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OOC thread


The user previously known as Hero-in-the-Dark
Oct 18, 2009
Reputation score
If, of course, there is something you want to talk OOC about.

Not really fussed what goes on here.
Re: OOC thread

Okies, I'm just trying to get a grip on my own life at the moment. My sleeping pattern's fucked up pretty bad. But I'm working on introductions, just bear with me :3
Re: OOC thread

InB4, "It's okay, real life has to come first."

How many times have we read that line over various RPs and forum related things? But yah, absolutely. When your ready. I've finally started to get a character concept down! And not a recycled one too. I always prefer to come up with new characters when possible. I'll be joining you guys after all. =)
Re: OOC thread

Bah. Updates will come shortly. I hope. I'm kinda struggling with, well, everything to do with real life, so yeah. First order is me getting Squid's thread up, which is currently the hardest thing on my internets agenda. So yeah. When that's done, updates will hopefully go a little quicker, especially come Friday, since I have a while booked off as holiday from work.