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Re: Mjorna

"If you say s-!" Toya gasps as he feels the tail around his ankle, looking over and quickly finding Phay, giving a sigh of relief. "Ah, hello there, Phay. Nice to see you again!" He says brightly, the blush from before fading from his face a bit, giving his leg a slight fidget, letting her know that he felt her tail there, though he'd make no effort to remove it yet.
Re: Mjorna

Her grin didn't fade as she tickled the top of his foot and waited for Yulka's response.
Re: Mjorna

Yulka eeped at the flaring of the hood and cringed. "Uh... M- my name is Yulka. It's a pleasure to meet you." She looked back at Phaydra's eyes... before glancing off to the side.
Re: Mjorna

Phaydra's hand was still out, waiting for a handshake, "Yulka, hm. Where are you from?"
Re: Mjorna

Yulka hesitantly took Phaydra's hand. "Uh, I'm from... a small farming... village...." The bunny kin felt quite uncomfortable.
Re: Mjorna

Phaydra shook Yulka's hand, "A farmer eh? You didn't happen to bring any livestock with you? I have a sheep, and I'm sure it'd be more comfortable with the other sheep for now."
Re: Mjorna

Yulka pondered for a bit before she nodded. "Okay. Uh... if you could get your sheep, I'll take you.... I should probably check on them anyway...." She needed to ask Tork about getting a fence.
Re: Mjorna

"Great!" she said enthusiastically, "We girls should stick together anyway right?" the tip of her tail was now caressing Toya's ankle.
Re: Mjorna

"And where does that leave me among the girls?" Toya asks with a chuckle, moving his leg a bit, as if testing the grip of the tail as it went up and down the bottom of the leg, his own tail waving idly behind him.
Re: Mjorna

Phaydra turned her mischievous grin on him, "Where do you want to be left?" her tailtip was loosely wrapped around and if he wanted, he could easily pull away.
Re: Mjorna

Toya narrows his eyes at Phay, but smiles. "Where do I want to be left? Wherever I'm needed." he says simply, still smiling. "And it seems that if you want to be left around my leg, I'll have to accompany you two, won't I?"
Re: Mjorna

If reptiles could blush, her cheeks would be bright red. Her hood flares out and she leans in close, to say something daring that she would never do under normal circumstances, "If you want me wrapped around you..." she whispered so only he could hear, "We'd have to go someplace more private for that."
Re: Mjorna

Toya blinks, not sure what to make of Phay's words. A light blush spread over his cheeks, and his heart was beating faster, but he didn't know why. How could he? Up until Mjorna, the only 'relationships' he'd ever had were those with people he considered family. Then again, the same could be said here, with everyone doing their piece, helping each other with no true incentive. But now was... different. Phay seemed like something else to him... Something more, but he couldn't place his finger on it. And to top it off, he still didn't know what she meant! So he simply stood there, thinking, not answering her, taking a deep breath now and then.
Re: Mjorna

Phaydra smirked at the blush, and glad her own wasn't showing as she flattened her hood and leaned back. "If you want to walk with us that's fine." she said in a more normal tone of voice, "It would be nice to talk some more." her tail still hasn't left his leg, though the rubbing was more soft and soothing now.
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Re: Mjorna

Tork snorts as he watches the spectacle from a short distance away. Poor Toya, he's in for something now. Whistling a tune, the badger goes back to sawing out boards.
Re: Mjorna

Toya snaps out of his train of thought, focusing again on what was happening right in front of him. He smiled again, nodding. "Sure, I'll keep ya company. It'll be nice to get to know some of my fellow villagers better." he says brightly.
Re: Mjorna

Phaydra smiled and turned, slowly unwrapping her tail as she linked arms with Yulka and Toya and went to pull them along.
Re: Mjorna


Yulka blinked, looking at her linked arm, as she stumbled along from being pulled. She stayed quiet, letting the other two talk about... whatever it was they wanted to talk about.
Re: Mjorna

Toya trots along next to Phay and Yulka, not quite used to being 'taken along' like that, but he wouldn't oppose. He noticed Yulka's silence, a bit confused. "Why are you so quiet, miss? If there's anything you'd like to say, don't let us stop you." he adds, remembering that she'd started being quiet mostly while himself and Phay were talking.