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Re: Mjorna

"Hmm? No no, I'm fine. Thank you for your concern though," Yulka gave a small smile.
Re: Mjorna

"So Yulka, tell us more about yourself." Phaydra said, trying to stimulate conversation.
Re: Mjorna

"What... do you mean?" Yulka asked. She didn't really know what to say.
Re: Mjorna

"She probably means she'd like to hear more about where you're from, things you did, and other stuff." Toya answers for Phay, hoping he was right, thinking to himself about what he'd say if the same was asked of him.
Re: Mjorna

"There's really... not much to say. All I really did was help my... family... farm..." Yulka replied with a saddened tone. "The reason why I'm here now... I'm sure you can guess."
Re: Mjorna

Phaydra nodded, "My father was the best blacksmith in town. I always thought I would take over for him one day..." she trailed off. "What about you Toya?"
Re: Mjorna

Toya paled as the conversation shifted over to family. "I... I never knew... My true parents..." He managed to choke out after a bit, giving a pained sigh. Then he'd continue. "It was just my sister and me for many years. Then she... she was taken from me as well, dying for my own safety, leaving me... to fend for myself. That's kinda how I 'learned' to hunt." he takes a deep breath. "I was also fortunate enough to be blessed with... a second family. They're the ones... who taught me in the arts of woodcraft and stonework. Then the gods saw fit... to tear them from me as well, striking them down with incurable illness. It was after their passing... I'd wander again, finding my way here." By now his face was completely white, his expression dark, depressed. He knew he didn't have to talk if he didn't want to, but there was no use hiding it from them.
Re: Mjorna

Phaydra flinched and she suddenly pulled him into a hug with her tail wrapped around his. "If I can make sure of one thing, it will be that no one tears this family away from you as well." she spoke impulsively, but from the heart, she pulled back a little and looked at Yulka, "The same goes for you Yulka. This place... this place is our whole world now. I won't let anything happen to it."
Re: Mjorna

Yulka looked sad as she gazed and listened to Toya.

"Uh, right. I'd rather not have a... family... disappear again," she said rather awkwardly. The whole conversation was rather uncomfortable, especially with two people she'd just met.
Re: Mjorna

Toya gasps at the sudden hug, awkwardly trying to return it, not really used to giving or receiving such sentiments. His tail let hers twine around it, a faint smile replacing the former expression on his face. "Thank you... Everyone's so nice here." he says, starting to warm back up. And it was true. So far, he hadn't really met anyone who wasn't nice.
Re: Mjorna

Phaydra nodded, looking smug. "This place is great, and I just know that we'll make it flourish." she hugged Toya again before scootching back, and reaching out for the rope that held her sheep tied to Captain. After she undid the knot, "Now which way to your flock Yulka?"
Re: Mjorna

"Uhm... which way IS it?" Yulka wondered, looking around. "This way... I think." She tried to ignore the rather awkward feeling that she's just a third wheel, considering how close Phaydra and Toya was.
Re: Mjorna

Toya noticed Yulka looking around like she's lost, then gets an idea. "Here, lemme help..." he says kindly, unlinking them both from Phay and sitting the bunny-kin on his shoulder, giving her a nice boost, as well as a considerably better view of the town.
Re: Mjorna

Yulka flailed her arms as she was boosted. "W- WAAH!!" She gave a quick glance about in her panic, as she was expected to. "Y- yes! It's th- that way! Could you... let me down now?!?"
Re: Mjorna

As Yulka looks around in panic she can see a figure approaching. Tall and massive, wearing dark clothes and a hat that casts a veil of shadows over the face. It's bare arms can be seen as spots of skin, as if he had no fur at all. A glint of metal shines in the late afternoon sun, just above his shoulder.
Re: Mjorna

Yulka seemed to calm down, or rather stop flailing at the sight of someone. It still appeared to be rather menacing. "Uh... who... is that?" she asked, an almost worried tone to her voice.
Re: Mjorna

Phaydra blinked, "You see someone? What kind of Kin are they?" She wrapped the end of the rope around her wrist and her hood flared out.
Re: Mjorna

"I can't tell. I can't see any fur and he's wearing black and all... creepy shadowy..." Yulka replied.
Re: Mjorna

Phaydra blinked, and then her hood fwooshed out, "TORK!" Phaydra called out, looking around for him, "We have a..." she let out a hiss, "Human."
Re: Mjorna

Tork sighs and puts down the saw as Phaydra calls out to him. He's never going to get done at this rate. The badger grabs his trusty axe and shoulders it as he walks over to them. "Aye, figured one'a the Furless would show up eventually." He eyes the gathered people. "Any of you had a bad experience with them?" The shady figure comes closer still, revealing the glint to be the pummel of some kind of sword.