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Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
She had come from a city to the East, a long lonely walk. She had been lucky to avoid any trouble on the way here, but she doubted she;d be so lucky in a town overtaken by demons. She clutched her pistol tightly, and moved ahead.

Ashley stood upon the Eastern bridge into town, looking upon the ruins of a town not all that different from the one she'd been born in. How had it so easily been destroyed, and fallen into ruin so quickly? She mused to herself. The river beneath the bridge she stood on roared and tumbled, but above it she heard what sounded like screaming off in the distance, coming from a large expensive looking house just on the edge of the river.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashley stood for a moment just looking at the house she thought was the source of the screams. Well, this is why I came here, isn't it?

She wasn't sure. For the past several weeks she'd just been coming. But why? To help people? A laudable goal to be sure, but it didn't seem very rational. Would one girl make any sort of difference? So it's not rational. Whatever. I'm here now, and I'm not going to stand here listening to someone screaming. Looks like a rich house... so at best maybe I save whoever lives here and end up with enough money to buy a safe place to sleep. At worst... well I can always run away.

She starts walking and quickly picks up into a run toward the house.
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Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 32, P = 38, EP = 30

Perception: Success

Ashley walks through the door to the house, which has been ripped off the hinges and lies in the yard several feet away. The building was probably once a well furnished, warm, and inviting place, but not any longer. The place has been torn apart, and it's obvious that there was some kind of struggle here from the state of the room. The screaming is coming from upstairs, and she easily finds a flight of stairs. She moves cautiously through the house until she's standing in front of a slightly ajar door, from which the cries are coming.

(Also, sorry about the kinda half-assed intro, I was on the clock.)
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashley decides, at this point, to try to get a look at what's happening upstairs without alerting the participants. She sneaks to the stairway and goes up just far enough to see what's happening.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 32, P = 38, EP = 30

Ashley sneaks up the stairs soundlessly, and peaks up over the edge of the floor above, through the ornate wooden railing. She sees the slightly ajar door, but is unable to see through it. The cries from the room reach a crescendo, and are joined by an animalistic growl, before dying down. She can hear a slight panting coming from the room, almost like a tired dog. there are many other rooms in the upstairs hallway besides the door the sounds came from, but all of the doors are closed.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashley pulls her pistol from its holster and walks up to the door, peering inside through the crack.

I hope I'm not too late... I didn't like the sound of that growl.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 32, P = 38, EP = 30

Ashley sees a strange creature in the center of the room, roughly humanoid, crouched on a ruined but expensive looking feather mattress over what seems to be a human woman. She can hear both of them panting now, and the woman seems to be cooing softly.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

"Are you okay? I heard the screaming from the next hill." Ashley pushes the door all the way open and steps into the room as she speaks.

It's a stupid question, but it'd be nice if they separated a little before I tried to do anything painful...
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 32, P = 38, EP = 30, Grappled

Grapple: 11 + 20 = 31 vs 25 = success.

The reaction from the creature on top of the woman is immediate, it leaps off of her sideways off of the bed, landing in a crouch. It spins, growling at her, and Ashley has enough time to register its glowing red eyes before it pounces at her, bearing her to the ground before she has time to let off a shot or summon her magic. It straddles her, and she can hear its claws digging into the floor next to her head along with its breathing. She finds herself staring into its toothy mouth, imagining it closing around her throat......
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashley can do little more then scream as the beast moves from straddling the woman on the bed to straddling her. She doesn't stare down its throat for more then a moment, though, before she can bend her will to getting rid of the thing.

Without a moment to think about the situation her reaction is almost instinctual. Pulling at the storm deep inside her, gray eyes flashing as if reflecting distant lightning she forces the air above her to stir suddenly, violently, in an effort to push the thing off her.

(Cast "Gust" level 3 storm spell. Aimed to push the thing away from herself towards the nearest window if she can see any, otherwise any old direction will do.)
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 32, P = 38, EP = 24/30, Grappled

Casting: 12 + 13 + 8 + 4 + 1 -4 = 34 vs 15 = Success.
Body vs Mind: 14 + 20 = 34 vs 12 + 26 +1 = 39 == Ashley wins.
Damage: 2 x 7 = 14 damage

Ashley summons up a powerful gust of wind, her fear only feeding the spells power. Her gust pushes the creature off of her toward the windows of the room, but it smashes into the side of the bed. The woman on the bed seems to be stirring slightly. The creature quickly rises to its feet once more, and lunges for her again.

Grapple: 15 + 20 = 35 vs 25 = Success. (It's just not your day.)

This time, the clawed creature bears her to the ground with its arms under her. She can feel its claws digging into her back, ready to tear her flesh if she tries to blow him off again.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

This time Ashley curses loudly as the thing tackles her again. Okay, can't try that again, have to kill it - or at least stun it - in place...

This time Ashley focuses not on the beast but on the gun in her hand, focuses on electricity. Six rounds loaded. Just don't point it at yourself. Then she whacks the pushes the the gun onto the skin of the thing attacking her.

(Use the level 2 lightning spell, charge, on the gun. Touch it to the beast. >.>)
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 32, P = 38, EP = 21/30, Grappled

Casting: 4 + 13 + 4 + 1 - 4 = 18 vs 10 = Success.
Grapple: 13 + 14 + 1 = 28 vs 19 + 20 = 39 == Enemy Wins.

Ashley successfully charges her gun, the magic making the gun hiss and pop angrily, but luckily none of her bullets go off. She tries to touch it to the creature, but the beast pulls up one clawed hand and grabs her by the wrist, preventing her from doing so. It tries to lift her off the ground.

Grapple: 13 + 20 = 33 vs 20 + 14 + 1 = 35 == Ashley wins.

But it is unable to move her enough to prevent her from trying to attack it.

(Include in your post if you want to keep the gun charged.)
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashley continues struggling to get the gun in contact with the beast pinning her to the floor, unable to make much headway with its grip on her wrist but still hoping to get her hand free for just a moment.

(maintain charge on gun, try to touch beast with it)
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 32, P = 38, EP = 19/30, Grappled

Grapple: 12 + 14 + 1 = 27 vs 4 + 20 = 24 == Ashley wins.
Damage: 7 x 13 = 91 damage (I'm thinking that spell needs a nerfing.)

Ashley manages to touch the gun to the creatures flank. The effect is immediate, and violent. The creatures screams in pain, and collapses off of her to her right, twitching. She can tell that the demon is dead, both from the way it lays unmoving besides the occasional twitch and from the smell of burning meat.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

(But... aren't practical jokes supposed to be all but certain to kill? :p)

Ashley frees herself from the dead body and goes to take a look at the woman on the bed to see what kind of state she's in.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 32, P = 38, EP = 19/30

She easily frees herself from the dead body, and moves over to check the woman. She is completely nude, lying on her belly, with vast amounts of white fluid leaking from her pussy. She is starting to stir slightly, and rises up on her elbows as Ashley watches her.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Seeing that the woman had obviously been raped by the thing shook Ashley up a bit, but she tried not to let it show. I've heard stories, but...

"Are you... badly hurt? That thing is dead. Um... really dead."
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 32, P = 38, EP = 19/30

The woman moans softly as she rises, and Ashley can see stains beneath her on the destroyed mattress, around her pussy and her breasts. Something seems to be hanging from between her legs, but she is unable to be sure, as her figure is dominated by her already heavily swollen belly. She rises to her hands and knees, and turns her head to look up at Ashley, smiling. The womans hair is dark brown, but it's her eyes that frighten Ashley. They're empty, as if the woman before her had no mind.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

"Woah, you're pregnant? You really ought to get out of here as quickly as you can."

Disquieted by the woman's blank eyes, Ashley backs away from the bed, looking behind herself first to make sure she doesn't trip over anything.