.

And I have a feeling Pale will probably kill me if Sho runs up and tackle-hugs Al, yelling "HI PUMPKIN!" at the top of her lungs but I thought I'd put that mental image out there.

And forgot, bravo Oni on the write-ups!
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