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Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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A sun-flooded valley stretches out below green hills, parted by the broad blue band of a river. Much of the rolling hills on the other riverside is covered by a city... or the remnants of the city.
What was once a brimming pool of activity, a stronghold of civilization... is now but a ruin, heaps of stones torn apart by the claws of war. A tattered flag, blue with a silver crown, stands alone in the midst of the ruins.
A stone wall, four men high, protected the city. A stone bridge leads over the river to a massive wooden gate that hangs ajar in it's hinges, probably battered by a ram.
From the few houses that still stand it's clear that the city used to be rich - most of the buildings had several stories, and their roofs are covered by slate plates instead of the more common straw or reed. The larger part of the buildings however are but ruins, either set aflame, destroyed by siege weapons or pillaged by survivors. The castle that once stood proudly on top of the highest hill now only houses flocks of birds in it's battered walls.
A chapel outside the city, on the other side of the bridge catches your eye. Maybe the Gods smiled down on it, or maybe the enemy didn't think it'd be worth the effort to burn it down. In any case it's still standing - five half-circular wings grouped around the round central belltower that rises two stories above the building. A few wooden huts alongside a half-finished stone building outside it grab your attention. They don't look deserted at all. There is a fireplace in the center of them, and fresh wood waits there. Could this be Mjorna? Could those be the people that put up the sign?

Tork puts up his hand to protect his eyes from the bright sun. One, maybe several figures stood on the crest of the hill to the east. The badger mumbles something and looks around. He REALLY doesn't want to stop working now. He spots Sarem coming from the construction site and calls out to him. "Hey Sarem. Go'n tell the Prior we're gettin' company, will ya. I was 'bout to fix the beams for Ilph's roof. Poor girl gets wet everytime it rains", he adds to himself. "Looks like I'm gonna have to build a few more huts as well, at least until the house is standing. Well, maybe I'll take Sarem, or Meda..." Tork frowns as he looks around. "Where th' hells is she anyway?" The stocky man sighs and turns around, heading back into his hut.

((If you're a resident, make sure to read the information I added to my last post in the OOC.))
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Re: Mjorna

Having been in the village for a while, and having all these handy carpenters around, Ilphstra managed to make a loom so she could weave blankets made from her silk. Currently she sat in her roofless hut soberly click-clacking away. "Arrivals?" she murmured, "Good, now I can give out some of these blankets..." her click-clacking grew a bit faster, as she sped up her weaving in preparation for some of the new arrivals.
Re: Mjorna

Sarem looked up from the construction work as he was called, taking a quick look at the arrivals. "I'll let him know." He called back to Tork before walking off to the chapel to tell the prior of it. He would take care not to disturb Wulfric as he entered, or to interrupt him in anything out of respect as he shared the news with him.
After telling the deertaur about them he would move back out, and work on the construction again. He hoped to get the walls standing that day, or at least a part of the walls, for now planning on just a single floor with 3 rooms. The hall/living room, a bedroom, and a small private area for washing. Furniture would come later, as the huts they lived in at the time had little space, and with the newcomers a roof over everybody's head would have a higher priority then luxury.
Re: Mjorna

A brown-furred Monkey-Kin stands on the crest of the hill, looking down at the village "Is this........For real?" he asks himself, seeing people moving about in the village "Yes! It is! People!" he says happily, running down the hill, his right hand clutching a medical kit and a small pack slung on his back as he laughs for joy, stopping next to the unfinished building and smiling "Is this Mjorna?" he asks himself out loud as he marvels at the sheer fact that there is still some form of civilization left after The Void.
Re: Mjorna

"And the GODS SHALL- what? Who. . . Arrivals! Paltus' Light, Arrivals! Yes yes."
Wulfric quickly adjusts the plain white barding on his back and wraps a blue sash around his humanoid waist while stepping outside. "WELCOME- where are they? Oh! Welcome!" He spreads his arms wide in an inviting gesture towards the monkey. A smile shows on his features, surprisingly grizzled for a priest. "Welcome to Mjorna! Don't stand around there, come closer. We're not going to eat you. Not alive anyway."

"Stop scaring the man, Wulfric." Tork sighs as he steps out of his hut, nodding towards the monkey. A stout badger with simple clothes, whittling on a branch. "Don't worry, nobody's going to eat you. The good Prior is just. . . not the youngest anymore. Welcome to Mjorna."
Re: Mjorna

Ilphstra, too engrossed in her work to take her eyes off of it, stuck a leg out of her doorframe and waved it and set it back down before she became too unbalanced.
Re: Mjorna

The Monkey-Kin smiles at the Prior, walking towards him and looking around at the villagers, then hearing Tork "Good to know. The name's Montoya. Virgilio Montoya" he says, setting his medical kit down and reaching out for a handshake with the one known as Wulfric "I'm one of the few, if only, people from Blackmont that survived." he says, his tail swaying back and forth slowly as if the pendulum of a clock
Re: Mjorna

Wulfric accepts the handshake with a smile. The pressure betrays a great strength in the deertaur's body. One could think he hasn't always been a priest.
"Welcome, welcome. Uh. . . I figure you can stay in the chapel for now. Most of us did." Wulfric turns towards the chapel, promptly forgetting he still has Virgilio's hand in a vise and pulling him along a bit. "Oh! Sorry. Uhm. . . Tork. Say hello already, you crabber." His voice suddenly has a commanding tone that fades halfway through.
The badger sighs and steps forward, patting Virgilio on the shoulder. "Any man alive is good news. I'm Tork Grimbeard, and I've built these huts. Together with Pjotr", he adds, pointing at a big brown draft horse grazing lazily next to his hut.
Re: Mjorna

Ilphstra called out from her hut, "I have a silk blanket for you." she stopped her weaving to pull an intricately weaved blanket from beside her, and scuttle out of her hut to hand it to him. "Here, you'll need this. It's double layered, so it will keep you fairly warm." the silk tunic she was wearing was very similar in pattern. "I'm Ilphstra by the way, you can just call me Ilph though, everyone else around here does."
Re: Mjorna

"Thank you kindly, Mister Wulfric" Virgil says, being pulled and balancing himself as quickly as possible "Nice to meet you Mister Grimbeard." he says at the pat on the shoulder "One question. Is anyone here hurt? if so I'd like to see them" he says, getting straight to the point "I was a doctor before the catastrophe. If there's anything I can do to help, please, tell me and I'll try to help." he says, his left hand reaching up and grasping his threefold of feathers and closing his eyes for a few moments, then opening them again "I hope not to be a burden to anyone." he says, then noticing Ilphstra and chuckling "Thank you. I've only just arrived and I'm being treated with such kindness" he says, taking the blanket in his left hand and picking up the medical kit "As I asked earlier, is anyone injured or sick?"
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Re: Mjorna

Toya spots the settlement off in the distance, excitement pumping through him. At long last, it seemed that his days of traveling would pay off. He would have sprinted, but with his cart behind him, he decided not to, or he may have lost some of what he was carrying. Eventually, he would arrive at the entrance, marveling at the sight. "Wow... So this is Mjorna..."
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Re: Mjorna

Ilphstra smiled at the other newcomer, "Yes, this is Mjorna. Welcome." She scuttled back to her hut, grabbed another similar blanket, and held it out to the dragontaur. "My name is Ilphstra. Just call me Ilph though."
Re: Mjorna

Virgilio seems to be very interested in the newcomer as he walks over to him and sets his medical kit down and makes sure to fold the blanket gingerly and set it on said medical kit "Those scales. Those colors. You're a dragontaur to the core, alright" he says, smiling and then quickly realizing what he said "MY apologies. I haven't seen a dragontaur in many years. It's good to know that there are still some alive." he says, his left hand over his chest as he reaches out his right hand for a handshake "Name's Virgilio, but please, call me Virgil or Doctor Montoya." he says, also hinting to Ilph and Tork to call him by either name
Re: Mjorna

"Thank you, Ilph." He says with a warm smile, accepting the blanket and placing it in his cart with his other belongings. "I'm Toya." He replies quickly, realizing that she introduced herself, but he didn't return the favor. He looked around, though only managed a glance before he was approached by Virgil. "In the flesh. Glad to know there are still people who can recognize us." He smiles, accepting the handshake, then sighs at his comment about the survivors. It took him a moment to regain himself. "Toya. Nice to meet you, Virgil."
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Re: Mjorna

"Is something wrong?" Virgil asks, seeing Toya hesitate for a moment "Oh. I'm sorry if I said something wrong. I tend to be rather tactless at times, so please, accept my most humble apologies, Mister Toya. And the pleasure is all mine." he says, smiling warmly as he looks at the cart Toya was bringing with him "You wouldn't happen to be injured, would you? The whole reason I even left Blackmont was to find people to heal and lend a hand to. And to find some form of civilization. So far, the latter has been fulfilled."
Re: Mjorna

"Naw, I'm fine. Take more than some traveling to wear on me." he smiles, sighing as he thinks of how to explain his earlier discomfort. "Your words hit a deep scar, but it's not your fault. You had no way of knowing what happened to my family." He admits, smile quickly fading from his face. "But that's the past. Gotta do what we can here, right? Oh, and... none of that mister stuff please. Just Toya is fine."
Re: Mjorna

"Alright then, Toya." Virgil says, looking around at the small collection of huts and picking up his medical kit and blanket "Sadly, I don't have anything to give to these fine people besides my medical aid. Wish I had brought some more things." he says, frowning at his lack of planning "I hope you all don't mind me staying here for a while" he says to Ilph, a caring tone in his voice
Re: Mjorna

Guiding her horse and the cart it pulls over the hill, Velaen looks about. Spotting the dead city on the closer side of the river, she sighs, Guess it was too much to hope for. That sign pointed to another place with no one left in it. Then scanning drawing her eyes away from the city, she notices the small nexus of activity on the southern side of the river. Hey, Pips! The sign wasn't wrong! Come on, we actually get to see people again! She says and begins to proceed down towards the town. Every so often she does have to stop to mess with the cart pulled behind Pips, but despite its rattling method of trying to dump its contents, Velaen manages to eventually get the cart down to the small group of huts.
Re: Mjorna

"You're welcome to stay as long as you want to." she smiled, saw the newcomer, went back to her hut to get another blanket, and then handed it to the newcomer, "Hello, my name is Ilphstra, but everyone calls me Ilph, and here's a welcoming present, I'm sure you need one."

Then she sighed, "I would enjoy staying to chat but i have to get back to my weaving." so she scuttled back to her hut, and soon the sounds of her loom could be heard.
Re: Mjorna

Velaen steps back for a second as the spidertaur approached her before taking the blanket. Uh, thanks? She calls back, trying to get over the idea of a spidertaur who isn't either a torturer or an enemy warrior. Simply, she decides to merely accept the gift at face value and hope it wasn't a trap.