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Nym (Ranger9000)

Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"Ah, those." Callie sighed, though her eyebrows rose as she noticed how many rings Nym had on her. "Oh dear. That is quite the debt." She noted, looking at the adventurer with a hint of pity. "I guess luck didn't favor you today. I hope you haven't made any plans for tonight." The manager stated, then glanced behind the girl. Aria and Eru seemed to have finished playing too, both of them sporting bracelets as they've approached. The blonde had one ring attached to hers while Eru had nothing but the bracelet. "Again, miss Aria?" The blue-haired woman sighed, getting a shrug in response. "Very well then, follow me. I shall instruct you on your... Tasks. Miss Aria, I presume you will be doing the usual rather than take it easy?" She asked, getting a nod of confirmation from the other woman. "As for you two... Pardon me for asking, but do you have any skills like dancing, serving and so on?" Callie inquired.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"Good thing I didn't then, all my plans are for tommorow night." Nym said with a bit of a sigh at her own bad luck. Though she did learn that Aria was apparently a regular here, and a regular for ending up with the band. "I have a bit of skill with both, but I wouldn't say I'm really advanced or anything. I worked as a waitress for a bit and I dance occasionally on my own." She looked over at the dancers and added. "Though I haven't danced like I think would be expected here before...
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"Well, to be completely honest with you, dancing probably won't be on the list of things you're going to be doing. You'll be attending a guest of ours, though, so some of that experience might come in handy." Callie shrugged before turning to Eru, who simply shook her head, indicating a negative answer to her question. "Well then. Your friend seems a little rough around the edges, no offense, so I don't think she'll perform well in those roles, but we could always use a hand elsewhere." With that, the blue-haired woman began to lead the trio away, past a personnel-only door. The wolfgirl was dropped off near the kitchen - apparently there were some special orders placed for later and they could use all the helpers they could get.

Nym and Aria were led upstairs and to what appeared to be a dressing room. There were many outfits located here on various racks and in several closets, ranging from subtly indecent to outright perverted. "Here." The managed handed Nym a set that consisted of a very skimpy bra, panties, choker and a veil that went around her hips, along with a pair of high heels. "Disrobe and put those on. I'll be back in a moment." With that, she left the room for now, closing the door. Meanwhile, Aria was going through the selection on her own, eyeing the outfits critically as if she had trouble choosing. The adventurer would note the woman was moving towards the section containing some of the sluttier outfits.
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Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

'Well darn." Nym thought to herself, of course she wouldn't get off easily. Though she hoped whoever she was going to end up serving tonight wasn't like, a fatass who couldn't get women or something.

The second worry for her was the high heels. The cursed footwear was pure evil as far as she was concerned, it wasn't that she couldn't wear them, but they were painful. Still, she got herself stuck with this, so she quickly disrobed and started changing into the costume, though she couldn't help but ask the other girl in the room. "Umm, do you do this often? Not that that's meant to be an insult or something! I'm just wondering if you can tell me what I'm going to end up doing."
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"Hmm?" The blonde woman turned her attention away from a collar she had been admiring to look at Nym. The adventurer would note the collar had a small nameplate with the word "Slut" carved onto it. "Ah, this? I like to drop by here whenever I visit this town since it's one of the few places that actually offer the things I like. Most people here don't really get it, but I like to be treated a bit roughly sometimes." Aria replied, then went back to picking through the outfits, as if looking for something specific now. Though something told the girl the woman was understating a fair bit.

"As for what's going to happen, you're probably going to be someone's toy for the night. No need to worry though, you won't get hurt. They really take care to avoid anything that might damage the business. They won't let just anyone take you. Only trusted clients get that kind of privilege." At this point, Callie entered the room carrying two small bottles. Looking at Nym, she gave the girl an approving nod. "Good, it fits you. Now, I'm going to need you to drink this. It'll help ensure your comfort and safety... And help you enjoy yourself." She stated, not bothering with further explanation as she handed the adventurer a bottle of pale pink liquid.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Well, Nym could sympathize a bit with Aria there. She didn't mind others getting a bit rough with her, but she doubted she'd ever stop by again just to lose like Aria seemed to do.

She avoided pouting a bit when Callie mentioned the outfit fitting her. Of course it'd fit her! What was she like fat or something by this towns standards or something? After beating her irrational annoyance back down before it could really come out, she took the bottle of liquid from Callie. She figured it was probably a mild aphrodisiac mixed with like, a birth control pill or something, and it didn't seem like it was something unusual going by Aria. So she didn't delay in starting to drink it back, not chugging it but still getting it all down.

"Okay then. I guess I'm ready."
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

The drink had a strange, hard to describe taste. It was a bit creamy, with a somewhat unpleasant, burning undercurrent to it. Like strong booze, but it obviously wasn't alcohol. At the same time, it tasted really nice, though the exact reason why was difficult to pinpoint. The concoction seemed to change it's taste the more Nym drank, as if it was trying to suit her preferences best. All of that felt a bit thin, though, as if the drink had been diluted somehow. Considering the liquid in the other bottle had a rich, deep pink color rather than the pale hue of whatever the hell she just swallowed, it was probably the best guess.

Not that Nym would remain guessing for long. Moments after drinking the last of her concoction, she could feel it start working. Her body was heating up a bit as she felt herself begin to grow aroused. Hell, she could definitely go for a fuck now and looking at herself, she definitely could take advantage of her outfit to show her body off to someone. Swaying a little as the temptation to try and do a sexy little move got the better of her, the girl would note that somehow she was starting to find it easier to balance in heels, even if they forced her to move in a way that drew attention to her hips and ass. Not that it felt wrong or anything - rather, it was awesome that she'd be asking to be fucked with just the way she moved!

At this point, the adventurer would probably wonder where such thoughts were coming from. Or at least try to. Somehow, she couldn't focus long enough to think too hard or remember much. Her head felt light and mushy, but strangely enough she felt no worry. After all, she could, like, stop caring about that crap and go have fun! Who needed thinking anyway, it was so booooring. It was so much more interer-; intra-; more cool to go spread her legs and get pounded! "Think she's ready, boss." Nym could hear Aria comment from the side, the blonde contemplating a bondage harness that'd easily show off her entire body without covering anything. Wow, she'd look like, so sexy in that!

"Seems so." Callie nodded, taking care to recover the empty bottle from Nym before she threw it away or something. "You! Girl!" The manager raised her voice suddenly, commanding the adventurer's attention. Somehow, she found herself focusing on the blue-haired woman immediately, almost naturally deferring to the woman. "You'll come with me. There's a client that needs to be served, it'll be your job. You are to obey every order you are given, understood?" The woman questioned in a commanding tone. Nym felt herself submitting to her influence immediately: after all, she was like, a total slut now. It was her job to do what she was told, no?
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

'Ugh. What did I just drink." Nym thought to herself as she felt her body starting to heat up, even diluted as it seemingly was it was having a rather serious effect on her. Though the longer she considered the feeling, the less she found herself caring. She was here for the night right? Well she might as well enjoy it and get into the role! Swaying her hips a bit and settling in to the heels she grinned a bit, 'I wonder if I could try this on the next guys we end up fighting. Might stop the fight before it starts.'

Her thoughts were stopped when she snapped to attention at Callie's call. She nodded along with Callie's command, she did wrack up a debt after all, now she had to pay it off. Though at the same time a small part of her mind was going like, 'Wait what?!' at the other part of her brain that was calling herself a total slut. It was a small part though, and on the outside she nodded. "Yes! I understand!"
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"Wow, long word." Aria whistled, disrobing and discaring her clothes as she dressed in the bondage set she had picked up. "Guess she's a bit tougher than most, eh? Usually they get a bit more bimbo-like after that much." The blonde commented. Callie didn't comment on that, merely nodding at Nym as she accepted the reply. "Good. Now follow me." The adventurer would be able to see Aria, now wearing nothing but bondage straps and a harness, walking in a pair of "fuck me" heels, grab the remaining bottle and down it after saluting the two women. They'd leave the room before she could see what the effects were, though.

Callie led Nym through a corridor before stopping in front of a seemingly random door. Opening it, she ushered the girl into a large space that was quite similar to the hall downstairs, with gamblers, drinks and games all over the place. The biggest difference was that the current room had a much seedier atmosphere to it, the various guests accompanied by... Attendants who were dressed in outfits at least as skimpy as the one Nym herself was wearing. There was a fair amount of nudity too, and more than one man or woman enjoyed getting a feel of their personal servant's body.

The blue-haired woman led Nym towards the edge of the room, where a dark-skinned woman wearing a rather impressive black dress was standing. She was drinking a strange-looking cocktail from a tall glass, watching the two of them with interest. "Good evening, miss Tara." The manager greeted her. "Here's the girl you've been waiting for. She's already been prepared to your... Specifications." The dark-skinned woman nodded at those words, examining Nym carefully. "You're a cute little whore, aren't you?" She murmured in a sultry voice.