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Re: Mjorna

A slightly distracted, "You're welcome!" floated from the hut.
Re: Mjorna

So, um, hello? Velaen says looking around at the others nearby as she gently puts the blanket under the canvas tarp that rested over her cart, Where should I go? I mean, is there a place I can unhook Pips and store my cart? She motions to the cart, hoping that, even though she was unsure of the spidertaur's motives, Ilph had meant she was welcome to stay when she gave her the blanket.
Re: Mjorna

"Another heavy traveler." Virgil says in a joking tone, looking at the cart full of supplies "This is becoming quite the place to stay. And not that I know of. I've only just arrived myself." he says, a smile still on his face "And it is a pleasure to meet you, miss?" Virgil both says and asks for her name, his right arm behind his back and his left crossed over his chest as he bows
Re: Mjorna

Velaen, just Velaen. She responds before following in kind, And, uh, you?
Re: Mjorna

Toya makes his way deeper inside the settlement, taking note of what was happening, pleased that everyone seemed so nice. He would look around more, trying to find someone who seemed to be in charge, as well as a safe place to deposit his cart and belongings.
Re: Mjorna

Sarem looked up from his construction work after some time, seeing a dragontaur with a cart. He put down the work to walk up to the dragontaur, waving at first to show he was coming that way.

"Hello there, welcome to Mjorna, I'm Sarem, and I can build anything." He said as he offered a handshake. "Have you met prior Wulfric yet? Until we get extra buildings up to sleep in he might let you use the chapel to rest. Just let me know if you want your own hut, home, or castle." He obviously joked about the last one, although he had experience building such structures.
Re: Mjorna

Wulfric starts smiling even more as he steps up to Velaen and offers a handshake. "Greetings! Welcome to Mjorna. I am Prior Wulfric, and I have founded this little community. If you need an open ear I'm always in the chapel, speaking to the gods." Not praying or worshipping. Talking.
Tork sighs and walks over to Pjotr. "Looks like we'll need s'more wood. . ." He mounts the horse and trots over to Velaen. "Hey there, name's Tork. Y'can put your horse over there." He points to where he tied down the draft horse. "I'm gonna get another tree", the badger calls out as he rides Pjotr towards the nearby forest.
Re: Mjorna

"Thanks for the welcome, Sarem. I'm Toya. Always nice to meet a fellow builder." He smiles, accepting and returning the handshake, then laughing at the joke. "Heh, no need to prioritize for me. I'm used to roughing it. More worried about my stuff than myself at the moment." He admits with another laugh. "And no, I haven't met anyone by that name yet. You'd be my third acquaintance here so far. I'm just happy that everyone's so friendly. If you want some help on the homes, just let me know. I'll be looking around a bit more in the meantime."
Re: Mjorna

"The name's Virgilio Montoya. But you can just call me Virgil or Doctor Montoya." he says, standing to look at all the activity around "I think I'm going to set my things inside the chapel and have a look around a bit." he says, picking up his things and walking into the chapel, setting his kit and the blanket down off to the side, then taking the pack off his back and setting it beside them "There. All settled." he says, a smile creeping over his face as he chuckles and proceeds back out of the Chapel to take a look around the village
Re: Mjorna

The village consists only out of a few log cabins, grouped around the central square with the fireplace. The most interesting part is Sarem's half-finished stone house and Ilph's roofless hut. The city across the river looks eerie, however. Virgil is a bit too far away to decipher what is chiseled into the archway.
Re: Mjorna

Virgil sighs as he looks around at the few huts that make up the village "It's not much, but it's home" he says, smiling as he sits down by the unlit fire pit "I think I'm going to like taking care of these people." he says, his tail wrapped around and in his right hand as he looks at the slightly darker end "Yeah. This place is perfect" he says, releasing his tail and looking up at the sky "Praise Marhed I survived"
Re: Mjorna

Lenwe spots the smoke from the fire as he drifts down the river in his boat. "What? Other people? By Dhamid, it's been longer than I can remember."
Lenwe heads into the bank and nails a mooring rope into the ground. He hurridely climbs out onto the shore and heads toward the village.
"Damn. I'd ask where I was, but with this many survivors, there's only one place this could possibly be."
Re: Mjorna

Thanks. Velaen calls out to the retreating back of Tork before leading Pips to where he had mentioned. Releasing the horse from the cart, She slowly backs it away with noticeable effort before letting it rest against the ground. She then sits on the cart to give her feat a break before pulling out a comb from her pack and trying to brush some of the trail dirt from her white fur.
Re: Mjorna

Ilphstra, upon hearing another new voice, smiled absently as she stopped her weaving again, "I seems I may not finish this blanket today..." she murmured, as she rummaged around for another blanket. This one was dyed a vivid blue, with deep green swirls. She picked her bulk up and scuttled out of her hut, "Hello traveler! Welcome to Mjorna. Please take this blanket." She held it out with a friendly smile, "My name is Ilphstra, but everyone just calls me Ilph. You should go talk with Prior Wulfric. He'll get you settled for as long as you plan to stay." She pointed to the deertaur with one of her green tipped legs.
Re: Mjorna

((Ilph sounded exactly like an RPG tutorial NPC in that post.))

"Thanks." Lenwe takes the blanket and jogs back to his boat, putting it with his other possesions, few as they were. He then drags the boat up onto the bank and heads back to the village. "Right, Prior Wulfric." He looks around for the deertaur and approaches. "Uh, are you the one I talk to if I want to settle down here?"
Re: Mjorna

((She's getting a little tired at saying the same thing over and over again, and her mind is more on her weaving than much of anything else right now. xD ))

Ilphstra smiled a bit absently, "You're welcome." and went back to her hut to continue the new blanket. Hopefully I can finish this before sundown.
Re: Mjorna

Virgil turns his attention away from his own private thoughts to hear what Lenwe and Ilph were speaking of "Our numbers grow by the hour." he says quietly, standing and stretching "If only I had a tree"
Re: Mjorna

"Who, where- Yes! I am Wulfric", the deertaur says as he turns around rather quickly, mustering Lenwe out of his one good eye. "Everybody is welcome as long as they honor the gods and are of a good heart." He reaches out and pokes Lenwe in the chest. "Do you have a good heart?", he asks with a smile.
Re: Mjorna

Yulka pulled her heavy cart, ever so slowly up the hill. She was pouring with sweat, flushed, and exhausted from physical exertion. The ox who was supposed to be doing this had the gall to get sick, and Yulka didn't need a sick ox to get worse and die. She'd need him for breaking the ground when she started up the fields again. Still, she knew she was near a town, having seen a sign a ways back.

'Just a little... more...' The bunny kin told herself as she neared the top of the crest. Finally! She got to the top... and then she collapsed. She lay on the ground, quite motionless save for the rising and falling of her back as she gasped for breath.

After several minutes, she stood with a groan. Her legs wobbled and threatened to send her back to the ground, but they held. Yulka looked back over her cart, making sure everything was in tact, and then to the animals that were all tethered to it. It was a good thing they were docile, otherwise she doubted she could've made it this far. Well, now it was just a matter of not getting run over by the cart or letting it get loose, as the bunny kin started out again, with a sigh, towards Mjorna, which she was ever so glad was in sight. "Almost there."
Re: Mjorna

Virgil, who was stretching next to the fire pit, notices someone pulling a cart down the hill "Yet another survivor." he says, taking off in a run towards the bunny-kin "Need some help, miss?" he asks as he runs up the hill towards her