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Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)



RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Mira: 6+10=16 vs. Arachne: 8.

Mira gets free!

Escape Rape Attempt:

Cat: 9+10=19 vs. Ashlynn: 24.

Ashlynn easily keeps Cat held down!

The Arachne tries to grab Mira, but the woman is ready and launches a counter attack for 400 damage! The Arachne is now dead!

Pleasure Roll:

Ashlynn: 28 vs. Cat: 17+10=27.

Cat's struggles are to no avail as Ashlynn continues to suck her off! Cat shudders as Ashlynn continues to hit her most vulnerable spot, crying out in pleasure! Cat suffers 90 pleasure and gains 120 KP as her blowjob continues. Cat has only 20 stamina left until she has another orgasm, and loses her adrenaline boost!


1: Try to free Cat before she's sucked off to another orgasm!

2: Other?


Grim Reaper
Mar 1, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Mira stood in front of her foe as it struck towards her she deftly avoided the blow and slashed into it killing it instantly. Mira smiled as she finally felt like her luck was turn around, it was time to help Cat.

"Get off her you stupid bitch." Mira screamed as she turned to her new companion and rammed into her doing her best to get her off her friend and get them both free.



RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Free Cat Attempt:

Mira: 23 vs. Ashlynn: 11

Mira frees Cat!

Attack Roll:

Cat: 12 vs. Ashlynn: 21.

Cat misses her attack, but her golem does 200 damage anyway. Ashlynn has 3,800 HP left.

Snarling slightly, Ashlynn simply waves a few fingers in the air, and suddenly another Arachne appears!

Ashlynn goes after Cat again, but this time the woman is ready for her, and lands a counter attack! Cat deals 400 damage, and Ashlynn has 3,400 HP left.


1: Attack Ashlynn!

2: Take on her minion a second time!


Grim Reaper
Mar 1, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Mira's shoulder slams into Ashlynn pushing her off of her new companion. Mira feels her strength surge and her mind focus, she can do this this woman is nothing. She watches as she snaps her fingers and another spider monster appears and some of the confidence fades from Mira's face.

"Well shit, focus on her and ignore her minion, hopefully we can drop her quickly." Mira says to Cat as she rushes forward to attack Ashlynn, hopefully dropping the spider queen quickly.

-1. fight her and hit her with weakening strike.-


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Cat merely nodded, knowing things would turn ugly if they didn't take advantage while she still had her adrenaline boost. She could feel some of her lust burning off, her stamina slowly returning, but she knew if she got captured again, Ashlynn would only need a few licks to get her off again. Cat shuddered inwardly, showing outwardly a little her fear. Quickly though she clamped down on it, vowing she'd fight to the end.

Attack Rolls:

Mira: 24 vs. Ashlynn: 6.

Mira lands her hit for 600 damage and places Ashlynn in the weakened state for 3 rounds. Ashlynn has 2,800 HP left.

Cat: 5+10=15 vs. Ashlynn: 3.

Cat lands her spell for 400 damage, and her Golem hits for another 200 damage. Ashlynn has 2,200 HP left!

Grapple Attempts:

Arachne: 11 vs. Mira: 17.

Mira dodges the Arachne!

Ashlynn: 29 vs. Cat: 23+10=33.

Cat manages to shrug Ashlynn off of her, using her adrenaline fueled strength to her advantage.


1: Pour it on!

2: Other?


Grim Reaper
Mar 1, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

-1. Pour that on, take down this spidery rapey bitch.-

Mira focused on pushing forward swinging her blade at her main foe, the arachne would be annoying but ignored until her mistresses was dealt with.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Attack Roll:

Mira: 6 vs. Ashlynn: 22.

Mira misses badly!

Attack Roll:

Cat: 1+10=11 vs. Ashlynn: 28.

Cat misses, but her golem hits for 100 damage, leaving Ashlynn with 2,100 HP.

Grapple Attempts:

Arachne: 11 vs. Cat: 23+10=33. (Dodge)

Ashlynn: 3 vs. Cat: 16+10=26. (Dodge)

Cat easily dodges both attackers.


1: Try try again!

2: Other?


Grim Reaper
Mar 1, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

(Still have two rounds on weakening right?)

Mira swings wide but keeps herself from being grabbed by her target as she watches Cat do much the same as she prepares to dodge the incoming grapples. Only to find both attacks at her new companion, she frowns as she prepared for nothing but strikes back at her foe none the less, taunting her.

"What am I not sexy enough for you to give a dick and fuck, you'll learn to regret that choice bitch!" She screams as she rushes at Aslynn again swinging at her once more.

-Try Try again, same attack as before.-


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

((Yes but it only works on non shadow damage dealing skills FYI, and hmm, I somehow forgot Mira was a Warrior and SHOULD have been the primary target ...))

Mira's taunting works against her, as Ashlynn seemed to be waiting for her as she lunged forward. Too late Mira realized she'd been baited into attacking on Ashlynn's terms, and that the corrupted Sylvari was waiting for her to fall into her trap! In moments Mira found herself pinned to the ground, small tendrils 'tying' her down. A moment later, she had a dick again, and then without warning, Ashlynn's warm mouth was upon her, beginning to suck her off! Mira suffers 60 pleasure and gains 80 KP from the sudden blowjob. She has 150 Stamina left, and is pregnant for 9 more turns.

Cat makes the mistake of trying to ignore the Arachne and help Mira, not realizing the Arachne was waiting for her to try that. Just before Cat got there, she suddenly felt something run into her, and she screamed as suddenly the Arachne took her down to the ground! In moments the Arachne had her completely pinned, and had slid her incredibly tight pussy over Cat's cock, beginning to ride her! Cat cried out in pleasure as the warm tightness completely engulfed her vulnerable flesh, the Arachne riding her perfectly. So perfectly that Cat knew the spider woman had found her most vulnerable spots, for the pleasure was far more than it had been before when she had been sucked off by Ashlynn. Cat tried, and failed to contain the pleasure inflicted upon her body. Before long a powerful orgasm had built up within her, and Cat couldn't keep it held in check any longer. A scream of pure pleasure erupted from her lips at about the same time a steady pumping stream of her seed, and her pleasure erupted from her captured cock. Cat could feel herself violently blowing inside of the Arachne, who continued to mercilessly ride her right through her helpless orgasm. Cat's body was ablaze with pleasure, and as the orgasm tore through her, she could feel her will to fight being raped out of her too, the adrenaline surge vanishing as it was raped out of her, one pleasurable spurt at a time. By the time she'd come down from her orgasmic high, Cat was completely stunned, and couldn't think about anything but how good it felt, and how much she wanted more! Cat suffers 113 pleasure after her armor absorbs some of it, and a powerful orgasm. Cat is only numbly aware that she has completely surrendered her seed and impregnated her rapist! Cat gains 416 KP from her rape, penetration, orgasm and giving up her seed and impregnating her foe. Cat can't do anything for 4 rounds.

The Arachne is pregnant for 20 rounds, and has 110 stamina left until she orgasms around Cat's cock.

Both the Arachne and Ashlynn have used their turns.


1: Try to escape the hot blowjob.

2: Succumb to the pleasure and let her suck you off to an orgasm.


Grim Reaper
Mar 1, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Mira screamed as she was tackled to the ground, it was a done in an instant and she had a cock again. In the back of her mind she chastised herself for taunting her now rapist with that, but she struggled and resisted. The mouth around his cock felt amazing but she wouldn't give up yet, not now that she had a friend to fight for.

-Struggle to get free!-


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Escape Rape Attempt:

Mira: 10 vs. Ashlynn: 19

Mira can't get free!

Cat can't do anything for this turn, and three more!

The Arachne continues to ride Cat as she helplessly lays there, the look in her eyes signialing she wants to fight, but her body won't respond to her commands! Cat can only lay there moaning in pleasure as she's hotly ridden, the Arachne continuing to hit her most sensitive spots, keeping her in a state of pure bliss! Before long Cat can feel another orgasm welling within her, and despite her best efforts to resist it, she can't. Another scream erupts from her as she's ridden off to a second orgasm by the Arachne, her eyes rolling into the back of her head as she accepts she can't do anything but enjoy it for now! Cat suffers 113 pleasure even with her shield negating some of it, and another orgasm! Cat gains 200 KP from her rape and orgasm, and has 105 Stamina left until she has a third orgasm.

The Arachne has 40 stamina left until she climaxes around Cat's cock, and is pregnant for 19 turns.

Pleasure Roll:

Ashlynn: 30 vs. Mira: 29

Mira tries her best to fight the pleasure, but Ashlynn is just too good. Even worse, she finds Mira's vulnerable spot, and really starts sucking her off! Mira suffers 120 pleasure as the blowjob nearly tips her over the edge, but she manages to hold on for now. Mira gains 120 KP, and has only 30 stamina left! Mira is pregnant for 8 more turns.


1: Try to escape before she sucks you off to an orgasm!

2: Succumb to the pleasure!

((Note: Class Skills DON'T work on Bosses/Sub-Bosses, so she can't do damage to Ashlynn that way.))


Grim Reaper
Mar 1, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Mira struggles in vain against the pleasing mouth of her rapist. Her mind moving rapidly as she struggles, until Ashlynn finds the perfect spot with her tongue sending a huge wave of pleasure through her body. 'Fight it, don't let her win, have to get free. Oh holy mother of god, no no I can hold out and get free.' Mira frantically thinks as she barely keeps herself from giving her rapist a drink of her seed. 'Much more of this and I don't know how long I can resist.' Mira thinks as she is barely able to keep tabs on how bad things look for them right now.

-Struggle to get free and resist the pleasure.-


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Escape Rape Attempt:

Mira: 27 vs. Ashlynn: 12

Mira manages to free herself!

Cat is still helpless!

The Arachne continues to ride the helpless woman, as Cat's body responds to the pleasure inflicted upon her. The Arachne continues to find her vulnerable spots, and Cat can only shudder and moan as she suffers 225 more pleasure thanks to the Arachne also climaxing around her captured cock! Cat also suffers another orgasm herself, screaming loudly as she is helplessly milked inside the pussy! By now, Cat is nothing more than a quivvering heap of pleasured flesh, her eyes rolling into the back of her head as the sexual onslaught overwhelms her! Cat gains 550 KP and has only 25 stamina left before she helplessly orgasms AGAIN.

Grapple Attempt:

Ashlynn: 26 vs. Mira: 14.

Mira is tackled again!

The Arachne is Pregnant for 18 More Rounds.

Mira is Pregnant for 7 More Rounds.

Cat is stunned for 2 More Rounds.


1: Get off me damn you!

2: Fuck me til I give birth!


Grim Reaper
Mar 1, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

"Fuck you, you corrupted slut stop doing that." Mira screamed as she struggled again against her rapist, doing her best to get free but she watches Cat completely restrained, she does not like her odds. That and she's currently rapidly approaching her birthing. Her mind slightly wandered off as the other worries about the world and her near future shift into her mind.

-Struggle to get free from her rapists and ideally take her down.-


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Mira: 13 vs. Ashlynn: 15.

This time Ashlynn keeps Mira held down!

Cat still can't do anything for this turn and one more!

The Arachne continues to ride Cat as all she can do is helplessly moan and writhe in pleasure underneath the body of her rapist. Cat suffers 53 pleasure and wildly orgasms again despite her shield as the pleasure continues dominating her. Cat screams in helpless bliss as she suffers her fourth spurting orgasm inside the tightness of the Arachne's pussy! Cat gains 103 KP and has 117 stamina left.

The Arachne has 80 stamina left.

Penetration Attempt:

Ashlynn: 27 vs. Mira: 19.

Mira can't keep Ashlynn from giving her a cock again, and this time the woman just holds her down and mounts her! Before Mira can react to the tactic change, Ashlynn has thrust her hips down over Mira, and Mira finds her cock penetrating the pussy of her attacker! A warm, wet tightness envelopes Mira's member, and soon Ashlynn begins to aggressively ride her! The pleasure, on top of what she'd already experienced earlier, was just too much, and in seconds a powerful orgasm erupted from her, as she felt herself let loose with a wild spurt of seed into the pussy gripping her. Mira suffers 55 pleasure and an orgasm, gains 130 KP and has 185 stamina left. As her orgasm rocks her, a surge of adrenaline rushes through her veins, as well as some hidden power that lashes out at both her rapist, and Cat's! Mira deals 642 damage to BOTH enemies, and is in the Adrenaline Boost state for 8 turns, Ashlynn has 245 stamina left, and 1,458 HP.

The Arachne has 158 HP left, but is still raping Cat!


1: Use your adrenaline enhanced strength to try and escape!

2: Give in to the pleasure of being ridden until you give birth (6 turns).

Current Stats and Stuff:

Name: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey) Blood Moor
Race: Elf
Class: Warrior
Appearance: The lovely warrior woman stands 5'5" cloaked in simple black armor that leaves much of her skin exposed. Her hair is kept in a long braid held together at the end by a simple brass hair clamp. Her body is one of a warrior, but a sexy warrior as she stands with a lovely hour glass figure and large DD cup breasts. Normally held firm against her body by her armor to keep them as out of the way as she can manage.

Starting HP: 200/200
Starting Mana: 20/20
Starting Sexual Stamina: 185/210

1,410/50,000 KP. (0/10,000)

500/3,000. XP 6/20 Pregnant.

1 HP Potion, 1 MP Potion.

Weak vs. Being Double Teamed (+5 Pleasure), Weak vs. Blowjobs (+5 Pleasure). Strength: Half MP loss on Caster Skills.

Mira's Skills:

Cleave Chain: This series of attacks hits for 75 Damage, up to 3 times for a maximum of 225 Total Damage. Each hit MUST connect to continue the chain. Melee skill.

Ferocious Strike Chain: This series of attacks hits for 70 damage, up to 4 times for a maximum of 280 Total Damage. Each hit MUST connect to continue the chain. Melee skill.

Shattering Wave Chain: This series of attacks hits for 55 damage, up to 3 times for a maximum of 165 Total Damage, and hits ALL enemies in the field of play. Each hit MUST connect to continue the chain. Mana Cost: 5. Melee skill.

Weakening Blow: This attack hits for 600 shadow damage AND causes the target to take double damage from ALL attacks it isn't immune to for 3 turns. This can't be stacked with the Necromancer ability Amplify. Melee skill despite it's damage type. This won't cause Shadow Damage dealing skills to do more damage.

Shove: This skill knocks your opponent down, dealing 25 damage. Once they are down, there is a follow-up to this called Crippling Cut that will attempt to execute automatically. If this hits, you deal 225 damage. Mana Cost: 5 Melee skills.

Class Specific Skills:

Enmity Boost - This passive skill causes all enemies to initially target ONLY the warrior until such time she has been grappled, or is actively being raped. This skill becomes useless however when your companion reaches KL 4 or higher, or when an enemy that has a specific favorite target class to attack is present. The latter applying to just the one enemy, with the former being in general.

Sexual Rush - A Warrior can allow herself to get raped in order to 'absorb' sexual energy from the 'passion of the moment.' This power will continue to build as she's raped, and for every 10 points of sexual pleasure she takes, she'll add +2 damage. This skill does a baseline damage of 600. Upon her orgasm, the Warrior will release all of her pent up sexual energy in an all encompassing ball of fury, lashing out with shadow damage. This damage can't be reduced in any way, and it can't be 'blocked' or 'resisted', and hits all enemies on the field of play regardless of if they are raping a companion or not. This skill can only be activated once per enemy per encounter. Certain special abilities can negate this.

Being an Elf, any caster skills she has are 50% less MP.

Name: Catherine Silvara (Cat)

Race: Halfling (Mathosian+Elf)

Class: Necromancer

Starting HP: 90
Starting Mana: 75
Starting Sexual Stamina: 117/145

8,122/50,000 KP.

500/3,000 XP.

249/400 Shield.

Special Skills:

Amplify Damage - This skill allows the Necromancer to curse her target to recieve DOUBLE physical damage, or strips Physical Immunity. Mana Cost - 5. The curse lasts 15 turns, or until the Necromancer is raped. This spell can't be resisted. Magical Attack. If an enemy is under the effects of Amplify Damage, your attacks can't critical hit.

Lower Resist - This skill curses target foe to take DOUBLE elemental damage, or strips all elemental immunities. Mana Cost - 5. The curse lasts 15 turns, or until the Necromancer is raped. This spell can't be resisted and can't miss. If an enemy is under the effects of Lower Resist, your spells can't critical hit.

Spiteful Spirit - This curses a foe to take any damage it inflicts back onto itself, damaging itself. Mana Cost - 10. The curse lasts 5 turns, or until the Necromancer is raped. This spell can't be resisted or miss. Useful when you have an ally to curse the creature trying to rape her. Your companion won't resist while this spell is active on her would be rapist, and it will deal whatever their pleasure damage is to their health, while your ally takes no pleasure. Has a 15 turn cool down from cast.

Shadow Strike - This allows the Necromancer to hit for 400 Shadow Damage. Mana Cost - 0. This spell can't crit hit. Magical Attack.

Class Specific Skills:

Magical Armor - This skill activates at the start of any combative round, shrouding the Necromancer in a protective "armor" that deflects incoming sexual pleasure, 25% of each attack. It will continue to absorb until it has taken a total of 200 damage, at which point the armor will fail and the Necromancer will be subject to the full intentisy of her rape. As the Necromancer gains levels, the armor will absorb more damage, an extra 20 per level. Once the armor has failed, the Necromancer must free herself, or be freed from rape and any grapples, and remain free for ONE full round of turns, starting from the time she was free. If she is grappled before a full round has passed, the timer will reset.

Golem Strike - This skill is default, and so long as the Necromancer is free from rape and able to attack, the Golem will pound away with Physical Damage on her target. It does 100 damage per attack, increasing by 20 damage per level the Necromancer gains. It has a chance to critical hit along with her, and has it's own seperate critical hit roll.

Deathly Touch - The Necromancer has a small chance upon her orgasm to make her bodily fluids toxic to demons. She has a 10% chance of having her orgasm inflict poison status on her rapist. If she does, the poison does 100 damage every turn for six turns. If the enemy penetrates her again or continues to rape her while under the effects of Deathly Touch, the poison will spread in it's body faster and be more aggressive, dealing 300 damage for each remaining turn she's being raped. Clever Necromancers may be willing to take a risk and if grappled, allow her attacker to penetrate her again and hasten it's demise.

Weak vs. Tentacle Rapes (Penetrated ONLY) (+5 Pleasure), Weak vs. Pussy Rides (+5 Pleasure), Weak vs. Blowjobs (+5 Pleasure). Strength: Half MP loss on Caster Skills.. Strength: 2x Effectiveness on Class Specific Skills (doubles their damage, the life of a shield, or of a spirit and doubles it's gain per level amount).


Ashlynn: HP: 1,458. Stamina: 245/300. Pleasure: 55. Weakened 0/3

Level 2 Arachne: Stamina: 80/180. Pleasure: 70. HP: 158/800. Weak vs. Fire. Special Ability: Sexual Domination. (20/20 Cool Down) 17/20 Pregnant

Initiative Rolls:

Ashlynn: 21 (tie breaker: 22) 1st
Arachne: 2 (Last)
Mira: 21 (tie breaker: 5) 2nd
Cat: 7 (3rd) 1 turns left on stun


Grim Reaper
Mar 1, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Mira moans as Ashlynn finders her sensitive spots on her new cock, moaning in pleasure as she feels something building inside her. She lets it build and build as her rapists sucks her to new heights of pleasure. Finally feeling it burst from her exploding outwards. Mira pants for a moment as she feels the energy disaptate and smiles, that would be useful for later. She renews her struggle against her rapist feeling invigorated and empowered by her burst of energy.

-Struggle to get free then kill Ashlynn in the face.-


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Escape Rape Attempt:

Mira: 14 vs. Ashlynn: 20.

Mira can't break free!

Cat is still stunned!

The Arachne grins wickedly at Cat, who is beginning to feel like she can move again soon. It'd be only a matter of moments and ... why was the Arachne grinning like that?

Shaking her head and laughing, the Arachne spoke, loud enough for Mira to hear.

"Do you really think you'll be getting away from me that easily girl? I assure you that you won't be going anywhere for a while still, I'm not done with you. I want you to burst inside me again and enjoy it!"

Before Cat could reply, something sticky started covering her limbs. It took her a few moments to realize the Arachne was webbing her to the ground! Cat cried out in horror, helpless to avoid being webbed to the ground! Securely restrained now, the Arachne began to confidently ride Cat again, knowing her play toy couldn't escape for a while still.

Cat suffers 57 pleasure and gains 75 KP as her rape continues. Cat has 60 stamina left until she has another orgasm, while the Arachne has only 10 stamina before she climaxes around Cat's cock again! The Arachne is pregnant 16/20.

Pleasure Roll:

Ashlynn: 11 vs. Mira: 17.

Mira resists her pleasure, for now. She is pregnant 5/20


1: Try again to escape.

2: Succumb until you give birth.

3: Be distracted a turn by Cat's sudden domination by the Arachne and webbing.


Grim Reaper
Mar 1, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Mira looked over at her new friend, as the Arachne spoke shuddering slightly as she did, she knew she needed to get free to help Cat. Surging with all her strength to get free and get that fucker off her friend.

"Get off me you horny bitch and go fuck your pets." Mira screamed as she struggled to get free again, she needed to get free soon if she was going to help Cat really at all.

-Struggle onwards, must save friend.-


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

Ashlynn merely grinned at her. "Make me, if you can sexy girl."

Escape Rape Attempt:

Mira: 24 vs. Ashlynn: 17.

Mira manages to break free!

Cat is helplessly webbed and unable to do anything!

The Arachne continues to confidently, and mercilessly ride Cat, exaggerating her body movements to maximize how much pleasure she can force upon Cat, and making it last as long as she can. Cat shudders and moans as the Arachne hits all of her most vulnerable spots, and soon begins to contract in an orgasm around her! The sensations tip Cat over the edge despite her best efforts to hold back, and once again she cries out to the stars above as she explosively orgasms inside of her attacker's pussy! Unfortunately for Cat, her shared orgasm wasn't the only one she'd have, and not long after coming down from her first high, she was crying out and shuddering again as a second powerful orgasm erupted from her. This time when Cat cried out, it was starting to become clear to Mira that everything was taking it's toll on the poor woman. She'd already had a number of orgasms, many of them while helplessly restrained, and now from the way Cat was crying out, it seemed the sheer pleasure was breaking her!

Cat suffers 225 Pleasure after her shield negates some of it, and gains 1,050 KP. She suffers two orgasms, and the second one seems to break her will. Cat throws her head back and cries out, "Oh god yes! It feels so damn good!" Cat has only 20 stamina before she suffers yet another orgasm, and she is still helpless for another 3 rounds! Worse still, because of the webbing, Mira isn't going to be able to free her without the Arachne just climbing right back on top of Cat and taking her helpless form over and over.


1: Try to kill Ashlynn while you have time.

2: Other? (She can't help Cat until that webbing is done)


Grim Reaper
Mar 1, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Mira Kurohisa (FireoftheMonkey)

"Cat I'll help as soon as I can." Mira screams to her new friend, as she breaks free of her rapists grip. Although she can't help her for now really, killing the arachne would do little, she needs to put down this corrupted bitch.

"Just fall over and die already." Mira screamed as she surged at her opponent again, doing her best to offensively over power and kill her enemy.

-If weakening blow has worn off then hit her with that, otherwise furious chain? As that has the most damage potential here.-