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Nym (Ranger9000)


Feb 6, 2009
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It was 10 AM as Nym arrived at the EGG HQ, having been invited to participate in beta tests for it's newest virtual reality game system. Upon entering the building, she was greeted by a young woman with long blonde hair who introduced herself as Lisa and guided her deeper into the facility. Directing her into one of the rooms containing a pod, she helped the girl get inside and instructed her how to use it. Soon enough, Nym was left on her own, the pod sealing around her as a selection screen popped up in front of her, detailing a number of options.

Humans: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5 where 1 is rarely and 5 is often)
Male/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Female/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Pregnancy/egg laying/seed implantation: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Birthing: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Non Consent Sex: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
BDSM: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Slavery: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Mythical like beings (Angels, Succubi, and other stuff I can think of like this etc...): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
cybernetic enemies (Robotic tentacles, androids, and other ones of the like): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Anthros (Catgirls, Wolfgirls, Bunnygirls, Cowgirls, etc...): Y/N
Fey beings (Nymphs, Elves, etc...): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Plants: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Futa option (You start as a futa): Y/N (Add size and whatnot if Y)
Futa enemies (You will encounter futa enemies): Y/N (If Y, frequency of 1-5)
Body modification (You can gain tentacles, be futa'd, grow wings and shit during the game): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Corruption (Your character can become corrupted, which can lead to some serious side effects in game, though what those are won't be known until they happen): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Bimbofication: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?): This is left vague on purpose, a number can't properly convey this setting.
Other: (In case you want something else, add it to the list)

Difficulty: Easy | Normal | Hard | Insane

Once Nym was done selecting options, the game would begin.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Nym was quite excited, she had gotten into the Egg Beta test so it was hard not to be. Though on the outside that mostly just showed by her inability to stand still, and that she had arrived as early in the day as she could get.

Once she had been strapped in she'd only have to wait a little bit before the first menu would come up. She blushed a bit at some of the options but didn't hesitate much to fill them out.

Humans: Y 2
Male/Female: Y 5
Female/Female: Y 4
Pregnancy/egg laying/seed implantation: Y 4
Birthing: Y 4
Non Consent Sex: Y 4
Slavery: Y 3
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y 5
Mythical like beings (Angels, Succubi, and other stuff I can think of like this etc...): Y 5
cybernetic enemies (Robotic tentacles, androids, and other ones of the like): N
Anthros (Catgirls, Wolfgirls, Bunnygirls, Cowgirls, etc...): Y 5
Fey beings (Nymphs, Elves, etc...): Y 4
Plants: Y 4
Futa option (You start as a futa): N
Futa enemies (You will encounter futa enemies): Y 4
Body modification (You can gain tentacles, be futa'd, grow wings and shit during the game): Y 4
Corruption (Your character can become corrupted, which can lead to some serious side effects in game, though what those are won't be known until they happen): Y 4
Bimbofication: Y 2
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?): Rough if fought, soft if surrendered too generally

After that was done she'd get the difficulty settings, she was rather tempted to set it to hard or even insane, just for the challenge. In the end though she picked Normal and she figured she could just up the difficulty later.

Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Once Nym filled out the entire form and confirmed both her selection of options as well as the difficulty level, the screen disappeared and for a moment, she was left in complete darkness. Then, she felt a strange sensation, as if she was sinking in the air, a gentle flash of light enveloping her. The game was booting up and she was now being immersed in the virtual reality created by the EGG system.

Nym woke slowly, a gentle breeze and the cries of seagulls combined with warmth of sunlight greeting her in as she regained consciousness. Standing up and surveying her surroundings, she would note that she was alone on the beach, having been left lying down on the sand for some reason. Various crates, empty and broken, as well as pieces of wood were strewn around her. A memory would pop up in her head out of nowhere - she was an adventurer, a young woman who left her island hometown on a ship in order to go and see the world. The ship was caught in a nasty storm and hit an undersea rock as they tried to get closer to the shore. She lost consciousness during the impact - somehow, the current had to carry her here. How she didn't drown was beyond her.

Examining the area in detail would yield little useful materials. Everything was shattered and broken with the exception of one thing. An unimpressive yet solid axe, one sharp enough to be used as a weapon if need be. Thankfully, Nym's clothing somehow managed to mostly survive the storm, though there were some tears in the fabric she would have to mend later somehow. For now, she had to figure out where to go next. She could try walking alongside the shore in either direction, though she could hardly see anything worth noting on the beach. Alternatively, there was a path leading further inland into a forest. Where it'd lead her, she had no idea.

Nym: 5/5 FP, 0/10 AP, 1/1 CP
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

As everything faded to black, Nym was practically vibrating in her seat in excitement. Though what she wasn't expecting was the next thing she'd feel to be sand in her face. The sounds of birds nearby and the sand clued her into her having arrived on a beach before she even pushed herself up.

Some brief memories came to her as she sat up, describing how she ended up on the beach. The wreckage and everything was what was left of the ship she had been traveling on and she could only guess she had been the only survivor, or atleast, the only one to wash up here.

Her clothes were intact though! And so was an axe which she quickly picked up and shouldered. She would need it if she wanted to get into battles with whatever lived on the island.

Now reasonably equipped, and deciding that traveling along the beach would likely be boring and unfruitful, Nym decided to follow the trail inland, maybe it lead to a village.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Dismissing the beach as uninteresting, Nym would quickly find herself surrounder by trees as she followed the trail in the ground. It wasn't much of a proper bath, probably wasn't used by any big groups, but it seemed fresh enough to hint at regular activity. Perhaps following it would indeed prove fruitful.

At first, the trek was rather uneventful. Boring, even. Despite the sounds of the forest and the occasional glimps of small animals, like squirrels, running around the place, there was little of interest to be found on the path. However, as the sounds of the sea faded completely, signifying her departure from the shore, Nym found herself finding traces. Scraps of some old, tattered cloth, the occasional broken branch, little bits of trash like old apple cores that suggested the place wasn't deserted at all. And as she moved deeper into the forest, she finally emerged onto a larger, beaten path. One that likely lead to a village, or maybe even a small town, considering it was large enough for wagons to pass comfortably.

Now the young woman had the ability to seek out civilization, hopefully find some help and information on where she was and places she could go to if she felt like wandering. However, as she looked to the side of the path she could still make out the small tracks and occasional discarded item that seemed to point in directions off the beaten path. Perhaps there was someone who lived deeper in the forest as well... Probably a whole lot of someones, judging by the number of traces. If she put her mind to it, Nym could try to follow the clues haphazardly left behind, maybe even locate those that left them. Altough there was no guarantee who or what she'd find if she did.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

The forest was quickly proving to be just as uninteresting as the beach, though at the very least it gave Nym a sense that she was actually potentially going somewhere useful. Eventually she had success, and came across what seemed to be a wagon trail. Along with a number of discarded items.

She had to say, the paths with what seemed to be discarded clothes, didn't seem entirely safe. That feeling only drove her to want to go down them more, so she did, where was the fun if you didn't go out and try new things after all, and this was a game so it would probably all work out in the end.

So she decided to try to follow the small trails, and see where the adventure takes her.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Walking off the beaten path, Nym found herself surrounded by trees completely. Unfortunately, she had to slow down her march now, both because she no longer had a convenient road to follow and because she had to pay attention to the tracks and which direction they went in. The trail seemed to turn a couple times, making it a little difficult to follow.

It was when she was pondering one such twist, trying to figure out what was the new direction to go in, that she heard voices in the distance. They seemed fairly high-pitched, though one of them sounded a bit deeper. She could count three of them, approaching her position at a decent speed. It looked that whoever it was wasn't exactly in a hurry to arrive, but they weren't moving slowly either. Nym had a bit of time to act. Would she try to avoid the encounter, or maybe hide and see what was going on? Or brazenly move forward and confront them head on?
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Nym was beginning to wonder if this was not the greatest idea, as she was starting to wonder if she could remember the way back she heard some voices approaching her at a reasonable pace. They seemed pretty high pitched, which suggested they were probably female, and one male. Judging by the way it sounded, they were just passing through and happened to be walking in her direction.

She figured that if they were talking then they would atleast somewhat reasonable, but at the same time a bit of caution might go a long way here. She would step off the path a bit, hoping that she would be able to spot the sources of the voices before they spotted her, and if they looked friendly, well then maybe she could get some help to find civilization.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Thankfully for Nym, there was a decent-sized bush nearby she could use for cover. Hiding from sight and peering out, she wouldn't have to wait long to see who or what exactly was coming. What she saw might have been suprising. Three small humanoids with green skin, one noticeably taller than others. All of them had pointed ears and fairly prominent, hooked noses. The smaller two wore somewhat old, but decently kept clothes and carried little aside pocked knives and some small pouches on their belts. The bigger one was better dressed, with a small animal pelt of some kind on his shoulders and a relatively crude spear in his hands. He seemed to be in charge, judging by the way he carried himself and barked at the other two.

Luckily for Nym, the patrol hadn't noticed her yet. Those creatures were clearly goblins, altough they didn't seem to be feral ones. They weren't acting like they've expected an ambush, talking rather freely - though she couldn't understand the language, so translating their conversation was out of the question. Still, if one of them spoke common, then maybe there was some chance of reasoning with them? Goblinfolk tended to be wary of outsiders and acted aggressively to establish dominance, but they were no mindless beasts either. Ultimately, it'd be up to Nym to decide how to approach this situation, but she certainly had a fair chance of achieving many possible outcomes, depending on her actions.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Well it seemed like it was a good idea that she stepped off the road, as she ended up seeing a trio of goblins. In her own head she expressed slight disappointment that it was just the small greenskins, but it was better then nothing she guessed.

She took a moment to go over her options, she could either try to talk to the goblins, and probably end up getting into a fight with the trio if she couldn't talk them out of the possibility. At the same time she kinda wanted a fight, but 3v1 was not likely in her odds.

Or she could just leave, that could work too, they hadn't noticed her so she could just back away and hope she made a clean get away.

She could, but she didn't. There was no adventure in walking away! Instead she stepped out from around the bush, her axe resting on her shoulder so she could quickly bring it around just incase the goblins did end up being hostile.

With a somewhat shy tone she would say, "Hello, any chance any of you three can understand me?"
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

The reaction from the goblins was immediate. The smaller two screamed and looked like they were about to charge at her (or bolt away) until the bigger one slapped them on the heads. The speargoblin kept a wary eye on her, weapon at ready, even as the trio engaged in a quick and hushed argument, the smaller two whining incomprehensibly while the bigger one admonished them. After a moment, he took a step forward and spoke.

"You's not pointy-ear. Who's you?"

Well, though his accent was horrid and he butchered the language, at least he was capable of communicating with Nym. He didn't seem too friendly, though. Willing to speak, but not that enthusiastic about her presence. In particular, he eyed the axe on her shoulder with a fair bit of distrust. The smaller two huddled to him, leering at the girl with a mixture of what looked like fear and... Something else. Still, it looked like they weren't going to step out of the line for the moment.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"My name is Nym, and I got shipwrecked here. You three are the first intelligent life I've come across," Nym said, outwardly looking bad about scaring them so much, and internally feeling a bit powerful about it, but trying to avoid getting a big head when they could still attack her, "Sorry about scaring you, I just don't entirely know how hostile everything is around here."
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"In... Tellygent? You mean we's smart?" One of the smaller ones asked, only to get a slap upside the head from the bigger one. "I's talking!" He barked before turning his attention back to Nym, visibly mulling over what she said. "Ship... Wrecked." He muttered to himself. "You's not pointy-ear. So, you's not from village. Ship... Ship is big boat. You's from a ship... You's not wrecked, so... Ship is wrecked..." The speargoblin continued, drawing curious looks from his cohorts. "You's not know about everything here, so you's from far away... Came on ship, ship is wrecked, so you's here!" He concluded, looking proud of his deduction skills for a moment, the smaller goblins clapping and staring at him in awe of his mental prowess.

After basking in their adoration for a while, the leader seemed to recall he was in the middle of asking Nym questions. Frowning again and silencing his underlings, he continued his previous activity. "So why's you here and not on road? Road not far, goes to pointy-ears... And you look more like pointy-ear than gob or hob." He asked, suspicious. "And you has axe. Dangerous, that. Has you come to cause trouble? Pointy-ears sent you to cause trouble to gobs? Bah, they lie! Gobs no cause them trouble, them pointy-ears is just stupid and hate us!" The goblin ranted, his smaller companions joining in as they jeered and grumbled. "You's not gob, so you's can go away! You's can go back to pointy-ears! Boss said no so... Soli..." He struggled for a moment." No soleecitorz!"
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Nym had to fight back a small giggle at the goblins deduction skills. It was like watching a kid and she had the urge to pat the spear goblin, if it wasn't for the fact that this was still a semi tense situation.

"No don't worry I'm not here to cause trouble, and I have no idea who these pointy ears are," Nym said as the goblins started insulting what she could only guess were the local elves, "But okay then, I'll head off, goodbye goblins."

With that Nym would start to back off until she got far enough away from the goblins to ensure they weren't going to follow her, and then she'd try to return to the road and see about finding the 'pointy ears.'
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

The speargoblin nodded his head authoritatively, puffing up as if he scared Nym off with his prowess. "You's go that way! That way is back!" He pointed in a direction behind her. "Now you's go away fast!" He called out, watching together with his smaller compatriots until the girl was out of sight. Following the direction she was given, she found it rather easy to find the road again, leaving her with a simple dilemma - which way to the village? Left or right? Fortunately, as she was looking around Nym noticed a faint wisp of smoke above the treeline in one of those directions, likely from a chimney. With that, she had an easy time marching forward, following the road.

After a short while, the treeline began to grow less thick, eventually revealing a wooden palisade in the middle of a large area cleared of trees. The road she was on led to a gate in said palisade, guarded by a tall, well-built man dressed in leather and armed with a sword. He seemed to easily pick her out from a distance, and as Nym approached her called out to her. "Hail! Who goes there? Friend or foe?" He asked in a clear, strong voice. Now that she was closer, the young woman could see that he indeed had pointed ears. This had to be the village the goblin mentioned.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Nym quickly made it to the road, and maybe not as quickly, but still shortly after that spotted the smoke on the horizon that gave her somewhere to go to. She didn't waste any time in following toward the smoke, and soon she arrived at a wooden palisade with a guard at it, who was obviously one of the pointy ears.

"Friend!" Nym called back, "I got shipwrecked here and am looking for some shelter."
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

The man eyed Nym's axe carefully, but let her approach. "Well then. Welcome to Elshold. If shelter is what you're looking for, then I'm afraid I won't be able to offer you much. However, others might be able to lend you a hand if they can afford it." He nodded. "My name is Vali. I'm the gate guard, as you've probably realized. We've been a little on the edge lately, there's been trouble with the local goblin tribe and we suspect it'll only get worse later on. You'd best speak with our mayor if you want the full details, though. I have to stay on guard and can't afford to be distracted for long." The elf moved so that he would no longer bar entry into the village.

Beyond the gate Nym would see many wooden houses arrayed around a central "square", which actually resembled a circle more than anything else. There was a well in the middle of it, with a couple animals like cats and dogs wandering around, children playing games and adult elves of both genders going about their business. Further down she could see what appeared to be farms, likely the main source of food for the village. From the looks of it, they've had an abundance of livestock and crops alike.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

"I'm Nym, nice to meet you," Our red haired adventurer would say as she was let in to the village. Once there she figured that going to the mayor first would be the best bet, as she needed to know where she was, and what she needed to do to get some supplies and a roof over her head for the night.

She'd start by asking someone who looked like they had time about where the mayor was, and go from there.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

The elves seemed to be a little wary of the fact that Nym wasn't one of their kind and the fact that she carried an axe, but a few friendly words and an explanation were enough to get some directions from them. She was directed towards the farms, where she could see a mill being repaired - according to locals, it was damaged by the storm that came from the sea, most likely the one that sank Nym's ship. There she would find the mayor - a woman with long, dark blue hair and a fierce, no-nonsense look on her face directing the repair efforts. As the human approached her, the elf turned her head to take a good look at her before barking a few orders that basically amounted to "carry on and don't fuck up" before turning to focus on the visitor.

"Greetings, stranger. My name is Elsa, mayor and founder of Elshold." She spoke in a serious tone that matched her expression. "Seeing as Vali let you in and nobody started screaming, I'm assuming you're not here to cause trouble, despite the axe. What brings you to our village?" The mayor questioned, giving the girl a penetrating stare.
Re: Nym (Ranger9000)

Nym would look around at the village as she walked through it, the girl trying to take in all she can about the elves. Apparently the town had been hit by the same storm that had brought her here.

The Mayor turned out to be just about what she had expected though, a stern faced elf that looked like she could flay someone alive with just a glare. But the elf was polite enough, except the stare was about as painful to be on the receiving end as she expected, "My name's Nym, and I got shipwrecked and woke up on the beach not to far from here. This axe was the only other thing that survived. I'm here to see if I can find somewhere to stay the night and fix up my clothes, and maybe help with any problems you guys have."